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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1188536
Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the strangest love..
I am a writer... A teen writer... Teen as in highschooler... Highschooler as in insanely-busy-geek-with-no-social-life-outside-of-school-and-abnormal-circle-of-friends-who-are-all-at-school-anyway-and-don't-really-count... *smacks forehead* I don't know whatever possessed me to start doing this, but you know the old quote:

"Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the longest love..."

Okay, so that isn't an old quote. I made it up. But hey, I'm a writer!

Rated "T" because I get a little heated when I rant angrily... Not scorching, but more than lukewarm...
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February 24, 2007 at 10:50am
February 24, 2007 at 10:50am
February 24, 2007 ~ Saturday

Gosh, I need to get back on the ball with my updating...

Anyway, I was researching the release date for the Inkheart movie that is supposed to be coming out this spring and found out lots of juicy details about the casting, including Paul Bettany as Dustfinger... Hmmm... He's not exactly how I pictured the fire eater, but maybe...

My brother rented "DragonHeart: A New Beginning" and we were watching it and I have to say, I laughed at the whole thing. It was horrible! The explanations leading into the story and the tie ins from DragonHeart weren't all that bad, but any ability they might have had to save the movie was crushed in the loads of bad acting and even worse effects. It was... Bad. Just don't see it... If you've seen the first one, leave it at that and don't try to pursue it anymore... Just bad. *shakes head*

Anyway, gotta run now...

February 20, 2007 at 6:17pm
February 20, 2007 at 6:17pm
February 20, 2007 ~ Tuesday

*sniff* *gug*

Yeah, and that has been the extent of my vocabulary all day...

I'm finally back in school after nearly six days of snow days, a weekend and then President's day... Joy...

February 17, 2007 at 1:24pm
February 17, 2007 at 1:24pm
February 17, 2007 ~ Saturday

Well, last night I went to go see "Bridge to Terabithia" and absolutely loved it. I was really afraid that they were going to butcher the book (since I have had quite a few disappointing movie experiences and have become somewhat jaded) but I walked out of that theatre like "WOW!"

Beautifully, beautifully done. When I first saw that they were in a bit more modern times I was a bit concerned because I didn't know how they would work certain aspects of the the plot, but they did and they did it wonderfully... *sigh* It was brilliant...

In hindsight, I don't remember the "Free the Pee" chant in the book, and they didn't have the discussion about Leslie being cremated, but it was awesomely great... Loved it, loved it, loved it... I read a review in which the critic whined that there wasn't enough of Terabithia and gave the thing only two and a half stars out of five, claiming that for all its messages about imagination, it robs the audience of the wonderful creations of Terabithia. The crititc doesn't seem to understand that the story is not about Terabithia at all. It is about a boy and his imagination.

Anyway... I highly recommend it to anyone.

And, while we were in line, I saw both of my parish priests in line to see it as well! Kinda funny...

February 15, 2007 at 12:29pm
February 15, 2007 at 12:29pm
February 15, 2007 ~ Thursday

Happy Late Valentine's Day!

Yeah, other than that, not much else to say... My birthday party (a month late *grins*) is this weekend, so I am phsyced (correct spelling?) about that...

And yesterday and today I had off on account of ice, but the funny thing about today is that it is about sixty degrees out and all my wonderful snow is melting! *falls on knees* NOOOOOOO!!!

Yes, not much happening...


February 11, 2007 at 10:23am
February 11, 2007 at 10:23am
February 11, 2007 ~ Sunday

Yes, haven't been here in awhile...

Last night I had a strange dream in which I had to close a freezer door and paint a line on the floor with a chocolate cereal bar to wake up... *blinks disbelievingly* Yes, that is what I said and what I said is what I dreamed...

And, I am deeply immersed in my work on Chapter 11 which is coming quite well...

AND, I was reading Sherlock Holmes last night and enjoying it immensely. Its rather interesting how you can read something that you read as a child and hated as more of a mature teenager and love. The only problem I had with it is that in "The Case of the Speckled Band," Sherlock says that the snake was likely trained to return on a whistle. The problem is that snakes can't hear... Hmm... Maybe that wasn't known at the time Holmes was written... Anyhoo, it was interesting watching Sherlock struggle with Moriarty, solve the mystery of the Dancing Men and explain to Watson everything about himself and how he used such "elementary" means to do so...

