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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1188536
Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the strangest love..
I am a writer... A teen writer... Teen as in highschooler... Highschooler as in insanely-busy-geek-with-no-social-life-outside-of-school-and-abnormal-circle-of-friends-who-are-all-at-school-anyway-and-don't-really-count... *smacks forehead* I don't know whatever possessed me to start doing this, but you know the old quote:

"Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the longest love..."

Okay, so that isn't an old quote. I made it up. But hey, I'm a writer!

Rated "T" because I get a little heated when I rant angrily... Not scorching, but more than lukewarm...
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January 22, 2007 at 6:50pm
January 22, 2007 at 6:50pm
January 22, 2007 ~ Monday

Yep, winter has decided to grace us with her presence at last! Lovely three inches of snow yesterday that all promptly melted today... Wonderful weather patterns VA has, no?

January 19, 2007 at 8:04pm
January 19, 2007 at 8:04pm
January 19, 2007 ~ Friday

...My life's just great. How's yours?

Yeah, exams are approaching quickly and cramming is the name of the game for the Gryphon...

Today I was reallly irratable and out of sorts because there is this certain person at my school that would not get off people's case, was really whiny and difficult and just would not shut up. Generally acting like a two-year-old they were...

Yeah, anyhoo, now I am tired and crammed-out and want to go to bed and am cranky and haven't written three words together in my novel in the past week. I am sooo out of sorts...

However, good news is that I was watching "Pride and Prejudice," drooling over Colin Firth as Darcy and completed a puzzle during my chill-time I allowed myself yesterday, but now that is gone.

I drank an energy drink today and got a physical buzz for about an hour in which I was singing "All-Star" quite loudly and rather well, if I do say so myself, but then after that hour I violently crashed and burned and nearly fell asleep in History...

Yes, well, I am gone now...

January 16, 2007 at 8:04pm
January 16, 2007 at 8:04pm
January 16, 2007 ~ Tuesday

Yeah, exams not fun... Do not expect anything from me during the next few weeks: exams are coming and cramming am I...

Luv yas all!


Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and do taste well with ketchup.
January 14, 2007 at 9:37am
January 14, 2007 at 9:37am
January 14, 2007 ~ Sunday

Hmm, I was wondering what looked different about Writing.com when I logged in when I noticed that they no longer have the winter/snowing banner at the top. *sniff*

Yeah, random thing that I noticed.

But anyway, my WB seems to have cleared. I finished chapter 9 of my story and am getting ready with chapter 10, rereading outlines and such things... Yeah me!

The cure may have partly been my recent watching of the Matrix:Revolutions and its incredible visuals. Watching movies seems to be the best way for me to beat Writer's Block even if they aren't in the same genre as my writing, which they usually aren't. I mean, just how many good fantasy movies are there out there? Yes, there are quite a few fantasy movies, but from my own humble and ill-fed opinion, there seem to be very few of quality. LOTR was pretty good and I definitely am inspired when I watch those movies and 'DragonHeart' was good...

I've said it before, but the best movies I have seen thus far for inspiration in the fantasy genre have been 'Labrynth' and 'The Dark Crystal.' You may not like whatever bit of a plot there is in them, but the visuals (Brian Froud baby!) are so wonderful. Love those movies...

And the Matrix III was mindblowing in regards to sheer hugeness. The battle with the squiddies and the APU's was awesome! But even greater than the visuals in that battle are the sounds; the human screams of defiance and pain. I've noticed that when I watch a movie, I can usually deal with the blood and the gore (*cough*Jaws*cough*) but when someone starts that highpitch screaming (*cough*Quint*cough*) of someone dying, I usually start to feel sick. So when I watch the 'B' movies on like the Sci-fi channel, there are very few realistic screams and so I am able to watch them, no matter if there is a lot of blood or whatever. But when someone (even if there is minimal to no blood) starts that horrible screaming, its like fingernails on the blackboard.

In Matrix III there was a lot of men screaming as they fought off insurmountable odds and they were screams of defiance. You don't see many of those either, at least not well-done ones, and they are extraordinarily powerful emotionally to the audience, because your heart goes out to that man or woman who is giving themself up. *sighs* I loved that part of the movie if only for that reason...

