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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views

Some torn to the ground
Some burn to the ground
Others removed brick by brick
Redesign for the times
When the lease comes up
Or just fold up

When you have a bad day and need a reason...

Formerly: New Zenith To Hell…(all started with arc as writer here from the trials of Rising Stars to Preferred Author to WDC Quills Best Poetry Collection...

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it…he does not become a monster.” - Some guy, I guess. Look it up?
I’ve been to the abyss and back. Not so bad.

The loneliest happy person you'd ever meet, when not the saddest person who needs to be alone.

In an ever-changing world, we need to handle topics at the ready. If you roll over and give in to the narrative without lending a voice, might as well hand over your civil liberties. Voices could connect to true conscience and spirit for honest and open discourse. Why feel so redacted?

Unify on issues or don't but put drama aside. Open minds require complete objectivity. Or, agree to disagree and have a beer. Just writing what I feel without the narrative-altering mind f---ing with my head.

[MY Chorus]
In your house, I long to be
Room by room, patiently
I'll wait for you there, like a stone
I'll wait for you there, alone
- Chris Cornell, RIP

Some other stuff

My recent poetry:

The Absence of Wavelength  (18+)
12.3k views, 2xBest Poetry Period. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind.
#1149750 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

Sometimes epiphanies about my insights on writing and life and what goes on...

Blah, blah, blah

Merit Badge in Rare
[Click For More Info]

I like your work!

Thank you WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness for honoring me with your kind words!

Read here some old blog entries...*PointRight* 2018 Highlights

More...*PointRight* 2018: The Quiet Ones

~ Brian K Compton ~
"Invalid Entry A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018 -- WINNER -- Merit Badge in Second Time Around Contest
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the Grand Overall Prize in  [Link To Item #2164876]  with your beautiful poem, [Link to Book Entry #933358]. This poem really moved me. Great writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^*

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December 12, 2022 at 8:46pm
December 12, 2022 at 8:46pm
Hit yourself in the head with a hammer...or something blunt and heavy and hope your left brain stops suppressing the creativity now oozing from the right...


I've had several head wounds throughout my life and have felt I'm on the spectrum (only ADHD and odd social skills to remark to date). Look back at my blog before and after December 4, 2017. I had the biggest, mind-wiping concussion of my life. I think I've improved a bit since then.

I digress. I'm intrigued with how in sports getting hit, like a punch in the mouth, stimulates a player to play better. All of this originated from the thought googled 'is there scientific proof that sense can be knocked into you?' Seems all the head slappers out there are doing you a favor when acting dumb. Thank them for startling pain, get that pink, wobbly thing a little more blood and less serotonin.


I write with no particular direction. Perhaps, I'll spin out of this sand into something wonderful one day. Lord knows the drive comes and goes. Setbacks include illness and family/life malaise.
December 2, 2022 at 3:29pm
December 2, 2022 at 3:29pm
All must bow to me...unless you have blue eyes. Any other color, you've descended from him and blue eyes Rule!

Scientists have calculated humanity's genetic isopoint to be between 5300 B.C. and 2200 B.C. This means that the ancestor responsible for blue eyes lived in a time that predated, or was close to, humanity's global isopoint (6,000-10,000 years). As a result, it is not only true that the individual responsible for the blue eye mutation is an ancestor to every blue-eyed human on the planet, it is also very likely true that every human alive today — regardless of eye color — is descended from that individual as well.

For this reason, the claim is "True."}/i}


So, before Jesus, was a blue-eyed man who populated a planet? Was he a God? Hmm, how are things going over there at the Hadron?

My little dangling particle article.


I talk out of my ass,, mostly.
November 23, 2022 at 9:24pm
November 23, 2022 at 9:24pm
“Clown’s Prayer

As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears,
dispense more happiness than gloom,
spread more cheer than despair.

Never let me become so indifferent,
that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child,
or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.

Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
make them happy, and forget momentarily,
all the unpleasantness in their lives.

And in my final moment,
may I hear You whisper:
"When you made My people smile,
you made Me smile."
November 21, 2022 at 11:41am
November 21, 2022 at 11:41am
Off and on, spent the better part of 16 plus years as an active, participating member in this community. Looking back on it now, had an epiphany when I was reading one of my own recent blog entries. It was, 'the only person you entertain here might be yourself.'

