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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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May 15, 2023 at 12:51pm
May 15, 2023 at 12:51pm
Prompt: AI
What are your thoughts on AI? Should we rejoice or should we be afraid of it?


I asked this question because I am not sure of the answers myself. Come to think of it, no one is, considering that some of the founders of AI (from Google) have resigned, and they are afraid of it.

Then, too much power is always a frightening concept to swallow and people have been frightened at the onset of almost every new discovery. It is our human frailty or our defense, if you will, to be afraid of things we can't fully comprehend.

Then, my take is, how should we treat something we are not too sure of. From a distance or by getting closer to it? I am guessing, and only guessing, that learning more about it shouldn't be too risky. Anyway, AI is either at the door or it is coming in, once its childhood is over.

Thus, taking advice from the saying, "If you can't beat them, join'em" I accepted NewsGPT to send me its news. NewsGPT is AI generated news and they have a website: newsgpt.AI

When you look at it, it isn't .com or .edu or .org. It is an entity all by itself. It is .AI and its news is straight with no ads, cut and dry. Very dry, in fact. And nothing like the regular news we are so used to.

This made me think that the writing professions had to be AI's first target. Any writing by a person somehow feels warmer, more human. And who says AI is human! It is a machine. A machine liable to take over the writing industry. And maybe it may just learn to be more human than we are. Aren't you still threatened?

For that reason alone, we need to get to know it better. So we can survive together with AI.

Having said that, I have never used the ChatGPT. I am not much of a chatter and I don't know what it entails, but the AI news I can read and not participate. In short, I am treating it with kid gloves.

Plus, I don't know about the other areas of life that AI may stick its nose in; however, it is coming and we better know what we are doing with it.

May 14, 2023 at 10:48am
May 14, 2023 at 10:48am
May 13

Use these words in your blog: door, burst, horizon, cliche and gravestones. Have fun!


such a cliche sight
for when I go out the door
I see gravestones
walking on the road
because "We Cannot
Stop for Death"
and on the horizon
gray clouds burst,
motioning we all fade
away, out of the way
since birth
and we forget
or do not get that
all stories end
sooner or later.


May 12

In the span of ten minutes you've broken a mirror, walked under a ladder and spilled salt. Obviously, I'm trying to trigger.....
It's your blog, have fun.


memories like gnats
buzz around my head
since I've just broken a mirror,
and spilled salt on the cut
of my finger
to escape the omens and hide
I run outside to hear
the low snoring sound of
the tide, then I walk under
your invisible ladder and my heart
makes a thumping sound
recalling your
final laughter like spun sugar,
melting and sinking
into me
so I raise my cut finger
to heavens and say,
"No one else is to blame, and
what a shame!
This is all your doing!"

May 10, 2023 at 10:46am
May 10, 2023 at 10:46am
Just what do you mean
I am not being allowed
to miss the boat?
Don't you know I already
missed it
as it passed me by
though I noticed
its huge shape
and heard its warning horn
and the captain's
desperate shout?

But knowing I'd miss
the boat anyhow,
I chose to drive
my own car
and waved goodbye
at the boat,
its warning horn,
and the frenzied captain
though I always fancied
the sea

Yet, as nothing goes
quite as planned,
who'd know I'd crash the car
and stand stranded
in the middle of the road
like the joke I am
dreaming of
the wide open ocean
out there
with the blues


No one will be allowed to miss the boat. Write about this in your Blog entry today.

May 8, 2023 at 2:56pm
May 8, 2023 at 2:56pm

Prompt: Day 2727 May 8, 2023
Which kinds of relationships --family, friendship, love/romance, etc.-- lift you up and not drag you down? What does this depend on, the people, the circumstances, or you yourself?


Relationships bond us to one another and they can form a person’s perception about life and their past, present, or future adaptations to other people. We are all human after all and we need other people to relate to, for a life worth living.

Any relationship is about give and take. This doesn't have to be 50-50, but the ratio can swing either way depending on the situation. This also needs to be acceptable and comfortable for both sides. In any relationship, we need to remember that everyone is and needs to be independent, and it is important not to be too demanding of the other person.

