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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views

Some torn to the ground
Some burn to the ground
Others removed brick by brick
Redesign for the times
When the lease comes up
Or just fold up

When you have a bad day and need a reason...

Formerly: New Zenith To Hell…(all started with arc as writer here from the trials of Rising Stars to Preferred Author to WDC Quills Best Poetry Collection...

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it…he does not become a monster.” - Some guy, I guess. Look it up?
I’ve been to the abyss and back. Not so bad.

The loneliest happy person you'd ever meet, when not the saddest person who needs to be alone.

In an ever-changing world, we need to handle topics at the ready. If you roll over and give in to the narrative without lending a voice, might as well hand over your civil liberties. Voices could connect to true conscience and spirit for honest and open discourse. Why feel so redacted?

Unify on issues or don't but put drama aside. Open minds require complete objectivity. Or, agree to disagree and have a beer. Just writing what I feel without the narrative-altering mind f---ing with my head.

[MY Chorus]
In your house, I long to be
Room by room, patiently
I'll wait for you there, like a stone
I'll wait for you there, alone
- Chris Cornell, RIP

Some other stuff

My recent poetry:

The Absence of Wavelength  (18+)
12.3k views, 2xBest Poetry Period. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind.
#1149750 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

Sometimes epiphanies about my insights on writing and life and what goes on...

Blah, blah, blah

Merit Badge in Rare
[Click For More Info]

I like your work!

Thank you WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness for honoring me with your kind words!

Read here some old blog entries...*PointRight* 2018 Highlights

More...*PointRight* 2018: The Quiet Ones

~ Brian K Compton ~
"Invalid Entry A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018 -- WINNER -- Merit Badge in Second Time Around Contest
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the Grand Overall Prize in  [Link To Item #2164876]  with your beautiful poem, [Link to Book Entry #933358]. This poem really moved me. Great writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^*

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March 13, 2022 at 3:53pm
March 13, 2022 at 3:53pm
I'll test this here:

play the slots

from her pouty, red
purse mouth
to shaved undercarriage,
coin slots each,
hold your currency.

gold, if you please.


just playing around with 'pouty lips,' and remember description of Britta from Community at end of season 1 by Chang, of having a red coin purse for a mouth, and shouldn't put the severe color on.

March 12, 2022 at 12:29pm
March 12, 2022 at 12:29pm
They always say, 'if you bother to read'
indignantly to which I equally respond
(mind my language)
who's got fucking time for that?
If you read every over worded warranty
to indemnify as they deify themselves,
I'm over in the corner sorting stacks
of papers they know I don't have time to read.
They suggest ignorance is your own
if you buy into that truckload of shit
they shovel onto your doorstep and lawn,
and you'll be reading well past dawn.
Hopefully, there is comprehension well before
completing some contractual obligatory agreement,
but the old expression of over a barrel
could easily be depicted as naked, 'tooned
wearing a wooden one, and just how does
any of this matter, as these words scatter
down the screen, a lighted word wall that
no one will likely read and concur to agree
that we are all just hostages of conformity?


I didn't know where that was going. Glad if I could conclude a cloudy dissertation with a somewhat agreeable summation. Reread later, and edit, as needed, as I see it.

January 10, 2022 at 11:36am
January 10, 2022 at 11:36am
OK if I keep talking I’ll never get lonely or depressed, because you’ll always have me.

November 5, 2021 at 5:57pm
November 5, 2021 at 5:57pm

There was a time when we were supposed to (duped into) look(ing) up to professional athletes. This response by Aaron Rodgers about getting Covid and being an unvaccinated player among other things tells me he definitely doesn't get it, and gets too much air time for someone who does not represent the majority of values on the virus front:


More comment later. Too much going on inside this writer's den for me to concentrate.


But, only a day later and the consensus seems he's either really misinformed, ignorant, foolish, this list goes on...until he got fired from Prevea Health, for whom he was a spokesman:


And, this messy saga is widening and making a lot more people mad:


The worse that can happen to Rodgers and/or his team by NFL standards is fines. I'm not even sure there will be enough public outrage to muster up enough shame before his time in Green Bay is over, which might be the end of this season. I think more and more this happened because he wants out, without being the bad guy. But, buffoon?