Musing alone is akin to inducing schizophrenic episodes. But, I'm been counted as safe from that affliction, because I'd be a mental institution or dead by now. So, chalk it up to a healthy imagination. That begs the question, 'when am I going to grow up?' Can't be a boy forever.

Just quit a job of 11 years the other day that was less rewarding and unfulfilling as time went on. I found a new job that I'm satisfied with. Fingers crossed. But, I'm at a crossroads with many things. Primarily, health should be my main concern. I'm ignoring that I'm putting my body through rigors that are taking a toll on my organs. I could ease back. We'll see.

Writing is another animal. I have more time for it now. I also need time to be in reflection and consider what I want to do going forward. Going through my blogs and other items and cutting some fat recently makes me realize that I spend far too much time with my ADHD brain spinning me around, instead of focusing on one true thing to be passionate about. What this is, I need to figure out.

So, in the meantime, since a lot of contests went cold on here, I can focus on me. I can keep trimming and paring back these mindless hedges and see if I can bonsai this portfolio tree.


I have other concerns that are related to my online words that I won't speak just yet.
November 14, 2022 at 4:21pm
November 14, 2022 at 4:21pm
Maybe, what will do in the US Postal Service is the need to replenish its fleet of mail trucks. I watched one go by on a flat bed the other day and was reminded of a link I had stored with all the facts and specs about those trucks ordered in the 80s. I think some of them have been around the moon and back. I wonder if I would buy one if they went up for auction? Well, government doesn't have a plan in place to replace these near 40-year-old mail carriers. fingers crossed. Privatize, Uncle Sam. We don't need you snoopng in our mail anymore, because you snoop our internet browsing history. Sell it all off, with the caveat you can have oversight of any suspicious packages.


I'm going to google easiest delivery systems for felonious stuff.

I tried. Don't want to draw attention. Would have to pour through articles. Just thought I'd get an analyst on what carrier is most prone.
November 6, 2022 at 9:31pm
November 6, 2022 at 9:31pm

Lead to:

"Note: How it feels when I write word after word after..."


"Note: Daily Writing Quote [Image #2272216] ..."

October 12, 2022 at 1:56pm
October 12, 2022 at 1:56pm
Six weeks waiting for my Y to reopen main gym after remodel. Weird:

Little secret revealed in youtube link:

I’m good for something.

October 4, 2022 at 9:09am
October 4, 2022 at 9:09am
*sings* it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood, so
don't make me come over that fence and beat you within an inch of your life
other than that, how are things?

I don't know where this came from. I swear its a good day, just everything seems ironic and misleading and needs a twist, so why not the dark demons that want to be purged. Only passive aggressive, Brian wouldn't hurt a fly, but shoo it from his home. and other blatherings


September 18, 2022 at 6:42pm
September 18, 2022 at 6:42pm
A Student Proved Paradox-Free Time Travel Is Possible


If you keep your hands inside the machine at all times.

So, in Quantum Mechanics, I can exist but not exist? Cause, it feels like I'm here and not here now. Let's see if anyone opens this box?

I will have time traveled back and forth so many times, I'll have another 10,000 parallel lives. Or, three. The one you see, the one I see and the one I want people to see?

I ruin everything by sticking my head out the window on every ride. *eyesroll*

September 16, 2022 at 4:52pm
September 16, 2022 at 4:52pm
Maybe, a little known fact about me: songs that get too much air play don't spin for me. I prefer lesser known songs by fave artists, or just music that lays low, undiscovered by the masses. When I found Ben Folds Five when I was running a music shop, I knew they played just for me. They got their 15 minutes, so I can play 'Brick' over and over and note tire of it.
You can look at my blog or this book that was once my blog and see plenty of links to little known, or lesser known music. Occasionally, I go back to the past. I am mainly in the present from Indie to Blues.
But right now, one of those acts everyone knows, there are two songs that immediately come to mine when I think of Aerosmith:

"Back In The Saddle" and "The Other Side"

They aren't complete unknowns, but I don't worry that vinyl will wear thin in my lifetime. The Other Side really gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it. It was my anthem. It solidified Aerosmith's comeback and journey to the top. Back In The Saddle just had a hook and vibe my teenage self couldn't shake for life.

