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1,621 Public Reviews Given
1,644 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I think my style is pretty honest. Though I try to find the good in everything, I give accurate ratings that express my opinion of a piece. Whether good or bad, you hopefully will understand my ratings by the end of the review. I give ratings that reflect the quality of the writing with 3 stars meaning "average". I only give 5 stars for items that I genuinely love or items that are more about effort than quality (i.e. folders, contests, forums, blogs, etc).
I'm good at...
Finding the most concise way to rewrite, tweaking structure and format, locating plot holes. Poetry reviews are my specialty. Quality-focused rather than meaning-focused.
Favorite Genres
Free Verse, Scifi, Horror
Least Favorite Genres
Romance, Erotica, Fantasy, Historical
Favorite Item Types
Anything with a short format suits me fine, as I adore short fiction (writing, reading, and reviewing). Book, static item... doesn't matter.
Least Favorite Item Types
Ummm.. Interactives & Campfires.
I will not review...
I generally don't do novel/script reviews unless I know the person. Short work is what I have time for and what I most enjoy.
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Review of Poetry  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Happy WDC B-Day! *Smile* I have like... 11 reviews to write in the next 25 minutes? I'm pretty sure that it is not going to happen. But you know... I'm a glutton for punishment! Nothing like writing an 8 page paper and then giving 19 reviews in one hour, right? Might as well give it a shot.

So... prepare for a mini port raid! We'll see how far I get. Forgive me if I skip all the pretty colors and such, since I'm strapped for time at the moment. *Wink* Your port is like... endless! I barely know where to begin. I open a folder and BOOM! 15 more folders. You are all kinds of prolific, girl. This should be fun. *Wink*

*Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv* Happy WDC Anniversary from "Anniversary Reviews *Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Poetry  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I love your directory here... collections and such. I did that for my 2014 folder (poetry subfolder), but it never occurred to me to do it with the poetry folder itself. Seems like a tall order for someone who writes mostly poetry, but I adore the idea! I might steal it from you. Just making a directory for 2015 will be a pain in the... I've written some 250 poems or something? Ugh.

Anyway, I will definitely be back to poke through this one. You know me... major poetry enthusiast. Have I reviewed you before? It's very possible, but I review so much poetry (and so much newbie poetry, specifically) that I couldn't say for sure. At any rate, keep going! You're filling this one up pretty fast from the look of things.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

I was looking through a page of items written by people who are new to WDC, and the title caught my eye.

Favorite Aspects

The description of the eggs disappearing from the edge of the counter was well done. It gave the effect of slow motion horror, but in a light and fun sort of way. Very cute.


This is a cute little story. The ending did not leave me feeling warm and fuzzy though, which was the intended outcome. At least, I would assume that is the feeling a reader is supposed to get from it. I suppose I expected a bit more... soothing. Or maybe laughter from the mother at her daughter's devastation... a bit of a chuckle before announcing that it was not a tragedy. I don't know exactly, but somehow the hugs and "I'm so proud of you!" rang a bit false. The tone is too light for a serious ending. It seems to screaming for a lighthearted, "I guess we'll have to make X instead!"

Of course, this is in the Emotional genre, but I did not notice that beforehand. The tone here does not really lend itself well to drama. Something to think about when revising, I suppose.

Style / Tone

The introduction here could be stronger. The one-word dialogue opening is fine, but the following line is not going to hook anyone. My first thought, to be honest, to "Her mother's use of her name" was... as opposed to what? As far as telling us who is speaking and who is listening, this feels a bit clumsy. Dialogue tags would solve the problem, but it isn't necessary. Just having Sarah look up from whatever she was doing to look at her mother before responding would have the same effect.


Overall, I think it was a cute story, but you seemed to be going for something with more impact. For me, it fails on that level. I didn't feel much of anything when reading it, just mild amusement I guess. It's a fine start though... and good luck with the contest!

