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Review of Through the Mist  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Happy New year Tinker!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Delight* Wow! The atmosphere and imagery of this expression is appealing and I was hooked in by the first line with the personification of "dawn" yawning! Brilliant.*Sun* Your repeated use of this "au" sound in a few other places is effective too. The poem continues to lure me into the vision with vivid images of the tree in foggy outline and the cocoon image. I can so relate to wanting to stay abed in such damp weather even if the scenery is a delight. *Salute*

I like how we begin outside in the cool damp beauty of nature where even the tree does not show its potency and then leads us inside to the poet mimicking the feel of that chill in the house and like the tree not pop out fully! The descriptive language is well chosen. " a screech too shrill"
is ouchy!! *Thumbsup* I like the link between the cobweb of fog and the cocoon! Cool connection and potent image.

The contrast of the cool damp morning and the warmth of bed and the dream of summer is clear and the reader wants to join you in the latter dream! *Laugh*

The free verse is a good choice though I thought there was a small pattern with verse one and three being 4 lines and the other two being 5..but the last has 6...so I was mistaken. LOL I might have shortened line two verse two to accent the "tree's Green" and make the rest into another line. It would look more neat on the page and give a sixth line. *Think* It works regardless, and I was not thrown out of the reverie.

It was pleasant to read aloud and without rhyme, the flow was coherent and the use of poetic conventions gave the piece a lovely soundscape to read aloud. Your images appealed to the visual and kinesthetic senses.*Star* I could feel the clammy cold and downy quilt. *Heart*

Thanks for sharing your clear vision of this experience in such an appealing way. Keep on writing as your muse leads on into the new Year! *Starstruck*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Happy New year and Welcome to WDC Greg!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Bird* What a lovely elegant expression about these gulls and your vision of how they affect you. I enjoyed reading it aloud and pondering. I used to like watching gulls when I lived near water!

*Bird*I was hooked by your alliterative and vivid image in the first line and the cool notion of "sip the sunshine". Brilliant!

*Bird*I do not know if you had a specific form in mind but you did a fabulous job with repeating lines in a pattern in the poem. The verses are balanced and coherent in flow and story line. The rhythm and rhyme are effective and true as well. Well chosen words create a pleasing soundscape and appealing inspirational picture that is a tribute to nature and these birds. *Salute*

*Bird* I did at first want to read "aligned" for the word "align" as it struck me as off, but I see it rhymes with "sunshine" and I could imagine the word "they" before it. LOL so all is well. I also pondered at the need for a comma where you have it after "weak". It is likely a matter of opinion. *Wink*

Your poem has a relaxing effect as I can imagine flying with gulls and enjoying the landscape. It is quite inspiring too. Thanks for sharing your gift and craft! *Starstruck* Keep on writing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Valentine Daze  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Happy New year Huntersmoon!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Laugh* I loved the play on the word "daze" in the title and it suggests a lover's idealism on Valentine's Day so it is a cool surprise to see that it is Cupid who is also a little "dizzy". Brilliant image!

*Heart*Your limerick was fun to read with vivid images. I like how the last lines leaves it to our imagination as to what goes on in the bedrooms. The alliteration adds to the flow as well.

{e:smile] You composed your poem using the correct format and it has a comical tone and theme.
I liked the first line beginning with "Tis the season" as it puts Valentine's on par with Christmas. The phrase generally refers to that holiday. I liked the repeated long "o" sound and and it was a trick saying "forlorn lovers" yet it flows well. It is funny that the rooms get busy...rather than the people. {e:laugh}

*Star*This is a grand way to celebrate the day and sharing your awesome sense of humour! It is a gift. Thanks for all you contribute to WDC! All the best in the new year! *Wand*

Review of Dear Me - 2020  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Confettir* Happy New Year Mastiff! I am happy to review your item in the 'I Write in 2019! Welcome back! *Delight* Yay you for entering the site contest too!

Wow! I really felt the frustration and panic about job hunting in your tone and like how you give yourself positive images to boost yourself. I can relate to the judgemental comment on how age matters. *Facepalm* Your last line says it all. Perspective can be a real lifesaver.