My current indulgence Freya Ridings needs to release a new album. Discovered six months ago, it's been three years. Girl, stop performing and get in the studio. I worry her backing isn't help push for new material. And, break into the states, honey. There is a whole other world waiting.

Some prople don't like her vocal style. It's an acquired taste and it's all mine. Lyrics and a voice that intone the deepest, darkest parts of me.
September 9, 2022 at 11:00pm
September 9, 2022 at 11:00pm
I identify, she's still my favorite character: Britta Perry, Communty:


If I had one thing to add as a note to the author, who I can follow on Twitter and shout out, it would be:

I told my wife years ago, "When you're happy, I'm happy." It sort of calms the storm within me to see her smile. I would do a lot of things to show my love and appreciation. Defending Britta as the show's 'worst', a conscious effort after falling out of love with a character who was perfect in episode one, is that she was suffering and no one knew why.

No one really got into her story, other than a hypocritical activist. Then, she wanted to be a therapist. She was trying and took a lot of insults and kidding when she opened up to a group that sometimes supported her, but mostly mocked her. Could she have been on the spectrum worse than Abed, because she didn't know how to relate to the world, made poor choices, but her heart was essentially good. She made mistakes, but was humble.

I feel I would tell this author to look further at the motivation for a character that always wanted to help the fallen and downtrodden before herself. She got rattled by Pierce's 10k ‘bequeathment’ to see if she'd keep it for herself. She was eventually living in a tent on campus, wrestled with finances, didn't want her parent's support but reluctantly took money pitously through a backchannel her friend's created with her parents, 'tired' of paying for her. Her concept of finances was bad. She stole quarters from a cupholder in the final season.

Britta would up being a bartender, no where near a Psych degree. And my point is, she chose psychology because it helped her to help others, just as activism, or helping Abed with his dad and the loss of Troy and helping Jeff reunite with his father. She even ran Shirley’s sub shop, serving burnt sandwiches with sadness and guilt. She wanted what was best for everyone and knowing she could make a difference allowed her a bit of dignity and pride she lost from being confused by the world and how it functions. Original Britta never had that struggle and lost her identity as a member of seven.

The simplest acts like helping others mends a soul hemorrhaging and yet still hanging in there, still trying. Admittedly, Britta looked worn out by the end of season six. The realization she would not heal might have been setting in. Alcohol and sex with men could have been the last wall to come tumbling down, if she could not find worth and self-redemption.

And let's face, Greendale was a joke of a college, fictitious, because community or city institutions don't hand out four year degrees. But, you could take pass or fail classes for 30 plus years like Leonard and remain valedictorian? And, that's a high school thing, just like all those dances run by a Dean who obviously faced something traumatic in his own formative years to rerun the past and force it on unwitting community college denizens. I think he hated Britta and even started the buzz she was the worst, jealous of her barely there relationship with Jeff.

I'll think on this more before I post. This was supposed to be short.

10.23.22 updated
September 5, 2022 at 11:53pm
September 5, 2022 at 11:53pm
PROMPT 5: Sept 5 – Do writers have obligations towards their readers? If so, what can they be? If not, why not? Do you have anything to tell about (your) readers? On Writers and Readers.


What are the readers obligations to me as a writer, I offer rhetorically?

No, a writer such as myself has no debt to readers. A paid writer has obligations to publishers and editors, if under a contract. A writer might feel indebted if he or she has fans. But, we write for ourselves.

What motivates a person to write might actually determines the level of obligation one might feel. The obligation is to oneself and those who depend on them, like family, to provide a sustainable living. If a writer makes promises, there is a moral obligation in some rare instances. But, still no.

Why we become writers is this impulse to put down words and craft them in a fashion similar to puzzling. We are creating as artists, although there are grant writers, educational requirements for theses or essays, and tabloid matter, including columns and other print criteria. I won’t speak to social media, basically brainwashing and rewriting history, social, moral and ethical values.

