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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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January 8, 2022 at 1:09am
January 8, 2022 at 1:09am
Choices. We make so many each day, continually, each minute, each second. I’m tired just thinking about it. But how dreadful it would be if we were in a situation where we weren’t allowed a choice. Not one single choice. Someone would dress you in the clothes they chose, fed you meals which they decided you would eat whether it was to your liking or not. (Snails and Brussel sprouts, every day!)
You would go to the bathroom only when told to, wear your hair in the style delegated to your age group. Read books of their choice and be allowed to watch television programmes but when and if and what would be decided for you. Bedtime, getting up, lights on or off, temperature regulated to that other persons comfort. I could go on, but I’m starting to think I’ve got an idea for a story😂

As to the question of what I feel is a taboo subject.
I can’t really think of anything, as I’m against all form of censorship. My only gripe is age appropriateness. I really don’t think, I know, children shouldn’t be exposed to pornography at all. I realise of course that ship has sailed. It’s everywhere and available for any child who is allowed free access to the internet.
Personally I won’t read anything with child abuse in it. Not because I’m burying my head in the sand. I know only too well of all the terrible crimes perpetrated against innocent children but I don’t want to put those images in my head when reading or watching movies or television as a form of entertainment. I’m still old fashioned enough to dislike bad language spoken, or shouted out in front of children or anyone really. It’s a form of air pollution as far as I’m concerned. I can swear with the best of them but only in my own home, when I’m provoked, or joking or maybe when I shut my fingers in the car door😩

January 5, 2022 at 9:22am
January 5, 2022 at 9:22am
I wonder why we figure it’s okay to over indulge in chocolates at Christmas. I would never dream of buying a great big box of chocolate selection at any other time. Then people give me chocolates as gifts as well. Because of the heat here in Perth, chocolates need to be kept in the fridge. So each time I open the fridge door to get milk, juice, cheese or anything but chocolate, they are the first thing my eyes are drawn to. Just one, I say, as I pop another delight in my mouth. I reckon I’ve got another week or two then they’ll be gone, thank goodness.

January 6th is the anniversary of the attack on democracy in the US. Even here in Australia it affected us as we watched thugs battle their way in to the Capitol Building. It made us feel sick and scared. It was as if the crazies were taking over. A reminder of what life would be like if law and order broke down. It made me appreciate our law enforcement and the court system.
Even worse though was that the mob was incited to do such a heinous act by a man who was supposed to be a law abiding head of state. Whose main job had been to make his countrymen safe and his “country great again”
We hear now that he sat watching the mob, trash the building and threaten people with violence, on the television somewhere safe.
All I pray for is that Trump never gets elected ever again, I don’t think I could bear seeing his face and hearing that voice ever again. It would be enough to drive me to drink. And chocolate!

Frog in a Hanging Basket

January 2, 2022 at 11:49pm
January 2, 2022 at 11:49pm
Happy New Year to everyone who reads this. There probably aren’t many! At least I know Kåre Enga in Montana will read it because the only reason I’ve got off my backside and I’m writing in my blog at all is because of him and his promised prompts. So, thank you, Kare.
He suggested writing about Butterscotch. Actually there aren’t many things I don’t like in the sweet department but that is one of them, as well as popcorn. They both have the same sort of smell, a little sickly in the case of butterscotch and popcorn has a weird odour, oily and a bit like burnt butter.
I have a very sensitive sense of smell. It drives my husband crazy. I’m almost positive he doesn’t have any.
“What’s that stink?” I say and the dog slinks off to her bed, even if it isn’t her.
The actual worse smell is when a rat/ mouse/ possum dies in the roof. I can smell it days before anyone else and can tell where in the roof space it is with pinpoint accuracy. Which makes my husband’s job of locating it easier.