Talking about myself, most relationships I had have lifted me up in some way, and rarely did I feel dragged down. The feeling of being dragged down happens when the other person has a problem and thus, becomes a problem. In that case, one either needs to hightail it from out of their sight or stay and deal with them. I have done both. The first kind, I ran away from a person when I couldn't help them or reason with them. Most of those "difficult" people, however, I found them to be traumatized or hurt in some way. And if they responded positively to my presence and my trying to help them, I did stay, and to this day, I am glad I did.

I think my dealing with difficult people depends on circumstances, their and mine past experiences and our stance on life, and in addition, my very own boiling point. If I feel I can't handle a person, I'm out of there in no time, as I am not any saint or a self-sacrificial lamb. I don't have to take any crap that I cannot handle.

April 8, 2023 at 10:52am
April 8, 2023 at 10:52am
Prompt: “A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew, A cloud, and a rainbow's warning, Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue– An April day in the morning.”


Where I am, this April morning is humid and hot. The kind of exquisite mornings the quote hints at, I said goodbye to those in February.

Although, at this time on 10:36 in the morning--according to the time on my laptop--I still have the doors and windows open, to air the house, and in another half-hour to an hour, I'll have to close everything and turn on the AC, since it is very humid today and the temp may hit high 80s or even a 90 something.

Yet, I remember April mornings of long ago in LI, NY, when we lived with our children in a house with a two-acre yard filled with oak trees and bird songs and perfect blue skies. But life goes on. Now my grown-up children have their own homes and lives, and I am left here by myself, although nothing's too bad, and I can't complain of the weather since the warmer climate is good for arthritis and its co-dwellers in my body.

So, I may go out on the porch in a little while and expose my knees to the direct beams of the sun to get the best kind of vitamin D3.

April 4, 2023 at 4:51pm
April 4, 2023 at 4:51pm
Prompt: When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles. -- Winnie The Pooh
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


To be frank, I’m all puddled out. Playing in the puddles, I suppose, is good when you’re a pooh bear, not when you’re an 80 yr. old woman.

I find, however, the idea of putting things into a sunnier perspective and allowing myself a moment of reflection--before jumping straight back into living the immediate life and handling the daily toil and challenges--works okay for me as it lets me see a situation through completely different eyes. And who knows, sometimes, I can even come up with a new way to tackle the challenges.

In general, though, writing down what needs to be taken care of and doing it immediately, knowing what may distract me, not multitasking if I can help it, and sticking to a daily ritual make my life go smoother.

Then, in every day affairs, being able to laugh at my own goof-ups helps, too. I guess that can be substituted for playing in the puddles.
April 1, 2023 at 2:05pm
April 1, 2023 at 2:05pm
Prompt:"Make a Mistake"
Write a poem for the first day of National Poetry Month. Have fun.


April One

soon April will commence fully
from beneath the surging time
when I have perched
on the edge of memory
where, through oak trees
a ghostly light shines
down on dark woods,

but here-around me-are
the Windmill Palms, their hands
opening high to the sky,
for blessed indeed
are the songs
of warblers and sparrows

yet, again, I'm a fool today
with my naive poetry
its lines executed so hastily
then to be left alone
like a wet painting

February 10, 2023 at 11:58am
February 10, 2023 at 11:58am
Prompt: What things are you thankful for at this time?


For everything. First of all, for having given a chance at life and for all the years I've lived. In fact, I express my thankfulness every night before I go to bed by writing down the details of all the things I was thankful for during the day. I have notebooks and notebooks of thanking over the years. I am doing this for myself, not for anyone else, as this practice lifts up my mood in general.

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“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” ― Cassandra Clare
Let this quote influence your blog....


I am not sure about this quote. First, I don't see how anyone can determine what a "weak-mind" is. In fact, I know someone who is a member of the upper echelon of Mensa who clearly dislikes literature and poetry, calling them fake.

On the other hand, I am mainly and greatly influenced by literature and poetry and so is the family I was born into. I think poetry is a form that has been practiced to reflect human emotions since the dawn of civilization. Poets, first in front of their caves and later on stage, put their emotions into words and described rivers, winds, dark skies, flowers, sunshine, animals, and danger. They were happy, sad, humorous, worried, or scared. Some of those, later on, were sung or orated at a war scene to scare the enemy or any other gathering to add spice to life.

