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Review of Shoes  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Heel* Hi Dogpack! Thanks so much for playing with my prompt in "The Daily Poem! *Heart*

*Horseshoe* Oh wow! What a lovely poem about this parade horse. I loved the line about nerves to match his shoes! *Thumbsup*

I was drawn right in from the first clip clop and could picture the horse and rider. I like that we find out for sure at the end he is a parade horse. The theme of the shoe is carried through out the piece.

The 4 line verses with ending couplet is well composed with fine rhyme and flow. The image is so vivid and the honouring of the steed is evident. Wonderful and heartfelt expression in which I could sense the pride. *Starstruck*

Thanks for your gift and praise of the horse and the vitalness of *Horseshoe*s! *Wink*

Good luck in the contest.
Review of Starbucks  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* Hey Maryann! Happy Day! I just found another cool acrostic I have not reviewed yet. The picture of you and hubby is gorgeous! *Laugh*

*Coffeebl* You really capture the "love" for coffee and atmosphere of Starbucks. I like the comparison to "Kitchen coffee" and get a sense that the vibes of being in the shop and its comraderie make it more of a treat. I had to smile at "coffee lingo" as I know very little about that language, not being a coffee lover!

*Coffeep*The ideas given for each key letter tell the relevant ones that make the place special for you and other coffee drinkers. It is fun to read with its happy tone and good word choice. Repeating the word coffee now and then was effective as emphasis. The brown font was a good choice to represent coffee! *Smile*

Thanks for sharing your experience with Starbucks. It looks like you had fun in Seattle. *Star*

new signature for WDC Superpower Reviewers


Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Heel* Hey Maryann! Happy 16th!! *Wink* Thanks for taking up my prompt at "The Daily Poem! *Heart*

Wow! Amazing how you got the double acrostic. *Thumbsup* I have yet to get that to work!
I like the way you show how shoes can make us feel and even lift our spirits...you have to be a shoe lover though. LOL My favourite line is the last one as your choice os shoes to mention cover a wide range. The play on he word "soul" is brilliant and the message reveals that shoes are indeed loved!*Smile*

Good luck in the contest! *Candy2*

gifted sig from Lornda
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight*Hi Christopher Nagle!

Wow! This commentary is amazing in its scope and detailed information that supports your view point. I really enjoyed how you travel though history in cultures with examples of racial considerations. Your research is deep and the scope in time from Nazi, Jews, Japanese, Maori etc. is fine tuned. Interesting how the Jewish culture kept a certain separation. IT was interesting to hear the difference in Australia and New Zealand maori as well. I cannot claim to understand all the connections and do appreciate some of what you say. I can hear your tone and even frustration at political plays around the issue and its varied meaning.

You give me something to think about as I never considered these Holidays like Columbus day or Australia day in terms of what it might mean to aborigines...I mean how would they celebrate? It would be nice if folks let the past go and we could all see ourselves as human, equal and wanting to work for peace on this planet. Your last part is evocative and makes a bold statement.

The peice is well written in a complex style that takes time and thought to read. It is coherent and covers so many different aspects, it will take further study to get it's full meaning. I did like learning new information. *Smile*

Time for some common sense and end to labelling and separation, I think.

Thanks for sharing your vibrant expression with its deep potent point of view and message. *Starstruck*

WDC Power Personal Star sig
Review of Little Writings  
for entry "The Milky Way Sonnet
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*CakeB* HAPPY 16th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY Maryann, "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

*Starp* Oh, I love stargazing so this fanciful poem is appealing. I always enjoy your simple whimsical imagination and vision. You see the world with a positive child like eye! *Heart* Children would love this expression as well as they could relate to the language.

You make the starry night magical and capture the image with its movement in a vivid way. The sonnet is a perfect choice for the way you have raised the emotional view of the cosmos. Well composed and fun to read! *Star* Inviting the reader to witness it is a wonderful notion too.