As for the question re Christianity and it’s relevance in today’s world. As an agnostic, I can’t say for sure. I was raised in a non religious family. We were not baptised but we were still allowed to attend religious instruction at school. We sang hymns at assembly and learned the Lord’s Prayer by rote every day. It didn’t do me any harm I suppose.
My great grandchildren go to a Baptist school, but the only reason is because their mother thinks there’s more discipline there. Another great granddaughter is going to be Christened this year. This is because her father is Catholic but he’s only having his daughter baptised to avoid upsetting his elderly grandmother. I will attend but feel it’s an excuse for a party.
People tend to turn to a God they never even thought of or believed in when there is a catastrophe in their lives. There is so much pretence regarding religion these days. I don’t think Australians are anywhere near as religious as other nationalities. In my experience, the poorest countries are the ones that need to believe in God. They have little else.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

December 6, 2021 at 5:15am
December 6, 2021 at 5:15am
Here we are, just us three. My dog, Lucy, my husband, John, and me.
We’re out for an evening stroll in the park. The sun has sunk below Mundaring’s horizon, but the crowds will be still farewelling it on Scarborough Beach.
We enter a park so different to the one we went to this morning. Then it was bustling and noisy.
A gentle breeze carried the sound of a musician playing a ukulele and singing bush songs throughout the park. Dozens of stalls were selling everything from plants to baby clothes, soaps, jewellery, toys, lotions, jams, and pickles. The vibe was cheerful, happy on this beautiful day, people busying themselves looking at what was on offer, perhaps searching for the perfect Christmas gift for their perfect person.
The markets were held on the grass, spreading out as far as the scout hall and the carpark across from the Old Station Master’s house.

I turned to see if someone was calling to me and saw Mel who runs the ‘Move and Groove’ classes in the hall. I walked over to where she was standing spruiking her classes.
“Hi, … How’s it going? Getting much interest?” I asked
“Not bad,” she replied before she waved to a lady to come over. She introduced us. The lady was holding a collection tin.
“What are you collecting for?” I asked
“Save the hills,” she said.
I nodded wisely.
“That Satterley is still trying to win.” She frowned. “He’s holding private forums now. We need to keep an eye on him.”
I knew she was talking about a developer who is attempting to build a housing estate here in the hills, to much great opposition.
I nod my head in agreement with what she’s saying, “I know, he’s trouble.” I said. “Sorry, I’d better go.” I pointed to John, leaning, waiting. He looked resigned.

The smells coming from the food stalls were tempting, however I was there for a specific reason; to buy a plant for a friend’s birthday.

But now all the people have gone. The park is as if there had been no market there at all.
We wander, just us three, in the relative silence. The day has been warm, the warmest one for many months. The flies are yet to go to bed and are making their annoying presence felt. I swat one away, and nearly knock my glasses from my face. It simply won’t leave me alone.
There is music coming from the pub, I recognise many of the tunes and hum along as we continue our after- dinner stroll.
On the children’s playground, a few stragglers are still squeezing just a little more out of the day. A big sister is hanging on the flying fox with her younger siblings. She is laughing like the child she still is but probably would hate her High School friends to see.
A little kid has fallen off his bike on the gravel path a few hundred metres away from us. As we get closer, I watch as both parents crouch down to his level, reassuring and soothing. Mum picks him up and dad carries the bike. They go on their way; the child has stopped crying and is snuggled safe in his mother’s arms.
I’m reminded of so many, “nice little ride in the park on your bike,” trips, when crying children are comforted and bikes and scooters are carried home.
A wattle bird swoops down and pecks Lucy’s bum, distracting her from her stalking as yet unaware rabbit. We laugh at her obvious annoyance.
We’re turning now to home; the music still plays from the Mundaring Hotel and we’re discussing whether we should go and listen to the band and have a drink. We decide against it.
We pass by the rotunda, and I notice our local homeless man has left his bedroll and blanket there ready for when he leaves the pub later tonight.

Lucy has a last joyous roll on the grass. The end of another perfect day.
November 30, 2021 at 3:29am
November 30, 2021 at 3:29am
PROMPT November 30th

Wow, it's the end of the month! With Thanksgiving behind us (here in the States), and Christmas on the horizon, what, if any, are your Christmas traditions? If you have no holiday traditions, do you have any plans for this month?

