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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2223922
A tentative blog to test the temperature.
Ten years ago I was writing several blogs on various subjects - F1 motor racing, Music, Classic Cars, Great Romances and, most crushingly, a personal journal that included my thoughts on America, memories of England and Africa, opinion, humour, writing and anything else that occurred. It all became too much (I was attempting to update the journal every day) and I collapsed, exhausted and thoroughly disillusioned in the end.

So this blog is indeed a Toe in the Water, a place to document my thoughts in and on WdC but with a determination not to get sucked into the blog whirlpool ever again. Here's hoping.

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October 24, 2021 at 1:54pm
October 24, 2021 at 1:54pm

I enter a lot of contests. There is a horde of reasons for that, including the need to gather enough gift points to extend my membership level for a few more months, the awareness that I respond better to orders from outside rather than from myself, (the dreadful Oxford comma, against which I am trained to revolt but have recently decided is probably more accurate, since we do actually pause before announcing the last item in a list) and the expansion of horizons into areas I would not otherwise enter.

This has led me to a number of observations about contests. For instance, it has become increasingly noticeable that longstanding members rarely enter contests. Inspection of their portfolios reveals that much of their output is the result of entering contests in the past but, generally, this fades in time and now they either run contests or don’t bother with them at all.

No doubt there are many reasons for this. Most importantly, I think the pointlessness of constant contest entering becomes apparent to them. As long as we write for contests, we are distracted from what, for most of us, should be the main intent: the creation of the great American (or British or Outer Mongolian or whatever) novel. The passing years dictate that, should we retain the ambition for eventual publication, the amusing diversion of contests must be put aside and more serious business knuckled down to.

So I imagine that all those elder WDC statesmen and women are either slaving away at their magnum opuses or, having given up, are keeping up their membership as merely an occasional entertainment.

Which serves to highlight the amazing freedom that those few, like me, who do not entertain dreams of fame and fortune through publication, enjoy. We are free to annoy contests owners with the problem of what on earth to do with yet another entry from us until the day we die. It’s a problem because of course we learn a bit from all our contest entering and it’s hardly fair on the poor newbies who comprise the main fodder of so many contests. The irony being that, by the time they have learned enough to be a serious threat to the old hands, they are already noticing how the contests are drawing them away from their primary intent.

The point is really that the contests are immensely important to WDC. They are the arena in which new writers can hone their skills and become true gladiators of the written word. The natural trend is that they come, they learn and they depart for greater challenges. The best move on to astound the world with their talents, the worst get fed up and wander off to make something else of themselves (the wisest, anyway). What a fine sieve to sort the wheat from the chaff!

Except that there’s me and my few compadres to spoil the fun. Almost makes me happy to be alive!

Word count: 495
October 24, 2021 at 12:26pm
October 24, 2021 at 12:26pm
A Prompt Response

What is this recent outbreak of contests demanding that we invent our own prompts? It seems decidedly irrational to me. Obviously, I can’t speak for everyone else, but the reason I go hunting for prompts is because I’m low on inspiration and require just a little input from elsewhere to get the old engine fired up on a cold and inhospitable Monday morning. Or any other morning, when you’re as old as I am.

So to ask that I first devise a prompt before writing to it is like offering stone soup to a starving beggar. Or maybe I just think that because I’m lousy at making up prompts.

Word count: 109
October 19, 2021 at 11:21am
October 19, 2021 at 11:21am
Watcha Reading?

One thing about being with a bunch of other writers, the subject keeps turning to what you’re reading or intend to in the week, month or year. Which gives me a problem since I’m completely out of the habit of reading books. That is partly because I can no longer just visit a bookshop when I feel like it (or any kind of shop for that matter) and because I have eyesight problems which mean I need a lot of light to read anything with print as small as a book has.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t read anymore. I can’t help it, I read all the time. As I’ve pointed out before, I’m like everyone else and can’t stop myself reading whatever is placed before me, be it product packaging, junk literature from the mailbox or any other of the constant bombardment of printed material we deal with every day. Add to that what I read on the computer screen (which has its own backlighting and solves the vision problem, therefore) and the only time I’m not reading is when I’m writing.

Even then, I’m constantly reading what I’ve written, to catch typos and the like.

I can’t help but feel that reading books is something you do when you’re young. By the time your eyesight begins to fade, you’ve probably read most of the stuff that’s going to have an influence on you, anyway. It’s not just arteries that harden as we get older; attitudes do, too.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that we all become rigid and inflexible in old age. A lot depends on how wide open to change was the door in the first place. Some of us start off with it only just ajar and, naturally, when it starts closing, it’s not long before we’ve shut out most of the light. But others have it wide open from the first and that takes a lot longer to close. It’s a matter of degree, just like everything else. And the general principle is true: it becomes harder to change the older we get.

That is actually how it should be. When we’re young and absorbing everything in sight, writing books is inappropriate at least. Very few people can write that much without changing their minds six times during the writing. The young should be out there, experiencing all that the world has to teach, not hidden away in garrets, scribbling out thoughts that will be different next week.