November 2, 2021 at 7:50am
November 2, 2021 at 7:50am
At any moment I could do something impulsively stupid, compulsive. Ignorantly informed before light can find it's way over the horizon, or I go in search of it in thick wood, act. Almost immediately, regret. Then, I start to fumble for true answers that seem unavailable and my behavior has revealed the conscious side of me that can compose thought to find only remorse. But, no answers for why I behave the way I do.

So, I go live in a cave of my mind. I throttle out from time to time, but restrict my own egress toward controversial thoughts, because I can only feel warmth. I cannot use light to illuminate elusive truth, not acknowledging my lack of foresight.

This wandering, meandering life leads me back behind the threshold I daily dare surpass. The process is maddening and hard for others to understand, because subsequently, I speak obtusely and indirectly of what I really mean, perhaps, because, I don't know how to search for the truth, let alone process it's many, computer-like parts. It's not for me. And, now I know it.

Question is: will I ultimately give up, moving slower over this worn terrain of my mind liquifying like butter? Better rest. Beer me.

October 28, 2021 at 5:00am
October 28, 2021 at 5:00am
There’s no perfect metaphor for what I attempt without master to share:

Life could be like revolving doors and hopping into another dimension or like a stationary merry-go-round. You can make it go or just sit on it and dream on sun-heated metal soiled from grubby feet or cleansed by rain. But know, if you ride and don't puke, you've already won. If you stand up and hold on as someone spins it faster, you can experience the rush. Having been sucked in by it's centrifugal force, you can find ground again after it slows, feel disoriented but still know you're fine. And you realize, the world moves beneath as you struggle to remain standing. Those experiences, solitary, move through you a lifetime, replayed infinitely as each opening appears and passes as we must chose to step into our portals, or eventually step away, as if mother is calling us home for supper.

I have only one question: what do you talk about over that meal...that you played or got hurt?

I may have suffered too many concussions…or plainly…blows to the head. We laugh…though, it’s serious.
There's always going to be the bad experience to help us appreciate the good. If we remove all that is bad, how would we know how good? Or, just take every experience for granted? You must be pricked and appreciate that experience, too. How else will you time travel at the end of life? Not very good without conflict-resolution.


from the maddening after the awakening and ing and ing and ing forever on.

October 26, 2021 at 6:52pm
October 26, 2021 at 6:52pm
To tempt them to near,
to pry,
we lie.
We embellish the truth
to soothe our qualms
about worth,
or be

To tell the truth is a lie
to our worth,
no one will know
how to near,
to love,
one so

Idiomatic or idiotic?
Either way, I'm calling it a poem.

Remember when we threw neurotic around so freely to reveal ourselves, or disguise?

October 20, 2021 at 8:15am
October 20, 2021 at 8:15am
Everyone's cheating. Everyone's lying. Those who are the worst at it get caught, become sacrificial lambs. They were just trying to keep up, fit in.

We lie to ourselves, mess with our own heads, wonder what is wrong with us because we don't fit in with a bunch of liars and cheats. The new standard is to be the best and phoniest.

We forget our values overall, while keeping some sentimental ethos connected to our hearts near and dear, fighting falsely for their survival while, navigating this world eroding into negativity and division, because no great unifier has come along to quell what agitates all.

We all chatter like someone is listening, like someone will do more than like a post. But, if a movement swells from our words, would we know what next? We're stuck as a nation/world, ensnared in a web of lies, beginning with media in all forms. And, too dim-witted to see actual truths, too cozy, readied for our dirt naps.

I have witnessed the ignorance of the cancel culture young. Gah. Walls for old people to echo thoughts off.

“funerals are always occasions for pious lying.” - I.F. Stone

I might add more. Okay, I will. This:

Trump is an ass and the biggest liar in the room, by design. He realizes the depth of the ignorance that surrounds and wants to be polarizing by telling it like it is. He knows we all think some of these things, but have the good sense to not speak what we might think evidentiary. That doesn't make a good unifier, but someone like my dad who would get in your face and tell you what he thinks of you without a moment's hesitation, and in that moment, rents space in your head. You might say divider, but people are forming to the left and the right because of him and ready to fight for what they feel.