Yeah, anyhoo, gotta run...

January 13, 2007 at 11:18am
January 13, 2007 at 11:18am

Actually, that is the promo line for Jaws II, but I like it...

Yes, I watched 'Jaws' for the first time last night. Pretty scary stuff. I'd seen footage of the people watching the film for the first time at its release and it was quite hysterical to watch their screams and jumps. I didn't find it all that scary actually, but it was suspenseful, especially when the ship was sinking. I hate the ocean just because I nearly drowned in it when I was little from being bowled over by a wave, and the scene where the shark is coming at Brody in the cabin of the boat when the water is up to his chest was quite scary for me, if only because I felt like I was going to drown...

Big ol' ugly shark...

Anyway, not much else going on with me... I'll run away now and work on my writing and stuff...

January 10, 2007 at 7:32pm
January 10, 2007 at 7:32pm
January 10, 2007 ~ Wednesday

Well, I've contracted Writer's Block in the worst way. Not only am I uninspired right now and therefore slogging out a sentence or two a day at maximum, but I don't have the time to sit and force myself to write. (That statement, of course, is immediately contradicted by my having the time to sit here and write this... *grins*) It takes me a very long time to get over WB by making myself write and with school as it is right now, I have very little time of that sort to waste.

On the subject of school, I recently received two A+'s for essays I wrote in history. My teacher complemented my on being a talented writer. Well, it wasn't exactly my novel, but it was something that I wrote. And best of all, it had actually been something that I was proud of. Whoot!

So yeah, anyhoo, my birthday's coming up and I am mucho excited about that! I get to go iceskating! Yea!! The only thing about my birthday is that it is in the middle of exam week... Bleh...

Okay, time to go now battle my WB infection...

January 9, 2007 at 8:23pm
January 9, 2007 at 8:23pm
Erm... I was actually going to say something of worth when I logged on and now it has totally slipped my mind...

Um.... No really, I actually had a worthwhile topic to talk about, and now it is gone. *poof*

Well, if I remember, you'll hear from me again very soon. Otherwise... erm...

Oh, and by the way, my neck is fine now. The pain went away the day before school started, so there was no using as an excuse for me... *pout*

January 6, 2007 at 3:36pm
January 6, 2007 at 3:36pm
January 6, 2007 ~ Saturday

Hmm... Well...

I am quite tickled today. It seems as though Fictionpress alerts are working again, as I logged on to my e-mail yesterday and had at least 30 e-mails all from FP in replies to reviews, reviews and other alert-related stuff...


Anyhoo, I am finished with that chapter at last! It is gone and done with at least until I come back to it in my rewrite after I am finished with my first draft. Now I am starting on the next chapter, chapter 9, and I am quite happy in that I discovered a story element I had never thought of...

I have a character named Arvin in this chapter who was once the leader of a great nation, but was defeated and humiliated and who exiled himself. He was followed, however, by great numbers of his followers and they have created a city unto themselves hidden in the mountains. They still look up to him and honor him as a leader, but now he wants nothing more to do with leadership and works as a blacksmith. The story element I had was for another character, Bane, to work for him as his apprentice, pumping the bellows of the forge. I had already decided that Bane would look up to Arvin as the father-figure he had never had, but I always had the problem of them never having a close enough relationship for this feeling to come about... But now I have it! *happy dance*

Yeah, anyway... I'm good for now...

Sees yas allls laters...

January 5, 2007 at 5:27pm
January 5, 2007 at 5:27pm
January 5, 2007

Yes, the title says it all... I am tired...

Christmas break, being two weeks of laziness on my part, made it very difficult to buckle down and go back to school, so I am a bit out of sorts... Bleh.

So yeah. Nothing else to say, except that I am sleepy...

January 1, 2007 at 7:44pm
January 1, 2007 at 7:44pm
January 1, 2007 ~ Monday ~ New Year's Day

Yes, very little to say except have a wonderful New Year!

Welcome 2007!


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