No. We are fully going to focus on the struggling, starving profession called writing. I'm not going to look at the world through Elizabeth Gibson's lens. I write for me and aim to find a niche, to find some avenue of discovery. But, I can't think about getting paid for this. It's not nearly to that horizon.

Ah, but there might be an obligation in the process to being discovered. Why would anyone care to read us? First, you have to be in the stream where you could be found and your words can be shared. Grr, social media. *RollEyes* How's that going to happen unless you tirelessly self-promote? When that process begins, it creates expectations. ‘Who want to read me?’ is the call. The response might be ‘we like what we so far. Show us what you've got’. Sort of an obligation there. You start mingling with readers and writers and there's the back and forth. You shout them out, the do the same. It’s a lot of work and you realize creativity has been stunted.

When is that next Gibson creation coming? I don't know. Don't care. She got paid. She created those obligations. I'm Joe Schmo sitting over here in my incipient void on the internet, hunkered down between atoms of programming matter wondering what I'm doing in this tiny space I've occupied.

I made $15? On my first digital book of poetry? On Amazon. Wasn't really pushing it or trying to be a household name. It's just something cool I could do. Now, I'm sitting here as a two-time Quill award winner of Best Poetry Collection (2020 and 2021). I'm dead in the water. There won't be anything beyond. Charitable? An honor. It's really more of a Gibson moment. But for me, resignation.

So, while I'll park my butt this fall under a tree in a sunny patch an inhale nature connecting to my soul, I won't be thinking while jotting down words who's expecting this man to hop on the internet and post these ditties. I'm purging, I'm learning about life. I'm inside my head, pinging off my soul and heart, sending signals back to my brain, stimulated to conjur up word pictures and lonely lectures on the life of a solemn poet.

No manuscript for a novel is forthcoming. No inklings of writing a short story for a site sponsored contest because I don’t get a sniff. Just an endless stream of "The Absence of Wavelength filling a book nearing it's end. Obligation to continue my membership is ending, too. Perhaps, a big send off in one to three years, when I drop all remaining coin collected, close account, forget writing and take up fishing. I'll stop puzzling words in my brain and sing aloud, dance with my wife in the kitchen, weed the garden beds and plant fresh bulbs, have summer cookouts, card games with friends, and keep hinting my kids need to grow up and move out — because a woman needs all of my attention. The true obligation would be her. She's not asking for a poem and a flower on her pillow, but my strong arms around her waist, a gleam in my eye as to happily spin her round and round until the bomb drops.

No. Life is my obligation.

PS -- I would gladly consent to becoming a white case here and leave all my gifts to this community. I'm not sure the obligation. It's given me SO much. But, say I'm dead and my family wants to take all my work and have a publisher create collections post part 'em? They get first crack. I'm sure I'll fade into obscurity like all the rest. Pack up all my belongings and turn the light out here before I'm white in my casket. It feels like I'm in it now.

I reiterate: I've been give SO much. I also GAVE a lot — my words, my content, my support at times, when I could. Can you imagine writing over 3,000 reviews (5k plus from deletions) the length of high school to college essays and the best you could average was maybe 10-25 cents per review? There was definitely an impulse for many years of obligation, vague as it was, to fit in. I'm grateful for my status that arrived 14 years post. Honestly, I cherish it. I think it creates further obligation, so I upped my game.

But, with mental affliction, learning disability, childhood PTSD, lingering and uncurable blindness, apnea, social awkwardness and more, you just want to get through one day without tearing the lid off something. Anger is better than self-pity. I grind. I wear out. I write. I purge. Obligation? Obligation??

We're talking about obligation???

I want mother's arms to wrap me up in my weakest moments, assurance. I want to protect my family from carpetbaggers and all the evil of the world. I have to save every last dime to make sure they are provided for when I'm gone. Maybe, that will include these unexamined words. This unmentored writing life where I struggle to co-exist. Where I wish I could tap one person on the shoulder and ask, is there any hope for me? And like some all knowing God, they can say 'give it up, kid.' You'll only get a headache.

Just, no.


Elizabeth Gibson owes me an explanation.

July 14, 2022 at 1:02pm
July 14, 2022 at 1:02pm
I really am like a driverless car. Software engineers should want to open me up and examine my brain when I’m dead. But better yet, get in there now and rewire me. Are we really that far away from technology making man cyborg?

