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Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning!

I didn't know my flowers too well. I got 1 out of 5 right. I still had fun taking the quiz. Thank You for putting this quiz together.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening!

I almost had a perfect score. I scored four out of five. I did better than I thought I would.

Thank You for putting this quiz together.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Desmond's Journey  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, J. T. writes!

I am not a professional reviewer but I can offer my input on how your writing made me feel.

I am reviewing your piece entitled, "Desmond's Journey".

At the beginning of your story, the first paragraph is as follows:

Desmond is excruciatingly bored, his leg bouncing under his desk as he continues to bite at the thumbnail of his paint-speckled hand. His art teacher is going over theory -- a complete and utterly hopeless waste of his time. It might as well be trigonometry for all its use after he finishes school.

The part that says trigonometry for all the use should say trigonometry for all its use after he finishes school.

I remember how bored I was all the way through elementary, middle, and high school. I kept my eyes on the clock hoping that the class would hurry up and get over with. All the things that I was to remember weren't retained in my memory. It was frustrating trying to study when I couldn't remember what I read. I didn't have an interest in school because of this.

You mentioned that rules were something that you didn't like. I don't blame you for that. I think that there are too many rules to follow. All he wanted was to grab a sack full of moral support. This would've been nice. It is better to get encouragement for what you do, rather than have to abide by all the rules just to get something done.

Even though Desmond's pockets were always empty, he had to slide his fingers in them just to make sure.

I can see you as a writer. You can do this. I encourage you to continue with your writing.

Desmond was a painter ... dreamer, but still a painter. I like this. When you dream, you can paint an image from the dream you had.

Have a blessed day! I hope that you will continue to have good days.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, parable!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer you feedback on how I felt after I read your story.

You were fortunate that you were able to raise your kids well by teaching them respect. Teaching them how to raise their kids means that your values will be passed on to their kids. You had a wife that you loved from day one. It's wonderful when you say that she was the best thing that ever happened to you. I love to hear stories like that. The memories that you had are very sweet. I think it's wonderful! She was a remarkable woman; I can tell that by the way you speak about her.

I was married twice and both of them were abusive to me verbally, but that didn't stop me from loving again.

It was sad that many tears were shed regarding the failure of your crops. I hope that your tears of sorrow will be turned into tears of happiness and joy. You should be proud that you've been able to have a loving wife and good kids.

It's hard to believe that I am 65 years old. Soon I will be 66. March 14, 2023, is my birthday. Time is short; it goes by too fast. Before we know it, we get older.

I'm glad that you shared your story; I found it enjoyable to read. Getting this down on paper must have been quite emotional for you. I admire your strength and courage. Continue with your writing. I encourage you to do that. I hope that you will have a lot of good years ahead.

I hope that your day went well and continues to do so tomorrow, and always. I hope, in some way, that I was able to make your day a bit brighter. I'm sending my smile your way.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Orchestra  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Felix Espinoza!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer you feedback on what I thought about your story.

I am reviewing your story entitled, "Orchestra". I appreciate you playing the bass clarinet. You've expressed how it makes you feel when you play. Wanting to play it loud makes a person feel better, especially when they enjoy music.

I played the B-flat clarinet in the band when I was in middle school. I was fortunate to have my best friend compete with me for the first and second chairs. No one was able to sit in those chairs. We kept going back and forth in that spot. The dog that we had at the time was my best critic. As long as I was playing well, she was content and happy. When I hit a wrong note by squeaking, she would let out a howl. I loved playing the clarinet.

I encourage you to do more writing. I enjoyed reading your story. You deserve to get an encore.

I hope that your day went well today, and continues tomorrow, and always.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Dark Clouds  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, dreamy girl!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer my input on how your story affected me.

I am doing a review on your story, "Dark Clouds".

I can relate to the character Suzan because I've been there. When someone has been dating for a while and has had a lot of fun with that person, it's very frustrating when you make a phone call to them and get an answer back gets fewer and fewer until there's no response at all. Questions begin to circle in your mind, such as, "What happened?" or "Did I do something wrong?"
You have hope, but then eventually you give up since you have not heard from them. As time passes by, things began to look up and you go on with your life.

I enjoyed reading your story even though it was sad. I encourage you to continue with your writing.

I liked the last part of your story the best that said:

The sky was lit up as it was a full moon. Some clouds moved at a slow pace covering the moon from time to time. The sky in all its vastness and the lovely moon stay there while many clouds passed its way. Suzan gave a long look at the moon and came back to her room. She picked up the phone and went on her contacts. She searched for "Dear Dave" and tapped the delete button following it with deleting everything with this name. She went back to her balcony and smiled at the moon which remained calm as ever. The clouds may cover the moon for some time, but the moon gets back to its original glory.