But, we might be the hapless fools like he claims Gen. Colin Powell was, that we blindly believe what we are told and expose it to others as truth, until unverified.

I'm awash in a sea of this when I discover Stone's quote and have to consider the journalistic roots of a young man who wanted to investigate and reveal hidden truth in a pack of lies, but tired of the game heavily stacked against a lone individual (me). I was ushered out of the media game because it is thankless, unrewarding and not unlike everything else I chase hoping for a chance to prove and reprove myself. But to whom? No one is watching and I am yet just another fool following manipulated carrots.

I'll let these thoughts marinate semi-publicly, as I consider their weight, an ounce or less, because few to none truly pry to get inside and see what goes on, unless a threat somehow, unwittingly, to some machine cramming nonsense down the throats of all who would sing for a hollow supper.

Yeah, marinate.


October 19, 2021 at 2:53pm
October 19, 2021 at 2:53pm
I'm handed, 'life isn't supposed to be easy' late in life. When my peers and parents glared at me if I got stuff wrong lifelong? I tried too hard when I could have just coasted and smiled all the while. But, I grimaced as if I my nose was one inch from that grindstone, and for no good reason?

Sure, pressure cedes a diamond. Are my diamonds really worth the effort?
God deals the cards. I just play them. If I try to hide an ace up my sleeve, I cheat myself.
But, we're taught that winners are what we want to be. We forget about being our best, leaving everything on the field when we play. It doesn't mean we lost at the end. It means we gave it our best, which is suppose to cede some kind of satisfaction. Try to find the proper setting for that.

Many, from their limited purview, try to shorten up the scope of things. It's broader than any of us can imagine. We can only learn so much in our lifetime and what good does it really do us in the end? We're given lemons, there's a stand you can open in front of your house, if you're a cute five-year-old kid. So, yeah. It doesn't all equate. That's my point.

Why try so hard to impress others. Their the ones in the limited purview. And, while you're looking around and I'm hanging around, you might catch a glimpse. But, we're too far apart to really come together and enjoy this thing called life, or writing. So, we live it alone in these tiny little apartments in our minds, web-related realities. Doesn't make any sense?

Irony. Now make lemonade before life ends. Otherwise, you won't have anything to savor after all the suffering.


September 29, 2021 at 6:33am
September 29, 2021 at 6:33am
When I hear soft
ruffled sheets and bedspread tucked and smoothed
from her side of the bed
on the days she's off for work early
and I'm nestled in the warmth of blanket heater in dry winter...
When I hear song
the door swings wide and she bursts and bounds inside
after school, bringing crisp leaves swirling and bus brakes unclenching
before the slam seals my world,
while enjoying a cup from my kitchen window perch...
When I hear agony
of floor boards' expansion beneath his feet
after hours of dark illumination by X-box light,
begging some culinary creation to savor because
the aroma of fresh bread and bubbling chili from the kitchen reminds
a neglected appetite...

9.29.21 rewritten from prose
20 lines free verse

September 23, 2021 at 3:27pm
September 23, 2021 at 3:27pm
You know, I consider all the contests and activities, but...there are some who slip in way too many rules and I have to mentally check out.
Sometimes, I pursue something with earnest and submit only to find out there are too many rules to proceed.
I don't know what this need is to limit length. I get prompts and themes. I do understand content rating. But, while I'm considering each and every one, some rule might get left out or forgotten in a toilsome process.
I have a notion the idea is to encourage participation. Some activity organizers have caught on, dropped nearly all rules. No one actually gives reviews or a reason for their decisions, in many activities.
If it is because too many rules get enforced, it's a shame these shackles in the spirit of encouraging writing and participating.
Just know, I'm still trying. But, the tedium of each contest with it's own unique sets of rules is limiting.
What is the true aim of these activities? I have to step back and reconsider whether it's even worth time to *click*.
I'd like to think, it's not just me. Vision is part of the problem. ADD might be another. But, with the pool of potential participators on this site, might want to consider all the types of limitations we seem to share here, at WDC.

