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Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I got 7 out of 15 correct. I did better than I thought I would. It was something new I learned about. I love to learn new things. I enjoyed taking this quiz. Keep up the good work and do more quizzes.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Do you ever ?  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Shams!

I took your quiz entitled, "Do You Ever?" and scored 100.00 percent. I am surprised! I had fun taking your quiz.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I got 1 correct out of 10. This goes to show that I don't know much about wine since I don't drink alcohol. I don't know much about grapes either. I still had fun taking your quiz.

Keep on doing quizzes. I believe that you're off to a good start.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Rated: E | (5.0)

I forgot to include the word count with for my anagrams, however, I did number them. The word count for Abbreviation is 70 words and for Quizzicality is 34 words.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
 Vahevala by Loggins and Messina  (E)
The One Line Lyric Challenge
#2294692 by Anna Marie Carlson
Review of Spilled Milk  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning, Sara!

I am doing a review of "Spilled Milk". Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can relate to your story about when an agreement was reached to pay ten talons, only to receive five instead. After being yelled at for failing to give him what was agreed upon, he only received half the amount. When he mentioned that the agreement was to receive ten talons, he did give him the ten talons. After receiving the ten talons, the man started down the road.

It sounded like the man was going to die without getting the correct number of talons that was owed him.

I want to encourage you to keep writing. This was a valuable lesson being learned.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Confession  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good morning to you, Elengamon!

I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer my input on how your story affected me.

I am doing a review on, "Confession". It's truly amazing that God is able to forgive us of our sins when we confess them to him. I have a friend that I have known since the fourth grade. I continue to phone her to find out how she is doing. She hardly ever answers her phone or returns my phone calls. I feel that I may have upset her in some way. I have no idea what I may have done. There are times when I feel like giving up on trying to contact her, but I don't, hoping that she will answer her phone. This is very sad. I keep praying for her. I pray that she will forgive me for whatever it was that I did. This must be tearing her apart inside.

I felt good after reading your story about how important it is to confess our sins to God, and also to the person that we have harmed by not apologizing to them.

We can lift a huge burden from our shoulders by asking God for forgiveness. When we're not able to forgive, it's like having a bitter root that continues to eat away at us. When we can't, for some reason, go to the source of the one we have hurt, we must take that before God.

I encourage you to keep writing. I am certain that others can be helped after reading this story. Thanks for sharing your story. It takes a lot of courage to do that.

Feel free to review any of my work at any time and write me a review about it. I look forward to getting reviews.
I can improve how I write by getting feedback to learn what people like about my writing. My goal is to write in a manner that is easily understood.

I'm hoping that you had a nice day today and in the future days ahead.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Jane, and good morning!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you feedback on how your story made me feel.

I am doing a review of, "Diary of Aphrodite's daughter". This is a cute story about the goddess of love, daughter Lea. It's tough to live up to an image of how you should be. I also have blond hair and blue eyes. I just turned 66 years old and it's kind of hard to tell what color my hair is. Interestingly, Zeus has a son named Zachary who is the same age as her, and whom she will someday marry.

Keep writing. This story will give some girls hope for the future.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Jacklyn, and good morning to you!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I would like you to know how much I enjoyed reading your short story entitled, "A Plate for the Poor". Accepting food with a grateful heart does wonders when you are having to get by without food. The generosity that was given to this child, simply by saying, "Eat up my child", gave this child an opportunity to have a nice healthy meal. Passing an offer like this on to others shows that there are still caring people in this world.

I encourage you to keep writing. This short story made my day brighter. I'm sure that others will enjoy your story as well.

I hope that you a having a good day now and in the future.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am not a professional reviewer but I will give you my input on how the story made me feel.

I reviewed your story entitled, "The Cold Shower Experience". I enjoyed getting this information about cold showers and all the benefits you get through discipline. Getting through the hard part gets easier once you practice doing it. Cold showers give me chills just thinking about it. Once a plan is made up, sticking with it gets easier; it's just a matter of making up your mind to do it. I will have to give this a try, and then I won't have to think about the chilling effect, just how refreshing it will feel when I make up my mind to just do it.

I encourage you to keep writing. I'm sure that other people will enjoy reading this story.

Have a nice day today and more of them in the future.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good evening, Erithacus!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you my input on your poem.

