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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
Blog City image smallA clover image for the Power Group to use Group Angel Army Signature The Poet's Place
Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
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April 26, 2024 at 3:33am
April 26, 2024 at 3:33am
April 26. 2024
2:30 am WdC time

A header for BCOF

Describe a specific sound, smell, taste, etc in your blog today that irritates you more than anything, like chalk squeaking on a blackboard.

I love my sister who is closest to me in age. I had three. We shared a bedroom until we were sixteen and thirteen. She was not good at putting toys away or making her bed. I covered for her always. She has a habit that drives me up the wall. She will put ice in a glass and then chew it cube by cube. She will do the same with anything she is drinking with ice cubes. She will shake that ice into her both and crunch, crunch, crunch. She doesn't live in the same state and we don't get together often anymore. We were on Facetime recently and there she was with her ice. Ewwwwww6.
April 24, 2024 at 9:49pm
April 24, 2024 at 9:49pm
April 24, 2024
6 45 pm

         I am thinking about downloading my blog and removing the first year. I was feeling vulnerable and removed most of my personal photos not long ago. I was reminded when someone asked me what happened to an image. I put one on my first trinket which I may retire. I am all over the place with anonymity. I am pasting my first entry.

May 17, 2023 at 2:32am
First blog entry
Yippee! tracker's place, my blog, is open!!!! Thank you Steven (PLEASE BUY MY BOOKS!) and Sophy! GFs on the way!

tracker's place will be under construction. I am taking a peek at other blogs to get an idea of how they look.

11:03 pm

I am looking forward to the rest of the month. Two family birthdays are left to celebrate. It is pretty much the only time we have cake. The birthday boy or girl selects the kind of cake they want. In February, the request was for an ice cream cake. Not on my food list but oh well. It is good manners to accept a piece of cake if you have no dietary issues doing so.

My next two paragraphs went to cyberspace. I am using a brand-new laptop. It is so sensitive, particularly if I let my left wrist lean on the keyboard. I am better off writing in Word first. My old Word did not transfer over. I am just a wee bit techy challenged. I have my former laptop. I keep both on my desk so that I can use the features I am familiar with on the old, then figure out how to get them on the new.

I am struck by the overwhelming willingness of members to render aid to someone like me. It is a warm feeling to know people care.

Peace out,

11:28 pm

April 24, 2024 at 8:28am
April 24, 2024 at 8:28am
April 24, 2024
5:30 am

PROMPT: A lot of things started on April 24. See link or write about the libraries you knew as a child.

(Warning: 677 words)

         I loved going to the library. My mom passed on her love of books to the five kids in my family. I was seven when our town's public library was built. The design was quite modern at the time. As a child, I was restricted to checking out only two books at a time. During summer vacation I borrowed two books twice a week. Beverly Cleary wrote many books including a favorite, "Ramona Quimby Age 8." My favorite book, written by different authors, "Cheaper by the Dozen," was based on a true story and instrumental in my lifelong highly developed organizational skills.

         The library had a special odor. The smell of books, the best of which was a new one, combined with the smell of newly sharpened pencils, were thirstily inhaled while I browsed the shelves reading book blurbs. That was almost as much fun as reading a book because I would leave the library victorious discovering the perfect book among throngs.

         When I arrived at the check-out counter, there was a hint of lilac in the air coming from the direction of the librarian. Our librarian wore reading glasses on a hand-crafted beaded crystal chain. For a long time, I thought being a librarian was the best job in the world. To have the answer to everything would be so neat.

         We had a set of the Encyclopedia Americana at home, which was second to the best, according to my mother, the Britannica. She "splurged" on the encyclopedia set when a salesman came to our door. The desired set was slightly out of her price range. The Americana, however, was far superior to the latest set to come out, The World Book Encyclopedia. That is the one I used to copy from for my school assignments. I felt like a traitor using it at the time. The only problem with the set at home, I did not understand most of what it said, using technical language and words I never heard of.

         Many years later, as a newlywed, I appeared on the television show by the same name. I chuckled when the prize we won was a two-volume set of the World Book Encyclopedia. We used it often to learn before the advent of the internet. In adulthood, the public library allowed an unlimited number of books to be checked out. I was in my heyday of reading at least one book a day.

         Writing about the library and my favorite author motivated me to do some research. I found Cleary started a program called D.E.A.R. which was for Drop Everything And Read. I listened to a fifteen-minute interview with her from 2006. She said she was glad she was young before television and before many had radios. Her mom would read to Beverly and her father every night. It was wonderful to hear her tell how she came up with her characters. The more popular one, Ramona, was based on a little girl, about seven years old, who lived near her in her neighborhood. She told how the girl while walking home from the grocery store, was eating the pound of butter she had been sent to the store to buy. The name, Ramona, came from hearing someone in the neighborhood calling out for a girl by that name.

         Aunt Adele, my mom's sister, was a librarian for decades in their hometown of York, Pennsylvania. An avid reader herself, she told me she knew many facts from looking up answers to the same questions. Their mother worked as an elementary school teacher long before most women worked outside the home. She needed to provide for her children after my grandfather died young. It was long before social security was instituted. Being well-educated was a high priority.

         I have digressed just a smidgen which has been a joy for me as I recalled such fond memories from my youth.

April 19, 2024 at 3:14pm
April 19, 2024 at 3:14pm
April 19, 2024
11:45 am

WdC members are a rare breed. Egos and biases are left at the door. I get stoked when I have something bothering me and BINGO! A WdC friend steps up and writes a few words and the object of my pondering takes a hike.