This was more than I planned to share in newsfeed. Copy and paste to blog and forget again?

I think, lowering my expectations of participation in this community leaves out the emotional fuel I desire to write. I have to abandon most everything in this desire to seek and reach higher plains of understanding through writing. But, mostly, this doesn't make sense and robs me of my energy, which I assume is also needed here for members to function.

Harnessed, but not a plough share. I have to consider that last thought for another time.


Can't Quantify How To Qualify? Quantification Has Ramifications? My Qualifications Have Limitations?
I know how you all like the sing-songy, rhymey stuff. *Bangs head softly on kitchen table*
I added 'kitchen' where most would not. Is it as simple as one adjective? Have I gone too far?

September 17, 2021 at 3:35am
September 17, 2021 at 3:35am
Chimpanzees recognize rear ends like people recognize faces (and other articles not researched for this blog post)...


If I tag one of my poems or blog entries with that, you'll know what I mean.


Always researching through Google and investigating language for prompts with a sidelong, or sideways, glance/glare. *guffaw*

Now on to the menial tasks of a new day...

September 9, 2021 at 6:10pm
September 9, 2021 at 6:10pm
How’s this going to play out? I’m waiting for explanation while Rand Paul is preening in his corner, ready to have the referee hold his bloody glove high…


There are losers…and they were the unwitting participants. How can we know how much the NIH is responsible? When, instead of getting out in front of this Letterman style, they lied to Congress? How are we supposed to believe people in science? How will accountability now factor?

Just waiting for more to shake out.

September 7, 2021 at 8:22am
September 7, 2021 at 8:22am
When coming to terms with identity, it shouldn't be sexuality or gender that we're grappling with, but humanity, and within in that, morality and how it acts as a compass for our behavior in society. Aren't we just a little confused on the edge of conformity, looking out at the sea of possibility, where we are restrained from really getting a good view? Why are we constantly mired in debate about our basest desires when we struggle to come out as the rare, unidentifiable unicorn that even eludes our own grasp? We are in some kind of conundrum/mystery (not meant to be a riddle), on display and not wholly alone within ourselves, nurturing our every whim and desire to seek what suits us best, without shame or remorse for outcomes. We second guess, triple guess, and more because we factor too many things and think too much with that brain that's rewired, recircuited through a labyrinth of mazes we shouldn't puzzle with but pass right through. Why leap? Why dig under? Why the hell are we going all the way around to those horizons we dare to glimpse, imagine possibility?

I could walk out into the world and trip on the sidewalk of life because of a crack and blame myself, call myself stupid, rather than accept these obstacles are difficult and not meant to be easy. We are on a journey, an adventure, and we must assume there are lions and tigers and bears and might get eaten. That shouldn't scare us, but exhilarate, because we can overcome if we choose not to be scared but daring to stare down the uneven pathway and yell louder than the blood thirsty creatures lurking about.

But, we also have to get a handle on how we are to proceed and need a compass. Wouldn't that be a lovely tool to figuring out just exactly what we are before 90 years of life sails past and we still haven't reached the precipice to understanding? To even view our brilliant sunrise dappling a water flowing beneath a heavenly construct glowing in our eyes?

I'll take a minute to consider what I just wrote and how it applies, because this is just one flowage of feelings of words surfacing on a long journey where I rest by a sign post that I read from another writer on the internet. I know they are searching for themselves, as am I, and share now their beautiful struggle and scrawling to share with others to absorb like a ray of light from that horizon we're all summiting:


And I might ruin it by reiterating, I am not confused about gender or sexuality, but that I am a monster that could wreak ruin upon another because I lack the right amount of humanity to conform to society's standard ethos, in a world that would push back if I don't act nice, behave as others inside the construct? That I am living down every base impulse deemed wrong since I could crawl?