But I’m not asking for that kind of upgrade, but always considered how far away from the integration, rewire brain circuitry to function faster, better, clearer, rather than idle over uncontrollable thoughts and feelings that have sent me everywhere and nowhere every moment of my life.

It’s the struggle with ADHD, struggle on the spectrum where I have been defined only as different, unexplainable. And yet, it should seem so simple. DNA can be figured out. So is science working on mental dysfunction, the brain, and how to sort it out?

Explain why a person is full of anxiety when it’s suddenly too quiet and needs a fix, something to soften or ignore the static inside one’s head. Little games we make up to distract ourselves help. But the nagging reminder is still there — our brain is constantly on, constantly working to compute and function.

And it’s not fair that the neurotypical can judge the atypical, because of abnormalities and behavior that feels impulsively informed and not easily controllable. So we channel that energy into things that create beauty, that create something appreciable, an offering to other sufferers and neurotypicals, be accepted with those inner workings.


Tip of the CAP to #elonmusk

Self-fulfilling lifelong, just not prophetic.
July 13, 2022 at 10:23pm
July 13, 2022 at 10:23pm
Dug deep into the archives for this song, that Prince wrote? Produced?

Cover this song, hope on guitar, ballad style?

May 8, 2022 at 6:52pm
May 8, 2022 at 6:52pm
Those who insinuate either don't know the truth or want you to spread a lie.

I came up with that today when thinking about people I deal with at work, maybe the gym, and from past dealings. I've heard a lot of wild rumors from people who shouldn't be in the know and it pricks my ears up. But, I keep my mouth shut, because it's untraceable back to them, or they assert themselves as authority. A lot of mind games, really.

It's defeating to think that people who play with the truth are manipulating others negatively. The purpose? Gain? To win? I make it clear I'm not playing, but I'm not taking these insinuations lying down. I know these gaslighters could spread rumors about me. I'm very aware around anyone I deal with. It's happened more than it should to someone who's struggled lifelong with handling the truth.

Truth can be very subjective. I don't know where all the hard facts hide. Maybe, in math? But, since the advent of advertising and the need for people to move product, idiots like me who accidentally stand in the way get a good shove in the back.

So, I can read intentions better than most. I know the difference between a narcissist, sociopath and psychotic. No psychos need apply. Sociopaths who act like they get their feelings hurt want to deceive. They really shouldn't care, but it's necessary for them. It's business.

So, when they shove papers in front of me with false allegations, I decline to sign. They say fine. It's over. But, will it come back again? I'll be ready. They've crossed me for the last time.

About the fist line, insinuation, those who don't know the truth should be very careful.


This is not grade school anymore.
Long live Al! (inside j)
Death to tyranny!!
April 21, 2022 at 11:17am
April 21, 2022 at 11:17am
I've bored people with my basketball stories in blog in the past. Let's do it again!

I haven't been sharing much about my basketball life. I should have an entire blog devoted to my current exploits. One little game a few guys at the gym enjoy, crow about, involves their 3-point shooting ability. I'm no slouch. In fact, because I'm much older than these guys about the age of my oldest (21), I should be at a disadvantage. The game is called 2-ball.

I watched them one day about a year ago. Four shooters formed two teams. One acted as rebounder and passer to the three-point shooter attempting to go around the world. That's five made shots around the court perimeter (shoot until you make from each spot, like NBA 3-point shooting contest, but with one ball, one make). When you hit all five, the rebounder becomes shooter and vice versa and he must reverse his way back to the start. Each team starts on opposite sides and cross paths in this quest. They try to be fair and not get in way of shooter or passer, except for a few hijinks, if they need a little edge.

So, the person who seems to instigate most of these contests graduated with the same class as my son. His name is Jayden. He can be described in many ways, but mostly feeds off a basketball/sports mentality with boasting, manipulating, a bit of a cheater, will talk you up, but a good baller for someone overweight (looks more like a football lineman). He's acknowledged my shooting ability in pickup games. We feed off each other at times. He let me in on their games.

