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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
The newest addition to our flock
A bird in the bath. well, just before.

Taken w/ my cell phone on 4-8-08
On court 1. Lookin' to own.

taken in Jacksonville, florida at UNF
In Jax, enjoyin' some solid juniors tennis.

days before my 45th birthday
I love my new phone cam.

web badge from National Novel Writing Month

* Clears throat * “Um, Robin here, your friendly neighborhood MC(Mistress of Ceremonies). Welcome to my blog. In it you’ll find my rants, ramblings and random updates on everything ME...

…and since I’m the typo queen and master of misspelling, these will be present in most, if not all my posts.” *Bigsmile*

A few of my better entries - all quick reads:
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October 24, 2005 at 3:55pm
October 24, 2005 at 3:55pm
Forgive me SM's for i have sinned. It's been ten days since my last blog entry.
October 13, 2005 at 8:15pm
October 13, 2005 at 8:15pm
I felt sorry for the people who happened to cross my path today, not to mention those countless emails I sent out. If you got anywhere near me, you were forced to listen to the play by play of how I won my match. Yep, I said win. I won. Ahhhhh that feels so good to type, so good to read.

And its not that I get so caught up in winning. It’s just that, oh, during May of 2003, I suddenly experienced excruciating pain in my entire right arm, which eventually traveled to my left arm. Several doctors and MRI’s later, I was diagnosed with Thoractic Outlet Syndrome. – a fancy way of saying my ulnar nerves in both my arms are compressed.

My pain levels were at eight 24/7. I had to give up tennis among other things, and even feared being permanently disabled. Through physical therapy and relearning how to use other body parts to do the work my arms used to do, my nerves finally settled down. While I’m still in chronic pain, I rarely experience the high levels of pain so common two years ago.

This past July, I had a crazy idea, to get back out on the tennis court. - see if I couldn’t play. I had to change my strokes. I use two hands on my forehand side. This makes for a grip change when going for backhand shots. I looked like a true beginner swatting at the ball. Would I ever be able to play? Join a league, compete? I was determined. I told others , “come September, I’m playing leagues.” Like it was a fact, not just a pipedream.

So, here I am, second week in October; the captain of a 2.5 women’s league team - playing doubles, and three matches in – I did more than just play – I WON!

Yay for me & Melanie.
October 12, 2005 at 9:38am
October 12, 2005 at 9:38am
The lights when out at the tennis center last night. Not my tennis center, the other public one, where I just so happened to be playing my match, just so happened to totally win one of my service games! I mean, I was ON my serve. My serve won every point that game1 (this has never happened to me) I was hitting my volleys pretty good too. Down the middle, you know those shots when both players think the other player is going for the ball and neither of them does – those volleys.

Not all the lights when out, so we decided to keep playing, thinking it wouldn’t matter. Oh, boy, were we wrong. I totally blew my next service game. It’s kinda hard to hit the ball if you can barely see it. (/what an idiot I was to keep going too.) I should have just stopped right there. Finally, after losing two games, I called it quits. We rescheduled for tonight. We are up in the first set 5 games to four. I called Robbie; he’s gonna hit with me, work on my poaching skills, volley reviews.

Melanie is serving. Four points and we win the set. Then, six games and we win the match. Tonight, at five-thirty at my tennis center – I will be ON MY GAME! I will key in the scores as a Bateman win!

Now, if I get my body to do what my mind is telling it.
October 8, 2005 at 1:07pm
October 8, 2005 at 1:07pm
It’s after eight in the evening and the phone rings. The caller ID says The Joshua Cup. It’s Autumn. I pick up the receiver, “Hey.” I say.

“Mom.” She says in a whisper. , “Guess who’s here?”

“Who?” I ask. Not even bothering to guess. Whose presence would warrant a phone call?

“Dr. Rodenbery.” She is still whispering. He must be standing at the counter waiting on his coffee or something.

“Really?” I ask, my words dipped in sweetness. Rodenberry is an identical twin. He’s my GYN guy. He’s Autumn’s GYN too. (since I’m airing – his twin bother is my sister Lisa’s GYN). The family that….oh never mind.

Anywaaaay, “He is?” I continue.

“Yes. And, it’s embarrassing.” Maybe so, but I am suppressing a giggle.

She says, “So, I called you cuz no one here understands Least of all, Calvin.. “

I’m wondering why she even told Calvin.

“You know what he said to me?” It must be a rhetorical questions cuz she doesn’t let me respond…”Calvin says, ‘what? You mean cuz he’s seen your junk?’”