Thanks for sharing your gift! *Fire* Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

WDC Power Personal Star sig

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*CakeB* HAPPY 16th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY Maryann *Heart* "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

Wow! I like your take on the prompt and the idea that writing became the legacy of a loved one. *Star*

It was pleasant to read your quatrains and sad at first to be drawn into the passing of the author. Your rhyme was well done as it can be hard to get 4 lines to rhyme! *Smile* The image of a "novel stampede" is brilliant and being captured on video brought in the modern tech of memory. *Star*

The rhythm was not even in each verse yet it did not detract from the heart felt message.One word I think you could leave out is the word "quickly" as it does not add to the line. You already say "lightning speed" which gives us the picture vividly.*Wink*

The use of red font highlighted the prompt of bleeding heart. The positive connotation at the end gives inspiration. *Thumbsup* Thanks for sharing your craft and vision!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

WDC Power Personal Star sig

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*CakeB* HAPPY 16th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY Maryann, FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

Taking a trip down memory lane into GOT territory to find something I have not reviewed! This dreamy poem caught my eye so I can have respite from winter storm in spring. *Smile*

I enjoy the light whimsical vibe of your poetic flow. The images fit with the theme of fantasy and dream time that the relaxed, warm atmosphere on the beach can evoke. I want to go there. *Sun*

The quatrains are well composed with effective rhyme and pleasant flow when I read it aloud. The sound combinations of your words are effective and I like the bit of personification. *Thumbsup*

One place I felt a bit long was the last line and I wondered if you needed the word "on". Would it mean the same thing to say "dream's the beach"? *Think* Just musing on it. I can take or leave the "a" before "princess". *Wink*
I think "carefree" is one word. I went and checked to make sure. LOL

*Star*Thanks for this light hearted poem that added to our GOT successes. *SwordL* Keep on shining as the *Star* you are.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

WDC Power Personal Star sig

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*CakeB* HAPPY 16th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY *Starstruck* Maryann *Heart* FROM me and "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

*Flowerv* Wow! I found something that I have not reviewed. How did I miss this bright and cheerful cnote shop, late for Easter but in time for spring! *Laugh*

The intro to the shop is happy and I love your poem that vibrates the energy of spring magic! It has a happy tone and lyrical rhyme, its simplicity childlike and so like spring beginnings. *Rabbit2*

The varied selection of cnotes allows for use in many occasions...with spring like colours and greetings. Using bugsbunny is so comical and appropriate. Flowers and friendship and messages of happy springtime and good day greetings are lovely to recieve.

I like the playful rabbit and turtle co-operative cnote and the kitty is so sweet! *Heart* Having two that blink are great for Premium to use as well. *Thumbsup*This will definitely go in my favourites now I have found it!

Thanks for continuing to spread your cheerful vibe! *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

WDC Power Personal Star sig

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flowerv* Happy Poetry Month Prosperous Snow!*Delight*

Wow! This is a lovely form that I have never heard of before. I really enjoyed reading your model of the Vahid with its 19 syllable stanzas. The picture of spring on the farm, painted by your words, is vivid with detail.

It has the feel of a haiku type poem with lack of punctuation and contrasting images that are observed and go together to form a whole. I like the personification of the blooms perfuming the air and I know all about grass on septic tanks. *Wink* I live in the country so this is a familiar bit of charm. Now we just watch wild turkeys though. LOL

I like that it is in the present tense though the last verb does not follow that. It seems to jump ahead to the job already done where I was not expecting it yet.

I am prompted now to play a bit.*Laugh* "seeds waiting" Or you could drop the word "that" and continue the thought of " fields need plowing and crops sowing" or
reminding them
there are fields to plow,
crops to sew".

but then maybe you wanted the job to be done, to end the day. *Smile*

Anyhow, the tense just jumped out at me. I may now have to try one of my own. Thanks for letting me play with your work. No offense meant.

Thanks for sharing this interesting form and your gift. I imagine it is a challenge to create.

A  birthday gift
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Flowerv*Happy Poetry Month Poetry Angel!*Angel*Welcome to WDC!

What a wonderful inspiring expression to celebrate spring and the divine! *Delight*

*Flowerv* I enjoyed the gentle tone and flow of your words. The four line verses had a consistent rhyme scheme that added to the flow and coherence. I did not notice a definite rhythm but the free style suited the theme and high celestial vibe.