Most or all of the oral and written literature did the same thing, later on. The way I see it, most literature and poetry is about humanity and the different perceptions of the writers who use different tones and viewpoints to reflect who we are as species. Then, literature also influences other forms of art, such as songs, music, visual arts, and stage. Sometimes it is the other way around when the music and arts influences the writers and poets. Still, the whole exchange has to do with humanity.

As to those who may call Literature and Poetry "fake" or those who call others who have a different opinion "weak-minded," I have to say what they call fake is as real as humanity and that everyone has a right to their opinion. And as a human being, I do respect your stance on the matter and I'd never call you or anyone else with derogatory names and attributes, but by shunning poetry and literature, you don't know what you are missing in this life.

February 6, 2023 at 11:37am
February 6, 2023 at 11:37am
Some experiments have shown that certain smells bring back old memories from our pasts. Taking off from these findings, which memories does your nose remember?


Marcel Proust, in Remembrance of Things Past, talked about smells and their ability to bring out long lost memories, possibly about a hundred years ago.

Smells have an unusual power to bring back memories, maybe because smell signals bypass the thalamus and head straight to their destinations, possibly directly to amygdala which is the supervisor of emotions in our brains. But this is an old way of looking at the pathways of smells and memory. Newer findings show an all around multi-faceted ways of the brain and the tricky manner it brings about anything into our consciousness. Whatever may be the correct version of how this happens, I do have a treasure trove of memories attached to smells.

Such as... my grandmother's pastries baking and that aroma fluttering through the house all the way to its third story, the smell of the earth after a rain, the odor of the compost pile at the corner of the backyard, my mother's perfume with the scent of jasmine, and later on, the joy I felt inhaling the baby smells, especially when I touched my nose to my newborns' necks, the smells from my once-upon-a-time rose garden, the aroma of grass right after mowing the lawn, the smell of piping hot tea or cocoa on chilly days, the scent of the crackling logs in the fireplace, the smell of garlic on my hands after I take a whole head apart to use in cooking, the scent of Old Spice on my husband, and the aroma of the honeysuckle plant on the back-porch, which never lasted long enough for me...

Come to think of it, none of the aromas and scents last long enough, neither do the people we love, but just maybe...their memories that leave behind only traces of themselves.
February 4, 2023 at 12:00pm
February 4, 2023 at 12:00pm
How was January for you?


January was January as always, weather-wise. It was cooler than usual some days, and warmer than other days, in relation to the regular hot-to-warm Florida weather. What made this January so special is my older son's having come to stay with me for two months, until the end of February, which makes me think I am so lucky with sons who don't want their mother stay alone for very long. So January was great and busy, as is this February, and at the moment, I am set to enjoy every single day of it.

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Ground Hog Day


I don't believe in the myth that the groundhog can predict the weather. It is a fact that the animal has been right only 30-40 %, during the time its data was kept, whereas the weather people were correct at least 60% of the time. These percentages do not say much for either party, but we'll take what we get.

There is, however, that movie, which highlights the situations in our lives when the same negative, monotonous, or even positive experiences may occur repeatedly. Some of those also occur repeatedly with no change or correction. I can come up with a few in my long life, but that would take a novel and, silly me, I have already talked too much and too long about an animal's predictions.

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Recall a memory that has emotional not sentimental value for you. Now think about an image or object that triggers that significant moment, conflict or crisis. Write about it. Do you find writing helps you in circumstances like this?


My house is on a golf course. A few years ago, we witnessed a huge hawk swoop down on a squirrel and kill it while we watched the horror from our back porch. Granted the hawk immediately sat on the squirrel and broke its neck, proving that nature is much kinder than the mankind. Next, it grabbed the lifeless squirrel in its talons and flew off.

Now, I have a small black cat and I'm very much alertand on edge that she doesn't leave the covered porch and the house. Granted my cat is larger than that squirrel but you never know. The trouble with predators like hawks is that you don't see or notice them at first when they go in action, and when you do, it may be too late, then.

I am not sure if writing helps with things like this. There are other instances where I wrote about such stuff, under a veil or not, but that stuff didn't go away from my mind at all. On the other hand, I like writing and that's why I write in the first place.