It always comes after we've run pick-up games (at least 2 hours). Sometimes, it's 21, a game that would take a lot of explaining, but basically a free for all. I've grown to love it, but am enjoying 2-ball more. I've teamed with different people. It usually doesn't matter. But I see strategies forming now within these games. And by playing these games, I've improved as a shooter, rebounder and especially passer. It all came together this week.

I had some back problems and had seen my chiropracter a second time when a kid named Anthony needed a partner and chose me to pair up against Jayden, and a good shooter, Dom. Before I knew it, we won two games to start. Little did I know it would be a marathon. I'd been in the gym for hours when these games started. Jayden just kept saying, "Let's go again." He never walked off the court without winning, having the edge, or just not acknowledge when he was beaten.

It turned into a seven game series. I could tell my legs were weak from the back. My only fortune, I put on bio-freeze and my back was as warm as laying on a heating pad. Between games, I stretched as much as I could. We won four games to three. I thought a game of 21 might break out when Jayden wanted more games. He said we were wiping slate clean. I didn't know it would be another seven games series. I had a few bouts with a few spots around the perimeter when I realized being the first to go was better than being a finisher. I'd press too much if might legs got tight.

It took only six games for us to win four. And it ended. It reminded that Jayden often mentally bullied Anthony, a small, scrappy kid I've often rooted for, looked out for. He was really rooting for me when we were winning these games, finally bonded over it. We had some pick up games again after that and all I did was launch a bunch of incredibly long three-pointers with confidence. It was an amazing spectacle, to at least me. You could have collected four people in that room who couldn't add up to my age. Running with teens at the end.

Just another feather in my cap. I guess I don't do the story justice. No true details of how those 2-ball games played out. I just know that my shooting stroke and ability to grab and pass a ball get better every day, especially now that I have full use of my left side, thanks to rotator cuff surgery, almost two years ago. It's been a game changer.

okay, enough,


April 20, 2022 at 11:24am
April 20, 2022 at 11:24am
How to get to know me, realizing some narcissist/sociopath can use this to manipulate me (justify reasons why):


People see my behavioral tendencies as unexamined reasons to label me ‘bad’. I own it, as the article says. Must be some relationship forged in hell. I wear the guilt and shame others should feel. When things are good, subconsciously, I must do something to provoke their untowardness. Upside or downside, I’ll never apologize for how I act, when I feel treatment unjust. Again, not the problem of indifferent, but triggered, tormentors. In my head, I always act as if I’ve won.

Might have to re-examine that last bit. Part of my process. A very busy process.

April 17, 2022 at 8:52am
April 17, 2022 at 8:52am
With great power there must also come great responsibility to be even more evil, but good like Robin Hood, while demonized without narrative controlled by dystopian giants silently stomping on necks with narcissistic, sociopathic and irrevocable mind words that wind the empty clocks and inspire an ignorant clown with what to lance when among decoy windmills.

It's about response to provocation. We make mistakes. We learn. Through repetition, we discover what they exploit: our vulnerability, shame and/or guilt to get us to act poorly, to weaken our position, to dehumanize us and make us compliant and weak. And, if you should withstand the torment of arrogant indifference amid whatever area of life you wander, you'll likely be hurt, feel pain like grief. Perhaps, it's because they see in each of us something unresolved, from childhood, relationships, or just life, that we never overcame. They whisper in your head, intimate in some fashion and know all the while they are pushing your buttons. The more relentless, the more they are the monster.

Rest awhile. Don't confront them on their terms. You can use denial just as easily as they do. They do not deserve entry or judgment in souls that desire to soar, feel good. If being good is a part of that aim, we contribute to society. If they are just out to steal souls for their own gain, they create the deficient. It's why as a society we keep losing, keep retreating further back. Don't seek drama. And know, you are entitled to your own drama. I hope you sort it out.

I go with the mantras: God decides, thank you God, I'm sorry, as much as I can. Hopefully, one day I will be ready to look fondly on the things I'm thankful for. Not there yet. I could tell you why...that's why some things should remain personal. But know, anything you take to the table, manipulators will use. Just ask them, if you feel smart, 'read any good dystopian books lately?'

Though, it's not necessary. I guess we're taught zingers are supposed to be effectual. It might feel good to say. Yet, it won't affect a narcissist/sociopath, who either won't get it or will just deflect...maybe even, throw it back into your court.

