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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1227752
I am finding my stride and living life in a world filled with chaos and change.
This is a new sig, gifted to me from Kiya a party gift! from the Summer Potluck Party!

And here's my Simpsonized picture...Just for fun, I've been Simpsonized!

and my daughter, Baba. Isn't she cute? An image of my daughter as a character from the Simpsons

Actually, I need to upload the whole family, just for the heck of it sometime. Then, I'll always have them right here with me. *Smile*

This journal forced itself into being because I loathe, no, I mean, I love to write. It is a struggle to state what I am thinking inside so a daily blog is just what I need. Not because I want to, I must. My thoughts are begging to be heard before they are lost in the caverns of my mind.

This is one of my new sigs. Transported to the days on on the Nile...delicious!

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January 30, 2013 at 10:52pm
January 30, 2013 at 10:52pm
When I saw the prompt for today...I had to smile a bit. There was a time when I thought I knew the one natural disaster that made me cower, the one that caused me to hide in fear but that was until I visited by this one when we lived in Florida. Yep, anyone who knows Florida probably knows the one I'm about to discuss...briefly. It's almost my sleepy time again and here I am blogging. *mad* I've GOT to do this early in the DAY!!! *Rolleyes* Yeah, right! Anyone that READS my blog knows I never post till the moon is high in the sky...ok. Back to the post...

So, before we, and I say we, because my husband and son were there at the time this threat of a hurricane came over the Clearwater FL area ( and they NEVER get the hurricane warnings), my greatest fear was of tornadoes. Believe me, I'm not really over them because now I'm out of the threat of a hurricane now since we LEFT Florida not long after the hurricane call, tornadoes can still reach me. But back to the hurricane.

It was crazzzy the day when they actually told the town that a cat 3 hurricane was coming up the coast and was in a direct line for Clearwater and we had NO WHERE to GOOOOOO!!!! Oh, my goodness! My mother in law, went to the hospital for shelter and we went back to our 2nd story apt! Oh, it was a brick structure so most of the people there said we would be safe if something came, even though nothing had come through there. We put grey tape, duct tape for those who don't know what grey tape is, on the windows in a cross pattern. Everyone else was doing it so we did too! We took our son to the main bedroom, put the mattress to the door and watched the news...it was amazing what happened.

The weather man, and he was a TRUE meteorologist, not these phonies I see most of the time, said he saw a slight shift in the direction of the storm. Oh, I tell you we prayed and watched..and the storm shifted and turned to an easterly direction. The hurricane winds still came up to Clearwater and blew our grill down the breezeway, rattled some windows but we lived. The town it hit was not so fortunate.

I left FL with a HUGE appreciation for hurricanes...even though I've never actually been in one. *Smile*

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

This is my latest sig from Kiyasama and it is HOT!

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noticing newbies committee sig
January 28, 2013 at 10:06pm
January 28, 2013 at 10:06pm
Well, today we were given an interesting questions for our blog posting. The question was whether we would choose beauty or attractiveness over intelligence. Hmm...

I think that in a different time I might have said I choose beauty for all the fairy tales extolled beauty over everything else. It was the thing that conquered many a mighty man, why even Samson from the Bible was overthrown by a woman's beauty. Or it was something else she did but I'll let you, the tender reader, muse over that one.

However, in this time, intelligence is the thing I would choose over beauty because beauty by today's standard can be purchased and with intelligence, extreme intelligence, you just would be beyond what others thought anyway.

So, that's my post...quick and dirty. Time to turn in...hopefully, I will post earlier for tomorrow's blog. *Smile*

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

This is my latest sig from Kiyasama and it is HOT!

Latest Kiya design sig and I love it!

noticing newbies committee sig

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

silent adore

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January 27, 2013 at 11:02pm
January 27, 2013 at 11:02pm
Well, here I am again...and it's too late to post what I might have said today. *Sad* Just busy working on school projects for my daughter and watching the weather turn ugly around here. We're getting ice/rain mixture tomorrow and we don't know how to drive in it! *Shock*

Oh, I'd better go to sleep...I'll write more tomorrow, I think.


The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

silent adore

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noticing newbies committee sig
January 22, 2013 at 10:01pm
January 22, 2013 at 10:01pm
This is an interesting topic because it talks about the five things that I feel I must see and do before it is too late and I had to think on what too late was exactly?

Too late because the older I get the less chance I will climb that mountainside? Too late because my eyesight will continue to fail before I see Ireland?