I can’t help it. A soft giggle erupts from my lips. Junk? In all my forty-one years, I have never heard of my ‘stuff’ being called ‘junk’ Who does this Calvin think he his? Even still, I’m hit with a mental flash; A drunk loser in some smoky bar trying to hit on some girl…’hey baby., can I go through your junk?’ or, even worse… ‘Every woman’s junk is one man’ s treasure.’

“Mom.” She says, bringing me back to reality. “This is a traumatic moment for me.” I can almost see her stomping her foot. Again, laughing on my part. I guess, being twenty, it’s embarrassing for her, seeing her gynecologist somewhere other than his office or examining room.

“Is anyone with him?” I ask, stepping over her trauma. I’m old, I have two children; my junk has been exposed more times than I care to count. I’m so over it.

“Yeah. “

“Well? Who? Is with him?”

“His wife, and daughter.”

“Is she pretty?” omg. Did I really just ask that? The gossipy me rearing her ugly head.

“Moooom! Focus! Me. Your daughter. First born. Is having a moment. I need your help.”


“Aaaawwww. Autumn. I’m sorry.” I say. “That sucks. Can’t you like, go to the bathroom or something? Go to the back, wash some dishes.”

“Can’t. Nice try.”

“Has he said anything to you?” She just went for her annual two days ago. I know he recognizes her.


I talk her down, tell her I love her and am still smiling when I get off the phone. Grateful I’m still on the list to call when things are upsetting to her.
October 6, 2005 at 10:46am
October 6, 2005 at 10:46am
okay guys, this was cute. give it a try:


my results: 71% (Dixie). Your neck must be at least pink!
October 5, 2005 at 4:35pm
October 5, 2005 at 4:35pm
Level Seven. At least it’s only in my right arm. My entire right arm. (well, okay, slight knot in my left elbow) Groping for relief in the form of distractions…any suggestions? Chatted with my sis, emailed my fav buddy – we’ve been exchanging pics of places we want to go and foods we’d like to eat, and movie stars we want to kiss.

I have my tennis lesson in a few hours and gosh, I’m just not sure. I know I’ll try. Nothing like tennis to totally distract you. One hundred percent absorbed in tracking the ball, preparing your body for the point of contact, and then, executing your stroke. Every bit of your concentration occupied. Zero room left to think about pain or problems.

In the meantime, no one’s here at the office, maybe I’ll lock the door, turn up my CD player real loud and dance.
October 5, 2005 at 9:19am
October 5, 2005 at 9:19am
Usually, my blog entries are original, but, i saw this on the internet and had to share....to cute.


Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

And a favorite . . .

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they are okay, then it's you!

(personal note.... Going over my list of friends... they all seem fine... is there a problem here?)
October 3, 2005 at 5:22pm
October 3, 2005 at 5:22pm
Somewhere between the Gate Parkway and J Turner Blvd we became lost and I became captain of the team. The captain part would be told to me later. Like the next morning, twenty minutes before our first match. Oooohhhh-kaaaaay. I can handle last minute. But, twenty-five minutes before match time? I thought my name was down for co-caption. You know, sorta like the team mom.

I’ve captained plenty of teams over the years, so I threw on my captain’s hat. Too bad my badge said ADAM. I just wasn’t expecting the role. Banking on a bit more relaxation this trip. I’ve put in my years. For the most part, I was okay with my unexpected responsibilities, however, had I known, the prelims for this trip would have been drastically different. I may not be the princess of organization, but I have more behind me than a twenty-six year old tennis player/coach with no kids or wife to call his own.

Everyone got a kick out of calling me Adam. The tournament staff, referees, other captains, even the parents of my team. "The Fake Adam" I called myself. While turning in my last score card for the last match of the weekend, I held up my ADAM name tag to Andy, the tournament director and said, “I’ll bet I’m the best looking Adam you’ve ever seen.”

Without missing a beat, he replied, “I don’t know…I’ll have to go ask Eve and see what HE says.”

This Adam did not take her team to first place, but she had a super fantastic time anyway.

Relieving some stress before a tennis match.
I'm wearing my ADAM tag. Laney is being silly. Gotta love her.