And, you can always use personal writing (like this) too sort it out.


Part 2

You can get caught in a trap, as an unsuspecting soul with no outward intentions when you cross paths with them. You realize what you seek on your path is blocked by them and it feels unfair. Feeling provoked, you react. But, you're not conditioned for the proper response and what you say or do can fail you. You have no recourse because they know the outcomes, they set the rules, you either play it their way, or give up the game. But then, you think you are clever enough to go around them. You can sense they are upset by this. They want their control back, for whatever reasons. Friends have a hierarchy you're not allowed to subvert or crack. You can get left out. There are cliques at work where you don't fit in and taking one or two people aside can backfire and you are in a bigger hole. It is social order. It can go beyond politics. You're a fish out of water because you are what they labeled as 'goody two shoes' when you were growing up. You hated that and wanted to show them you could do something bad to fit in. And that just got you in more trouble, because, again, you're not good at it. It isn't who you are.

But going through life this makes you jaded, cynical and outwardly buffoonish for trying to overcome these traps. But, you can see them for what they are. But, lay down? Let them walk over you? I was told again and again, you can walk away. Find new friends, a new job and hope rolling the dice you'll be satisfied with the next. But, what if there is a target on people like me and I just don't see it. Perhaps, my ignorance trained me to be the person that people want to hate. When my self-esteem got low, I tried to brag and build myself up. Now, I was an ass. It took a lot of years and a lot of cynicism and pushing people away to realize that I should just embrace their stupid games and walk right through the maze. There really are no walls, if you just don't care.

It's not walking away. It's walking right past them. I won't say I have friends. I can say I have a job that pays the bills, but no associations have formed there in 10 plus years. the same goes for where I work out, play sports. I can chat a few people up, but I walk out that door just as alone as I did when I walked in. I got used to being alone. I got used to being different. I just didn't know why until I was diagnosed late last year. I'm different. I'm odd. I probably don't make any sense, especially when I'm forced to veil comments in a public forum like this. Just let me have this.

Let me have the frustration of having to walk through an ignorant world and be dissatisfied with it. I still find joy in writing and doing and sports and my job and family, if the conditions are right. And when one isn't working, I jump into the other. When I realize I'm boring or annoying people I skip into the next arena and next. But mostly, I spend a lot of time alone with my words, with my thoughts, binge watching shows, sometimes 12 times through, and a huge audiophile. With the internet, it's a limitless world. Learning I don't need friends has made it easy to deal with rude, snobbish people in my walks of life. I've met a lot of sweet people, but I think they're not sure about me. No one just comes right out and asks. So, I assume they just don't give two farts.

I guess, what I'm trying to point out, is that it's odd we are so riled up in this world about people's rights and yet we character assassinate people we don't know. Good people. It's dehumanizing to be around people who just see you for your job title, for the one sport you share, a cartoonish parent, or whatever. I try to take writing seriously. But, I'm just wasting time writing poetry. But, I'm not wasting time inside my mind. I'm learning new things every day and understanding more. It's ramped up since my new medication and therapy.

I leave it with this. Guys at the gym. Greedy SOBs that don't want to share the court, keep others off. If you're old, you don't catch the ball. You get yelled at if you make one mistake by these superstars that take 20 shots to make five. But, it's not about me. What made me cry the other day is a sweet, young man named Ethan. I've seem him come to the gym for years. He was a little slow, like to talk about where he shops for high tops and buys sports drinks and was atheletic enough and could shoot well enough to play. I don't know his story personally, but since the pandemic, he's come back to the gym. He's much slower, like someone who suffered a stroke. He moves slowly but is still so sweet. He wanted to play a game. It was his turn. I watched them turn him away by saying 'you got next' which the greedy ones will do when they only want certain people on the court. Against Y rules. Everyone looked away. I kept saying Ethan should be in. I told Ethan, you didn't play yet, you're in. But no one acknowledged, which is usual, because all ignore and too many voices. Ethan came back to play again and I was supposed to play and I saw no one was going to let him in. I turned to him and said, "You play for me. Everybody, Ethan's taking my spot." I love to play, but I hate injustice more. Ethan is black and so were over half the guys at the gym. I was sad at how he was treated. He loves basketball. I watched him play. I rooted for him from the sideline when I started to cry. I cried because sweet people are shoved aside in this world. Sweet people who just want to be a part of something, enjoy the game. Ethan has done nothing wrong. He has physical limitations now. Who knows, some help and encouragement, he could play like he once did. I don't know if can be rehabilitated. I don't know who to ask, if anyone has bothered to learn.