The letter shows your vulnerability and feelings about the change of role. It fits with the notion of how we need to change how we value ourselves for more than the paycheck. And You are valued just for being! *Heart*

I enjoyed reading the language and flow of the work. I did wonder about the experience in the first paragraph. Perhaps more detail about the job and your role in it would clarify.
Paragraphing made sense and I burst out laughing at the PS in the letter. Laughing can always lighten the stress of it all. Good job!

I am glad you will keep writing...might be amazing what inspirations come when you release all the doubt and go musing. *Wink* Good luck with job hunting and all the best in the new year. *Wand*

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* Happy New Year isokarifrancis! I am here with a review to celebrate you!*Delight*

I like to read philosophical and inspirational pieces so here I am. I think You could add the genre "philosophy" to the item for more range. *Wink*

Your bit of wisdom was original and made me smile. I get that one should not let the ego get the better of us, and let folks laugh at folly. Never forget to see Divine help.

The one line quote is well written and coherent with a vivid image. I wondered about the words "go to mirth". I felt there was something off, not sure. Maybe something like "others express mirth" or "shake with mirth". I don't know how one would go TO mirth. *Think*

Thanks for sharing your unique wisdom at WDC! *Star* Write on into the New Year!

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Happy New year Rhychus!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Babygirl* I was intrigued by the title and sweet picture on the item. The name of the doll type is new to me. *Wink* The form of sonnet is also unfamiliar so thanks for the reader notes. *thumbsuup*

*Tiara*I enjoyed reading the flow of the weave with its gentle tone and your personification of the doll is so effective. She seems to have a real feel to her. The bit of alliteration, some inner rhyme (grace, face, low, glow) and assonance create a pleasing effect when I read aloud. The first two verses I especially liked for their sing song lyrical flow. *thumbusup*

*Quill*I wondered if a period would be better after the word "stood" as it does complete a sentence and the next one is also a complete thought. The same with "tears" in verse 3. though I realize punctuation in poetry can be choice depending on the flow the author intends. *Wink*

The word "challenging" seems unpoetic. LOL I loved the flow "wonderous worldly" and he next line. "peak to foam" is so unique a description. *Star* Keeping the "things" general allows us to add what we think she might have seen.

*Smile*Your model of the form is wonderful, following the stanza and rhyme scheme well. Amazing how you got that inner rhyme to work so effectively! I love the summative couplet that evoked a sense of peace and home.

*Heart*I loved the notion of the doll going on a journey as I think many young folks have aspirations to travel. It is a bit of truth as well that coming home can be soothing and not as bad as one thought. *Smile*

*Starstruck* I was charmed by this well conceived sonnet and admire how you got all the ideas into the form. I find them challenging to do. *Smile*

Thanks for sharing your gift and vision of this delightful doll! I had fun!

Write on into the journey of the new year! *Star**Quill*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Creature  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Happy New year and Welcome to WDC GU35T!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Confettir* The title is intriguing and made me curious as to whether the creature will be a good one or dark! *Smile* Your opening line with its familiar simile urged me to read on to find out who He was! *Thumbsup* I also wondered why no on thought well of him...maybe because he was blind? Another mystery you set at the end of the first paragraph as well. I can't wait to see the "rare"gift. *Smile*

*Smile* Your descriptions are vivid and I could see him sitting in the lovely setting. I like how you slowly bring the creature to reality with clues. I would drop the word "seemed" as the saliva spilled or it did not! LOL

You need a comma at "which he in turn reached" >> which he, in turn, reached..

It was effective the way you describe the blind boy's response to the creature.... using vivid images showing his hand, and senses recognizing the creature. You show understanding of the creature's behaviour. For example, when the creature prepares to lie down. *Wink*

*Quill* I wondered about "in such a lonely earth;" Should it be "on..earth" or simply in...:lonely place". Using the word earth made me think like he is not from here. *Smile* I liked the reference to the "faint star". And did the creature have "limited vision and smell" as well? (the word "him" is right before this description.

