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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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November 6, 2021 at 11:28am
November 6, 2021 at 11:28am
PROMPT November 6th

You work alone from home, logged on to your work PC.
One day you log on, and start your routine. You look at the clock on your desktop and eight hours have passed, but you have no memory of getting any tasks done. Tell us what might have happened to you during those eight hours.

Well memory loss is getting more and more frequent the older I get but eight hours lost certainly would be worrying.The best scenario would be that I had a beautiful sleep for eight hours. Hours can certainly pass by quickly if you are having a good time. Tonight I went to an ABBA show. It seemed I was only there for an hour but actually I was there for four hours. Maybe it was the red wine?
Having only just retired to a hotel bed after the aforementioned concert and the bottle of red wine, it is hard for me to think of a scenario where eight hours simply disappeared. Also I’m writing this using my phone which makes finishing this prompt extra difficult. As you can tell I’m procrastinating. So I think I’ll leave this prompt to more sober contestants.
Good Night

November 4, 2021 at 11:10pm
November 4, 2021 at 11:10pm
PROMPT November 5th

You arrive at work today with five donuts and five coffees for the people who are scheduled to be there. But you have a problem. Counting you, six people are there, and all of you love coffee and donuts! How do you and your friends resolve this?

Well! There's a tricky predicament if you like. Probably, knowing myself. I'd sacrifice mine, give everyone else a coffee and donut and make myself a cup of tea. I'd feel okay about it as I hadn't consumed all that fat and sugar.
But then I'd be aggrieved when I take a look at my bank statement later. I would have seen I had spent $25 on five coffees. Yes, coffee is at least $5 a cup here in Western Australia.
Then I would have remembered who didn't drink cow's milk, and ordered Soy milk for Jim, Decaf Almond latte for Noreen, Long black for Fred, Cappucino, (extra hot) for John,
and remembered to bring extra sugar for Mary. No doubt someone would offer a bite of their donut though.

November 4, 2021 at 1:11am
November 4, 2021 at 1:11am
PROMPT November 4th

We've all heard of people who mysteriously 'go missing'. Tonight, write about a person who 'goes missing'. Someone that you read about in the newspaper or online, but nobody seems to know them, or remember them.

This week in Western Australia the headlines and news have been all about a little girl lost. Her name is Cleo Smith aged four years old.
Her family were camping in a remote campsite near the blowholes in a little town of Carnarvon.
She was with her Mum and dad and baby sister. Her mother woke to tend to the baby at 1.30 am and gave Cleo a drink of water. She snuggled her down into her sleeping bag.
At 6.30 the parents awoke to find little Cleo gone from the tent along with her sleeping bag.
A massive police search has been going on ever since but no sign of the little girl or her sleeping bag were to be seen. Eighteen days went by. Posters pleading for information have been everywhere. Her young parents have been on television, pleading for any information about their child. It’s been heartbreaking for everyone.
Then yesterday we awoke to the news she’d been found. She was locked in a house in the town only seven minutes drive from her home. She was alone, the lights were on and at one am the police broke down the door. Police video showed a police officer picking her up and asking her name. He asked her twice and then she said…”my name is Cleo”
So many people I have spoken to said they burst into tears, as did I.
The little town is festooned with pink balloons. Signs saying ‘Welcome Home Cleo’ and others thanking the amazing detective work involved in bringing her home.
Last night in Perth 500 kms away from Carnarvon the bridge was lit up in blue to praise the police.
What a joyful few days. It demonstrates to me how starved we are for some good news these days.
The next few weeks are going to be difficult trying to establish what happened to her over 18 days and nights. The man who took her is in custody.

November 3, 2021 at 2:26am
November 3, 2021 at 2:26am
PROMPT November 3rd

You live in a tourist town. There's always an 'interesting' mix of visitors. But this year they are especially... different. In what way?

My little town is called Mundaring. An Aboriginal word meaning "a high place on a high place" or "the place of the grass tree leaves". European settlement dates from the 1840s with the land initially being used mainly for timber-cutting, quarrying, vineyards, orcharding and poultry farming.
          However recently the town and surrounds have become famous for the mountain bike tracks in the surrounding forests.
         The most famous is the Mundi Bidi track which runs for over 1000 kms from Mundaring to Albany. So the most interesting visitors to our town are the hardy walkers and cyclists who attempt this long hard journey.
         Each Sunday morning, cars arrive and bikes are detached from bike racks. Then hordes of cyclists clog up the cafes as they meet and chat. Dressed in Lycra they leave nothing to the imagination as they through wander the town looking like extras from a sci-fi movie set.
Their voices echo throughout the streets, turning heads as they deliver scraps of news and information as they ride by in groups of twenty or even more. This of course causes frustration to other road users who can’t pass on our single lane winding roads.
November 2, 2021 at 4:54am
November 2, 2021 at 4:54am
PROMPT November 2nd

You are curator of a museum. This museum has an area of interest to you. Take us on a guided tour of your latest exhibition.