I would like to see a continuation of this story. It left me hanging. It didn't say whether Dave came back into the picture and made everything right again. I'm hoping that this will be the case. This would've brought the smile back to your face.

I hope your days will be good, today, tomorrow, and always.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Edward nigma!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give my take on how your writing affected me.

Your writing was short and to the point. It sounds like there were a lot of struggles with how different people live life. I also struggle with what is going on with people today. I see a lot of bitterness and hate, which is very hard for me to handle, but, for me, my trust is in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It says in the bible that we would go through rough times, but, through faith, we can know without a doubt, that we are cared for and loved. That is if we put our trust in Him.

You are a person who has a tremendous amount of strength. It sounds like you've been hurt by other people. I want to encourage you to keep on writing; it helps us to feel better when we talk about it. Growing up for me was filled with animals that we had on the farm. The animals showed me their love when I felt that I didn't have it. If you have a pet, spend some time with it; they will love you back unconditionally.

I hope that this review will put a smile on your face. I also hope that your days are going well today, tomorrow, and always.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Days of sorrow  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening, Cho_Seungyoun!

Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can give you my take on your writing entitled, "Days of Sorrow" on what I have read.

After I read your article, I can see that you have questions about Mother Nature and her sadness, and rain.

Gloomy days can make me feel gloomier and also very sad. This happens when I happen to feel low on any particular day. I wrote a poem entitled, "Liquid Sunshine". My reasoning behind it was that when I felt sad when it rained, I could think of it as being liquid sunshine, which tended to lift my spirits. It helped me to smile whenever I felt low.

On days when I questioned God about why He would allow floods, fires, strong winds, tornadoes, cyclones, Hurricanes, and any kind of bad weather that would end up killing thousands of people. I thought that God didn't care about what he had created. He is always around hoping that we would turn to him so that we wouldn't be afraid.

Natural disasters happen and Mother Nature does her thing. It's been said, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature". Mother Nature, being who she is, is bitter at times, for whatever reason. At times like these, it's better to pray to God for protection. God will never leave us nor forsake us; He's always there. Even though we may never get the answers here on earth, we will get them when we get to heaven.

God will give you peace during a storm. The peace and serenity you get will let you feel relaxed and full of vigor.

I get concerned when someone gets sad, it makes me feel that someone is giving up on life.

It takes courage to write what you did, it's very brave of you.

I encourage you to keep on with your writing; it helps make things better. I am so thankful that you reached out; this goes a long way for the process of healing to begin. You expressed yourself well.

I hope that today, tomorrow, and always for your days to be brighter. I hope that I have brought a smile to your face.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good evening, Parable!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer my input on what I thought of the story.

Your grandma sure had her way of getting revenge. There were 120 acres in 1916 and your grandpa planted 30 acres of winter wheat (a special kind of grain). It's planted in the late fall and will remain dormant until the following spring unless it's disturbed. After he got done planting it, he was told by the landlord that the field wasn't part of the rented farmland, which put grandpa out of labor and cost.

Grandpa wanted to go and plow up the field, but grandma stopped him, saying, "Don't you go on that field, Tommy". "We'll have nothing to do with it".

Grandma knew who would be harvesting the field. It would be the county sheriff. He had a threshing ring consisting of his huge steam-powered threshing machine and had several men in his employ.

The next farmhouse was five miles away and the water wagon was horse-drawn. It would take a long time to get to and from the field. The sheriff got wind of the trouble and drove to the farm gate. "You aren't really going to shoot me, are you? "Just step through that gate and find out you SOB! She hissed as she cocked the hammers back on the shotgun. The sheriff backed off and got back in his car. They didn't get water from the next house either. It took them most of the day to get the wheat harvested. If this would've happened today, she would've been arrested and jailed. But, back then, people took care of disputes and the police didn't interfere. I'm not talking about vigilantism, but sometimes people can work out solutions by themselves.

Those were the days and things are way different these days.

I encourage you to write. This would be an interesting story to pass down to kids so that they can pass it on to others. I know that I enjoyed hearing this story.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of A time to burgle  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good afternoon, Jo A Builder!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you my take on what I've read. I am reviewing your piece entitled, "A time to burgle".

There is a moral to this story. When someone does the same thing that someone else is doing, but it's not the right thing to do, there are consequences for doing that. The man in the story, Mike, did a bank heist and threw his duffel back into the car. Shelly followed in his footsteps doing the very same thing. Before this happened, Shelly was concerned about her nail.