The last line seems to change voice. It seemed the boy was telling and then you went to an observant voice ..."you" would see.

*Star* Aside from my few inquiries, I was charmed by this short story and the way you weave the vision. It unfolds in a coherent manner and I see where it could be continued so as to answer the clues you reveal in the beginning. Why he is not liked and what his gift is, though I am guessing it has something to do with his relationship with the creature. *Delight*

I really enjoyed reading your work. Thank you for sharing your gift and vision. Keep on writing and I hope you find a home at WDC. *Starstruck*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Happy New year Fyn_Elf! I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!*Glass**Tiara*

*Heart* I love Julie Andrews so I could not resist checking out your poem! *Delight* The tone as you speak is so clear that you regret not meeting the Queen! LOL I smiled at the idea that "I didn't know!" A child could not. And those actors did make the story seem real! That is what actors do. I like the idea that the poet was the one that King Arthur chose to keep telling the tale...I could see that show capturing the imagination. I saw the movie of it with Julie and R. Harris! This brings back memories. I love to sing and dream.

*Sun*The free style is perfect choice for the emotional content for the personal letter speech. It is cool how you incorporate her other movies and shows like Ed Sullivan into the poem as you move through time. Tying in your own talent as teller of tales is genius too. It is like magic. "Flaming Flapdoodles?"*Shock* I will have to look that up!

I see this is in the autobiography and experience genre so... this almost meet is for real? *Shock2* WOW!

This was fun to read and imagine! *Star* Keep on writing on into the New Year! All the best. *Wand*


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Review of Sails Conference  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Delight* Happy New year Jeff!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Boat* *Laugh* How brilliant a play on words that is reflected in your title as well! It got my attention.

*Boat2*You did well with the Ottava Rima form though I noticed not all lines were even in syllables, some 10, some 11. line 5 only had 9 which threw off the flow a bit. The imperfection did not detract me enjoying the comical situation. Reading " a wholly different" was a bit unwieldy to me.I find form poems to be a challenge myself especially when you have to fit in the ideas you want. You kept me entertained and I had to laugh.

*Boat* I liked the simple language and the narrative voice. the last line words "water and boats" suggested to me that the salesman knew nothing about the topic.*Laugh*

Thanks for your example of this form. I am inspired to try one. I think 11 syllables would be hard to be consistent with. LOL Keep On writing on into the New year! All the best *Wand*!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Happy New year and Welcome to WDC trisho! I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!*Glass**Tiara*

*Heart* Wow! I was really moved by the authenticity and vulnerability of the voice in this letter. The poet really shows love for the inner child and delineates the experiences that caused such suffering and lack of esteem in a detailed way. It is effective how you speak directly to her (yourself) and it felt like the grown you will be her hero, parent, partner and friend now so that together you can build a fabulous life. *Thumbsup*

*Heart*The language is well chosen for the message and it is powerful how you engage her and let her know she has gifts. Very uplifting.

*Heart* The line where you say "I see you sitting in a corner" is dramatic and I can relate to that as when I was working with my inner child years ago..that is the image I had of her inside me. Wow! I would put a comma at the end of the line so it will connect with the next phrase. It is part of that paragraph and yet it is so effective in the line by itself. A potent image that pops.

*Heart*I noticed a glitch here where you changed voice: "around her like armor", I don't think you need the word "her" but rather "you". *Wink* "on her lips" and "isolate herself" also felt off if you are talking to "You". {your lips, yourself} ? *Confused*

*Heart*In the last paragraph, " leave the word "Of" out of "Because of" It did not make sense. And I see why you might want a capital letter on "Won't" though it is in the middle of a sentence. To emphasize it, you could use italics as in
"won't {i}won't{/i}. *Smile* Just an idea.

I think you need periods after "hurting yourself" and even an exclamation in your last line, if not a period. *Wink*

*Starstruck* Your expression is so amazing with great clarity and potency of voice as you encourage yourself to greatness. There is hope and a sense of determination at the end. It speaks true...you got this!!

