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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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November 24, 2021 at 1:32am
November 24, 2021 at 1:32am
PROMPT November 24th

In a previous prompt, I asked you to write about your
best, or favorite teacher. Tonight write about your darkest teacher.

This is the teacher who ruined my life while I was at primary school. She terrified me.
Her name was Cynthia Stretton. I thought she was ancient but as much later on she gave birth to twin boys she must have been in her twenties. I used to see her years later with her boys. They looked like her, tall, gangly and miserable.
One day sticks in my mind. It was the Queens Coronation so 1953. I was nine years old. We had to write an essay on the ceremony. I had been trying to think of the name of the canopy which was held over the Queen’s anointing. It’s a secret ceremony which no one was allowed to witness. Even the TV cameras had to turn away. Anyway I described the colour of the thing (purple) how it had a pole at each corner etc. But no, this wasn’t enough for Miss Stretton. I had to sit in my chair all day until I remembered the word “canopy!” Another time I wrote “hundredweight” instead of the abbreviation “CWT” Again same deal! She threw my sewing back at me and told me to unpick it, half a dozen times. I never wanted to go to school.
Teacher really have no idea what they can do to a child. They can make but they can certainly break.
November 22, 2021 at 9:35pm
November 22, 2021 at 9:35pm
PROMPT November 23rd

In your blog today, tell us your favorite joke. It can be long, short, it does not matter. What makes this particular joke your favorite one? C'mon, show us your sense of humour.

I had one I was going to tell you before I went to choir today. Then someone told me this joke. I laughed so maybe it’s funny.

Soooo, a young lady was sitting on a long haul flight minding her own business when the man next to her interrupted her reading and says: “ Excuse me, I hate to interrupt you but I’ve always found on these long flights that a good discussion helps to pass the time.”
The girl looks at him, sighs and asks him what would he’d like to discuss?
He says, “Well, I notice you’re wearing a cross, so you’re probably religious. I’m an agnostic, so we could have a debate on the existence of God?”
She answers, “can I ask you a question first?
He says “sure, ask me anything you like”
She says: “okay, well you know I’ve always wondered about this question. It’s about animals that eat grass.”
The man nods.
The girl says: “Well, goats and sheep eat grass and their poo is like hard round pellets.”
The man nods.
The girl says: “Cows eat grass and they do huge cow pats?”
The man nods.
The girl says: “Horses eat grass but their excrements are more like brown torpedoes . Would you agree?”
The man nods.
The girl asks him “Why, if they all eat grass is their poo all different?”
The man says: “ I’m sorry my dear, I have no idea. I can’t answer that.”
The girl looks at him and says: “ you expect me to have a deep and meaningful philosophical discussion about the existence of God when you don’t know sh…! “
November 21, 2021 at 7:58pm
November 21, 2021 at 7:58pm
PROMPT November 22nd

You have found that you can do something no one else can do. What is this special talent you have? Would it be considered a 'Super Power'? If you could have chosen this special ability, what would it be?

No one has realised yet but I can mind control. Hypnosis on steroids. This is a power I only recently realised I could tap into. A little late really in my life but better late than never I say.
It would have been really handy when I had three children under four. The twins would have slept soundly all night, the toddler wouldn’t have had tantrums because I would have been able to snap her out of them just with a click of my fingers.
But even though it is a latent power it’s still pretty useful. With just one look at my husband he’ll get up from the sofa and do the dishes and then bring me a cup of tea, or wine depending on what signal I send.
Shop assistance always ignored me because I used to be invisible being over certain age. Now they ignore all their other customers and zone in, eager to help in anyway I require.
A close relative of ours, whom I mention often in my blogs is always making some sort of mess of her life. Now I’ll be able to snap her out of her bad decision making. Oh no! It’s not working!
It was a pretty cool power to have while it lasted.🧐
November 20, 2021 at 10:18pm
November 20, 2021 at 10:18pm
PROMPT November 21st{/size

Tonight/today, listen to this beautiful song.


Where does your mind go when listening to this? What emotions surface as you experience the music? If you've seen the movie (Return To Me), tell us how this affected you. Has it changed you at all?

It made me feel nostalgic for friends and family so far away, unseen for so long. It was heartwarming to see the obvious friendship these two old men have. Actually it made me feel sad too. Tony Bennett has aged so much since I last saw any vision of him. His voice, although still good, has lost much of it’s timbre and strength.
November 19, 2021 at 10:53pm
November 19, 2021 at 10:53pm
PROMPT November 20th

In your blog tonight/today, write about a story you've been told, or use a newscast story and CREATE a conspiracy theory. Tell us why you chose this subject, and of course, provide 'evidence' that your theory could be rooted in truth.

This prompt has me scratching my head. I really don’t want to go for the obvious.
I was thinking more of misdirection than actual conspiracy. You know things like the English only eat chips and don’t bathe much, (that one was prevalent in Australia when we arrived in ‘72)
White people can’t dance like the black population. There is probably more than a grain of truth in that one.
Then there’s the actual conspiracy we tell our children about the existence of Father Christmas. That one is world wide and it seems everyone is willing to keep it going. Even the disappointment the children feel, doesn’t stop them inflicting the same conspiracy on their own children.
If I lived in North Korea my whole life would be built on conspiracies. Everything the population is allowed to know is one long conspiracy. Let’s be thankful we live in a world where we are free to decide for ourselves that what we’re being told is either true or just a load of ….
November 18, 2021 at 6:56pm
November 18, 2021 at 6:56pm
PROMPT November 19th

We've all had one or several epiphany's in our lives. Tonight, write about a moment in your life that changed the way you view the world.