Laney playing her singles match @ GA/FL Challenge 2005
Laney, no longer being silly.
September 30, 2005 at 10:56am
September 30, 2005 at 10:56am
I say we all apply for jobs in the federal government - top-level positions too. Apparently, experience isn't a requirement.
September 29, 2005 at 10:58am
September 29, 2005 at 10:58am
Damn! She’s gonna be late again. How many detentions will this make? Four? Five? I don’t know, I’ve lost count. Forking out punishments left and right has not helped solve the problem either. Morning is not her best time of day. Did I spend THAT much time in front of the mirror when I was a teenager? Shoot. If I missed the bus, mom made sure housecleaning followed. And lots of it. Nothing phases her. She just moves slowly. Is it a bad thing to get your almost 16-year-old hooked on morning caffeine?

So, when we climb into the avalanche, everyone is pissed. Oh wait ‘scuzme, sorry, T.O’ed. gotta get my slang up to speed. Where was I, ah yes, Ticked off. All three of us – me, hubby, and laney. Bryan is driving so I grab the paper, scanning the headlines, my brain too pissed oh, I mean ticked to really read the articles. Then, I see it, a quote from a mother, Christe – whose family was separated during the aftermath of Katrina. Some of them made it to Georgia. For weeks she could not locate all of her children. (she has five) “I couldn’t sleep, or eat. I would not wish this on anybody. Not even my worst enemy.” The paper quoted her saying. A picture showed all members had finally made it to Georgia. All hugs and smiles.

My anger melts. How can I, after all, be soooo ticked, when I have never had to worry about the safety of my children, where they were or even if they were alive or dead? The possibility of the experience is inconceivable to me. I say a quick pray I never have to know.

I make small talk with her for the remainder of the ride to school. “Love you,” I tell her while she grabs her back pack and purse jumping out of the car. “See ya this afternoon.” She just smiles. Saying ‘I love you.’ In front of her friends, maybe that’s embarrassing to her.

Today, I know I’m lucky. Why can’t I always embrace this feeling?
September 26, 2005 at 11:08am
September 26, 2005 at 11:08am
So, we never made it to Victoria Secret, but I did get a body part pierced. Lisa wasn’t in the mood for mall shopping. She’s gotten into refurbishing furniture and she wanted to do some thrifting instead. Lunch and coffee were still part of the plan – thank god for caffeine. I wanted a little bit more out of my day than old couches and worn out dressers. I made a few comments.

Pulling into the parking lot of Beyond Tattoo, I was regretting my two jokes I made about ink – and wanting to get some – more. Would Lisa slap me if I told her I was just teasing? So later, when we DIDN’T get tatts, I could always ask, ‘Why didn’t you go?”

But here we were, sitting inside her Hunter green Ford Explorer, me fumbling through my purse – checking out my cash. Did I even have enough to lay down new ink? As we stepped into the place, I had a brilliant idea, which would save my ass, or I should say - my skin from needles that day.

“How much does it cost to get a touch up?” I asked the guy behind the counter. I already have a tattoo - on my upper right shoulder – of a sun. He’s all smiles. It’s late afternoon and the place is empty. I guess he’s glad to have company. Brandon, the younger guy, his co-worker answers for him.

“That depends.” Like I’m supposed to know on what. He doesn’t offer an explanation so I have to ask.

“On what?” hiding my irritation. He’s wet behind the ears – got a lot to learn. My forgiveness is his today.

“Well, “ he tilts his head back, half closes his eyes. Thinking this time a day must not be required too often. “On the size. Or, if you got it here. Cuz if you got it here, touch ups are free.”

“I got it here.” I say. They both glance at me. They aren’t sure. Maybe the ‘free’ word prompted my response. “I did.” I’m defensive.

“Okay,” says the older guy. He’s got the physical features of Latin decent. His name’s Oscar. “ What’s the guys name who gave you the tattoo?” Do I sense a smirk? Or is that just me?

“I don’t know.” I say. Now I’m the one half closing my eyes, conjuring up an image of MY tattoo artist. Did he mention his name? Oh my God. That was several years ago. I can’t remember. Are tatt artists like sex partners? You’re supposed to remember their names?
Oscar and Brandon are throwing names at me. None of which are ringing bells. I give a quick description and finally, they both agree it must be ????(I can’t even remember what they said. Why am I blocking?)

Oscar says my tatt still looks pretty good, I could wait on the touch up. Soooo, not wanting to waste a trip to Beyond Tattoo, I decide to get my right ear cartilage pierced. I’ve had it done before but it closed up when I took the damn ring our for an MRI.

Lisa makes jokes while I'm sitting in the chair. Brandon gets to do the honors. I tell him he did my navel ring. He doesn't remember me. Gee thanks. More jokes from Lisa.