January 28, 2023 at 10:44am
January 28, 2023 at 10:44am
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. Your thoughts on this King quote.


When we take a look at the surface of things, hard work on whatever we can do does not seem like a lot of fun, as some of us, sometimes, stay idle and is not encouraged to take action. As the quote says, we may opt to do what we can do since the circumstances of working hard and keeping up the action provide a huge competitive advantage, and not only with others but with ourselves. Moving forward and challenging ourselves to do more than we think can be possible, as it increases our value as a human being and, most of the time, pleasantly surprises us at what we'll be able to do.

Especially when we have a purpose, like MLK, using all the courage and boldness we can muster, especially with things related to our purpose, is highly beneficial. This way we are avoiding being idle and, also with some intelligence, we are helping the society we're in. This way no one, especially our own selves, can accuse us for not doing the best that we could.

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“Which is the true nightmare, the horrific dream that you have in your sleep or the dissatisfied reality that awaits you when you awake?”
― Justin Alcala


A dream can be more real than we think. The relationship between dreams and everyday life provide clues as to how our consciousness operates, since our minds are able to turn any information into a multidimensional and sometimes very scary reality. A bad dream is how we look at it, but then, isn't reality similar to a dream by depending on our observation of it?

We disregard a close inspection of dreams because they end when we wake up. My take on this is, when there's a horrific dream we should examine it as to what caused it. This is because our minds have a will of their own and they shape and misshape things, and then, throw them at us. It is nerve-tangling to wake up from a bad dream that seemed every bit as real as real life. But then, who can really, exactly vouch for the truthfulness of reality either? As life is a puzzle, so is reality and the dreams it causes. Yet, we should not confuse dreams with reality as this is a borderline personality disorder.

Then, for me, I prefer the not-so-great reality, only because I have the option of taking a good look at it sensibly and pragmatically, instead of trying to unknot the strings of a bad dream to see the reason behind its hideousness and dread.

January 26, 2023 at 11:30am
January 26, 2023 at 11:30am
Prompt: What does the word adventure mean to you? Write about this in your Blog entry today


Adventure's definition in the dictionary is "an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity." In my opinion, this fits somewhat exactly what life is. Except life is much more than that, at least from where we mortals stand. Life can be good or bad, but it is sometimes, annoying, exciting, totally debilitating, dangerous, unusual, and more than anything, fleeting. Life is also a teacher of sorts, whether we learn from it or not. If we do, for what use this knowledge is depends on the imagination or the belief systems we adhere to.

In its more condensed forms, adventure may mean a trek, an experience, a voyage, a relationship, etc. But these are like the crumbs with which we feed the birds. Not the whole loaf. The whole loaf, in my opinion, is life itself.

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Prompt: Take a line from one of your favorite poems and write a blog entry about it.


Geez, this is tough because I don't have a favorite poem but many favorite poems. I think I'll go with Jenny Joseph's Warning

"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter."

Funny, but this poem now reminds me of one of my cousins who had a very conventional life, but in her old age, she is doing everything she wanted to do but didn't while she could have. Her now life so reflects this poem in its entirety!

Now, at 78, my cousin sings in a local chorus, acts on stage for amateurs, writes poetry, and paints beautiful paintings and had a few successful gallery shows. She is now compensating for what she wished to do but couldn't or didn't when she could have.

Then, fittingly, there's another line to this poem, which says, “And make up for the sobriety of my youth.” I like the contrasts expressed here--especially against society's expectations--and the tenderness and the rashness all bound together.

Then, as a coincidence, right now, I am also wearing a purple shirt and purple pants. And the cousin I wrote about is only a year younger than me. *Wink*

January 21, 2023 at 10:31am
January 21, 2023 at 10:31am
Is anyone else in sticker shock? 9.99 for 18 eggs, 6.00 for a gallon of milk., 4.99 for bread ... What are you paying for basic food supplies?


Yes, everything has gone up together with the gas prices, some more than others. I am a BJ's member and I buy most things in bulk so I don't have to go shopping too often anymore and get annoyed. Also, with gas, also from BJ's, the last time I filled the gas tank was about two weeks ago, and it cost $2.77 a gallon and the tank is still nearly full. If this sounds like an ad for BJs, it shouldn't be because they sell things in large amounts and for those things that may spoil, I still go to the local grocery. Luckily, both stores are nearby, and I am not in love with driving in the first place. I also know how to freeze some of the produce that comes in bulk. That helps.