*Heart*Gratitude for sharing so willingly, not only for yourself, but to enlighten others, who may need to hear the message and feel that they are not alone in their pain and that as children, they were at the mercy of the Narcissist.

Keep on writing to discover more of the unique star you are and were born to be. *Starstruck*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sorrow  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* Happy New year and Welcome to WDC Alta Mabin. *Star* I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!*Glass**Tiara*

*Delight*Wow! This poem touched my heart! I found the title on the Read a Newbie page and was intrigued by the tag line with "mirco poem". *Smile*

Though you do not say what the loss is, grief is something we can all relate with so it is a relevant theme and you allow us to imagine our own experience in keeping it less specific. *Thumbsup*

*Salute*I think it is a unique expression as it takes us beyond the sorrow. Brilliant! The personification of sorrow finding memory is original idea. I loved it.

*Heart*The short free verse is evocative and the last line was like an Ah ah realization. You nailed the concept of how memory can bring joy out of sorrow in a precise manner.

*Smile*I liked the short abrupt lines and the flowing words like "sorrow" and "memory'" that add a softer sound as I read aloud. The punctuation assisted the read and the dots at the end remind me of an echo, as if the poet is in a reveries that leads to more memories.*Thumbsup*

*Quill*I think you could add the genre categories: Emotional, Experience, even Inspirational, rather than Other, to attract a bigger audience.*Wink*

*Angel*Thanks for sharing this personal and inspiring vision! It gives hope to others who may not yet be able to deal with loss. I sense that the person is still there, if we hold in memory and heart. *Heart*

*Quill*Keep on writing. I hope you find a home here at WDC.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Rainbow Carnage  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Happy New year Jeff!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Unicorn* Wow! I liked your vision based on this glyph. She does look sweet and leave it to you to see the cover up! I do wonder what she did to the unicorn. The last line allows me to come up with my own conclusion and I suppose each reader's vision will depend on how dark their imaginative mind is. LOL

*Unicorn*The description of the goddess is detailed and you did a fabulous job of contrasting the cute with the violent nature. The image of "rainbow carnage" is evocative and I imagine she tricks innocent ones to get to their magic place over the rainbow. Poor little ponies.

*Star*The etheree is well composed and I appreciate the effort to get a coherent message to fit the form and do the glyph justice. Images like the rainbow one and "goddess of violence" speaks volumes and mayhem and havoc add weight to the destructive force. You say a lot with few words.

*Unicorn* The first four lines set up and drew me into the polarity of this cutie! The theme continued in the rest of the poem. I enjoyed reading it aloud as you create a pleasing soundscape with instances of consonance and assonance. I liked "loyally" and "violence", "sacrifice, exact" "wreaks, havoc" etc. Lovely flows along with the "S" sounds.*Thumbsup* Hard c sounds mimic the darker side of this cutie. LOL

*Dragon*The voice is factual and yet at the end, I felt the poet felt it was too bad. I felt sad for the unicorn too.

*Dragonflyb*Some of the lines are not full sentences and did not pull me out of the flow. However, I did feel that perhaps the word "A charming" might be changed to "this charming" and put a comma at the end of the line before..just to connect the two ideas.*Think* It is not just A ..cutie but This one!

*Starstruck*I had fun entering into this creative vision and marvelled at your imaginative well conceived response to this happy glyph in such a specific form! Well done!
Keep on musing into the New Year! All the best. *Wand*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ding Dong Bell  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Delight* Happy New year XIEA!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Smile*I could not resist this title as it has a familiar ring to it *Laugh* and your tag line was fun! Having the poem in the Nonsense and Poetry genres is a good choice. You could add Emotional as I could feel the fire behind the words! *Thumbsup*

*Cookie* You mention it has no format so it could be classed a free style expression and sometimes the mind needs to let it all out and... a poem appears. Great way to clear the head. *Laugh*

*Cool* The first line is a great hook, suggesting a nursery rhyme and then with line too, we see it will be a tirade of heart-felt thoughts. I can relate to the angry voice of the poet as realization of comparison and judgements hits him. I love the authentic voice sharing its point of view on school and performance. It is tough to feel compared to a sibling or other, seemingly, smarter kid!