I also discovered that the hat which is so famously associated with Holmes was never actually written. Instead, it came about because of an illustration done in the magazine in which Sherlock was published... Now it is immortally linked with the famous detective, but it was never actually intended to be so by the author...

Yeah, I love Sherlock Holmes now...


Haha, I noticed a little while ago while scrolling down my previous entries that I once typed the above link as GryphonFledlingOfSilverGryphon

February 5, 2007 at 6:23pm
February 5, 2007 at 6:23pm
Haha! A paraphrased quote from a friend of mine and their report. Demi, if you are reading this, yes, I read your rough draft and this was interesting:

"Storytelling shows us things in a new, yet old way. Like looking through a pane of glass: you can see what is on the other side, yet you can also see your own transparent image covering all."

Again, paraphrased. Demi, again, if you are reading this, correct it wherever you see fit. Awesome beginning to your report... Hope you get an A.

Anyhoo, today there was a photographer at my school, which caused a good deal of discomfort on parts of teachers and students alike. See, they didn't tell us that the dude was coming until morning assembly, so no one was really prepared. He was there to take still shots of classroom life for our flier, so he would stand in a corner and take snapshots of us learning.Wheee... Yes, it was a little nervewracking knowing that he was there and it was hard not to pose. Then he came to gym and was taking pictures of us doing gym-stuff and I know that there are at least three embarrasing pictures of me full camera... Grrr...

Well, nothing more new, except that chapter 10 of my story est fini! Oui, oui, tres bien!



February 2, 2007 at 2:12pm
February 2, 2007 at 2:12pm
February 2, 2007 ~ Friday

Yes, I have finally updated my story on FP with two new chapters! Hooray me! Now I have to skedaddle to finish the next chapter in line for updation (hah! Made a new word!)

Doodle oodle ooh...

Times tos flys...

January 29, 2007 at 7:06pm
January 29, 2007 at 7:06pm
January 29, 2007 ~ Monday

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

Yeah, nothing really more to say...

January 28, 2007 at 12:08pm
January 28, 2007 at 12:08pm
January 28, 2007 ~ Sunday


Felt like an evil laugh did I.

The fifth book of Artemis Fowl is out! I read it last night and I is sooooo excited for the next book!

*spoilers contained, so be wary*

Artemis has a girlfriend! Whoot! Well, not exactly yet, but you know that its going to happen eventually... And now he's eighteen! That is a really scary thought... I wonder if this was Colfer's way of skipping a few years of non-activity for Artemis...

And Holly is back with the LEP, if inadvertantly.

The only problem I had with this book is that Trouble Kelp wasn't in it... With all of the new romantic inclinations of many of the characters (Foaly's got himself a little filly too...) I really think that Kelp and Short need to get together...

And I missed Root so badly! I loved him to death despite his outbursts and suddenly he is gone! *sniffs*

Yes, enough with my ranting. Forgive me, I am still happy that exam week is OVER!! Whoot!

'ta, time for me to go...

January 24, 2007 at 8:24pm
January 24, 2007 at 8:24pm
January 24, 2007 ~ Wednesday

Yes, my birdday be tomorrow... Whoot for me!!

I am enjoying exam week a little more than I thought I would, mainly because we have half-days with more sleep and the test that I was truly dreading I took today and it was a breeze. Rock on me!

Anyway, today I came up with a concept for a futuristic sci-fi sort of story, which I have never done before. It may take a while for anything to come about of it since I am deeply immersed in my current work "Ocean of Tears" and that is huge. However, I am excited because I have conquered my Writer's Block with this concept and I am liking it way mucho! I knew all those times I watched the Matrix trilogy would come in handy at some point.

Well, I'm off to go study and maybe watch "Pride and Prejudice" for the thirtieth time... Whoot! *scampers away on a 96 grade high*


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