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What are you holding on to that doesn’t serve you anymore? Maybe you have fake friends or are in a toxic workplace. These are dead ends that do you more harm than good. Cutting ties and making changes are scary and painful. Imagine how many good things can happen when you free up the space in your mind. Write about something you've let go of....or about too.

I don't get rid of friends that easily and I don't make them as easily either. If friends drift away on their own, for any reason, it's their choice. From my point of view, there are no fake people or friends, just those who have different values than mine.
Then, there are objects around the house that I haven't gotten rid of because they have some emotional value like my late husband's favorite sweater and things from the family that I don't know what to do with and neither can I part with them.
And of course there are photos and albums galore. No one I know keeps photo albums like I do as everything is digital nowadays and I am sure it is a big help for those living in a tight place, but I am still living in the house we owned since 1993 and a few extra memoranda are acceptable to me.
The only thing I have to let go could be the armchairs around the dinette that became wobbly over the years, but since they still work, I am thinking about them. I may get new chairs soon.
January 19, 2023 at 11:39am
January 19, 2023 at 11:39am
Prompt: The past is no where I want to go back to. That's the only thing I'm running from.


I am not really running away from the past, but I am not going back to it either. Past happened, done away with, and I lived through it mostly with joy or acceptance.

Yes, there were hurts, too, but they were lessons, also. Then, there are those many people lost to me, a hundred percent of them "dearly beloved" and I will always rejoice when recalling their joy and what they left in me and taught me about life, sometimes by providing some serious tests and introspection. But as I said, the past is done, finished, and I have to look forward for what little time is left to me here on earth.

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Prompt: "Celebrate endings for they precede new beginnings." Jonathan Lockwood Huie Write about this in your Blog entry today.Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I am not sure each ending can provide a new beginning. But maybe going on with life, taking things as they come could be more like it. Then, there are always millions of new beginnings in life wherever one turns to and decides to give one of those a go.

I don't know if I can celebrate any ending. Neither would I care to. Some of the things that ended were too good to exist forever in this storm-ridden planet, in the first place. Did I feel sad and tormented with such endings? The answer is a big YES, but then, there isn't much I or anyone else can do about it. Endings are endings.

January 14, 2023 at 10:26am
January 14, 2023 at 10:26am
Prompt: As Martin Luther King's birthday approaches I remember his I Have A Dream speech and I think of all the things I've dreamed of in my life time. What have you dreamed of in your lifetime?


Whatever I dreamed of for myself in my lifetime either came true or whatever happened in its place was acceptable enough for me. After all, it is a short life no matter how long we are in it, and at the end, who cares!

Yet, what I have dreamed of outside myself, very few have materialized. Shall I start with world peace and my wishes for friends, family, and for all people I haven't even met?

MLK wrote and delivered this speech about his concerns as to racial justice and equality. I am not sure how to define equality but as to racial justice, I think we're getting there, however slowly.

As to equality, we are not all born equal as if factory made, are we? To begin with, we all have different brains, modes, and fingerprints, and our bodies work so differently from one another. Come to think of it, the failing of medical knowledge happens when the doctors fail to think of us as individuals rather than being factory-made. So can true equality be achieved? I think not.
January 12, 2023 at 11:09am
January 12, 2023 at 11:09am
Prompt: Imagine your own secret lair. Describe what's inside.


Focusing on what I might like at the time when I build my lair, although I wouldn't bet on it, as I change my mind so often, especially lately---

My lair has to have a bathroom and a large room its sliding doors overlooking a green vista of grass and those plants of mine. Inside the lair, I have a whole wall of books, those that I bought and never got around to read. Who could when there was Kindle? Then, a comfy bed good for sitting in and reading with a nightstands on its both sides and on top of the nightstands a pitcher of water with a glass, a small laptop, pens and notebooks, my phone, and my several eyeglasses in their cases.