I do have a secret to understanding and watching a human up close melt down and rebuild day-after-day because of what society and oneself imposes harshly without a moment's consideration for unity within one another. Hmm. Vague?

On the Camille Ferguson piece:

I only read it once and thought: 'get out of my head', until it turned in directions I would not go, but came back to me time after time. Great potential for a young writer who has surpassed me and would never consider me on their journey, except to acknowledge a word or two. There is a struggle revealed in these words boiled down to a reviewer's restricting introductory descriptions that identify with the gamut of sexual and gender identity. Can we just consider the writer expresses foremost revelations of humanity and how who we are, and not solely about what gender or types of people we desire? I think this is where the world has gotten stuck in this liberation battle, like looking at the edge of something instead of looking past it to the horizon. There are greater monsters out there and yet the greatest resides within us, and how do we navigate within our DNA and how it is instructed?

The writing was expressive and visual and seemed like a focused stream of consciousness that is grasping for meaning, to which I can relate. I've often said, I write to discover, but especially myself.


This was just a quick and raw reaction to Ferguson's piece and wondered if this is a man identifying as a woman. I don't want to be quick to assume, but seemed a natural conclusion to draw. Should I reread, or reconsider what I have written here, I might further fathom the piece and/or my own thoughts displayed here, warts and all (suggesting the potentiality for ignorance on display in full or part).

Me: Life is a slow burn you get used to rather than salve to overcome, because it's persistent and unforgiving while desire for Truth is grasping at tenuous constructs that fall apart from the most tender grip.

Like tears, it rains. *Smirk*
September 6, 2021 at 5:32pm
September 6, 2021 at 5:32pm
Sometimes, I like to mash up words to get new words. Today, I thought of genudeflect, which is what I sometimes do. But, somebody already thought of it and gave their own definition:


I thought the caption under the link image was funny --
"DEFINITION: To reject a compliment. May indicate low self-esteem, or false modesty, or even a psychopathic aversion to flattery."

When I genudeflect, I think about things I revere but steer away because I don't feel worthy. I also feel it diminishes me when the thing I covet doesn't reciprocate or acknowledge in some way, for which the definition above applies externally. I prefer to ignore that pretty woman, rather than saidle up.

Regarding the comic characters at that link: he looks like he would think she was hot. I only find her attractive. One of the commenters humorously suggested she take her shirt off. *Laugh*

September 6, 2021 at 2:13pm
September 6, 2021 at 2:13pm

This paper focuses on the concept of fear and the monstrous human. The first part of
this paper treats Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as an examination of fear as a cycle that
produces rage when confronted by the moral detachment and shaming of others. The
second part of this project addresses aspects of societal fear manifested in the zombie
monster and set within the paradigm of the zombie apocalypse as posited in Max
Brooks’ World War Z. The conclusions reached in this discussion suggest that
compassion and reason are the antidote for the social toxin of terror.


I claim no credit for this thesis, just the feelings that caused me to google and stumble upon it.
September 3, 2021 at 4:27pm
September 3, 2021 at 4:27pm
I don't know why, but I always feel worse when I talk with someone about what is bugging me. It's not like I got it off my chest, but got it out there in the universe.

I'm dealt with limited parameters to knowledge, to complete understanding. And when I'm issuing forth my concerns, what I share is a complex formula of what I'm affected by and a search for knowledge like truth to hopefully fill out an asymmetrical thing.

I'm not going to give an example, though I can imply for others to infer. The whole point of having communication with others is to get on the same page, get resolution. Even if we are looking at the same thing from different vantage points. It's hard to walk in someone else's shoes and I wouldn't expect others to fully realize my conjecture.

But, there are words, phrases, mannerisms we have been taught to give another comfort, some sign that we acknowledge, to alleviate concerns and to empathize or sympathize. The latter I would rather not have, if someone is going to talk down to me, lecture me, unless I deserve it. And, that is for me to decide.

What is this about? Trying to understand a spouse, an employer, the salesman, or the people at the doctor's office or bank about what's ailing/befuddling you. You know these people come with some information you don't have that can help shape perception, inform a person who feels vulnerable from the weakness of not getting a complete picture to solve the riddle, dilemma, predicament. In fact, the process can get tainted, sullied, darker from those you allow participate in that process of knowing.