Oh my goodness, Christmas again! These days are Sooo different to years gone by. Christmas lunch was always at our house. Children, grandchildren, extended family and friends always gathered around at ours. It was a lot of hard work, preparation and money. Honestly I can’t say I was ever able to enjoy it because I used to run around like a crazy person, making sure everyone was having a great time. When they’d all gone home and I was able to relax with a glass of something, I’d replay the day in my mind and just hope it all went well and everyone was happy.
Nowadays I leave it up to others. We usually get invited to our daughter’s house for lunch. I smile when I see her do some of the same things, but she doesn’t try as hard. She delegates, something I have trouble with. Our other children live too far away to spend Christmas with them.
Christmas is for children. I never tire of seeing the magic of this time of year in the eyes of little ones. That’s where my gaze falls, watching the joy in their faces. Otherwise I’m a little jaded regarding the hype, commercialisation and monetary value placed on gifts.
But I haven’t as yet turned into a Scrooge type of character.
November 28, 2021 at 6:50pm
November 28, 2021 at 6:50pm
PROMPT November 29th

Imagine for a moment that you are near the end of your life. What do you want to have done that would make you feel satisfied?

It doesn’t take much imagination to think about the end of my life. My husband and I are nearer eighty than seventy!
I’ll never be satisfied to say “let’s go, that’ll do.” I really want to see how my little great grandchildren turn out. There’ll always be something I want to still be here for. I REALLY want to see what the future holds technologically. Who wouldn’t want to see what science comes up with next? The new medicines and cures. So no I’ll never be satisfied to die. I’ll always want more days, weeks months and years!
November 28, 2021 at 12:39am
November 28, 2021 at 12:39am
PROMPT November 28th

Hopefully a little change of pace tonight. Write about something intangible: faith, magic, energy, power, or creativity.
Just choose one topic, and write about it.

Well I’m not very spiritual or airy fairy, more into practicality that’s me. However I’ve been watching The Great British Bake-off and I think that cooking incorporates all the things you ask for in today’s prompt. Intangible, faith, magic, power and creativity!
I’m in awe how these contestants take basic ingredients and turn them into something amazing to look at and to taste. It’s a science I know but how does it happen that different people can turn those same ingredients into completely different end products?
November 27, 2021 at 3:54am
November 27, 2021 at 3:54am
PROMPT November 27th

Things have progressed well in your town/city with the Pandemic. So well that you've been allowed to return to the office instead of working from home. Your co-worker Karly, is sneezing and coughing and refuses to wear a mask. Who do you call, or do you let it slide. Tell us why you would act that way.

It’s one of my pet hates. People who come to work with a cold or flu are the most selfish people I know. I refuse to be around with someone who is coughing and sneezing. I would tell the boss that a co worker was spreading disease throughout the office and if the person with the cold doesn’t go home then I expect the boss to allow me to leave.
November 25, 2021 at 9:19pm
November 25, 2021 at 9:19pm
PROMPT November 26th

Today is Thanksgiving here in the United States. I know this is the prompt for tomorrow, but I'm going to give you something to be thankful for. The prompt for tonight is to be yourself. Write whatever is on your mind. Provide your own prompt, so-to-speak. I look forward to reading your posts!

Okay no prompt today. That means I can ramble on about my day then. Went to the shops. Huge mistake! Every man, woman, child and their dogs were there. It’s Black Friday of course.
Didn’t buy a thing because the parking was crazy, it was very hot ( 36 degrees) and I decided it wasn’t necessary to be there. Normally at this time of the year my Christmas shopping would be done and wrapped. But this year for some reason I’ve hardly given it a thought. It looks like either a trip to the Liquor Store for gifts and the supermarket for vouchers. I know, no thought whatsoever but that’s how Im feeling. Maybe the Christmas spirit will hit me later.
My singing group will be singing at the op shop on Tuesday, maybe I can pick up some gifts there!
We’re having a break up parties for the end of the year for singing group and my writing group so I may get into the spirit then.

November 25, 2021 at 1:20am
November 25, 2021 at 1:20am
PROMPT November 25th

We all have something to be thankful about. In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving today. Tell us what you are most thankful for.

I’m thankful to live in Australia and in particular Western Australia. We have been blessed compared to the rest of the World. Geography has a lot to do with our “luck” I suppose. We were able to observe what was happening in the Northern Hemisphere long before Covid arrived here. The separation of Western Australia from the East Coast gave us here in the West an even better advantage. We as a State have been able to say who can come here, ensuring whoever does come in has quarantined and been vaccinated.
Of course folks here still complain about restrictions and lack of liberty. Antivaxers March in the streets, threaten our government officials and their families. But I’m thankful for everything our State Government has done to keep businesses thriving. Local tourism has never been so busy. Yet people still complain.
I have family in the UK where people still die daily and 40,000 people a day still get the virus.

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