I have always wanted to visit Ireland. Not sure where but I am thinking where there are still some abandoned castles and the rolling countryside. So Ireland is definitely on the list of things to do before it is too late.

The other thing I must do is have another child before it is too late. Yes, you heard it here. My biological clock is ticking and the grey is showing, and our daughter is getting older. It's my blog and it's what I want to do. *Smile* Now, this will hamper possibly the traveling but we'll take care of that when the time comes.

Three more things...oh, yes. My husband would like to travel the US before it is too late. We would take a RV and just see America. I want to see it too and I'd love to see Mount Rushmore again before it's carved over or something.

Rushmore doesn't count on my list. It's part of the US traveling plan.... . Ok, two more to go. Visit the Sistine Chapel to see the beautiful artwork. They don't paint like that much anymore.

And lastly, take a trip to New Zealand...this one is inspired by the Lord of the Rings and the Shire. Yes, I am a Tolkien fan and I would love to see this beautiful countryside. (Yes, the countryside again! I have a thing for it. *Smile*)

It's all possible, especially if we plan it.

Well, till next time. *Smile*


The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

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January 21, 2013 at 9:38pm
January 21, 2013 at 9:38pm
For today's post, we were asked to discuss the one thing we no longer worry about. Well, I can say with full assurance that I no longer worry about getting to work on time because I am a stay home MOM these days! *Bigsmile*

For years, I fussed about my time, always getting up just so that I could make it to work for many years. The happiest days of my life came when we decided I would stay home to raise our daughter, and help her through homeschooling. Gone was the stress; gone are the coworkers looking for gossip; now there is only peace and our family.

Ah, life is good! *Smile*

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

** Image ID #1396102 Unavailable **

** Image ID #1664809 Unavailable **

noticing newbies committee sig
January 20, 2013 at 9:07pm
January 20, 2013 at 9:07pm
I'm not in the best mood to write today, and I wanted to write yesterday when the topic was "who do you admire most in your life or from the world?" My title is a terrible paraphrase of the original but the point is, I didn't write and now, my face is hurting, so now I must go find some meds.


January 16, 2013 at 7:06pm
January 16, 2013 at 7:06pm
Soft homemade oatmeal cookies with raisins

I did say oatmeal cookies brought back favorite childhood memories...homemade ones with a smell that filled our humble home. ♥

There is a back story to this because I must admit that we lived with our own personal cookie monster...my mother. She adored, and still loves, cookies, in any shape or form but due to our humble estate, other varieties were consumed less often. However, since we ate oatmeal pretty regularly, we had oatmeal on hand...and cookies were made by my mother with love. It was always a happy experience when oatmeal cookies were prepared. Me and my sister would sit in the kitchen and watch our mother put the mix together. My eyes watched with hawk-like intensity since I purposed in myself to learn the recipe for my own. *Smile* I enjoyed baking from a young age, so I wanted to master the oatmeal recipe. I even enjoyed them with raisins. We ate them for snacks back then and didn't think much about how they looked. Oh, now the things we feed our children today and I'm guilty as the rest!

I loved the brand Mrs. Allison's Homemade cookies, as well, when we couldn't bake them. Once I moved away I couldn't find those soft cookies here in Indiana but it might be because their cookies are from a local manufacturer from Hazelwood, MO, which is my hometown.

So ,there you go. Nothing real special but eating homemade oatmeal cookies reminds me of some of the most enjoyable times in my life, when the days were innocent and it was alright to play all day. *Smile*

Well, off to catch the season premiere of American Idol...hope this won't be time wasted. Of course, it is, and I'm not fooling anyone, especially myself. *Rolleyes* Catch ya later...

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

** Image ID #1396102 Unavailable **

Latest Kiya design sig and I love it!

noticing newbies committee sig
January 14, 2013 at 9:33pm
January 14, 2013 at 9:33pm
My Worst Quality

For today's blog entry, we are to discuss our worst qualities about ourselves...oh, boy! This one shouldn't be too hard to speak about since I posted this in a rant a few weeks back. However, I will try to be a bit more logical sounding as well as slightly academic.

If I were being honest, which I am, I'd have to say that my worst quality is my lack of organization. I am not an orderly person, and I know some of these traits are taught so, I can't honestly be blamed for what my parents didn't do themselves. Oh, wait! They were unorganized too, well, not my Dad but he didn't share it and I never learned it. What is amazing to me is watching someone who is organized dive into an unorganized mess. They can see it arranged in their mind. When I look at an unorganized mess I see my life stretching out in front of me, in an endless piled up mess that I can never arrange.