In the meantime, we are taught to be meek and step back and give others space around us as a courtesy. Don't bother us with your ignorance is all I may feel from some who are downright callous. And, they may be in a position to make someone feel safe, whole and to not worry so much about the not knowing everything you'd like to understand so you can sleep better at night.

Some people deal with their problems by saying I have more money than I have time to get to resolution. Me, I'm thinking I may need that money for when I really need it. I'm not just going to throw it at each question hoping for resolute answer. I live by my wits to figure out the system to get resolution. Systematic is how a lot of stuff feels. And, it feels dysfunctional with a purpose to keep me off kilter until I back away and go look at another unsolved formula written on the chalkboard walls that surround my un-equated life.

Can I just tear it all down so I can stare at the barren ground? What is this metaphor and what am I talking about? There is purgatory like a prison inside of my mind, where I'm different and jailed for not being able to decipher what might seem life's easiest riddles to solve. I could take medication for it and still struggle, but differently. I could do my due diligence daily to go through certain processes to keep life's little worries on my doorstep, away.

I'm still going to the porch for the milkman's delivery. Even though it's not there anymore. I can be trapped in my little home because I'm developing agoraphobia for the intensifying complexities of an indifferent, unfeeling world where neighbors put up taller, thicker fences and the only connection you get is to a Netflix account where you stream endless entertainment until he day you die in your recliner, face half-eaten off by the cats you employ for comfort, when they find you.

Is it me? Probably, but not entirely. I have a wallet with a credit card, but still not tempted to use it. I've gone pear-shaped with my obtuse-ness.


Just something I was feeling after my last few daze. Really nothing related to my online life, either.

August 29, 2021 at 12:19pm
August 29, 2021 at 12:19pm
If I were to offer input to someone struggling with obesity, it would start with cut the coffee and cigarettes and start walking if you want to enjoy the waning years. It seems simple, but when you consider that these vices make you their bitch, it might be a wake up call to take back the health that is rightfully yours.

We worry about the stereotypes of being healthy. People look at it as extremism. But, high heart rates, cholesterol, or whatever can be avoided naturally, or with Lipitor, whatever. I am not qualified. But, from personal experience, I could quit the coffee. But, I don't need to.

After my rotator cuff surgery last summer, I've worked my way back into the gym and to having my moments of dominance on the basketball court. I can challenge the best players in the gym because I mostly do the things that benefit a person who might be genetically superior to the greatest portion of the human race. Maybe, a reason why I shouldn't talk.

My dad dealt with hypertension, didn't take care of his diet, even after told to watch it by a physician and my mother. Being Italian, lots of carbs in that diet that he wouldn't sacrifice. He wound up with cancer twice and took his life after the second diagnosis, at 83, when he was still robust and full of life. He just didn't want to go through chemo again.

I have glaucoma, and that is where my defect resides. Somehow, surgeries on each eye have held for nearly thirty years, making me part of less than five percent who can claim that success. But then, how many had the surgery as young as me? I might be worthy of study in that respect. My diminishing vision does not prevent me from stepping between the painted lines at the YMCA court where my love for the game resides.

I kept thinking the knees or an Achilles would give (beware now after saying for the 100th time) by now. People now call me by my first name, not the color of the clothing I'm wearing when assigning defense. And I plow through two, sometimes, five hours of basketball in a day. My hamstrings are sore. My knees don't bother to complain. My feet would like to be soaked. But, I take care of myself.

I will down over a gallon of water, watch my food intake before and after. I sleep as much as I can, making sure to keep turning so rigamortis doesn't set in *Laugh*. I can get tight. I stretch, I keep exercising. I snap back. And my heart? Thanks to FitBit, I can track resting heart rates as low as 52! I didn't think I'd get there again, since it's not been that low since 2017.