And nothing and no one to die, malfunction, or give me any kind of grief as I plan to stay in my lair forever and ever.
September 18, 2021 at 12:52pm
September 18, 2021 at 12:52pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
“Reading at meals is considered rude in polite society, but if you expect to succeed as a writer, rudeness should be the second-to-least of your concerns. The least of all should be polite society and what it expects.”― Stephen King
How do you feel about someone reading through dinner? Do you agree with King that exceptions should be made?


Reading is my favorite (a)vocation. There is no problem for me to read something at the table, but only if I am the only one there.

If I am eating with others, I expect myself and everyone else to pay attention to the food and the company. This has nothing to do with politeness, but it has to do more with being anti-social and lacking respect for the food and consideration to the family and company.

The exception may be if the entire family accepts someone reading at the table or if dinnertime is also the reading time for the family. For example, if there is an enthusiastic child who is just learning to read and s/he is too involved with this task, I think. temporarily, it is okay for that child to read at the table.

On the other hand, one has to take into account that in our busy lives, we rarely see and relate to one another even in the same family, and eating together can close this gap in some way.

As to agreeing with Stephen King, as accomplished as he is, I don’t think I do, but not because it is rude to read at the table, but because it harms the family relationships, and each good writer has to know more about relationships to be able to write about them and to come up with believable characters, if writing fiction.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From 🎼 RRodgersWrites 🎶 ’ "🏆 A Piece of Our Ancestors
Write about ancestors.

Beautiful poem, btw, about holding a piece of one’s family’s past. You just have to read it.

As to ancestors, they are our forefathers and mothers possibly with a genetic relationship. According to Scientific American, “Humans are all more closely related than we commonly think.”

This is because when researching our families’ pasts, branches mostly don’t go on their way and away. Instead, many of our ancestors occupy multiple slots in our family trees. In other words, we are all inbred, which makes us all relatives if not in the near past but in the distant past. As the magazine suggests, we all may have something in us from Queen Nefertiti, for example.

Something to think about, especially when we war and fight with one another. Don’t you think?

August 22, 2021 at 12:41pm
August 22, 2021 at 12:41pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt by Lyn: My 65th birthday approaches and people have commented that I've finally reached a monumental birthday. Everyday, I'm alive is monumental.
But since the conversation, I've thought about different birthdays over the years so I'm going to ask you which birth year sticks out the most in your memories? Why? Was it because of a place or the people you were with?


I am not sure my own birthday is so important; at least, it isn’t to me. But I value and appreciate each year we are given the gift of life. So, talking about years instead of birthdays…

One year that sticks out in my memory is the most splendid and full of love, and the most annoying and the most active and the most troublesome year of 1966. In that year, I married my husband who would be with me for 54 wonderful years, lived with my in-laws for several months, prepared and finished a thesis, thought high school for six months on the side, got pregnant and lost the baby and moved away from family, established in a different place and by the end of that year, I felt knocked down breathless totally, but still it was a good year. *Rolling*

I’ve had other active years after that one, but in that one I was fish out of water, totally inexperienced in many areas. That is another reason which makes me appreciate 1966 for all the joys and the learning and the hardships and the people and challenges that I dealt with and came out AOK, (I think).

Thus, to that year and all the others, I thank you for your service!

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt by Megan: From SeanFear ’s "If The World is Made of Gold
What if the world was made out of gold? Write about this…


The poem itself was so beautiful that saying anything else about it would be for naught.

So, I’ll just say what I can come up with about the question. If the world was made out of gold, and I mean the metal gold, we wouldn’t be here, would we?

Even if we were, at its best, since everything else were to be metallic, we would be metallic, too, for we’d eat gold, hear gold, see gold, and look shiny and yellow. And when the sun’s rays would heat up the place, we’d all soften and run into one another and everything else.

Yet, if I take the question through its abstract meaning, not only our particular life circumstances but also the time period in which we live would be reflected in our being and work. From that point of view, we would either exist or reflect like any metal, say aluminum, zinc, iron, platinum, copper, or gold.

One thing common among us would be that we would be able to conduct electricity. (Define electricity through your own understanding here.) Still, even now, without exactly being a metal, we do conduct electricity, don’t we!