This year I set it as one of my resolutions to try to get organized because I do not want my youngest child to end up like me, where things get worked out or put away but it is all consuming and draining to finish. I mean, I'm the one who will gladly go trim the hedges before organizing the living room or dusting. To be honest, and I'm starting to dig deep...can't go too deep for this blog posting, but I just think it all is related to yada-yada.

If anyone here is still a Seinfield fan,this is from the "Yada Yada" episode where George's girlfriend uses the term "yada yada" to gloss over things she doesn't want to discuss. It was hilarious and there's a Youtube video on it if you want to see it. Anyway, that's where I'm at with it. I used to do chores as a child, and in my teenage years and yada-yada, I don't do them unless its necessary.

So, I don't know what it is and I am sure many women's opinion of me just dropped dramatically by this confession but it's true and it's my life. It's not pretty at all, and I've had to live with myself, and so has my husband who thankfully did not pick up this bad quality. His good quality of being organized did not rub off on me either but I know he had to put some ideals aside to live with me all of these years. What some people have to go through for love! *Heart*

That is another post and I'm sure my husband could chime in on that one with a few sidebars...so, there you go. Thanks again for reading my post!

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

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noticing newbies committee sig
January 10, 2013 at 10:28pm
January 10, 2013 at 10:28pm
January 10, 2013: What's worse: extremely cold weather or extremely hot weather?
That was our question for today's blog post and this one is not hard for me to choose. I've lived in a state, or shall I say a city for most of my life, prior to our move to Indiana some 20+ years ago, but when I did live in this city, the weather was always muggy, humid and the heat was oppressive.

So, I am sure you can guess from my opening lines that I'm going to say extreme heat it the worse...and yep, bingo! You win the challenge, you are the prize winner here, because HEAT is something that you can do little about to find relief.

I'm not a swimmer, never learned but that is one of my future plans to learn this in my life but even if I had, we never could afford a pool, and public swimming is an absolute NO for me. I KNOW you can always bundle up or down, put on coats, and sweaters, light a fire, drink loads of tea and coffee to get warm but in the heat? There just isn't enough to do to cool a person down.
Without a doubt, HEAT is the worse one in my book! Hands down. *Thumbsdown**Thumbsdown**Thumbsdown*

Well, I think I've said enough, my kid is still up. I bid thee adieu.

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

This is my latest sig from Kiyasama and it is HOT!

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noticing newbies committee sig
January 9, 2013 at 10:28pm
January 9, 2013 at 10:28pm
When I thought of today's question of what my favorite movie as a child was, and since it was when I was a child, it had to be an oldie but goodie. *Smile* Funny how time just sneaks up on you like a stalker. Anyway, I have to say, and this will sound cliche but my fave movie as a child was the Wizard of Oz.
It was, and still is, a favorite of mine because it still has the capacity to captivate the audience in spite of all of the advances with technology today. A good movie will always be that because of solid actors who were dedicated to their craft, the "technicolor" that changed from black and white to color once Dorothy was in the land of Oz, and the story tied to others in their respective parts of the country.
There was Dorothy, Aunt Em and I forget the uncle's name but I am not alone in that, I am sure.
There wasn't any Black people in the movie, so I didn't relate to it on that level. I think that if you look at it intelligently, as I have had to in a society that has consistently denied that blacks live the similar lives as their white counterparts, and therefore their children just might dream of a place far away and could appreciate a world like the land of Oz, just as I did as a child. I bought this movie last year on Amazon and played it for my daughter who is now 7. She just loved it, just as I did as a wee one. However,I am glad that she is viewing it from a very happy perspective and is only looking at it for the special effects and the ruby slippers worn by Dorothy.
It's interesting how you can take the same movie, and show it again, and depending on the circumstances the person exists in, they see it from a totally opposite perspective. I'm glad my daughter feels secure in our home and can live confidently in her world. It makes all the disparity between the two.
Yes, I did enjoy the Wizard of Oz as a child because it provided a world that was dreamy and far away from the dirt and ugliness around me, and it allowed me to dream.
Thanks for reading my post! *Smile*

The Tale of Coco Adore:
for friends and fans of the mayhem *Smile*

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