This is where my anger comes from, my contempt. I have deep pockets of empathy and have cried over stuff like this before, but never at the gym. I hid my tears. I looked up at the lights. I tried not to be jaded about it. I wanted to have a natural, human response to the situation. I feel helpless, because it's at my core. It's being different and not being accepted when you try to be a part of something where you're not wanted. Ethan is too sweet to get frustrated, to become passive aggressive, to write missives to the world and no one about how ignorant we are today. We don't fight for human rights. We're a bunch of machines with triggers for hot button topics. We don't talk, we posture, we feel hate easier than we feel love. And I'm tired of writing complete sentences and just want to run on. But for what?

This is for Ethan, world. I would do anything in my power, and we know how limited that is. Greedy people fix the game. They win. I just won't tell them no mas to their faces, to appease them. They can shun me, stab me where it hurts most, it doesn't matter anymore. I'll just keep writing and ranting and continuing to seek avenues to find a way to write myself out of this mess of a world and enlighten others somehow along the way. Use a metaphor here for a fat chance in...


I'll probably have a part three after I edit part two, which was unplanned. Maybe, next will be about how God seems to tip the scales in my favor and let's me see things normal people don't. Who the fixers are, what their game is, just puts something right in front of me at the oddest hour and wonder how divine it is to have such serendipity to enlighten me and expose the manipulation and flaws in other people's deceit. Though, I never do anything with it but sit on it, tell my wife, try to make sense of it. Like, I don't have power to do anything, as I've said.

Things happen all the time that are out of our control, but who wants to be the one labeled an idiot, step up and admit that you did that. Lots of people want to point out that they’re better, hindsight, would’ve done things differently. But they don’t allow you to access that hypothetical ability to perceive the future and react accordingly, correctly, not trusting you’ll get it right the next time, like a baby. you can only defer and deflect so much, before you realize your only recourse is to own it before anyone else can say some thing. And you have to play to the few who are least likely to judge and hope that it plays out fair. But, not knowing what you’re up against, the mindsets of those around you, especially if they keep changing, rearranging, and never extending a hand to you, you decide defer, retract, deny.

That’s where I take my lumps. That’s why I feel alone. No one else wants to be human with me. All are superior. I will never put myself in the position of acting like I’m better than someone else. It’s not only what I’ve been taught, but what someone with empathy feels. And until someone realizes that I am a real person, stops dehumanizing, stops hating before asking questions, I’ll just wear ‘my disguise’.

This is about my real life, you know?

March 26, 2022 at 10:06pm
March 26, 2022 at 10:06pm
My attempt to inspire someone today:

My wife says I overthink, too. But, she’s not necessarily right. The more you play with those words, the more you know. You can find deeper meaning with the right edit.
I have a whole bunch of thoughts. If you don’t trust your gut, it needs to be fed. That can be a variety of things. So, while you have a passion for writing, let it burn, baby, burn.
You will find there are days it will rage. Days when you can devote yourself to something else. Either way, when you step away, you are a writer, still experiencing and soaking in life.
Write for truth. Write for love. Write because it makes YOU happy. And, when you are discovered by a fan, revel in it.
I can tell you you’re already winning when your head is in this game we share and love.
These words I pen are especially for you. Don’t forget, we can inspire each other as a community.
I hope to read and send you a review in the near future.


More thoughts on writing pertaining to keeping it simple and when to edit to come.

Key is knowing your voice and audience, knowing what language cohesively sells a write.

March 20, 2022 at 11:20am
March 20, 2022 at 11:20am
It's not how well you write but observe and conform to a tedium of unnecessary rules. They coddle mediocrity of maze dwellers who capitulate. Just spray paint over your own art and bow to the uninspired. I need to lay down. My eyes are tired from staring at the ever changing walls.


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