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Review of My favorite name  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (3.5)
I guess here your are talking about the man in your life, may be your son, husband or lover, around whom your world revolves. The centre of attention and attraction in the life that you lead. Simple, straight-forward poem without much twist. Keep writing.
Review of Icarus'd  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Another good one! you surely do have a way with words. The way you make the poem flow is incredible. Its short, crisp and says a lot more in those few words. The description is beautiful, and the reaction is very original. The idea is refreshingly new. The hatred to say the final adieu with a kiss to make the event more sad. very well written. thanks for sharing it with us all.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hilarious poem. Congratulations, you really took it to another level. I laughed out loud after reading this. Its the most original and sarcastic one that one can ever come up with. The comparisons that are drawn are mean but seems that the woman deserved them by her demeaning behaviour to others. Ver enjoyable poem, very well written the flow is superb. Really enjoyed it a lot.
Review of The Color of Moon  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I don't know what to say in reviewing this beautiful piece. This a beauty in words. The way you write it, touches, warms and leaves me astounded by the theme, the structure, the flow of the poem. I am speecheless by the emotions and the metaphors. Just keep writing more of these beautiful pieces. You are a true writer. Thank you for sharing this poem with us.
Review of Respect  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
A very good poem expcept the 3rd para where the second lines seems very abrupt and zomehow breaks the flow of the poem. This is just my opinion. I have had this thought a few days back and wrote a poem called silence of words. The 4th para has lot of emotion and meaning packed into it. And the last para says it all. Keep writing.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
The pain is palapable and spills over through the words of the poem. The pain and the depression that you faced is terrible experience. But since your sanity won over the madness for some interval of time don't let yourself to fall back into that black hole of depression. That is a viscious circle but every one should try and get out of that. Nicely written.
Review of Love  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (3.0)
Very simple and clear cut poem that describes love. It is most probably a tribute to someone you love. Keep writing and keep improving.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
It should be 'takes me farther from you'. Very well written sentence where you compare yourself to earth incontrast with the pther person who belongs with the star. The pain in the piece spills from every word that you have written. The falling in love after overcoming the resistance, but slowly and surely the difference shows. And you keep your head in place and walk away, but no one stops you. Beautiful, poignant piece. Its very well written. Keep writing.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Ver well written and truthful opinion about the governance and the state. I do agree that the end do not justify the means. Even if the end result which is good is ill-gotten by sacrificing human in name of means, how can that be justified? The increased involvement of the governement in the lives of common people have become more of a burden on us. They are justifying their ruthless and ineffective measures by giving the excuse of protecting the nation and the people within. But at teh end of it all, the common people are the ones who suffer the most.
Review of Master  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful creation. The desertion and deception of a loved one. The way you describe the taste of tears is very touching, it makes the reader taste the tears they have shed once. The shadow of betrayal overshadows all other emotions and you are left with the option to run and hide insteaad of facing the ridicule of the people. Very poignant piece. Keep writing.
Review of The Triangle  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
The faith and belief that are passed on through the generations are the most deeply founded ones. The times we find that we have lost our way, that is the time which reminds us of the stray sentences told by the elders who loved us dearly and had foreseen that we may someday need that piece of advice. You have depicted the theme in a very bright and colourful way. Truely a great tribute to your grandma.
Review of Dare To Be  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
A very beautiful poem, a true tribute to womanhood. "...in her place a woman new and that new person will be "you." These two lines are so dramatic that it creates an impact on the readers. The challenges faced and the choices made by a girl which helps her at a more matured age to become a lady. Very well written and impressive piece. Since you have already received a much deserved awardicon I think that says it all.
Review of The Presence.  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.0)
Weird story, it started in a very normal way but then the twist in the story is great!! a revenge of nature or of supernatural? it is written in a very innovative style, quite refreshing.
Review of Blog Entry  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.0)
They way you write it inspires people to have a little faith. In today's busy world it is hard to find faith in something, especially the words of a book. But there was a time that people actually spent their days reading and gathering knowledge from books. Today we just google anything and everything we want to know about and it would be hard for us to switch off all electric devices and mobiles to curl up with a book. I think only a few can afford that luxury now. *Smile*
Anyways an interesting blog entry. Keep wwriting.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Beautiful unfolding of the creation of a song from the experiences of the creator. The anguish and lonliness always inspires beautiful writing, I don't know why this reaction comes to writers. They write the best when they are sad and in pain. Past cannot be changed and we always have to pay for our mistakes and hurt inflicted. But we live on and we we find our solaces in various creative things sometimes. Just sometimes.
Very well done. Keep writing..
Review of Catch Me  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a soulful piece. The end is most unique. The dialogues are crisp and the description of the scene is very poignant and poetic. The comparison between the bridge and the girl is also something very new. The end is the best though, consumed by the waves he had saved her from... what a better bitter end could there be? Its very well wwritten. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Review of Perfume  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very well use of the five senses. The descriptions are beautiful and the flow is smooth. The last para describing the sense of smell of a woman, is my favorate. You have done a great job of puting the senses in a poetic form in describing your lady love. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It is a great piece. The descriptions are awesome. The way you describe the moon and the hiding ground leaves the readers speechless.
The dialogues and the action are well founded and the letters that Eli writes to his mother is so touching. It is a poignant and a beautiful piece.
I can't make myself call it a story beacause there might have been too many of incidents like this, where a letter reaches home but the boy doesn't. The letter where he says that he cannot strip the guns from the dead is inspiring in it respect for the dead.
Congratulations that you won an awardicon for this, you really deserve it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Review of A Little Bit More  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
What an honest confession in a poetic form. Its impressive, really truthful. Sometimes we do realise that we push away the people we love by wanting more and more. I enjoyed it a lot. Very good work. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
Chocolates from admirers are thing that we all experience one time or other, I can actually recall the intensity of feelings and eager anticipation of the taste of the chocolates. The flavors have been described so excellently that I am dying for a chocolate after reading this. The anticipation of the taste of each chocolate tasted is very interesting. Once a friend of mine had pulled somewhat same prank on me. Very well written, very original, and very creative. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great song, its appropriate to be sung on the valentine day. It flows very smoothly and makes one feel good after reading through it. Its very well done indeed.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
A strange kind of rhyme that actually works well. But please rectify 'aww' to 'awe'. Most of us can relate to this poem from our own experience and attitude we have towards the person we love. But the 5th para is a little awkward in my opinion. And the 3rd para is really poignant. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing.
Review of let me dream  
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very poignant piece. I really liked it very much, and the end is beautiful. The para about having no qualms about dying is the best and the next one is where you plead that you shouldn't be lead where you don't want to follow. These lines touched the heart in a sharp defining way which is extraordinary. Great work. Keep writing.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very well thought and soul-searching questions in a poetic form, especially the fourth and the fifth paras. It questions our stand in life which we often forget to ponder over in our haste to be active. It really makes the reader think. Thank you for sharing with us. Keep writing.
Review by Torschlusspanik
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very well written, the upheaval of the emotions caught in poetry. Its the sadness and the emptiness that exudes from the lines and in between which grips the reader till the end. Keep writing.
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