Welcome to the West Australian Museum. The building is almost new. We are still allowing free entry for everyone. This will change soon, so before a charge of $15 per adult kicks in, take advantage to view this amazing building. There’ll be no charge though for children and there’s so much to keep them entertained here.
For instance my favourite corner of this vast museum is a collection of childhood toys. Dated 1887-97 this is a complete collection of 150 toys belonging to the six children of Perth’s first Anglican Archbishop. The collection contains toys and games of children’s play, child rearing, and schooling items. There are costumes, books and items reflective of home life in WA. It is the Riley Family Collection. Some of the toys are in pristine condition. Toy soldiers and dolls perhaps only to be played with on special occasions. So different to the plastic toys that today’s kids use a few times and throw away into landfill.
How these toys were so lovingly kept for so long remains a mystery to me.

November 1, 2021 at 4:52am
November 1, 2021 at 4:52am
PROMPT November 1st

We all have possessions of some type. Tell us five possessions you can’t live without, and why they are on this list.

Hi everyone it’s good to be back for the month of November. I enjoyed being on the other side, so to speak in the judge’s seat for one week in September.

So, possessions? I don’t consider myself as a possessive type, I’ll usually share anything I’ve got, if someone else wants to use it. Including my car, which I’m falling in love with. It’s new! Flashy and red.❤️
I’m wracking my brains here to come with anything I own, I can’t live without.

Okay I’ll try.

1. My dog, Lucy the Weimaraner. She’s my one constant. She’s never angry with me, or even slightly disappointed. She’s always happy to see me.

2. My hair products. This includes my heated hair straightener. I can’t face the world, unless it’s under a hat, without them. Frizzy, out of control hair needs taming guys.

3. Electric blanket in Winter. No way could I face getting into a cold bed.

4. WdC. This writer’s site is my addiction. I suppose I actually wouldn’t die without it but it’s my go to place for relaxation, ideas, prompts and inspiration.

5. My reclining chair. It’s my saviour when I’m in pain with my sometimes really painful condition.

There. I made it! There are possessions I can’t live without. Amazing!
August 9, 2021 at 4:09pm
August 9, 2021 at 4:09pm
It’s three am. I can’t sleep. We’ve spent all day trying to locate our mentally ill daughter. She’s in Cairns FarNorth Queensland somewhere. She left rehab with just the clothes she was wearing, didn’t take her medication with her and nothing else. We informed the Cairns police and they have been trying to find her, I’m not sure how hard they tried because we’ve located her in the ER at the hospital. She won’t speak to us but apparently has no idea how she got there. We’ve begged the hospital to hold on to her until we can get a psychiatric team to assess her. This is impossible from 4000 kilometres away. We don’t even know if she’s imjured. We have no jurisdiction over her at her age. Waiting until morning to all the hospital again.
August 7, 2021 at 6:07am
August 7, 2021 at 6:07am
I’m upset, frustrated and angry. Our daughter in rehab has just told us she is sick of being treated like a child and because she refused to be breathalysed she has been asked to leave rehab after three weeks into a twelve week programme. She has no money, is four thousand kilometres away from us and knows no one there. We asked her what her plans were. Where is she going when she leaves there? She just said “I’m blocking your phone number, you’re not helping.”
I’ve blocked her number.
July 30, 2021 at 1:43am
July 30, 2021 at 1:43am
PROMPT July 30th

Well, we've made it to the end of the month! Thank you for putting up with the prompts I've chosen. This is my first month doing this, it can be fun, and frustrating. *Smile*

Now the actual prompt. Everyone is injured in one way or another at some time in their life. Tonight, write about a memory of a physical injury.

If you like, please include in your post 2-3 subjects you would like to see used as prompts in September. Thank you!

I’ve been fairly lucky regarding physical injuries. No broken bones ever.
When I was little I ‘helped’ my dad in the garden and impaled my foot with a garden fork. Still got the scar from that little episode. I remember my dad taking me to the doctors on the crossbar of his bike. We had no car in those days.
Then when I was teenager I was a pillion rider on the back of my boyfriend’s motorbike. He was what was known as a ton up boy. That meant he liked to get up to 100 miles per hour on the straight. We had been doing that speed when another bike rider put on his brakes suddenly in front of us. We were still going quite fast when we came off. I thought I’d broken every bone in my body but no I was just badly bruised and had to make sure I was fully clothed when my Mum was around for the next month or so, as she disapproved of my boyfriend and his motorbike.
My chronic life long injury is my back. I’m wondering as I write this if it all started with the bike accident?
I’ve had an operation on my back and considering another.

Thank you so much for the interesting prompts this month. I’ve enjoyed it very much.
July 29, 2021 at 12:13am
July 29, 2021 at 12:13am
PROMPT July 29th

Your significant other wants to watch a sporting event this weekend. You aren’t a sports fan; in fact you had other plans for the two of you. You love him though, and agree to sit with him to watch the event. Two hours before it starts, he casually remarks, “Ron, George, and Rick are coming over to watch the game with us. Can you make us some snacks and get drinks set up?” Tell us how you react to this casual statement.

My husband is not all that sociable. He loves spending time with his family, grandkids etc. Friends not so much. He’s not into sport either. He likes F1 racing though. He’d never ask me to make snacks. He doesn’t eat between meals🤣

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