The rotator cuff surgery was like a reset, a step back. I was able to collect, refocus and double down on this basketball life. I've guarded guys from 6'8" to 5'2", speedy or strong and the long and feel always prepared and up to the task. I have my health, genetics, mind and whatever else to topple anything that comes in my way. I know, ultimately, time will tap me on the shoulder. I know that I will not struggle unless cancer knocks on my door, or something as evil.

The day will come when coffee will be exchanged for tea, when I need one more advantage. If I have to do yoga frequently, and not just when my limbs need a little disentanglement and elongation. I will eventually walk instead of dribble drive to the hoop, if I'm not pulling up for a long range jumper. I'll always have the trash can to receive my aim, if nothing else. I'm sure I'll have just enough eyesight then.

Blessed. Sometimes, I need a reminder for purposes of perspective. Take pride in what God (or the equivalent) has given me. Even if it's to just thank my lucky stars. Believing in something, even if it might seem delusional, helps with this process that is my life.



I really do have that strong of a heart. Something I'm reminded of frequently. I'm pretty sure no ailment there. My mom had angina and a murmur (for those collecting data on me *Bigsmile*).

August 29, 2021 at 11:49am
August 29, 2021 at 11:49am
Somedays, I have to run my thoughts by my wife on something I know she understands better than me, but launched at the opportunity to respond to Angela's blog today, as she attuned to these matters surrounding the decision to vaccinate against Covid, after an Uber driver dosed her with their own, unsolicited, opinion:

"You are not that special

My response:

You're too nice to the Uber driver. You are entitled to that space between your ears so you can get prepared for your day. I'm too nice, too. I would let them go on. Regardless, the Uber driver's task is only to drive.

Your testimony is worthy and much needed. What you outline are reasons the unvaccinated use, even when they don't fall into those categories, because they feed into that larger narrative. It has affected my brother-in-law, a retired state trooper and his RN wife, who would rather quit her 100k a year job than take the vaccine by the October mandate deadline. Both are healthy, athletic, non-smokers and Trumpers. They buy into the election rhetoric and more, moving to the country to prepare for something worse, in Michigan. I have very little clue what happened to the them. Extremists at this point.

I think if we can all step back, acknowledge FDA approval is a mandate for the (one) vaccine, and urge people to get us to herd immunity, those who dosed will not have done so in vain.

And, we do have to respect those who cannot take the drug for reasons you've outlined. This just shows how little due diligence people have done before deciding for or against vax. It shows we buy into the spin and the emotions of something that was highly charged politically and put the fabric of our country/world at jeopardy.

If I were to buy into a motive the division caused by politics surrounding Covid, it's a need to dumb down a world that's getting too smart, and to thin out the herd as were prepare for overpopulation. Seems selectivism (is that not a word?) would be the advantage for all of this. But, that's beside the point.

Keep testifying and maybe run this back to the next Uber driver, if for no other reason, social experiment to see if people can consume information objectively, and respectfully. What we all need a little more of.

Thank You!

As yet, haven't shared with the wife who is plugged in to a podcast, mid-living-room-paint-job, right now. When she needs to decompress. I hope I got it right.

August 26, 2021 at 6:49pm
August 26, 2021 at 6:49pm
Got your attention?

I have to rewatch this video because he must have ADHD to go with that superior intellect to be able to decipher any leaning on white privilege, which I do not feel I possess, but maybe a richer man.

I will say I had/have some of the other intersectional things that privileged me to go with my male whiteness. I never felt it was anything more than a foot in some doors, only to be inevitably defeated by life's pursuits. And if I had it too easy, things handed to me, well I don't have the moxie or additional skill to rub elbows with the privileged few. Just take my 14 years as a black case here. Can't say I've arrived or even risen above the settling fog, but a dew upon a blade of grass near the future headstone marking my journey six feet deeper.

Nah, I won't watch it again, just yet.


Many of you can successfully argue for what you want. I'm just gaslit and dead tired of life's spin.

PCness can kiss my ass, because I know it is even more limited in conjectural theorem, 1984ing ourselves into mediocrity, hypocrisy while lacking any understanding of our past to now.

And now...am I done?

And, I'm moot. Not on any public stage/no pulpit. I will see you all in hell, I guess.

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