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Old Soles  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

I was looking through an entire page of newbie items and saw your name. I decided that I might as well shoot you a review. Not sure if I have reviewed you before or if I'm just familiar with your name because of projects at "The Newbie Research Center, but either way, I might as well check out your work.

Favorite Aspects

I write about abandoned objects constantly in my own poetry. They speak to me. An old pair of boots, dropped in the cold, covered with mud and snow... I dig that. Giving them a voice is something that I would do, for sure.

Language / Word Choice

The imagery in the first few lines works to some degree. The word choice could be stronger here and there... for instance, who are/is "you"? Is "you" plural or singular? I ask because "us" could be one pair of boots or multiple pairs of boots. It helps for readers to have a clear idea about the pronouns used. And "leave" could be a stronger verb if you felt like playing around. Nothing crazy.

The "All crinkled" is the best part of the opening stanza, but what follows is just... I don't even know. You're telling us that books are for feet and keep out the snow? Why? Even a child knows that. It isn't interesting or written in a unique sort of way. It's just... there.

"Where cold breezes blow" struck me as slightly odd. My "mudroom" is enclosed. There are windows, but we keep them closed if it's cold out. Even porches are often closed us for winter. What might be interesting here is if the breeze sort of... leaked through. Beneath the crack under the door or you know... something. I would consider a minor tweak here. Breezes blowing through the room makes it sound like less than a "room". There are walls, right?

"We are wearing" -- "We wear" means the same thing here and is active. Love the followup line there... the leather aches. Lovely.

The final repetition of "You leave us in the mudroom" doesn't have much power. Use it to begin the second stanza or end it... but using it for both drains any power that it might have had. The final line is a cute sort of play on words but doesn't provide a desolate, abandoned quality at all. It could be a little more resonant with some tweaks.


I am about the most sentimental person ever when it comes to inanimate objects. I feel more for them than I do for people most of the time. I would say that if it didn't make me feel for them, it wont make anyone else feel for them either. A bit more emotive language could help there.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

To be honest, I have no idea why I clicked on this story. The title didn't mean much to me, and I don't read fantasy either. I have no idea what this is based on... fanfiction of... what? That said, you can feel free to take this review as you will. It might not be the most useful you'll receive, since I'm unfamiliar with the source material. However, I did read the entire story, which is shocking. Might as well give you a quick review to tell you what I thought of it.

Favorite Aspects

The tone is the best part of this story. I read a few lines... and a few more. After a while, I figured that I might as well finish it. It is very rare for me to get into anything fantasy-related, so well done.

I knew from the start that it was going to be a light and amusing sort of story. The tone works very well for you here. Your phrasing is cutesy but not cloying. It works.


This is a simple little story, really. There is a nice balance of description and action (something often missing in fantasy, in my experience). The ending was very cute. I imagine children would get a kick out of it.

Style / Tone

There is some overly wordy aspects to the story. Mostly, they consist of needless phrases, so when you revise, be on the look out for those. If you don't need it, cut it. The very first line is a good example. "For the most part" is pretty much a meaningless phrase. If it wasn't mostly true, you wouldn't be telling us. So just skip that and tell us.

On a side note... using all caps is a bit ill-advised. If they're yelling, just say so and skip the caps. It's just not very polished looking.


I wasn't super wowed by the story, though perhaps someone who is a "Fan" like yourself will be more taken with it. I found it to be decent and pretty readable-- which is relatively high praise for me considering my lack of interest in the genre. Just thought that you would like to know, since really, it is something of a feat.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

The title is really what caught my attention. I was looking through an entire page of newbie items, and I caught the word "Time" in the title and "travels" in the description. Scifi... a favorite genre of mine. I also noted that the word count was super short, so I figured it was either an unfinished chapter or a prologue.

Seeing it now, the formatting is really confusing to me. When I first started reading it, I thought it was sort of a synopsis in list form. Just the general gist of the story to see what people thought of it. But after about 6 lines or so, it starts to get very detailed and a bit more story-like (though clearly telling rather than "showing")... sort of bare bones but still story-like.