Thank you, Kiya! iKïyå§ama Your note provided the perspective I needed to be reminded that this is my blog whose value can't be measured. I started this blog almost one year ago. I scrolled back to post #1 and was surprised to see the similar statement I made then. Here are excerpts.

My first blog entry
May 17, 2024

Yippee! tracker's place, my blog, is open!!!!...Two family birthdays are left to celebrate. It is pretty much the only time we have cake. The birthday boy or girl selects the kind of cake they want... I am using a brand-new laptop. It is so sensitive...I am struck by the overwhelming willingness of members to render aid to someone like me. It is a warm feeling to know people care."

Yup! I forgot when I got my new laptop. I said it then, and I say it now, the WdC family is ready to render aid. Someone is there at the right time to speak up. It may seem like a small thing to everyone, but to me it is everything.

...I am pleased with this entry.
April 18, 2024 at 8:45pm
April 18, 2024 at 8:45pm
April 18, 2024
5:45 pm

An attitude adjustment about the future of my blog is in progress. I saw this one:
IF NOT NOW --WHEN ???  (E)
Insights on keeping our balance ⚖️ in an unbalanced world. Even Seagull won't stand up
#2307562 by dlspiritwriter 🙏☯️😻
and once again reflected on mine. What to consider:

Daily activities like a diary

Opinions and editorials about serious stuff

Fun recurring themes like Trivia Tuesday

Does it matter when one person reads it

Who am I writing it for

Many have answered that question saying it helps them to write and get things off their chest

Off to ponder some more.

April 11, 2024 at 2:29pm
April 11, 2024 at 2:29pm
March 29, 2024
12:45 am

Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Please use these words in your entry: weave, cake, inside, outside, ample, reception, and pepper. Have fun.

After the wedding, Jan planned to have a get-together outside in her backyard after the people attending had ample time to finish up their eating, visiting, and dancing at the wedding reception. Her sister baked a special cake that was bigger and yummier than the wedding cake.

Most of those invited to this part of the night went inside to stand around in the kitchen to weave old and new stories. There was simple food at this party. I brought the deviled eggs. I noticed several people shaking pepper on theirs which is the way I like it too. The after-party went on until 2 am. Everyone decided to leave around the same time.

Jan collapsed on the couch after the last guest was gone. She had planned this day for months and it was over so quickly. She checked to be sure she had everything she needed for her two-week honeymoon. Her new husband said the destination was a surprise. She hoped there would be a lot of sitting around. It would take her a few days to come back to Earth from cloud 9.
April 11, 2024 at 2:28pm
April 11, 2024 at 2:28pm
Day 3460: April 2, 2024

Prompt: “He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.”
George Sand, from The Devil's Pool.

Let this quote inspire your blog entry today,

I never could quite understand poetry. All the interpretations of "Evangeline" amongst other classics. Here, however, the poetry is not ambiguous.

We have fine poets at WdC. What a blessing it is!
Post a reply...
April 11, 2024 at 2:11pm
April 11, 2024 at 2:11pm
April 10, 2024
6;25 am

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" (The group signature is not showing up).
Prompt: April 8, 2024 was the eclipse. Did you get to see it in your area? How did it make you feel? Write about this in your Blog entry today.

My family and I saw the solar eclipse. My daughter had ordered special glasses to use so we could look and not damage our eyes. The dark part where the moon began to cover the sun was already in sight. The eclipse's trajectory put it barely in our town, meaning it didn't completely cover the sun. My 12-year-old grandson thought it was "good." he said as is speaking, as I suspect he will as a teenager in less than three months.

I was thrilled. The last time we took the time to prepare and watch it was when I was 10. My father had a telescope. He fixed it so the eclipse showed up on a white poster board. It fascinated me then as it did now.

April 9, 2024 at 7:22am
April 9, 2024 at 7:22am
Day 3467: April 9, 2024
Blogging Circle of Friends
My mom's favorite flower

Prompt: Write about April Flowers or April Showers.

          My mom loved flowers. If you asked what was her favorite spring flower, she said,

          "Pansies. I love their little faces with so many beautiful colors."

          May Day. the first of May. was the one day Mom would clip her pansies. We would stand at the kitchen table to assemble our May baskets. We made the baskets with strips of construction paper, glued together in a crisscross pattern, and attached another piece of paper to form a pocket. We were assigned houses to go to and leave the baskets. We would hang it on the door handle, ring the doorbell, and run out of sight, not getting caught.

          I was caught once at the Snyder's house. Mrs. Snyder came out the front door, lifted the basket, and looked me in the eyes. She said. "Hello, tracker, I knew it would be you to leave these pansies. That was nice. You are a very thoughtful girl."

          I would continue to be thoughtful toward people every day of my life. I never received the same kind of heartfelt response as Mrs. Snyder's. but that does not matter. I know I am being kind and considerate as I think of ways to make a small gesture to give with a grateful heart.

          Every spring I think of the purple, blue, and yellow pansies looking up at the sky in my mom's beautiful garden. A fond memory fills my consciousness on May Day. The gentle scent of pansies envelops me. I can almost hear Mrs. Snyder's voice.

          That is why I love spring, my mom, and April flowers.
March 29, 2024 at 1:56pm
March 29, 2024 at 1:56pm
March 29, 2024
10:45 am

I opened a book in my portfolio strictly for Blog City and Blogging Circle of Friends prompt entries.
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2316776 by Not Available.

I must tear myself away from WDC to work on other projects. If you blink here you are sure to miss something.

If I did not mention it, I was so excited about my Quill awards. And I still have not come down from cloud 9 about my yellow case. I almost hated to put a costumicon on, but it looked so blank. I have played the piano since I was 4 so the one I picked is perfect.

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