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Review of A Little R & R  
Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I couldn't agree with you more on this subject, Kat.
As you say, just one word would suffice, even if it was "Lousy". It would give some idea of how your writing was being received!
It seems to be an average figure to be reviewed once for every 4 or 5 views, I've found. Your 21 views with only 2 R&R's is a little disturbing. One of mine has 701 views with 21 R&R's! Yes you read it right!
I must admit, the poem is no masterpiece, but at least I took the time to write it and had the guts to post it. A "stupid" or "not worth commenting on" would be better than the embarrassing figures against the poem!
I wonder how many other writers suffer this same fate?
It would be interesting to see.
Well written statement.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Joan  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
So wonderful to hear someone speak so fondly of their Mother in law.
We, (Mothers in law) have had to live with a pretty bad reputation over the years. Quite unfairly, I must say.
I must agree with your MIL, though.
Touch my remote and your little fingers won't be touching anything else for a while! Not until the plaster comes off anyway!
Well written, obviously by a loving daughter in law.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Kat,
This certainly is a worrying question we all ask as we get older.
Is there enough time left to do all of the things we promised ourselves we would do. And are we the person we wanted to be?
The older you get, the faster time seems to fly.
Looking back, there are some things I would like to change, but on the whole I am pretty content.
One little thing I would change today, though, if I may be so bold, is the last line of your 4th verse.
May I suggest:-
And the way our life was spent
"has went" just doesn't seem so grammatically correct.
Well written.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Review  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Chandra,
Reviewing is the key to everything.
We may write for our own self satisfaction, or for the pleasure of others, but reviewing tells us how well we have managed to get our point across and how we have impressed our thoughts on the reader.
A good review and we know we have achieved our goal.
A bad review, though, does not mean our work was bad.
It either means we need to be a little more precise in our work, or that the reviewer just isn't on the same wave length as we are.
We should never let a bad review deter us, and have us scrambling towards the "delete" button, and review others as we would like to be reviewed in return.
Honestly and respectfully.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Mother  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Chandra,
A touching poem. Your feelings for your Mother are so loving and caring.
It is so sad when we see our loved ones as a different person to the one we once knew.
All we can do is be patient with them and show them how much we do love them and care for them.
Well written from the heart.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of WHY AM I A NURSE?  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Spoken like a truly dedicated nurse who loves her job, and her patients.
A lovely tribute in poem, Carlotta.
I feel the presentation would be more effective if it were separated into maybe 4 line stanzas.
The large type seems to give a crowded appearance.
The poem has enough strength on its own without the large print, I feel.
Well done, in your profession and in your writing.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Getting quite an in depth insight into just who Web~Witch is, aren't we?
Now we have this knowledge, it is so much easier to understand why you have such a compulsion to write.
Get it all off your chest, my dear!
There are a million or so ears out here waiting with baited breath to hear tales of your wonderful heritage and the stories you have to tell of your childhood.
Start Talking. But please keep to English. If you lapse into another language I may think it is something you picked up from The Flower of Italy.
Most entertaining.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Bogeyman Nights  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Great story,with mystery and intrigue and ingenuity, and a great scheme of yours to beat the city heat!
I love the image you project of your massive brother decked out in all his glory in your bathrobe.
Mum was right, though. The contents of the kitchen always have something useful for every situation.
One thing still puzzles me though. Who owned the sneakers?
I shall be locking my bedroom window tonight! Just to be on the safe side.
Great story telling.
Keep them coming!
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just love stories told in rhyme.
When they are true stories, the words just seem to flow with an honesty and clarity that prose doesn't capture.
Well that's how I feel about ballad poetry anyway.
What a thrill for your Mum to meet Ms Jones!
She must have been in awe of the occasion!
Such lovely memories for her, and for you too.
Terrific rhyming and rhythmic flow to your story/poem.
Just my cup of tea. Thank you.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
No wonder this won 1st prize!
It is full of mystery and intrigue and has the reader longing to know what happened? What will happen next?
You write well. To the point with just enough descriptive information to have the reader form a picture in his mind, without swamping the work with an overkill of sidetracks to describe a place or time or event.
Well done. It is a shame the picture cannot be reproduced on these entries. It would be interesting to see where your inspiration for the story came from.
A most enjoyable read.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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Review of My sig storage  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love Susan's sigs. She does a wonderful job and your sigs are a fine example.
Your bear from Rob is so cute. He is a nice fellow isn't he, Rob, I mean.
The 4th sig is great. Plain and simple but very effective.
I'm sure you enjoy using them all.
Cheers Meg.
The shortbread is yummy, thank you.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
5 points for a wonderfully enlightening story, and a million and 5 points for surviving 4 daughters in your family. I have 5 sons and one very precocious, sorry precious, daughter. Frills and fancy stuff was not on the agenda, she wanted to be one of the boys.
They may have left home, but believe me, THEY'LL BE BACK!!!!
A son is a son till he takes him a wife, but a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life!
Well written and most enjoyable.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
I clearly remember the eruption of St Helen's all those years ago, Shirley.
Even here in Australia, it over rode all other programmes on television, and we sat glued to the set witnessing the devastion that was taking place.
Poems such as this one, serve as a dedication to those who lost their lives, and as a reminder of the savage force that nature possesses.
Well done.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Love certainly does change everything.
And when love comes later in life, when least expected, it is even more treasured.
To share your golden years with someone you love by your side is perfect love.
A wonderful poem, Shirley.
Your contentment shines through in your words.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of The Palm  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Palms are my passion, Turps. (Actually they are the only plants I can grow successfully).
They stand tall and majestically in my back yard. 25 of them. All bearing the names of my grandchildren, proudly carved by the little dears themselves.
Our own Family trees.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Looking for You  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Never let go of that feeling.