So now, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an actual chapter or a synopsis. I will just say that making this clearer and/or fixing your formatting will help future reviewers.

Favorite Aspects

The general idea of a child time travelling is what interests me the most. Again, I'm a fan of scifi, and this is a staple. Of course, it does not seem unique thus far. I don't know what you intend to do with it, but with a theme that has been written countless times, it might be difficult to be original.


There isn't tons of plot just yet. It seems rushed to me, which is one more reason for thinking this is a synopsis more than a chapter.


We don't really know anything at all about the character(s) yet. Triston is 17, likes to read, and has some sneaky eavesdropper sorts of tendencies. That's it. Not much to differentiate him from any other character I've read at this point. By the way, "young 17 year old" seems redundant. 17 is young... no need to tell us. Strange that there would be any redundancy in a synopsis this short.


Thus far, it seems like you have a spark of an idea and that you know roughly where you want to take it. As a reader, I can't say that I know where this will go or whether it will be a fun read. Very early stages with lots of work ahead... but I think you'll make something of it.

I decided to send the review again and give you a slightly better rating. After all, this is an extreme work in progress, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. *Wink*

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (2.0)
Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

The title is really what caught my attention. I was looking through an entire page of newbie items, and I caught the word "Time" in the title and "travels" in the description. Scifi... a favorite genre of mine. I also noted that the word count was super short, so I figured it was either an unfinished chapter or a prologue.

Seeing it now, the formatting is really confusing to me. When I first started reading it, I thought it was sort of a synopsis in list form. Just the general gist of the story to see what people thought of it. But after about 6 lines or so, it starts to get very detailed and a bit more story-like (though clearly telling rather than "showing")... sort of bare bones but still story-like.

So now, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an actual chapter or a synopsis. I will just say that making this clearer and/or fixing your formatting will help future reviewers.

Favorite Aspects

The general idea of a child time travelling is what interests me the most. Again, I'm a fan of scifi, and this is a staple. Of course, it does not seem unique thus far. I don't know what you intend to do with it, but with a theme that has been written countless times, it might be difficult to be original.


There isn't tons of plot just yet. It seems rushed to me, which is one more reason for thinking this is a synopsis more than a chapter.


We don't really know anything at all about the character(s) yet. Triston is 17, likes to read, and has some sneaky eavesdropper sorts of tendencies. That's it. Not much to differentiate him from any other character I've read at this point. By the way, "young 17 year old" seems redundant. 17 is young... no need to tell us. Strange that there would be any redundancy in a synopsis this short.


Thus far, it seems like you have a spark of an idea and that you know roughly where you want to take it. As a reader, I can't say that I know where this will go or whether it will be a fun read. Very early stages with lots of work ahead... but I think you'll make something of it.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Beth! Apparently, I never reviewed Rez Juke! Imagine! I was pretty sure that I reviewed it last year. Anyway, I need to review a "Halloween" activity for "The Challenge and decided to peek at Soundtrackers... just in case. *Facepalm*

Obviously I love this activity. It was my first Soundtrackers event, and I haven't missed a single event since then. It's one of my favorite blog activities on WDC, in fact. And I love the whole spooky/dead/resurrect deal too.

So, consider this:

1. A long overdue review of something that you know I love.
2. An apology for doing 13 out of 15 entries on the last day (for real *Facepalm*).
3. Just a quick hello because... you know... you're cool. *Wink*

For Simply Positive

Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Alright... my 5th and final review for tonight! Well... my 26th review for tonight, but the 5th one for you. Believe it or not, a whole lot of them were long, in-depth review for people's actual writing. Imagine that. *Wink*

You have two folders left without any stars at all. At least, I think it was just two. At any rate, it was difficult choosing between them since both have over 20 items in them! Wow have you created a whole lot of stuff in a very short time! It's amazing, really.

