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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm with you Victoria! Camping is for the birds!
If I want to see what the great outdoors is really like, I'll go to the mall and buy a book, go home and sit in a comfy chair with a big box of chocolates, and feast on the colourful pictures of snakes and spiders and all those other creepy crawlies that are part of the camping package.
It is a fair hike from the book store to the chocolate shop! Right?
No remote? How primitive can you get?
Cheers Meg.
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Review of Grammar 101  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Inkling,
A very warm welcome indeed to WDC, not just from me, but from all of the writers who just cringe when they see words and apostrophes misused.
I have been guilty of not even attempting to read an item when the title, or its description, is laced with incorrect spellings or word usages. I mean to say, if a writer cannot spell the title of his/her piece, what are we expected to find within the item?
Any offered advice to correct such mistakes is often taken as an affront or ignored completely!
I have often wondered why more people don't use "spell check".
Then I came to the realisation (and we spell that with an "s" in Australia) that maybe they don't know that their words are spelt wrongly and hence do not bother to check their work.
I will keep trying to improve the spelling and grammar of my fellow writers as long as I know there are some out there, like you, who really understand how important it is in the presentation of a piece of literature.
Many thanks, Meg.
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Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Penny, Just reading your story brought back the memories of 3 years ago when I was in this position. Of course my children were much older than yours when they lost their father, but it didn't make the pain or the anger any less.
They say grieving takes time, and the length of that time is different for everyone, especially for the child who is told that he is now the man of the family and has to hold everyone else together.
The more we gather together as a family and chat about days gone by, the easier we are finding it to cope without the man who was our strength and our guiding force.
I see a lot of my husband in my children now. His teachings were heeded, though we didn't realise it at the time that we were being prepped for this precise time. Just to be there for each other is paramount.
God Bless,
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of The Hitchhiker  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
For sure the days of the hitch-hiker are gone.
I know it is said "If you remember the 60's, you weren't really there", but I do remember them!
Well, I remember hitch-hiking with my brother to the beach where he was a volunteer life-saver every weekend. We met some very kind and interesting people.
Nowadays, the way society has developed, it is a bit too risky to chance getting a ride from a trustworthy driver, if you get my meaning.
Sad really. It was an experience to meet people from different walks of life, and an extremely cheap mode of transport for young folk!
Cheers Meg.
Review of Memorial Day  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Ken,
You have said all in four lines, what it took me to say in 32 lines. "MEMORIAL DAY..
A writer can go on and on singing the praises of our brave men and women, but it will never seem enough.
Here in Australia we acknowledge the sacrifices made by our fighting men on Anzac Day."ANZAC DAY - 25th APRIL
Whatever the day, whatever the country, as long as we remember.
"Lest we Forget"
Review of Lovin' Chair  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
The flow of the words and the wonderful story the poem tells makes this a gem of a piece of poetry.
I feel this is a true story drawn from personal experience, as only poems such as this have that certain something that bringsout a tender warm feeling.
Well written. Keep up the good work.
Sig from Kiya for reviewing
Review of Cowboy Kind  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is not often I have read a poem first time through without stumbling over the rhythm.
Your lines just roll along so smoothly the reader can appreciate the story so much more.
Even the fact that the lines are not rhyming does not affect the enjoyment of this work. Well done.
Please visit my port. I only write poetry with a rhyme and rhythm, and appreciate poets with a similar style.
Cheers Meg.
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Review of My Toddler Days  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Shirley,
Memories like this stick in our mind in different ways.
You remember the spanking -- I'll bet your parents remembered the first day you cursed, with a little chuckle, and feigned shock horror!
I know I chuckled at the imagined scene of a frustrated toddler and truck.
Cheers Meg.
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Review of Brownie  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a lovely story of the amimals of your childhood.
This is just the sort of thing ShiShad is looking for in the item she has just set up.
Go and visit her and let everyone read of Brownie's life. "SHISHAD'S FOOTPAWS OF FRIENDS. She will be delighted to hear your story.
Cheers Meg.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a beautiful idea, Shirley.
I'm sure you will have a great response to it.
I shall go digging into my photo album and find some doggy snaps to write a few words about. They were never my dogs, but my husband's. We never were cat people, the dogs didn't approve.
Cheers Meg.
Review of WE WILL WALK  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am always proud to wear a pink ribbon. Not just for the sufferers and survivors of breast cancer, but for the victims of all forms of cancer.
I spent quite a bit of time in the cancer clinic when my late husband was receiving treatment, and I was overwhelmed by the positive attitude and courage shown by cancer patients of all ages.
The staff who man these clinics are also a very special group of caring and compassionate people. No amount of praise seems sufficient to bestow upon them.
This poem is a fine tribute indeed.
Cheers MEG.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
How true. We don't have to shower people with material things to feel we have given a gift.
The gift of giving of ourselves is much more valuable to others and to ourselves.
Poems that make a reader think and look deeper inside themselves, really are the best ones, as they come straight from the writer's heart.
Well done,
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Clare,
Who would ever have thought to compare a rock with a snowflake?