In verse one, I would suggest a synonym for "companionship" in line two as you repeat the word quite often in a short space of time. Variety is better at times. *Wink* I am not sure what "sevens" or "settings" refers to. *Confused*

Thanks for sharing your tribute and comparison of Spring to blessings of heaven. *Star*

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
A  birthday gift

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bowl Food  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Poseyv* Happy Poetry Month, Pony Tale!*Poseyb*

*Delight*This is a delightful poem and I had fun reading it like a puzzle. I love the end. Brilliant concept. The title fits the work and serves as a diversion when we discover what the bowl is! *Thumbsup*

The form is well composed according to the details you provided, and I admire the creativity and effort it took to get it right. It is appealing to read aloud with your use of assonance and consonance in the short poem. The excitement of the eaters is evident too!

The 5th and 6th line threw me a bit..I wanted to read them as gerund forms and the main verb and subject are "we chew". Still the image is clear and appeals to the senses.*Wink*

Thanks for sharing this bit of fun! Well done! *Starstruck*

A  birthday gift
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Happy Poetry Month Harry! *Rainbowl**Rainbowr*

Oh Wow! I loved reading this romantic story poem. It really captures the medieval atmosphere and notion of chivalry in a moving way. The characters are vivid and the actions of the Knight as he holds to the old ways is chivalrous and rather sad for the pair of lovers. I like the way he changes in his emotional state along the way and yet holds to his perceived duty. That he does not want her to be harmed is chivalrous.

The names are appealing and the quatrains are well composed. I admire how you set a rhyme scheme with in the narrative poem as I think it is a challenging thing to do. You also did a great job keeping the present tense throughout. The enjambments were used to good effect too. It was a delight to read aloud. *Thumbsup*

The images were clear and events described with detail so I could enter into the journey. I liked the bathing part and have a sense that she wanted to have a rendezvous. *Smile* You really show his chivalrous nature.

I was moved by the story at the end. How sad they will lead lonely lives!

Thanks for sharing this bit of history. I do enjoy historical romance. *Star*

A  birthday gift
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Sun* Happy Poetry Month Ridinghhood!*Delight*

This whimsical poem was a delight to imagine! The notion of holding onto the silver bracelets as a symbol of youth and dreams and magic is appealing.

I enjoyed the image of the elder with the soup and the dreamy rainbows. The muse is ever young!
The free flow suits the whimsical content and it was fun to read. I love bracelets myself so I am right there with her. *Laugh*

The vocabulary was thematic and well chosen to create an effective soundscape to be read aloud. I could hear the clink of bracelets and imagine the light captured therein. The consonance and alliteration added to the overall effect of the read. *Star*

Thanks for sharing your fanciful and metaphoric vision. A lot to ponder. *Starstruck*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloonp* Welcome to WDC clementkelsey ! *Smile*

*Baseball* Wow! This article was amazing and a delight to read. It was well written and coherent and I enjoyed how you wove your early experience into a life lesson for the future. It is often the case but at times we do not see the depth til years later. The connection between that and the hoped for military life is a wonderful example for your theme.*Thumbsup*

I could visualize the game and the attitude of the senior whose heart was really not in the game. The wisdom that eventually came was solid. To see that it is about team and integrity is a valueable realization and one we need to embrace in the world today.

You make your case with details and a logical rationale that supports your opinion effectively. I think it is a convincing peice with a heart-felt tone and an inspiring vision for you and others.

I admire your honesty and sharing that can be a contribution to others. *Starstruck* Keep on writing and being the star you are!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
Review of Couch Potato  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flowerv* Happy Poetry Month Fyn! *Delight*

What an interesting prompt poem! The theme of couch potato is revealed vividly as is the annoyance of the poet. *Laugh* I had to laugh at the way you describe the one on the couch watching sports.
The ending was a rational solution, if it works. LOL

The poem form was well composed following the author's notes you gave. I admire your successful effort with this challenge. I like the contrast of the poet 'viewing" him and then waking up to the 'viewer' he becomes. The words "I see!" suggest an emotional response...to him and an awareness of the solution.