The police showed up and Shelly replied, "Where are we going now?" He replied, "To hell, if we don't change our ways". There is a lesson to be learned; Don't do something just because someone else is doing it, otherwise, you will get caught.

This was a story that said that we would go to hell if we didn't change our ways. Mike and Shelly had something to consider before committing another crime like this one.

I encourage you to keep on writing. The more you write, the better you get. I thought that this was a cute story with a bit of humor.

I hope your days are going well, today, tomorrow, and always.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Destiny Awaits Darling!

I can truly understand where you're coming from; I've been in a dark place where it seemed impossible to come out of. I've had a panic attack where I thought that the whole world was against me.

It takes a great deal of courage to share what's going on inside the mind of an individual; the thoughts that make them want to scream at the world, for not taking the time to understand. I am so glad that you've taken the first step in coming forth to share your story so that more people can understand what they can't understand. You are very brave. Don't let anyone try to convince you that what you're experiencing is very real. I find that most people don't believe what I'm saying because I have a mental illness. I have a schizoaffective disorder; I have my ups and downs. They think that I should be working. I had a good job working for the city and county government but ended up losing my job because I was too slow at doing things.
I did my best to go faster but I could not do it; I am what I am, and I had to accept that.

Believe in yourself, and do what you can to give yourself peace of mind that you're okay. I go through periods where I feel like something is crawling all over me. The feeling leaves me uncomfortable; it's not a fun place to be in. It took many years before I could get enough courage to write down what I was feeling and to share what it's like having a mental illness in public.

I have great admiration for you. It's not easy to calm down when you're anxious. I get a good book to read; this helps to take my mind off of the ugliness that I feel.

Having a panic or an anxiety attack causes me to sweat a lot. I feel all clammy inside.

My sincere advice is to get someone to help you if that option is available and get a piece of paper and begin to write. This helps me tremendously and is good therapy as well.

I encourage you to keep writing; the more you do it, the better you get.

I hope that this will help to put a smile on your face.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good evening, Naomi!

I am going to review your writing piece entitled, "ABECEDARIAN'. Although I'm not a professional reviewer, I can offer my input on how your writing made me feel.

I can tell that a family name is valued in this poem. You have a beautiful way of expressing how beautiful poetry is. I took a class during summertime once, and the kind of poetry that you've written is called an altruistic poem. One of my writings on Saint Patrick's Day was a long altruistic poem. You are welcome to check that one out and review any of my writings if you have the time. I appreciate the feedback.

I encourage you to keep writing am sure that it will bless others.
Review of Nelida  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening, Lei Sylvan!

I am doing a review on your piece entitled, "Nelida".

Even though I'm not a professional reviewer, I can tell you how I felt about your piece.

What a wonderful way to express how you felt about Nelida when she was born! This would be the best gift anyone could give a child when they grow up. Her name means light. She was your guiding light. Everything you have done in life is to prepare yourself for being her mother. How wonderful is that? Priceless.

Your mother called and said that she looked like her Great Grandmother, your namesake, and hopes that she will pass on her name as well. You first wanted to name her Lena, but her father didn't like it. You hope that she will like her name.

You sounded like my father when he told me that I could get through anything and that I would survive. That is very good advice.

When you picked up her pictures that day, you said that she was gorgeous.

You began writing this piece when she was a year old and you hope that you haven't forgotten anything.

You were in labor for two days. My mother was in labor for two days; it was a difficult labor for her; I was a breech baby. My mother also had a tumor in her uterus for the entire pregnancy. She never complained when I was born.

You saw her first smile when she was five weeks old. People might say that this was ridiculous, but, you would know when you noticed it. She became the light in your dull life.

In the tenth paragraph, I would suggest that you look it over again for any misspellings and correct them if you would like.

Looking into her brown eyes, her Father's eyes, when she suckled, it was magic.

I encourage you to write more. It's such a beautiful memory to pass down to your children about how you were feeling when you were pregnant. I enjoyed reading your piece. I wish more parents would feel the way you did. I haven't had any kids of my own, but I know that when I get encouragement, I feel a whole lot better. I know that Nelida will love what you've written for her.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon, Parable!

I hope that you can have a smile on your face today.

I am reviewing your piece entitled, "Trouble never hot him down". Even though I'm not a professional reviewer, I can offer my thoughts about your writing. I hope it will help.

It's amazing how in the thirties, there was less pay and hard work, and yet they were able to survive. My dad was born in 1900, and my mom was born in 1918. Whenever there was a car breakdown in front of our house, my dad would fix a flat tire or whatever else he could do. I admired his spirit.

