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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
Blog City image smallA clover image for the Power Group to use Group Angel Army Signature The Poet's Place
Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
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June 12, 2023 at 10:48pm
June 12, 2023 at 10:48pm
It is nighttime now. Nearly 8 PM and my issue finding my email draft is resolved. A huge thank you to my friend who wrote a private message telling me in simple steps 1,2,3,4 how to retrieve my email draft.

Presto! Done!

I can't say enough about the caliber of WDC members. I thought about writing a story about how the 1115 paid members and 500 or so guests at WDC ruled the world.

June 12, 2023 at 8:06am
June 12, 2023 at 8:06am
June 12, 2023
4:30 AM

I have to write this down or I will implode.

I just inadvertently saved an email to drafts instead of sending it.

Nowhere can I find the draft in my email account?

Writing 101 is once again no help. I had to write an email to the member here who helps me navigate to tell her that the email I had just painstakingly written to her was in my email drafts which I can not find.

I am totally aware I should write this stuff and save it periodically so I don't lose what I wrote. I own up to that. However, my continual failure in not knowing how to do something and then using the reference material available and not finding out how to do it myself is negatively affecting my life. As much as I like WDC, I am not sure I can continue for that reason.


June 11, 2023 at 8:58pm
June 11, 2023 at 8:58pm
6;00 PM

Today was the day. Yesterday was going to be the day. I have a girlfriend I met forty-three years ago. For reasons that no longer matter, we lost touch. Yesterday I thought of her when I was working on an entry in my autobiography. We had taken a vacation together flying from San Francisco to Newark, NJ. We spent ten days kind of, sort of, but not really following an itinerary. She had never been out of the state of California. I was longing to just see my childhood home, walk along the brook, and stop at Rudy's Pizzeria for a slice of pizza. We did more things than expected. We added Washington DC, the shore, and a day trip to Pennsylvania. Friends in PA had a kitten ready to be given away. She was orange and selected me as her fur mommy. I will have to write a story about that trip.

In any case, yesterday I called a couple of phone numbers but did not reach Sue. The first number reached a recording saying the subscriber is not accepting incoming calls. The second was a man who was very understanding about my calling the wrong number.

This afternoon I thought I would call a number for her I had in an old address book. She answered after it rang for a long time. We talked for an hour. We found ourselves each completing the sentence of the other. Just like old times. We think we are twins separated at birth. She is very well and will be traveling to England with one of her granddaughters in August.

The lesson for today is not to lose touch with friends, if you can help it. I was miffed at something she did or said and stopped calling her. It was always me calling her which was irritating. I would call and her stock response was, "Oh, tracker, I was just going to call you".

I am glad we talked and reconnected. She said we need to keep in touch. I told her I knew how to do that. I just needed to call her when she was just thinking about calling me.

June 9, 2023 at 2:47am
June 9, 2023 at 2:47am
June 8, 2023
11:30 PM

Today was my son's birthday.

Text to son: Happy birthday to my favorite son in the whole wide world.
Son's reply: I am your only son in the whole wide world.

That's our banter and it just gives me a warm feeling to get his familiar reply. He was due to be born on his sister's second birthday but arrived two weeks late. I wrote a piece about him that needs some editing, then it will be published for all to read. It is all good.

I received my adorable signatures from Gaby's Treasure Designs Shop.


They are delightful. I used one, a breast cancer awareness Care Bear, to use for my pieces on my journey with breast cancer. I have not finished the first entry. It may be a few days until it is open.

I was thinking about Lilli today. She has had personal issues this week. Keep her in your thoughts.

June 7, 2023 at 4:51am
June 7, 2023 at 4:51am
June 5, 2023
11:39 PM

I am humming Sonny & Cher's The Beat Goes On. The new words to the song are And the Generosity Goes On.

It seems like each week there is a new journalist to thank for kindness beyond the call of duty. The latest is Lilli gifting points to use in Gaby's shop. I want to set up my signature and decide on further construction of my portfolio. No matter what I wish to do here, there has been a process already in place to take care of it.

I continue to go after my Bachelor's degree. Just to complete it is the goal. I have no other monumental things I want to accomplish. My purpose is to interact, support, and give affirmations to those who express or seem to be wanting to let me know there is an unresolved issue. I have vast experience and like nothing better than to share.

I am inquisitive by nature. Maybe I do push a boundary here or there. In the end, I do go where no one has gone before. The results have always been positive as far as I know and have been told. My daughter thinks I am too free with personal information. She keeps her life blocked from public view at any cost. She takes more after her Dad who would have been most happy to go off the grid with our family.