I wondered about the tenses in line 3--turned and turn and maybe a synonym to replace one of these for variety.*Wink*

The way you wove those prompt words was imaginative and comical, giving a whole new vision of what a couch potato could look like. Good job!

Thanks for sharing this entertaining vision! *Star* I am sure we can relate to the event!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Flowerv* Happy Poetry Month Joy! This little marvel popped up on the read and review page..what a find!! *Bigsmile*

This list of concrete nouns is extensive and a grand unique idea it was to post it! I am sure it is helpful to you but I can see how it can be a quick reference for others. The organization under sub headings is useful and oh boy, can I see a prompt coming on for The Daily Poem Contest! LOL My first one is for tomorrow. Lucky I found this as it inspired me. I like the variety of words. I have never heard of a balalaika or a radiosonde! LOL The list of clothing is extensive and handy. Wow! I like the short list under Other things. *Laugh*

The definition of concrete and abstract noun is convenient too as there may be some who are unsure.

I enjoyed knowing why you created such a list so thanks for the introduction. I agree that the list could go on forever! LOL I may throw some your way! *Laugh* Thanks for thinking of us on your own writing journey.*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Flowerb* Happy Poetry Month Prosperous Snow!

Wow! This is a potent expression and I was drawn right in to the vision of this inner child's memory and was glad that she found relief and a "gate" out of the prison. You have captured the experience in a vivid manner with images like a "cell", "chains" and I like the "patchwork of fears" and the fearful footsteps. That the case is "iron" gives the feeling of hopelessness and makes her strength in hearing the saving voice more inspiring. *Heart*

The freer form suits the emotional content and the two quatrains of 4 lines can represent 4 walls while the tri line last verses reflects a broken way out... and perhaps the trinity. *Wink*
The poem was effective in its rhyme, soundscape (use of assonance and consonance} and flow when I read it aloud.

I enjoyed the creativity of this expression! Thanks for sharing this vibrant vision that evokes hope for others who may be dealing with similar trauma. *Heart*

A  birthday gift
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Balloong* Happy Poetry Month Harry!

*Heart*I appreciate this tribute to the foot soldier as indeed they carry the day in every battle I ever studied in history. Your understanding of their bravery, queries and duty to what has to be done for a greater cause, even without knowing if it will really help, is well shown in your poem.

*Badge* Details are vivid and I can hear the echo of how a soldier might feel. The line about "who decides who dies" is potent and the questions at the end echo through time I am sure. We are wondering still! The tone is haunting.

*Lightning2* The quatrains are well composed with a vibrant pictures and effective rhymes that assist the flow as I read aloud. Although not all lines followed a strict syllable pattern, I was not thrown out of the flow and in fact, it added interest to the piece.
The first verses were much shorter though. Was that intentional? It added a speed or perhaps anticipation.

The vocabulary choice was in keeping with the theme and references to STyx and Mankind added to the notion of how long "war" has been a norm. I liked the use of the word "shelves" as a verb. The image is unique to consider. Effective use of assonance and consonance made for a pleasant soundscape and cohesive flow. *Star*

Keeping the present tense throughout is a fine feat and kept the emotional connection immediate. *Thumbsup*

I admire the creativity and fine detail in this long poem. It kept my attention and evoked an appreciation of the foot soldiers. Thanks for giving them a tribute. *Starstruck*

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Strong Emotion  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Flowerb* Hi Cinn! Happy Poetry Month!

Look what popped up on the Read and Review to show what a gifted poet you were even at 17! Wow! This free style flow is so potent in tone and vibrant in imagery. Your impression of death is evcocative. Your words lead me to visions of war torn lives, the answer of the depressives who fight their demons, the jealousy of love and the terrible twists of dramatic lives. Sad vision.

"burning flesh" is a strong image that I can only imagine. The use of periods is interesting to cause emphatic pauses. You used the world "of" a lot and as enjambments. I think that could be tweaked to create a clearer flow.

Thanks for sharing your gifted teen self!

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Happy Poetry Month Monty! *Flowerb*

Wow! The title of this lyric was appealing and evoked a vivid scene! *Mountainsb* I wish I could hear the tune, and made up my own so it does really flow like a song in my mind.