Sisterhood bonding is the ultimate.
September 19, 2005 at 10:08pm
September 19, 2005 at 10:08pm
“Oh My God!” She tapped her index finger several quick times against the glass window of the driver’s side ford tarus. “That’s the guy.” Like I’m supposed know. Before I can respond, she answers, in that quick speed never take a breath until you’ve spit out five sentences delivery. You know, teenagers and young adults all have it. Listening makes me gasp for the air I know she must need.

“Three shots, skinny, no foam latte. You know!” She gives me a quick glance. “I told you about him yesterday. The creepy guy?”

It’s been a long day. I search my memory. I sorta recall some story, told in that breathless tone, about some guy who gave her the creeps. Was I only half listening to her then? I laughed, a sort of repressed laugh, which came out like a snort.


Should I tell her? It’s funny to me; how young people talk. How she knows this man by the drinks he orders at her job?

I smile. “I love you.” I know, it’s so off topic, but she flashes me a quick smile.

“I know.” She senses my weakness. My motherly warmness, and she dives in. “So, do you love me enough to pay my Visa bill?”

“Um.” I hesitate, trying to grope for a sarcastic response.

“Mom...” Again, theirs that smile, the one with the dimples. “I’ll pay you back.” And after a small pause. “I’m just not sure when.”

She’s bought me lunch several times lately and I can’t resist. It must be tough going to school AND working. When I was a sophomore in college, I just went to school. I did not have to work thirty to forty hours a week. I admire her efforts. “Okay.”

She smiles. Now it’s her turn. “I love you.”
September 19, 2005 at 4:20pm
September 19, 2005 at 4:20pm
Sifting through the chores of a Monday; workload compounded by Friday’s absence. I just couldn’t strike of some tasks of the To List while i was here on Saturday...as…oh c’mon…the rest of the free world gets a two days in a row weekend! (I know I’m being sarcastic)

So, I get this email from my sister. My younger one – Lisa, not my identical twin (Renee). She’s on vacation and will be in town on Wednesday. Maybe Felicia will work for me, or Adam. Either way, I think I’m taking off and run around town with her. She lives further out in the ‘country’ than me, shopping in Macon is a treat for her. The local mall calling our names…lunch at Atlanta Bread Company, coffee at Joshua Cup. I should tell her to bring her bating suit, we can swim at my house when we are done maxing out our credit cards. (I don’t really do this-max out the card) just felt fun to type. Picturing myself laden with clothes found on sales racks, a couple of pairs of shoes…Victoria Secret stuff too. Yeah…I am so there!
September 18, 2005 at 3:53pm
September 18, 2005 at 3:53pm
Relaxation was mine today. Successfully sweeping away the exhaustion of yesterday. I took advantage of the heat and have already gone for two quick swims in the pool. I tried to convince others to swim with…but they all had other plans. So, I swam alone, enjoying the peace and quiet.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” The words rung true to my feelings after reading a short story from a myspace friend. He posts his work, we, lucky audience, get to read and make comments. The difference between this process and writing.com’s is that the works are already published. So a different approach is needed when reviewing.

On writing.com even though we call it reviewing, it feels more like critiquing. (I love both sits for very different reasons.) Not only have I read some interesting pieces, I’ve found lots of new literary sites, to dive into for new reading material.
September 17, 2005 at 10:07am
September 17, 2005 at 10:07am
Being juvenile. It’s that residual thing. can’t shake it off. Not like I’m holding a grudge, but, unable to just let it go. Well, so most of the time I can forget, and let go, but, when something negative arises, I’m hit with a fresh wave of hurtful memories; as was the case last night.
(I"ll peck the details out in one of my private 'for my eyes only blog')

Now, I’m just pissed off. Torgued – I like that word, I saw in an email this week. To further emphasize my unpleasant mood, I’m working on a Saturday. That really bites if you ask me!

I know, i just need to get over myself huh? can i throw something? Where's my stilettos?

so, if you don't get the whole....HHHHHHH thing, e me and i'll explain
September 15, 2005 at 5:38pm
September 15, 2005 at 5:38pm
I so totally have writer's block today.
September 14, 2005 at 10:40am
September 14, 2005 at 10:40am
Rome. You know the city that wasn’t built in a day? The HBO series? Well, as I’ve mentioned before – I’m into it. Even though I’m still tripping over how quickly Pullo recovered from his brain surgery! They show Niobe’s baby, small and in arms, before and after…like that baby hasn’t even grown a single solitary inch. But whatever, its still good, still worth a peek if you haven’t already watched it.