The puppy, Jack, is growing. He is very muscular. I did not know Boston Terriers grew so big. I was used to my lightweight shih-tzu. It is all good. He and the three cats are in my care. I do love animals and don't mind the work part. I do confess being awakened for me what is early like 3,4,5 AM can get trying. I am off to spend my gift points at Gaby's shop. After, I shall return to link her shop here.
June 6, 2023 at 3:01am
June 6, 2023 at 3:01am
I was just editing my blog entry for today 6/5/23. I hit the tab key and one of the instruction pages in the writing.com 101 book popped up. I was texting with a friend just a couple of days ago explaining I had a bad habit of not writing in MS Word first so I would not lose the writing. I have an internal short fuse when this happens. I know there is nothing to do about it. There is only one site I frequent that has automatic save. I had a lot to say but it is now the time I turn into a pumpkin.

Not a pretty sight.

6/5- 6/6/23
12:01 AM
May 31, 2023 at 4:39am
May 31, 2023 at 4:39am
1:00 AM

To be clear, I love my life. I am near the pinnacle. Appreciating time is foremost on my mind. Not looking at the next raise, promotion, or material thing that I thought I could not live without. All of that was eons ago. With this mindset, I free my mind of having "an agenda".

Every day since my last entry had some element of a problem. Some great and some small. In no particular order, I present a look at the week that was.

          I would like to meet the person who attempts to put fraudulent charges on my bank account
          It is frustrating when bills are rendered with a glaring error
          At another favorite site, getting locked out of my account for no reason
          Preparing for a doctor's appointment only to have it arbitrarily changed
          Forgetting to put in my monthly free prints order losing out on a free gift
          Missing a writing deadline due to making a problem of a friend my problem
          Lecturing a family member who needed reprimanding for a decade at least
          Errant information on my personal background report

I am expecting the tide to turn with tomorrow starting a new month.

Gaby has a wonderful shop of things you can buy at Treasure Design. To visit https://www.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/1574492--Treasure-Designs---Shop

May 29, 2023 at 7:01am
May 29, 2023 at 7:01am
May 29, 2023
3:56 AM

I made a mistake. I should know better than to start something when I am so tired. I hope by the time anyone reads this my mistake will have been sent to cyberspace.

May 24, 2023 at 3:05am
May 24, 2023 at 3:05am
:9:57 pm
May 23, 2023

This WDC site is addicting. I do a lot of reading, try to review a piece each week for now, and keep writing.

I received an unexpected envelope in snail mail today. The return address is WRITING.Com, written just like that. It is a real merit badge. It is the Good Deeds badge I received from my 3rd place finish for I review I wrote.

I collect pins like this! I get them from places I visit. I pin ones I've received like one from walking in a March of Dimes event.

I was really pleased and happy to get it. Now, since it was sent anonymously, I want to thank the member who sent it by at least posting a thank you "to whomever was so kind". I don't know where to do that. I called on my writing dot com email buddy, who has been here a very long time, to give me that information. It was not in the reference material Writing.com 101.

The last week has been full of pawing through old photographs. Also, writing here and there. I am almost finished another fictional story. The problem is, I have the first three quarters written. I have no idea where it is going now or how it will end. It was a story from a photo prompt. The photo was one of a blue peacock.

Peace out!

May 17, 2023 at 2:32am
May 17, 2023 at 2:32am
Yippee! tracker's place, my blog, is open!!!! Thank you Steven (PLEASE BUY MY BOOKS!) and Sophy! GFs on the way!

tracker's place will be under construction. I am taking a peek at other blogs to get an idea of how they look.

11:03 pm

I am looking forward to the rest of the month. Two family birthdays are left to celebrate. It is pretty much the only time we have cake. The birthday boy or girl selects the kind of cake they want. In February, the request was for an ice cream cake. Not on my food list but oh well. It is good manners to accept a piece of cake if you have no dietary issues doing so.

My next two paragraphs went to cyberspace. I am using a brand-new laptop. It is so sensitive, particularly if I let my left wrist lean on the keyboard. I am better off writing in Word first. My old Word did not transfer over. I am just a wee bit techy challenged. I have my former laptop. I keep both on my desk so that I can use the features I am familiar with on the old, then figure out how to get them on the new.

I am struck by the overwhelming willingness of members to render aid to someone like me. It is a warm feeling to know people care.

Peace out,

11:28 pm

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