It was a good thing that your dad had a sense of humor when the rear passenger door of the car had fallen off. When asked by someone if he had a wreck, he responded that he was driving one.

My dad was a good storyteller. I appreciated hearing all of his stories. The sad thing is that I only remember one story and that was because a friend of ours decided to do an interview with him on tape.

I'm happy that I was able to read your story. In the olden days, people were able to make things work.

I want to encourage you in your writing. It's nice to hear the stories from a time era that was different from what it is today. Even though the whole world is in a mess these days, I feel that things will work out alright.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,

I am hoping that your days are going well for you.

I am doing a review on your piece, "Nothing More Than a Box of Confusion". Even though I'm not a professional reviewer, I can offer my input.

Paragraph One:

It's impossible to believe that we're all the same.
We can't say that we belong in a bubble,
that we fit in a box.
How can that even be?
Especially, since I feel like I'm so
many people at once on any given day.

This sounds a lot like the person I am. It's comforting to know that there's someone else out there who feels the same way.

Paragraph Three:

But on other days, I just want to be still.
I don't want to have to think too hard
to have a conversation.
Conversations of "nice weather we're having" or "I'm fantastic, how are you?"

Paragraph Four:

On these days, I just want to stare.
Stare at the TV, or more likely the wall
if we're being completely honest.
Listen to a monotonous tune, a mundane beat.
Not having to feel the pressure of being human.

Paragraph Five:

And then on other days, I want to be loud.
I want to play my music at an obscene level
of volume.
I want to feel it in every single cell of my body.
I want to talk about controversial things, just so
I can raise my voice a bit.
Just so I can create a little bit of chaos.

Paragraph Six:

I like chaos.
I like to play in it.
But I do not thrive in it.
It consumes me.

Paragraph Fifteen:

So on the days that I'm flying with fire,
And the days that I'm floating on the tide,
And those damn days when my mind is eating
me alive.
I know that everything is always alright.
I know that I'm still shining.
I know that I'm here.
And I know that I'm perfect as I am.

Last paragraph:

So it's impossible to say that every one
of us can be the same.
When I'm not even the same as I was yesterday.

Your writing is beautiful and expressed very well. I encourage you to keep writing. On the days that I want to be loud, I want to play my music, sing, dance and do karaoke.

I believe that other people can relate to what you are saying here. Keep up the good work.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Expectations  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon, Naomi

I am reviewing "Expectations" for you.

I admire what you said in the first paragraph.

I did feel guilty Knowing that guilt is unproductive. I tried to accept myself as I am and it worked.

High expectations for yourself when not measuring up can leave a toll on you; I know it did for me. I always felt that I had to prove that I could do something for everyone. I didn't feel good about myself whenever I accomplished something; I felt that I had to do more. I still struggle with that today.

In the second paragraph:

Your journey was designed to introduce yourself to new information and new and more possibilities for growth and development. Trusting that you need to be at the right place at the right time, preparing what do you need to succeed with your interaction for today. You are nurtured emotionally and also spiritually, being encouraged to attain your full potential.

In paragraph five:

Today, you live in honor of yourself and by doing so you honor others and yourself to stop expecting that you are perfect so you can find enjoyment even in the smallest detail of your every undertaking.

In paragraph 6:

Anything you can do for yourself stays with you. The more you learn, the more you become, including learning from your mistakes. You believe that everything you do deserves your best effort and that no precious time is being wasted so that you can greet each challenge with much eagerness, trusting in your capacity to succeed.

In paragraph 7:

You have to set the pace for every progress that you're doing now and for the rest of your existence. It is awesome to understand that you're responsible and always take full responsibility for your every action.

In paragraph 8:

More laughter, more freedom, more achievements. They are within your power, they can never elude you unless you let them. But then you must define your direction for each move and be very careful about each step along the way.

In paragraph 9:

Yes! Everything you learn enhances your life including your expectation. The world is so wonderful and each moment is worth living.


Have A Pleasant Day Everyone
Thank You, Lord, for Everything

Your writing is very encouraging to me. You sound like me. The thing is that I don't always feel as confident about things as I should be. You have expressed in your writing, that I feel for myself, except that I fear branching out into something, due to hearing a lot of negativity.

I love your closing:

Have A Pleasant Day Everyone
Thank You, Lord, For Everything

Keep writing. It's great that you've figured out these things for yourself.

The last paragraph in your story was misspelled. You put wonderful instead of wonderful.

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon!

This is a beautiful poem. It touched my heart. I find it hard to forgive myself sometimes but I know that there is a creator, God, who loves me no matter what, if I ask Him to forgive me.
He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us, taking all of our burdens upon Himself, who knew no sin, that we can be forgiven. This is my personal belief. Whatever you get the strength from in your life is perfectly okay. I read about the Native American Culture and what their beliefs are. I found them to be interesting.