So, tonight’s a big night. The team, MY team – not laney’s has its first team practice – our first team match next Tuesday at JDS. Being the captain, I’ll have to assess everyone’s strengths and weaknesses to try and pair them up to make solid doubles teams. I’ll get our coach to make recommendations.

Anyway, I am soooo tired now. I’ve got stuff to do and my brain does not want to focus. I know, story of my life. Yeah, yeah,

Catch up w/ ya later…
September 12, 2005 at 9:21pm
September 12, 2005 at 9:21pm
So, the coke people just dropped by. Well let me back up, the representatives from the Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling Company dropped by. If you aren’t a resident of Georgia, then you don’t know…there is only Coke. Period. No Pepsi, and oddly enough, no dr. pepper, no mellow yellow, just Coke. Coke, Coke, and oh yeah, Coke. Even if your fingers are wrapped around a green bottle of Sprite, it’s really just COKE.

Anyway, where was I? I know, I’m rambling. Yeah, so Kel, from the district office drops by with some guy named Don, Dressed in office professional clothes – both of them. They just finished eating lunch at Chilies’ and made a joke about it. I played along, asking Don where my food was. They laughed.

They came to chck out the broken machine. You know, the one that was vandalized during the break in like um. WEEKS ago – back just before the Hilton Hed trip – THAT long ago I’ve requested, and so has the service man, a new vending machine. I’m still waiting. So, Kel, had been instructed by higher ups to verify I’ve done all humanly possible to prevent break ins against their machine or whatever.

Yes, Kel, I have a security system, and the machine is located INSIDE my facility. I tell her all about the break in.

“Oh my gosh,” I start out, with lots of enthusiasm. “They tore apart my fence post, walked around to the back, and smashed this window.” My arm points to the now fixed glass. “Yep.” I’m shaking y head. “Cost me four hundred dollars to fix.” Well, in truth, it cost the City four hundred dollars, but who’s squabbling over details.

“Wow.” She says, eyes wide open, visibly impressed. So I continue.

“Yes. And, I haven’t even gotten the bill for the fence yet.” This is true. I haven’t the foggiest idea how much the fence repair will set me back. Well, set back the city’s tennis center budget. Back to that detail thing again.

“And,” I continue, I’ve got an audience. I’m not wasting an opportunity. “They tore up the coke machine but weren’t able to get the money out. Sooooo, they walked behind the counter and stole the snack money.” Then, I proceed to tell her, how I cleared all the bills from the snack’s register, leaving only coin. “Couldn’t have been more than five dollars.” I conclude. Nothing pisses me off more than thieving.

She sees I’m not the negligent party, offers me her card, in case I need to get in touch with her again. “Orders will still be taken from the Tampa office.” She tells me, but anything else, feel free to give her a buzz. They walk out, thanking me for selling their product and promising to see about getting me a new machine.
September 11, 2005 at 8:51pm
September 11, 2005 at 8:51pm
Rome comes on in a few minutes. Last week’s episode lost me during the brain surgery thing. Not the performance, however, the recovery Titus seemed to have. How could one heal so quickly? Then go off to fight again? I’m still hooked.

We watched Globe Trekkers a bit ago. I’ve only watched it a few times but I love the guides. This week, they went to the Caribbean. I so want to go.

Went to church with Autumn. What a great service. I haven’t been in forever. Praise and worship was excellent and so was the sermon. Then, we at lunch at the Atlanta Bread Company. Shopping at Target for a car package for some buddies of Renee’s in New Orleans. It feels different, actually addressing a package, as opposed to the stuff we dropped off at Liberty Church last week.

Well, gotta get the dogs fed and outside in time to watch Rome.
September 9, 2005 at 8:37am
September 9, 2005 at 8:37am
I gotta get it in gear. Yesterday was horrible for me, the before school fights w/Laney, my pain levels up so high, and then, seeing Louise in the hospital. Lying there so thin and frail. Tubes everywhere. She isn’t coming home. How can she? Nothing but skin and bones, not even aware of those around her. The reality stabbed deep into my heart yesterday morning as I stood over her, my hand tenderly stroking her head. I knew it before – I haven’t been in denial. It struck Laney the morning before.

I came back to my office and buried myself in paperwork and phone calls. Providing me w/ distractions. I keep seeing her, in my mind’s eye, her face full of laughter, her voice boisterous, her presence strong. Then, I could see her in the hospital so helpless, struggling for her life. Why is death taking so long? Playing with her, swatting her around. Walking away only to return for another blow? If anyone deserves to quietly, peacefully and quickly go,it’s Louise. I hate death’s cruelty.

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