The picture of your travels in the search is relevant to the theme and you did an awesome job adding country names and occupations for variety and to show the length of time and space the romantic poet journeyed. It is rather haunting and reminds me of country songs. *Smile*

The form is poetic with an effective rhyme scheme and flow...depending on the music. I wanted a pause (comma) after "me" and "it" in verse one, lines 3 and 4 as two sentences seem to merge there.*Wink* The imagery is clear and I liked the ranch and the notion of a gamble. All for love!

The song was entertaining and I had fun. Thanks for composing and sharing your genius! *Star*

new signature for WDC Superpower Reviewers

Review of Hallelujah!  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Flowerv* Happy Poetry Month Tinker! What a joyful celebration of spring expressed in your flowing images! *Star*

Each verse captures a bright vision of springtime in a 5/7/5 pattern chain. I was surprised that they were not in strict haiku manner with two images contrasted in each verse and I notice some are more sentence structure than phrase patterns.

Still as a chain of Spring it has vitality and descriptive potency so we can all see the spring time events in its various connotations. The use of assonance and consonance added to the soundscape, making it pleasant to read aloud. *Smile*

You did a great job of joining each verse with end and beginning words. The mutation of Holiday to Holy Day is brilliant! *Star* It is quite a challenge and I so admire the effort and construction.

Thanks for celebrating spring with your gift!

new signature for WDC Superpower Reviewers
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)
*Smile* Hey Mumsy! This interesting item showed up in Read and Review and I am wondering if you mean to have it reviewed. It shows a lot of work keeping records of results in your game. Very organized and pretty in its colourful gold! *Thumbsup*

*Crayons*It can make one curious to check out the fun game for which it stands and shows how popular it is. I like the green glyph symbols and wondered how you typed them..eg Fe etc.

*Seahorse*Thanks for sharing your game with our community.

A  birthday gift
Review of Hindi Masti Song  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (1.5)
*Smile* Welcome to WDC Meri Anjali Didi and for posting your first item. I found this piece on the Read and Review.

*Star*The title is clear in saying the form of your piece but I am unable to read and enjoy it as it seems to be in your language perhaps? I would love to see a translation if it is. And what language does it represent? The letters mean nothing to me so it is hard to review for you.*Sad*

It does seem to be written in a poetic format. Why is yellow highlighting certain phrases?

I hope you will come back with a translation or hint. *Star* It is hard to rate.

Write on!

Review of First one  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Hi Just Dave! Welcome to WDC and thanks for posting your first item! *Salute* I remember when I did my first one..exciting and trembling. LOL

The one line poem makes a bold statement and is very romantic. It speaks of a committment and devotion to one person.

I am not sure if it is a poem with only one line but its sentiment fits the genre for sure. I would like to hear more about this love. *Heart*

I think the word "would" is missing in "I rather". eg. I'd rather. *Wink*

Thanks for jumping into WDC and I hope you will write on! *Star* Let me know if you need assistance getting to know your way around.

Happy Poetry Month!

A shared Review Raid image

And if you like to read and review, check out "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Winter Bloom  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Welcome to WDC BlizzardBlitzer! *Sun* Happy Poetry Month!

I am charmed by your romantic expression and really enjoyed the old fashioned aura of the words like "err to succomb", "ministrations" and "yonder" and "petrified hollow" is so descriptive! *Salute*

It was pleasing to read aloud and I could hear the plaintive tone of pleading. The style is a quatrain and while the syllable/rhythm count is not consistent in each verse, it did not detract from the impact and message. I did want to read "fumble on paper stilts" as "upon" made the flow a bit long there. I was wondering if there should be a word like "the" or "a" in line 3 in v 5.*Wink*

The rhyme scheme is effective and adds to the overall flow and soundscape along with your assonance and consonance useage. The last line evoked a sadness and the image of "knoll and turn" is lovely as it is different. I would maybe put a comma after 'Hope" though I see your choice of no punctuation does work.

Your images are vivid and effective In drawing me into this vision. *Thumbsup*

Thanks for creating this evocative piece and sharing your talent. *Starstruck* Keep on writing!

new signature for WDC Superpower Reviewers
If you like to review, check out: "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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