I know God, and Jesus Christ, in my life, has given me the strength to continue whenever I'm feeling down in the dumps. I have overcome many obstacles in my life because of my faith.

I'm happy that you have found strength in your writing. I find your piece to be uplifting. It's important to recognize the backgrounds of where people have come from. There are good things that we can learn from them.

You should continue with your writing; you're off to a good start.

I intend to give my opinion in hopes that they can see things in a better light. Depression can be temporary and will go away. Don't let them get you down. Seeking help is a good way to get out from it.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good Afternoon!

You would like some ideas on what to write. What I do is focus on a thought, object, or something that comes to my mind on the spur of the moment. Have some paper handy. Write the first word or two that come to mind. Then, come back to it later and write whatever words you want to add to those words. You will find that you will begin the start of a story, poem, etc. I find that I am not able to put down the pen until I'm done with the story. I hope that this helps.

Anna Marie Carlson
Review of His Beauty  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning!

When talking about a man, you describe him beautifully, not having any flaws. It's easy to fall into sin when seeing someone like this. We're all human; I believe that this kind of thing is something that we're all tempted at one time or another to do.

I would encourage you to keep writing. This looks like the beginning of a good story.

Anna Marie Carlson

Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning, Lucy Cot!

I am doing a review for one of your pieces entitled, "Under the Starlit Sky". I thought that you did an excellent job of writing about the categories of love/romance, environment, and Spiritual. It's wonderful that you see the love for her in a star. I think that is so beautiful.

The only thing that I could see in your writing was to add an s to appear. I encourage you to keep on writing. I feel that you're off to a good start.

I hope that you are having a wonderful day.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of A Bunny's Tale  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, HuntersMoon!

I reviewed your story entitled, "A Bunny's Tale". I loved the rhythm that you had per line. I enjoyed reading this. I thought that "A Bunny's Tale" was well written. I didn't notice anything that I felt needed improvement. In the end, I felt sad for the bunny because he was only passing through for Easter, and then he'd be gone. This was the most challenging part for him. He enjoyed looking at the flowers in springtime. He noticed some baby chicks in a basket; he felt good about that.

I encourage you to keep writing.

Anna Marie Carlson
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Schnujo.

The paste button doesn't light up for me to paste. What do I do?

Anna Marie Carlson
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Charley!

I reviewed your story entitled, "A Master of Priorities". The story was interesting about the baseball game and that your wife wouldn't have believed you no matter what you said about being at the game all night. I have to admit that it was sad that your wife had recently passed away after she attended over 15 years with you. I'm glad that she did finally go to the baseball games with you. It's nice to have beautiful memories and am so glad that you felt confident enough to share your story.

Keep writing. I'm truly sorry about the loss of your wife. It's never easy, but if you have some good memories, then it does make it a bit easier.

Anna Marie Carlson
Review of Collected  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon Dave!

I am not a professional reviewer. I strive to do my best in helping others to continue with their work. If I see something that needs to be corrected, I give my suggestion on where to go for help; I try to do this in a gentle and caring way.

I'm in hope that you are having an enjoyable day.

Finding love a second time around can be scary. I'm not sure what you mean by saying don't become collected. Are you meaning that you are afraid of repeating the same mistakes?

I went through two marriages that ended in divorce due to a lot of verbal abuse. I try to not let that be a factor in saying that all men are that way; there are some nice men out there. I feel that it's normal to be a bit wary of love the next time around, but if it turns out to be true love, then you've hit the jackpot.

I encourage you to keep on writing. You can help others by sharing your story. It's very brave of you to come out of the box to talk about it.

I am trying to earn enough Gift Points to get a Premium Membership. I would give you some Gift Points and a Merit Badge, but, being that my membership will expire on August 15, 2022, I need to work hard.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon Antonelian!

I am not a professional reviewer. I read stories and give my input on how they made me feel, and gently offer suggestions on what areas I see that may need improvement.

I enjoy reading stories where the characters can live happily ever after. I thought that it was great that Andrew was approved to date by Esteban the father and Margarita his wife, after seeing that he was a good man. When Aurora was kidnapped by the thieves and treated badly, Andrew was able to go in and rescue her.

Andrew and Aurora became sweethearts, married, and moved to another country where they lived happily ever after.

I encourage you to keep writing; this was a beautiful story.

I would give you some Gift Points and a Merit Badge, but, I am working hard to try and save enough points to earn a Premium Membership. Don't be discouraged by this. I would love for you to be successful in your writing.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

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