*Tophat*The questions are heart felt and realistic. The plea of "can it be for me?" is such a relevant and universal desire! We have all felt the sting of comparison and feeling unheard, especially by well meaning parents. *Wink* This piece really shows inner frustration especially with the potent rationale: "he can't do well in something he hates"!. Wow! *Thumbsup*

*Doorb*The last verse involves the reader and the voice seems to come to terms with having aired the grievances and hopes for understanding and yet, will allow judgement too. It feels like the judgement of audience is not as bad as what the poet has gone through earlier. Cool! Like go ahead but I am out of here! *Smirk*

*Quill*A few punctuation glitches for me. I think a period after the second line would give us stronger pause. I might drop the question mark after "alive" in verse 2. A period after "well" in the last verse and I think you do not need the word "then" before "God bless".

*Star* Your flow of consciousness poem had a potent vibration and clear message. I like the bit of rhyme in the last line as it sped up the pace as if you were running on! *Smile* Good job!
Thanks for sharing so authentically! *Starstruck* Keep on writing your way to freedom and share you creativity on into the new year.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Happy New year Norman!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Laugh* Oh Wow! I was totally entertained by your humourous Christmas poem. You make your annoyance really clear by citing stressful things like the repetitive carols and yep those ads are sooooo boring! LOL I can relate to trying to buy a gift for a loved one, whom you suggest may be fussy and thinks you are "cold" because of your attitude. It would hurt to be called Scrooge. She must be stressed too. *Wink* *Smile* I never knew what to get my mom, not that she really wanted anything. I just like to please her and she did have certain tastes. LOL

*Rolling*I burst out laughing at the snowboots and "take a hike"! And that her doing that would be your gift. Brilliant and a twist!

*Music2* I enjoyed reading the poem with its unique structure. The verses are balanced with lines of the same syllable count with the short middle line. This was effective for drama and added to the emotional expression. I noticed the lines have the same syllable count Rhyme scheme assisted the flow and coherence and made it fun to read. Minimal punctuation was used well and the quotation marks clarified the wife's words from the poet.

*Quill* The only word that stuck out of place for me was the repeating of "this" in verse in verse two. I wanted to read "It's getting really old" as saying "this" twice in a row seemed awkward. *Wink*

*Smirk* I am reminded of The Grinch's tone and the voice here was strong and consistent. I could almost hear it!

*Smile* I liked connections you make as you repeat: "it's old" with "I'm..Old" in the following verse and tieing in "cold" in the next verse too. Cool trick!

*Bigsmile* The last line rocked and completed the Christmas whining perfectly! "Good will to me!"

*Starstruck* Your expression was so well conceived and comical. It was easy to enter right into the poet's mind and feeling as he works out his woes at this time of year. It was evocative and kept me reading to find out more. It is like your own Christmas song! *Laugh*

Thanks for sharing your gift and vision. I had fun! Keep on writing as the unique star you are on into the New Year! *Quill**Wand**Star*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* Happy New year Fyn-elf!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!*Glass**Tiara*

*Shock*Oh Wow! This is a sad poetic tale to show the worse kind of uncaring! It certainly inspires a vivid topic to write about. It reminded me a bit of my grandfather, well loved and died in his sleep so was not found til a day later when my cousin checked in. *Sad* He was at peace.

*Smile*Your title rolls of the tongue eloquently as Italian names tend to do as well. *Smile* I was hooked by that and the tag line so I kept on reading to the sad conclusion. It is something to ponder that there are people who really do not take time for others, especially the elderly, who can be a handful. I was prompted to consider that the others who do not care now could wind up like this man later!

*Fairy2*Your words flowed pleasingly as I read aloud with a quick pace and effective rhythm. I did not notice a set beat yet I was not thrown out by any glitches. The short free flow was effective and suited the theme and gave a dramatic tone to the piece. I liked the way you used rhyme, assonance and consonance for effect. Punctuation assisted the read as well.