I am doing a review of your poem "Starlight/Green Man. You gave excellent descriptions of colors that you saw in the spring and the winter. I was reminded of the leaves as they are coming out; the way you described the patterns and veins like an early birth. Because of the bitter cold in the winter, this reminds me of a thorn.

I enjoyed reading your poem. I didn't quite understand the last four lines of your poem. I could get more meaning and understanding of it if you could let me know what you meant.

I encourage you to write. I know that the more you write the better you get.

Feel free to read any of my writings and give a review if time allows. I look forward to getting them. It lets me know how I'm doing or what I need to improve on.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Change  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good afternoon, Kaylen!

I am not a professional reviewer but I can offer my input to you after reading your poem. Your story is a sad one, but I want to assure you that other people, including myself, have felt the same way. When I was a teenager, I often got stood up by those I was to go on a date with. They assured me that they would be there, but they wouldn't show up, only to find out that they were with someone else the next day. They acted as if they didn't know who I was.

I am so glad that you shared this poem. It takes a lot of courage to share a poem, story, etc. with the public. You will find that others have been there. I want to encourage you to hand in there; you do have that strength.

I want to encourage you to keep writing. It is good therapy; you will feel better after doing that.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Fracture  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello and Good morning!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you feedback on my feelings after reading your material.

I enjoyed reading your sci-fi story. Seventeen-year-old, Cami Lammila, came from planet Xemos-752 after a great disaster. She was around six when she was sent from earth to a spacecraft. After being on a ship for roughly 10 years, the cracks started to form.

It sounds that your story may have taken place in Death Valley, California. I heard that this is the driest place on the planet earth.

I want to encourage you to write more. This piece left me intrigued and hanging. I wanted to read more about this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

When you have the time, feel free to read and review any of my material. I enjoy getting feedback.

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Good morning!

I am not a professional interviewer, but I can give you feedback on what I saw after reading your poetry.

In the first poem: "583 Miles", you had a nice even rhythm for the first four stanzas, and the fifth one was a 6,5,6,7 rhythm. I enjoyed reading this; it was easy to read.

In the second poem: "Early Elegy", the rhythm was uneven, but it was still enjoyable to read.

In the third poem: "3 AM", the first and third stanzas had the same rhythm pattern, while stanzas two and four were uneven, but had a nice flow.

In the fourth poem: "Fetishist", the first and second lines were odd and even and the second stanza was all even.

In the fifth poem: "An Ambien Addict's Lament" the first, second, and fifth lines were even, while the third line had a rhythm beat of seven and the fourth line had a 10-beat rhythm pattern. I found this to be interesting and understandable.

I also enjoyed reading "Who Not What", and "Painting the Roses Red", for your sister, "Not How I Know Me", "Paper", and "I Love You" had different rhythms, but was understandable.

I encourage you to keep on with your writing. The more you practice, the better you'll get. Keep up the good work.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I took your quiz Jo Jo's Bizarre Quiz and got 2 out of 5 correct. I hadn't read the story, so it was all guesswork on my part. I had a lot of fun taking the quiz.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening!

I am reviewing your writing entitled, "The Battlefield". I am not a professional reviewer but what I can give you feedback on is how I felt after reading your poem.

You have provided a good description of men who've died in war and have to refight battles again, even after they're gone. It's telling me that even though they're in their graves, their ghost comes back to have them re-fight the wars of today. It's like they're wrestling in their graves waiting to come back and fight; they haven't rested yet.

It would be nice if they could come back alive and be able to live in peace. I don't understand war so much because it's hard for me to understand why we are not able to live in peace. I don't like to see men dying in a war that doesn't begin to make sense in the first place.

I want to encourage you in your writing. Welcome to Writing.Com. You will find that the people are friendly on this website and love to help people with their writing.

May the days ahead be filled with much joy, happiness, and good health. Take care of yourself and be safe.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening!

I am not a professional reviewer, but what I can do is offer you feedback on how your writing made me feel.

I am reviewing "it's me! hi! I'm the problem, it's me!

I love the title you chose for this writing; it caught my eye. It sounds like me when I first started submitting my writing for Writing.Com. I am working on writing a book about my life and what it's like having a mental disability. I have schizoaffective disorder. I believe that I can help those who are struggling with this kind of illness and help those who don't understand it, to understand it better.