Writing is for the old, when the alternatives have been tried and inspected and the mind is pretty well made up. It’s the time of life when the energy to go racing about has been used up and all that is left is what used to be called wisdom. So, as long as we’re sitting down, recovering our breath, we might as well write it all down.

And my answer to the question becomes, “I’m not reading - I’m writing!”

Word count: 495
October 16, 2021 at 5:31pm
October 16, 2021 at 5:31pm
The Fat Cat on the Mat

I discovered this today:

Well worth a look, even if you're not into cats.
October 15, 2021 at 6:00pm
October 15, 2021 at 6:00pm
My Unconscious Assistant

A while back, I wrote about the effect of the unconscious mind on our writing. It’s always present, whether we can discern its influence by later dissection or not, but I seem to be currently on a quest to encourage its influence on my writing. This involves handing over the reins to an ever-increasing extent. The results are sometimes surprising, sometimes disappointing.

Generally, I find that the unconscious is good at sparking off a story, providing the initial impulse through a phrase or sentence from nowhere, or a picture or feeling that haunts and won’t let go. It’s not so good at providing satisfying endings. Too often, it leaves me, somewhat exhausted by the dance it has led me, with an interesting tale but no hint of how to bring it to a conclusion.

I suppose this is in the nature of the unconscious, since it doesn’t accept an ending to any story and continues to hold on to and develop whatever it fancies at the time. And this is where we have to step in and take charge again. Who wants to re-write Ulysses, after all (the James Joyce novel, not Homer’s less boring effort)?

It also means that I have a growing collection of stories with considerable potential but hastily cobbled together endings. If I can crack the problem of kicking the mind into action when it’s been playing in the fields all day, I might be able to produce some reasonably decent stuff.

Word count: 246
October 5, 2021 at 6:48pm
October 5, 2021 at 6:48pm
Summation of the Day

Ingratitude is its own reward.

Not too sure what it means but it sounds good.
September 30, 2021 at 11:43am
September 30, 2021 at 11:43am
Fear of Heights

A very wise and intelligent woman once told me that she was not afraid of heights. She added that she was not even bothered about falling off them. What worried her, she maintained, was that she did not think she would handle the landing particularly well.

I have thought about this for many years and have decided that, in contrast to my wife (for that is whom I have been speaking of), I really am scared of heights. This has nothing to do with falling off them or even landing after that event. I am fully aware of the wonderful views that can be obtained by standing on precarious heights but this has no bearing on my feelings regarding them. The plain fact is that I'm scared of heights because I'm scared of heights. It's really that simple and has nothing to do with some event in early life that gave me good reason to be so scared. There have been scary moments involving heights, it's true, but I can remember that I was already scared of heights before those events. I never climbed trees as a kid - there seemed no valid reason to put myself through so frightening an experience. When invited by some daredevil friend to risk life and limb by scaling some edifice for no apparent reason, I always declined to accept his kind offer. My feet are only happy when firmly in contact with the ground, as I have proved in the occasional airline flights I have endured. I am a man of the earth, a creature of solid ground, a hobbit indeed.

Understand how freeing is this revelation that has come to me so late in life. I am no longer bound to feel diminished by my fear of heights, I have no need to rationalize it or give feeble excuses, there is no law that insists I give a reason for my unreasoning fear. I am scared of heights because I am scared of heights. Deal with it.

Word count: 336

September 29, 2021 at 12:38pm
September 29, 2021 at 12:38pm
Little Thoughts

It seems I have entered my minimalist phase. Having finished my daily offering of a poem for Express It In Eight, I decided to bash out a few reviews. This took me to Read & Review but, before I could find anything that demanded my review, I was waylaid by a photograph of a very large sunflower.

Being as contrary as I am, my mind immediately transported me to those tiny flowers one sees sometimes in the undergrowth or on a background of moss in shadowed areas. I was moved to write a poem to one such humble and diffident creature.

This turned out to be a very small poem to a tiny aspect of nature and I chose the font accordingly (thereby making a sarcastic comment on all shape poems but I doubt anyone will notice that).

It was in placing the poem in my folder for Poetry 2021, that I noticed that I appeared to be following a theme. The last poem before this one happens to be entitled Dwarf Planet. Clearly, I have discovered a penchant for the very small.

Tiny Flower  (E)
Greeting to a tiny flower.
#2259219 by Beholden

Dwarf Planet  (E)
A lament for Pluto.
#2258823 by Beholden

Word count: 181
September 24, 2021 at 1:40pm
September 24, 2021 at 1:40pm
Chicken Thoughts

Chicken is to us what the rabbit is to predators. It’s a staple food that no one dreams of trashing. The nannies of the world rail against every other form of meat but none dare touch the chicken. It’s so innocuous that we can even fry it and everyone is happy.

No wonder no one wants to be a chicken.

Word count: 60
September 19, 2021 at 8:37pm
September 19, 2021 at 8:37pm
Thought for Another Day

The problem with the brain is that it has a mind of its own.

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