*Tophat*The rhyming couplets at the start and end really work and create a summary of the whole message if read on their own. Brilliant! *Salute* The piece is well written to evoke emotional response. *Sad*

*Snow2* The images that portray Vincenzo's life are vivid so I could visualize how he sat there. I would have thought someone would have wondered about seeing him and why the lights stayed on etc. You paint a clear picture of how he was and also show your viewpoint about the outcome. I felt sorry for him. I used to visit older people and can't imagine not helping out.

*Tree*It was genius to use the tree in the forest notion and it certainly fits. Super! I know it is a bit of an off rhyme but "forward" and "ignored" work well. *Wink* Should there be a punctuation after "forward"? *Think*

*Delight*I really enjoyed entering your sad and touching vision with its free style and clear voice. It gives something to ponder. *Star* Thanks for sharing your poetic gift.

Write on and all the best in the coming year! *Wand*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of 53 Word Story  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Happy New year and Welcome to WDC Melisscious!
I am celebrating you with a review for "Talent Pond New Year Review Dinner Party!

*Salute* Wow! Good for you for creating a story in only 53 words and jumping into a contest.
I wondered about putting the fact that it is 53 word story in your tag line and giving a topical title to the piece. *Wink*

*Smile*As I read your dramatic scene I could see the picture of this storm wind in the tall trees and the rain pelting. I liked the comparison of the trees to towers and the active vivid verbs like "pummelled" and "swayed". Your simile is effective too. It must have been a strong wind for trees to sway like grass. It creates an image in my head.

*Umbrellar* It is interesting to give the wind a purpose for blowing the trees. Nice bit of personification. I an not sure you really need "relentlessly" as the verb is strong and then you give the added description of "trying to push". *Think*

One idea you might consider is not using too many adverbs with "ly". I heard that they are not really vivid descriptors and may not give much meaning to the story line. I see in this short piece you use 4, 3 of them close together. *Wink* How could you describe the fall with more vivid words? Something to think about in future writing.

*Fairy*I entered into the story and was waiting to see what would happen when you ask us a question. It was a surprise to see that well known query and your response makes sense. LOL I wonder if your last phrase..again with no true sentence structure...answers what sound it makes when it hits? It seems to be describing how it hits the ground so maybe a comma after "ground" would tie them together. Yet, I do see it could be a style to add pause. Nice twist of story line.
I would have liked a better image in my mind here. *Wink*

*Star*I enjoyed entering into your vision and felt bad for the trees even if Mother nature does have her way! I love trees! Thanks for sharing your unique expression.

Keep ow writing with flare! *Fire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Friday, Fall  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Confettib* Happy New Year Tinker! *Fairy2* I was flitting around looking for fairy kin and lookee who I found! *Delight*

*Fairy2* I love the charming idea of a fairy riding the wind and being punctual! How original an image..so appealing to me. I could see her swirling with colours! Vivid descriptions of the "crayon blends". I am she loves being the emissary as you say in your last line. *Bigsmile*

*Fairy*I enjoyed reading your fall weaving aloud for its whimsy and lovely soundscape: bits of alliteration, rhyme, and assonance were really effective. The images you chose are in tune with seasonal elements and signs.

*Fairy3* I have not written a Septilla, though have heard of them. LOL Your example follows the format. The rhyme scheme rocks. The words rhyming with fairy are interesting! *Star*

*Confettir* Thanks for sharing your gift and elegant vision of this fairy! All the best in the new year and thanks for all of your contributions to WDC , especially to the poets! *Salute*

Review of Poor Muppett  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Confettir* Happy New Year Greg M and welcome to WDC! I am happy to review to celebrate you! *Delight*

Oh wow! This is a moving flash story and what a sad twist at the end! *Sad* Good lead up to the surprise. *Thumbsup*

I liked how you begin with a quick bit of dialogue to rouse my curiosity followed by a comfy description of the setting where the two are meeting. Changing to italics for the speaker of the tale was helpful too. The tears were another clue and made me want to read on!

