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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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July 28, 2021 at 5:54am
July 28, 2021 at 5:54am
PROMPT July 28th

No one is correct every time. Tell us about a time you realised you were mistaken.

Moi? Wrong? Surely not.😂
We all make mistakes. Well everyone except my husband, of course.

It can be very hard to admit when you were wrong, or perhaps just mistaken. I have been proven wrong about people throughout my long life, although not often!
I usually go with my gut when I meet a person for the first time. Not very scientific I admit but it has served me well over the years. Most people have proved me right for good or bad. However, when met my granddaughter’s husband for the first time I just couldn’t warm to him. I was in protective mode. He wasn’t good enough for this treasure of mine. It’s not that I’ve disliked all her boyfriends, in fact I’ve loved them and have been disappointed when she’s given them up and sent them on their way. No. Joe just didn’t seem to fit in. I think the feeling was mutual. But I’ve discovered I was wrong about him. I admit it. He’s proved to be the best person in the world for her.
There have been a few mistakes when travelling. We missed a train in India once. I’d booked a first class sleeper, but turned up a day late. That was a doozy of a mistake. We ended up in a carriage sitting up all night with hundreds of others. Bad mistake, that one.
Another time I booked a flight into the Philippines but the airport which I thought was near the capital, Manila, was in fact four hours drive away. Missed a connection that time. Another bad mistake.
So okay, I’m not infallible. Shoot me.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

July 27, 2021 at 10:00am
July 27, 2021 at 10:00am
PROMPT July 27th

It's been a long day. Work was tougher than normal, you feel run down and dragged out. Now it's time to relax. Tell us how you relax after a day like this, or after any long day.

Today has been one of those days. It’s been traumatic actually. I’m still wound up even though it’s bed time. I thought I’d just say I wasn’t up to blogging tonight and leave it at that but this prompt made me want to write the experience down. So maybe that’s what I do to relax after a hard day, blog!
Our granddaughter went into labour last night with her first baby. How this day had been looked forward to. She had her birth plan and she and her husband had done the classes. She was ready.
Anyway after a fairly hard birth, forceps etc, baby Evie was born. Her little face was bruised but she was safe. Then our granddaughter had a massive haemorrhage, it couldn’t be controlled. There was panic in the room. She thought she was going to die. She was rushed into theatre and had lost two litres of blood before it was brought under control. She’s had blood transfusions. She also has sepsis and is in Intensive care. Poor little Evie is on IV antibiotics too.
She’s going to be okay, but the day certainly has taken it’s toll on all the family. I don’t think we could have coped if the worse had happened.
July 26, 2021 at 12:39am
July 26, 2021 at 12:39am
PROMPT July 26th

We've all faced them at one time or another, and will in the future. Tonight, write about a challenge you faced, and how you overcame it.

Although this isn’t my challenge I am dealing with it alongside my daughter. Her challenge is to get out from under the grip of alcohol. Myself and her father deal with the ramifications of her addictions every day.
She has lost everything and everyone except her parents. Her children don’t speak to her. She’s lost her home, her husband, her kids.
At the moment she is in rehab for the tenth time. She calls us each day, sometimes several times a day. We listen to her struggles and talk to her endlessly. Anything to stop her ending her life.
It’s her challenge but it may as well be ours.
July 25, 2021 at 2:55am
July 25, 2021 at 2:55am
PROMPT July 25th

We were all children at one time. Some much longer ago than others. Tonight, write about the things you loved doing when you were a child.

Reading, reading reading. I would read anything I could to get my hands on. My best days were going into the bookshop with my mother. The smell of new books still brings childhood memories back to me.
And going to the library. Our local library was in the church basement I can still feel the excitement and anticipation when walking down the steep slope and entering the brown door and entering the hushed sanctity of our library.
I loved all the usual childhood games. Marbles, playing chasy, skipping with a rope and dressing up and pretending to be anything and anyone. Climbing trees and watching my family being unaware I could see them. Especially my brothers. Of course being the only girl I was roped in to be part of their games too.
July 24, 2021 at 5:43am
July 24, 2021 at 5:43am
PROMPT July 24th

Write about your parents and the learnt behaviours you’ve inherited from them

Well, I haven’t seen either of my parents since the early eighties so I’m struggling to imagine what it was that I learned or inherited. But I’ll give it a go.