I did have an epiphany once and it was profound and had a lasting effect on my life.
We have a daughter and granddaughter who suffer from mental illness. They still continue to plough through life causing mayhem and trouble seemingly oblivious of their actions.
Several years ago I was spinning like a top trying to fix, preempt, damage control, whatever it took I was the one who was loaded with their problems.
I went for one session of counselling because I was feeling stressed. I had no idea actually why I was there, what I would speak about to this stranger. I began to speak and never shut up for the whole hour. The counsellor said virtually nothing. I came out of there knowing exactly what I needed to do. I called my daughter and said that I didn’t want to hear any more dramas. That I was done. She said “Okay Mum”
After that things were better. I still get dragged into her behaviours but nowhere near to the extent I was before. Now I put myself first.

November 17, 2021 at 10:22pm
November 17, 2021 at 10:22pm
PROMPT November 18th

An easy prompt for tonight. I'm tired, don't want to think much, so an easy one. What did you do during the 'Great Shutdown For The Upgrade' of WDC today? Tell us all the 'gory' details!

Ahh 😴 sleeping I guess. When was it? Never noticed.
November 17, 2021 at 5:56am
November 17, 2021 at 5:56am
PROMPT November 17th

You have been invited to a posh dinner party hosted by one of the wealthiest people in your small town. When you arrive, your host is does not greet you, and the butler informs you they have been missing last night. A quick search by all the party goers finds him/her dead. Their body is in a small clearing in the woods bvehind the mansion. Being a modern day Nancy Drew/Joe Hardy type of person, you begin your own investigation. What do you find that leads you to the murderer. Who is the murderer? How was the host killed?

I call his phone, it rings but there’s no answer of course. I dig in his pocket. The murdered man must have been suspicious his life was in peril because he’d put his phone on to record before he answered the door to his killer.
A man’s voice said, “You’ve had enough time. I need you to come with me, now.”
“There’s no need to point that gun at me. We can discuss this like two reasonable people.”
“The boss is waiting for you in the car. Move it!”

The sound of the door closing and footsteps walking down the gravel driveway. Then a car door slamming. The car drove for a short way, until stopped.

“Get out!”
“I’m begging you. Give me another week. Tell Jack Reacher I promise to get his cash then.”

The sound of a gun firing and a car speeding away.
November 16, 2021 at 3:37am
November 16, 2021 at 3:37am
PROMPT November 16th

This one will cover one of my favorite subjects, Food.
Do you follow a certain regimen/diet when it comes to eating?
Other than something you might be allergic to, are there any foods you avoid or limit yourself to? What's your favorite meal to prepare. Share your recipe if you like. (I have a 'killer' chocolate recipe!)

Oh, it will be nice to talk food as John and I are on a ‘ten day lose ten pounds’ diet! We’re only on day three. John decided he was getting a bit of a belly, I think it’s because of the hormone therapy he’s on for prostate cancer. However because he’s always been slim, he’s not happy, so I’m joining him. I can always do with losing a bit of weight.
Normally we eat a Mediterranean diet. Very little red meat, more chicken and fish. Loads of fruit and vegetables. John does have a sweet tooth though and we aren’t allowing ourselves any chocolate biscuits with our coffee. No alcohol 😳
I HATE dieting!
I used to enjoy cooking for the family but now it’s just us two I don’t get the same pleasure out of it. Thinking of what to eat everyday and planning meals gets tedious. I’ll eat anything anyone else will prepare and serve me, just for the joy of not having to cook.
When my husband was working away from home for eight months I almost lived on Subways🤣
November 14, 2021 at 7:59pm
November 14, 2021 at 7:59pm
PROMPT November 15th

You and your two best friends are going on a month-long road trip. Where are you going? What three items must be in your luggage for this trip to abe a great experience for you.

This would be the road trip that was cancelled owing to you know what.
2020 was to be the road trip around England. Back home to see my family. But they were told it wasn’t just a trip to visit them. No, this was to go to all the places I never went to when I lived there for 28 years! This wasn’t a time to waste catching up and drinking tea, ( although I really wanted to do that too)
After a week of catching up and drinking 🍵 we were to go to London. The tea drinking had been in Derbyshire.
Tower Bridge, the Crown Jewels in fact all the places I had seen once but that was when I was a kid. I needed to see them again with the appreciation of adult eyes. Beefeaters, Guard changing at Buckingham Palace, all the touristy things, I was going to lap it up.
Then from there Stone Henge. Yes I know it’s not as big as I thought, but I don’t care.
Then the Lake District, Wordsworth Country. That’s a place I hadn’t been to. How crazy is that?
I’d like to think I’d take a sketch pad and pencil to sit and draw and absorb these things and places. But, I’d probably wouldn’t. Money. That’s what I’d need to make these things special. Then I could stay at beautiful old Inns and hotels. I could experience everything, do tours with knowledgeable people, not have to pick and choose what I could afford.
I’ve been to Shakespeare country before, seen his cottage etc but it was rushed. This time I was going to really take my time. Go to theatre shows, go to the Globe Theatre, absorb it all.
Alas it wasn’t to be and now I’m not up to the long haul flight when and if it’s safe to fly.

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