The description of the event was detailed and was coherent to follow. I like how she went back into the house..as it seemed like a natural thing to do. Getting prepared for a second look showed her practical nature too. I thought she was a bit brave. *Smile* I can't imagine that big a lizard! Wow. Of course, we do not have them here... raccoons and porcupines more like!

I would skim for tenses: should "I dread to tell Sam".. be dreaded?
Also redundant words like "rather" in "rather inquisitive" do not add much to the story. *Wink*

I am glad I did not take in the title totally first as it would have given it away...it does give the essence of the tale. I am not sure what else you could title it as less of a clue. LOL
It is a wonderful read and kept me engaged. I appreciate how tricky it is to write short flash stories and keep the intrigue going. *Salute*

Thanks for sharing your vision and jumping into WDC with your gift.*Starstruck*

Review of Connections  
for entry "Week 2: Rictameter
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Fin! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Fairy2* Flitting around in my tenth year here to find other December babies! *Delight*I found your folder and had to peek in. I always enjoy reading your poems. I chose this one as it is a form I have not yet tried on! *Smile*

The essence of water is effectively portrayed in your vivid composition. I found the way you weave your words and chose them appeals to the senses. I can imagine water and feel and hear it as I read the soundscape aloud. Good choice of assonance and consonance!

The chosen synonym or comparisons to water element are wonderful. I especially like "shape shifter" and "mist dreamer" and "immersive". You make water fanciful as well as real. It is magical. *Fairy* You have a gift with words.

You have followed the form elements as noted in the rules you included. I counted syllables. LOL I so enjoyed the flow of the language in the cascade of lines. It was easy to enter into your vision.

Thanks for sharing your gift and making WDC shine all the brighter. Happy New year wishes! *Wand*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI A.K Tourgan-Neiman! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

The title made me curious to see what you would advise to save the world as it is a topic much discussed. I am not sure we are called to save it, as much as to change our own thoughts and drop judgements that may send a higher vibe to the world. *Think* The old pattern of religion was based on a lot of judgement for sure.

Your viewpoint about the danger of religion is clear and I wondered about adding more detail or examples to add content. I like the reference to the Aquarian age as indeed the vibe of being individuals and accepting each one's ideas to build a community spirit is appealing. Again you might add some information about this idea for people who may not understand your reference.

The vibe of the tone is strong and your writing is to the point in abrupt type phrases. I am wondering if examples of how you see religion causing these "circumstances" would help us see more specifically what you mean. It would add weight to your opinion.
The ending line really shows a hopelessness and makes one ponder...perhaps even presents a challenge. *Thumbsup*

I believe 2020 will see many changes in our beliefs and systems as the old is passing away to a new unknown future. Chaos is natural in a changing of the times. *Smile*

Thanks for sharing your vision and interesting point of view. *Delight* All the best in the new year.

Enightenment on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2205982 Unavailable **

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

*Snowman*Hi Dave! Happy 14th Anniversary fellow December baby!*Snow5* Sliding in with a review to celebrate you!

Oh my gosh! This parody is priceless and so fits the prompt. Not something one would ever wish on innocent old Frosty! *Thumbsup* What an imagination...from the dark side! *Laugh*

I laughed at the first verse where you name crooks and tried to sing the Rudolph song with it. It was tricky. The rest of the verses just fell right into place tunewise with pleasant flow and rhyme!

The second verse had a strong image and really captured the nastiness of the character in the last line. Ouch!

I liked the next verse...as it suggested the inclusion of those little snowmen in the picture who are running away. LOL We get the idea that he is worse than all the rest of the mobsters if they call him. Nice contrast again to Rudolph being special in a good way. *Thumbsup*

I found the two lines of verse 4 a bit tricky to get to flow with the original tune...maybe drop the "so" , *Think* and the last line is a beat short. I think the original song had, "he went down in.." *Wink* Still, it did not take away from the fun of singing and the entertainment of the piece.