Every breath of fresh air that blows on my cheek,
When I feel you're a long way from home,
I know it's your kiss and the touch of your hand,
And I don't seem so all on my own.

A stanza from "LONG WAY FROM HOME

Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Gerry, This is quite a brilliant oration you have spoken here. And you are not just simply using words again, but making a real and valid statement.
There are many lines that ring so true and would strike a chord in the hearts of those who are much too free and easy with their spoken words.
Joy,laughter and tears, jealousy, deceitfulness and truth, are all just words. It is what our hearts are really saying that God hears.
Well written,
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Our Lives  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Robert,
A poem always has that extra special something when it is written from the perspective of the subject, in this case, the Cats.
There are many pieces written about how owners adore their pets, but I particularly like this slant on owner/pet relationship. It clarifies the true situation... "Our owners are pets that we adore."
I can guess how the pecking order works in your family. Your cats are definitely at the top!
Well written
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Ageing  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another great poem from the pen of Rob!
You have a few more years to really lose it all, Rob.
Believe me, it just keeps getting worse!
My excuse (and I'm sticking with it), is that I was so intelligent when I was younger, that I crammed so much into my brain, it overflowed. Now a few things have spilled out and I haven't any room left to put them back in!
I found a solution though."SOME SAY I AM INTELLIGENT.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Allergies  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm so pleased I don't suffer with allergies or hay fever, Rob. I couldn't enjoy the sweet smells of nature.
This poem did give me a giggle, albeit at your sneezy expense!
I love the line Their blooming cause is everywhere. Great play on words here that adds to the flavour of the poem.
Well done.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Darkened Life  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Congratulations Rob.
To continue with a perfect rhyme and rhythm form of poetry while conveying such a sad and distressing tale of depression, takes great talent.
And you have displayed that great talent here.
You may consider joining "Invalid Item.
Your poetic contributions would be most welcomed here by all members of the group.
ps. 2nd last line Depression's
Those apostrophes have a tendancy of slipping off the page occasionally.
Brilliant piece of work!
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Outback Honeymoon  
Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh LadyOz, This certainly brings back memories.
I think it was compulsory in the early 60's to have an "eventful" honeymoon.
We ventured to the "Sunshine Coast" North of Brisbane (before it was touristy). My uncle had offered his "holiday house" to us, (a fishing shack, no less). No power because a massive snake was coiled up in the meter box, and with the summer heat we left the doors open. This of course was an open invitation to a neighbour's horse to plod through in the middle of the night!
You were posh! We didn't have a car! We jumped on a bus and spent our week of bliss at the sister in law's place.
I must agree totally, though.
The skies were brilliant! That phenomenon still amazes me in the heavens away from the bright city lights.
Thanks for sharing your experience and giving me a trip down memory lane.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Poems  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Belinda,
Your poems all seem to have a similar theme, so far.
I realise this may be because the subject is currently in your mind, and writing does help to ease any situation.
Try your hand at something completely different, as in your poem about "Grass". Also attempt different styles and forms of poetry so that your work becomes more varied and gives the reader a fresh look at your talent. And you do have a talent!
Work on a simple rhyming poem or a story put into poetry form, or something outlandishly humourous!
I hope I have been of some help to you, and haven't appeared too critical.
I look forward to chatting with you again.
Cheers Meg.
A  heart from Pyper
Review of Grass  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is quite good. Very descriptive imagery shown here.
Would clouds "drift" or "float" away rather than "run"?
Just my personal idea.
A little punctuation may help in the form of a few commas and full stops to pause the reader before going on to the next phase of the visual effect.
Well done.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Belinda,
Sounds intriguing, and worthy of adding to.
I am not a novelist and don't read many books (I tend to stick wit my first love - poetry).
This statement as an introduction will certainly pique the interest of anyone who picks up the book(when it becomes a book, that is).
Maybe instead of being an opening paragraph, it could be a blurb on the cover or on a prologue page. Just a thought.
Being just a draft, I realise you would not have edited anything as yet, but on e spelling error does stand out. "too irresistible".
Also try "far too irresistible" in favour of "way".
I notice you have begun by using the present tense. Be aware of this, as it is very easy to lapse into past tense at times when writing a novel of any length.
So far, so good.
Keep writing.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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