From my mother her looks. I scare myself when I look at photos of my mother when she was the age I am now. We’re pretty much identical.
From both my parents a work ethic. No one was allowed to be sitting doing nothing in our household when my brothers and I were growing up. I actually hate that. Not that I don’t like doing my share and more of the allotted tasks, but the guilt that they instilled in me if I didn’t see what needed doing and just get it done.
From my mother I learned from a very early age that women were as good if not better than men. Now this was from a woman born in 1914! Again from my mother I learned not to follow the pack but to do what was sensible not expected. I learned this lesson when I was six years old. Girls at school had to wear a dress. It didn’t matter if it was below freezing. My Mum sent me to school on such a day in a pair of brown corduroy trousers. I was made to stay in class, not allowed out to play and my mother was summoned to school to pick me up and take me home to dress in the correct attire. I wish I had a tape of that encounter!
From my dad? I learned it was okay for a man to cry. I saw him do this on more than a few occasions. I learned to love music and the joy of singing.

July 23, 2021 at 3:22am
July 23, 2021 at 3:22am
PROMPT July 23rd

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you about the Best Boss you've ever had. Tonight, write about the worst boss you’ve ever had.

I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can say about this prompt. As I said before I’ve only worked for family all my life. That can easily a good or bad thing. However you can never quit.🤣
July 22, 2021 at 2:46am
July 22, 2021 at 2:46am
PROMPT July 22nd

We all have that favorite book or movie. Tonight, write about a film or book that has stayed with you, even if it isn't one you'd consider a favorite.

I can’t think of a particular book or movie which has stayed with me.
The years when I was more susceptible to being swayed by things like books, movies, tv programmes were a long time ago. As a child I was an avid reader. Those books did affect me. They were anything by Dickens, the Bronte sisters, and Louisa May Alcott.
As I got older and started going to the movies I loved musicals. Each one affected me for weeks after seeing each one. Carousel, Oklahoma, High Society and Westside Story for instance.
Sadly nowadays there aren’t many movies or books that affect me. I’m not sure whether that says a lot about the current books and movies on offer, or more about me.

PS I just realised I wrote my reply to the July 21st in my blog and forgot to enter it in the 30DBC!
July 21, 2021 at 5:53am
July 21, 2021 at 5:53am
PROMPT July 21st

Your son(daughter) just gave you the surprise of your life when they brought their same-sex significant other home to meet you.
What is your reaction? Are you shocked, pleased, in denial?
How would you handle this?

I wouldn't say I would be completely happy for them. I think their lives will be just a little harder than it needs to be.
However saying that, these days same sex marriages are so much more normalised than they used to be. Personally it wouldn't affect me. Everyone deserves to be happy and if having partner of the same sex does it for them so be it.
Even having a child in a same sex partnership is so easy these day. IVF is there for everyone regardless of their status. So that element can be discounted.
Australia was the second country in the world to agree to same sex marriage, but the division in the community that the vote caused was not nice. It brought to the fore the discrimination that still exists and that I would want to protect a child of mine from.
July 20, 2021 at 3:57am
July 20, 2021 at 3:57am
PROMPT July 20th

Write a letter to an old friend or lover that you’ll never send.

Dear Kerry,
I haven’t seen you now for forty five years. Ever since we, that is John and I, and you and your husband went to the fireman’s ball.
I asked if you’d like to come with us to the dance and you said you would love to. I paid for the tickets, we both organised baby sitters. So excited were we to be going out to a fancy do. A chance to dress up, forget the kids and kick up our heels.
We had a good time, we danced had a few too many drinks, but that was great. We deserved it.
Then your husband started getting too friendly with me. It was okay though, he was a little drunk. I laughed it off.
The next day I dropped in to see you to dish the dirt after I dropped off Sarah at school. But you wouldn’t answer the door. You wouldn’t answer my calls.
And that was that! My best friend. You never spoke to me ever again. You didn’t even pay me for the tickets!
What happened, Kerry? I never understood, never got over the hurt.

July 19, 2021 at 5:58am
July 19, 2021 at 5:58am
PROMPT July 19th

In this entry, please don't share information that is very personal. That being said, what are some things that most people don’t know about you?

I'm pretty much an open book. I'm not a person who doesn't share. I hate bottling things up so I probably reveal too much of myself.
There are probably things though I don't reveal about myself. I'm thinking...
1. I'm not a cat lover. Sorry. I love dogs though.
2.I'm a terrible sleeper
3.I hate sewing
4.I have arm envy! I check out peoples arms since I've got older. I'd love to wear sleeveless dresses and have nice firm toned arms. I hate my wrinkly arms. I don't talk about it but I stay covered up.
5.I don't like the aging process. I know it's better than the alternative! But still let's all agree, getting old sucks!
6.I am claustrophobic, I hate large crowds and enclosed places.

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