This was well composed and conceived for the contest theme and prompt. Wow! Thanks for sharing your gift. *Star*

signature for winter magic
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review of A Bunny's Tale  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Snow4* Happy December Ken! I am back as I was cruising and this popped up! Just the opposite of your winter poem I just read. LOL *Smile*

I had to review as I burst out laughing at the last line. Leave it to you to use that old cliche line! *Rolling* Making the rabbit sad about is cute too. I can believe it.

Your quatrains fun to read for flow and rhyme. I did not notice a set pattern of syllable count but was not thrown out of the read. The first verse presents a vivid setting making effective use of some of the prompt words. The dialogue between the bunny, chick and butterfly added to the charm of the poem and was woven into the verse effectively. The innocence of the chick is brilliantly shown in its queries especially the confusion about the eggs. Good job.*Smile*

The idea of the rabbit being in the basket is surprising too. *Laugh* I enjoyed the way you revealed the rabbit bit by bit. I had fun entering the tale and having a bit of warmth on this cool day.

Thanks for sharing your talent and humour. *Star*

signature for winter magic
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Snow4**Balloonp* Happy December Anniversary Ken! *Star*

*Snowman* I was drawn by the evocative and magical title. Your personification of Winter as painting the scene is appealing. I enjoy the villanelle form too! *Smile*

Your choice of repeating lines was effective one and the flow of the piece was lovely. The rhyme scheme rocked and your choice of cool words like "citrine", "sheen" and "brocade" were well chosen and aided in creating a vivid picture. Your use of assonance, consonance and a bit of alliteration created a pleasing soundscape. *Thumbsup*

The enjambment of line 1, verse 2 is effective. It was a surprise to see wolves! *Smile* "trace of jade" and "cold brocade" are brilliant images. *Star* I liked the contrast of fall and winter in your reverie.

This villanelle is without flaw that I could see as I read it several times. It was fun to read and drew me into your vision. Your descriptions are detailed and I could feel the magic of winter and the longing for summer to. The concept that summer is a memory under the winter paint is magical.

Thanks for sharing your talent and vision. *Star* Keep writing on into the next decade. All the best wishes. *Wand*

signature for emails
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Santahat* Happy Happy Christmas Eve Carly! I am happy to review your creation for 'I Write in 2019!" Keep on going! You can make it to 52!

*Music1* I love songs and so your parody of "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" is so appealing! I could sing along though I kept tripping over the word "you" after "bring" in the chorus. Or the word "that". It seems to break the flow with one too many syllables. You could just drop one of the words. *Wink* The second verse was not as flowy to sing as the first one and yet the details were stellar for the theme.

*Bell*I had to look up the word Hogmanay! Interesting tradition. Cool. Maybe add a little note about it in a drop note. I like how you incorporated some of the Scottish New Year's traditions, especially "Auld Lang Syne"! *Thumbsup*

*Xmastree*I had fun singing this cheery song on this Christmas Eve day and learned something! Thanks for your vision and may you have lots of luck and best wishes in the next decade! *Wand* Keep writing.

Review of Pretty Ugly Words  
for entry "Christmas Glee--Lai
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* Happy Holidays Sugar cube! Way to go. you are almost done 52 weeks of fun! *Delight* I am happy to review your cool piece in the 'I Write in 2019" forum.

*Star*wow! I am impressed with the composition. I am not familiar with this form so thanks for the notes. I imagine it took some effort to get this to flow coherently in message and rhyme format. It was fun to read and had a happy warm feeling to it that is suggestive of the season.

*Star*The images of the Christmas activities were vivid and told in a lively tone. I love the word "glee". *Smile* You did a fabulous job with the rhyme scheme especially coming up with words that have to have the same endings. Whew! I liked "lends, descends" and "plea, glee, spree" as they fit the theme and help build the picture. Brilliant!

"he' rhymes though it is a bit ungrammatical. LOL

*Star*The poem creates a clear vision of the season and its reality...eg. the line about shopping not being free. LOL Yet that does not even ruin the high spirits!
Thanks for sharing your gift and creating this challenging form. *Heart* Best wishes for the season and next decade. *Wand*

redone anniversary version without number!
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