I can assure you that you're not the problem. Keep on writing. Your story is interesting. You will come to find that the people on Writing.Com are nice ones and love to help you with your writing.

If I can write my own story, I have confidence that you can too.

I hope that the days ahead will find you in good health and happiness. Take care of yourself, put a smile on your face, and believe in yourself.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Next Radar  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good evening!

I am not a professional reviewer, but, what I can do, is offer you feedback of how your story made me feel.

I am reviewing "Next Radar" and I find it to be very interesting. All of the information that you provided is important for me to know. I may try out this piece of information sometime to check it out. I am learning a lot but get confused with some of the technology that comes up. I am sixty-five years old and will be sixty-six next month. This knowledge is valuable to me.

Thank You for the information. I want to encourage you to keep writing; you have a lot to offer. I'm sure that this information will be valuable to other people as well.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

I want your days ahead to be filled with good health and safety for a long time to come. Put a smile on your face; you have made my day happier, sharing this information with me.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good afternoon!

I am not a professional reviewer, but, what I can do is to say what I got out of your writing (how it made me feel)

I am reviewing your piece "Adding Some Spice to a Writing Prompt:). I didn't quite understand what you were trying to say, but I think I got the gist of it. What I am hearing is that some things that were never meant to die, had died. I'm thinking of a story in the Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah. She was told to not look back at the sinful city that she was fleeing from, otherwise, she would turn into a pillar of salt. She ended up looking back and, sure enough, she turned into a pillar of salt. I can understand the temptation to not look back, being human, we will look back out of curiosity. She made that mistake. Perhaps her intentions were genuine, but she had to pay the consequences.

I find it interesting that you want to add a little spice to this prompt. It is so final when someone dies. Her intentions may have been a learning experience that she could have shared with others. Who knows?

You described your feelings very well. I encourage you to keep writing.

Anna Marie Carlson

Review of The Bee  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am not a professional reviewer, but, what I can do, is offer you feedback on what I got from your writing.

I am doing a review of "The Bee". It is a very good rhyming poem. I almost didn't want to do a review about bees since I have been terrorized by Yellow Jackets quite a bit in the past. Honey Bees are good because they produce honey. I can tolerate honey bees better than most bees. I got stung by a Bumblebee once and that was enough.

I enjoyed reading your poem. I encourage you to keep writing. It's true what you say about the usefulness of bees in making things grow.

I am going to give you a five-star rating. Keep up the good work.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good evening, Ava!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer you my comments on how the poem made me feel.

I didn't know what the word wane meant, so I looked it up to better understand your poem. I liked how it said, "Wakes for the night and kisses the sky" and where "The lily in the pond embraces her lover and together they fly to abode". The last part of your poem says, "Waiting for someone relentlessly she sheds her light and wakes the day".

My take on the poem is that the moon appeared to have decreased in size. This would be enough for the lily to embrace her lover and together they fly to their destination. This means to me that the lily got strong enough to embrace her lover so that they both could fly away together. This sounds romantic.

The middle of your poem reads "The lurking frog catches its prey and sings in boredom Whistling wind and mild sand dunes shines in her light". This sounds like a very bored and lonely frog. The whistling wind and mild sand dunes shines in her light. This sounds like the lonely frog began to have hope.

If I got this all wrong, please tell me what it's supposed to mean.

I'm going to give you a five star rating. Your poem sounded very nice. I encourage you to keep writing.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello and good evening!

I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you feedback on how your story touched me.

I am doing a review for you on "My Memoir updated" My Life's Story. I admire the courage you put into this piece. It takes a lot of courage to go out there and tell others that you have a mental illness. Sometimes it feels like I'm doing great, when in reality, I feel bad. It's hard to tell someone that you have a mental illness because nobody seems to believe it when you tell them. This story continues to inspire me; it is wanting to hear more of your story.

Review of Poetry Terms  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Good Evening, Joy!

I scored 5 out of 10 right on your quiz "Poetry Terms". I tested my knowledge on your quiz. I enjoyed taking your quiz. I learned some things.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Drag Race Verses  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I was lost taking this quiz since it was in a different language. I had fun taking it. I scored 5 out of 20. If I read the score right, I did well. It said that a score of 0-5 is good.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there Vaishali!

I took your test; it was a lot of fun. I only scored 2 right out of 10.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
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