I think, not what kind of a metal we could be but to which degree we let electricity pass through us to others and our environment would be the most important thing, then, and it still is. *Wink*
August 20, 2021 at 11:03am
August 20, 2021 at 11:03am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be but before you start pointing fingers...make sure you hands are clean!” ― Bob Marley
Do you think Bob is right, people shouldn't be pointing fingers? Do you think people are more judgmental now than 25 years ago or about the same?


Although I don't have access to any reliable statistics on the people's judgmental behavior over the years, Marley does have a point.. Yet, what he says is a blanket statement and doesn’t cover all situations. Then, he is also doing exactly the thing he puts down. He’s pointing fingers at judgmental people.

Yes, I have to be judgmental (to a degree) so I don’t make friends with a serial killer or a seasoned burglar who could use my or my friends’ identities and harm us in a few other ways.

Yet, should I be judgmental about every single person I meet? Definitely not. In fact, good will, understanding, and benefit of doubt are my go-to stance and action with everyone, be it she or he is a homeless person or filthy rich or has a purple skin color or if she laughs at sad things.

On Marley’s side, though, lies the fact that we shouldn’t point fingers at first sight or opinion. We all have brains that hopefully work to our advantage, and understanding and accepting differences among all peoples should be our common goal, so we don’t hurt anyone or get hurt ourselves by our own thoughts and actions.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: drifter writes about tennis in "Tennis Anyone. Can someone explain tennis please?


Hahaha! Tennis is unexplainable. Only because it has so much to do with the condition (more mental than physical) that a player is in at the time of her/his match. Then, his stamina and mental health, which could be strong in an ephemeral fashion, can get in his way with positive or negative effects. Then, that stance can change from set to set and even from play to play.

As for me, tennis is nother personal weird thing. I learned to play tennis in high school. I guess, then, I was ranking between average and above average. Years later, during my thirties, a friend of mine took an interest in tennis and asked me to practice with her. Sure enough, we both got into it and entered in a group (I think they called them leagues, Lol!) in a local tennis establishment, called Tennis Time in Kingspark, NY. (I now googled it and found out that it is still there with a name change to SPORTIME Kings Park and with additions of other sports to it.

Coming back to what I was saying, the weird thing was, I was more than pretty good in doubles plays, but I totally sucked in singles. Go figure! So, don’t ask me about tennis. I’ll never figure it out and I have given away all my equipment years ago. It is past history for me. Way-past history!
August 14, 2021 at 10:26am
August 14, 2021 at 10:26am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: How do you feel about the rising increase of people recognized as gender fluid. (gender fluid-denoting or relating to a person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed gender.) Do you think this is a passing trend or the wave of our future?


I don’t know, and I can’t really tell the future. How would we have known all this, say when we were living in the early sixties or even fifties?

My general stance in life is “live and let live” and “to each his/her/its own.” What I oppose to is the attempt by some radical parents aiming at a physical change in very young children just because they express a desire to belong to a different gender.

Little kids say anything. It doesn’t mean they have made a conscious decision. Heck, one of my kids, when four years of age, used to say, “I’m going to marry my mom. No one’s better.” What should I do? Plan a wedding?

We all need to have a serious head on our shoulders before we act on any false impression. Easy to say, right?

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From innerlight member since 2014 ’s "5-8-09 2021


Although this poem’s content seemingly depends on a romantic music box and rings, in essence it is really a sad one, as if a eulogy to someone departed or maybe to something that could but did not happen.

Rather than blabbing on this beautiful poem any longer, I’d like to say something in general on works like this. Given their profound emotional impact, it may make a person wonder why we like to read and write such works especially during our lowest points.

From one point of view, it may be that such works actually put us in a better mood after writing or reading them because we feel validated, as if such works validate our pain. Then, once we feel validated, we can put our problems into perspective and use them as prompts of empathy for others in real life.

When my husband and I, as a young couple, watched a very popular movie during early 1970’s--The Love Story (Erich Segal) with Ali Mac Graw and Ryan O’Neill as actors—we were incensed that they made such a sad movie and wondered why anyone would exploit the melancholy of such a tragedy and make people unhappy.

That was then, though, and we couldn’t relate to that sadness fully. But it is now, and my husband’s gone, and I can definitely relate to such a sadness. Now, I can see the point in such works. Now, they act as if soothing balms for those of us who can relate to them. Now, I know.

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