This is a lovely poem with all the descriptive imagery one needs to bring a snowflake and a rock to life.
I particularly like the inference of the lines
"But you little Snowflake are fragile and new.
"What are you good for, what can you do?"
Proof that one need not be big and strong to serve a worthwhile purpose.
Well written. A delightful poem.
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Review of Gracie  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Pet" is not really a name we should apply to animals who share our households and our lives.
They are our companions and an integral part of the family.
Your love for Gracie is evident in this story, and her love for you is obvious.
Cats are very fussy when they choose a friend. You were most certainly chosen to be hers.
Lovely story.
Cheers MEG.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Who needs National Geographic or the Discovery Channel when we have you!
What a terrific description of the country that surrounds you and the life that abounds in it.
And put into verse only makes it so much more inviting.
Well done. Send this to a Travel agent. I'm sure they would love to add it to their brochures.
Cheers MEG.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
It was really a pleasure to read your words and meet your family.
Please drop by anytime to visit me.
My poems are all from my life's experiences, not because I am vain and like talking about me and mine, it's just that my imagination does not extend into the realms of fiction.
Hope you enjoy my words as much as I did yours.
Love Meg.
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Review of Mama's Pleas  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a beautiful wish for your children.
I'm sure they have filled your life with all the joy they could give to you.
This is the only reward a Mother needs, to see her children grow tall and proud. To love themselves and God.
And should they leave us before they've grown,
We thank God for the time they were our own.
A  heart from Pyper
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes, Oprah, you were so wrong that time.
I doubt if anyone can explain love clearly.
My husband could not speak for the last few years of his life after a series of strokes, but the touch of his hand or the look in his eyes, and that crooked little fixed smile, spoke more of love than any poet could ever put into words.
Review of The Fall  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
This lost feeling must pass at some time, but time goes so slowly.
On one hand you wish it would jump ahead and have everything back to normal, and on the other hand is that feeling of not wanting to let go.
This length of time is different for everyone. And it is not measured by how much you loved or how much you gave or received. It is just the time it takes for you, yourself, to grieve.
"JUST GIVE ME SOME TIME. expresses my feelings about this very thing.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is one of those strange feelings you get after you have lost a husband. You tend to see the "couples" in everyone and everything about you, and you feel like there is one half of your own personal couple missing.
I too had these feelings, and still do.
A heartfelt piece.
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Review of Remembering A Son  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am so sorry you have suffered the tragedy of losing a child. It's not the way it is supposed to go, is it. And your husband as well. My heart goes out to you.
The words from Shakespeare ring true. We must speak of our sorrow to ease our pain.
This site has been of great comfort for my children and I to release a lot of our feelings and emotions after losing my husband , their father, 3 years ago.
Especially for my youngest son, Chris. BOOM ~ WE HAVE A BOY !
Your poem is touched with loving feelings. We miss them every day, but more so at those special times.
Hearts from Marlena
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an absolutely perfect collection of photos!
The scenery of and around Sauk Mountain is gorgeous! So much different to the very tropical part of Australia where I live.
3 boys and 1 girl -- I have 5 boys and 1 girl, but my daughter does not have hair the colour of your daughter. Beautiful!
Your flowers are lovely. I'm afraid my gardening prowess is limited to palm trees and grass, and even that dies off in the dry season. We don't have 4 distinct seasons here, just hot humid wet summers and a little less hot and dry not-summers. Can't really call it winter.
Tell your grand daughters they look great! You must be so proud of them.
Bikes sort of scare me. My eldest son has one and I cringe with fear when see him riding. He looks so vulnerable.
I must get some pics of my mob on display. I have the kids but not the 19 grands and 2 great grands, (and there are 2 more babies due shortly) plus 3 foster grandkids at present.
Lovely visiting your family.
Cheers MEG.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
A great way to look at how your reviews are accepted. It is always helpful when typos, spelling mistakes and grammar etc are pointed out and corrected, and what we all would like to hear is how people feel about our work, and how we can improve our writing ability.
Giving constructive advice is not always accepted in the manner it was intended. This is an occupational hazard.
I find that offering advice just as a "suggestion that may or may not be taken" smoothes the way for amiable reviews.
Your poem is a great read, with maybe a few stumbles in the rhythm section, but I didn't mind this too much.
Keep reviewing.
Cheers MEG.
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Review of A WDC TRIBUTE  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
WDC is certainly more than just a site to write and read others' works.
There certainly is a lot to do here, and so many people to meet.
It is a way of travelling to all parts of the world, learning of different customs and cultures, without leaving home.
I think I spend just as much time chatting to my numerous pen friends as I do reading and writing.
Addicted to the site? NO! Obsessed would be a better description.
Cheers MEG.
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Review of For Monty  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Truer words were never spoken, Sherri.
Monty does have that wonderful gift of making each and everyone he meets feel special. I know I feel as if I am his special friend, even though I know I am not the only special friend in his life.
This is a heartfelt tribute to him, and he is fortunate as well having such a loyal friend as you.
Cheers MEG.
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