Anyway, I decided on the story folder because I've read some of these. *Laugh* Next month though, I'll need to do a whole bunch more newbie reviews, and I wouldn't be at all shocked to wander over here and find myself reviewing the one left behind.

Not only do you have a whole lot of stories in here (more than I've written in my entire time on WDC I think... I'm a poetry person, after all), they are also super diverse. You have so many genres in here that I'm not entirely sure what preferences you have, if any. That is the sign of a folder deserving of five pretty purple stars. *Smile* Now, my mini port raid is over. Cheers!

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Signatures  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Woah! You have more sigs than I do too! By a long shot! *Shock* How are you doing this? *Laugh* That is just craziness. I've been here for years, and yet, you have more than me?

Okay, to be fair, I have been receiving signatures for years as gifts. I just stick the emails in my "Keep" folder. I've never downloaded them and uploaded them. Now that I have a photo album, I have a few stuck in there... like 2? I'm sure I'll toss more in there at some point. I guess maybe I'm just too lazy to change my sigs that often. I certainly can't imagine having need for this many!

16? Have you even been here long enough to have USED all of these? *Laugh* You must average like one every two days or some craziness. To each their own though... you're a colorful sort of lady. Your sigs should be too. Anyway, they are nicely organized and easy to find... deserving of 5 stars, I'd say.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, lady! You've only been here for what? A month and a half? And you already have more of these miscellaneous item types than I do! At least, I don't think I have this many. The few I do have are tucked away in my Misc folder in a subfolder called "Misc of the Misc" with a bunch of random stuff ranging from cool to total junk. *Laugh* I can tell you one thing for sure though: I have never made a madlib. I'm about to make one for a challenge I'm doing, but it will certainly be my first.

Anyway, I'm glad that people keep making stuff like this all over the place. People ask you to do a puzzle or madlib or quiz all the time in challenges (like "The Challenge for instance), and it's nice to have some fresh ones around. This is a nice set of stuff... I know where to come next time I need to do a miscellaneous activity. *Wink*

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (1.5)
Welcome to WDC, Winter Kitten ! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

The title caught my attention while I was looking through a bunch of stories and poems written by people who are new to WDC. The title seemed like a story, but the length was as short as a poem. It got my interest. I do love microfiction, and I also read a whole lot of poetry, in addition to writing and reviewing it. I mostly clicked to see which this was.

Misc Thoughts

A prologue is meant to introduce something that people need to know that takes place before a story starts. This does introduce the characters, but it seems to me that you could introduce them just as well during the story. If Pixie is interacting with Bell and Sammy and Blitz, then we will clearly understand that they are friends without you telling us so in the prologue. Similarly, if you make it clear that Pixie is a dog, and then she starts talking, we will know that she is a talking dog, right?

This all amounts to "show don't tell" really, which is a rule that I am not 100% fond of. Sometimes telling is faster and simpler and preferable to taking the longer route to show the audience. Still though, this seems like a case of all telling and no showing.

I am assuming that this is an extremely rough draft, right? You typed it up and didn't read it or touch it again? Grammar-wise, this is a huge mess. There are also unedited typo-looking things like "Bell,Sammy,and" with no spaces. If you clean it up, it would be easier to read. When editing, pay close attention to your sentences as well. There are a whole lot of run-on sentences going on in here. For instance:

Pixie she likes to go to sleep while someone is petting her, she likes to lick people, she likes to bark at people, and she is a cuddle bug, but most importantly she is a protective dog who keeps her family and friends safe.

She likes to go. She likes to lick. She likes to bark, and she is a cuddle bug. <---All of these are complete sentences that cannot be strung together in one sentence. You could say "She likes to go, lick, bark, and cuddle", but you cannot write them as complete sentences and stick them together with commas. Does that make sense?


The readability for this piece is just... not very good right now. It is a bit difficult to get through because of the punctuation and such at the moment. With a bit of revision, it would be much smoother. Then, people might be able to tell you whether the story hooked them or not rather than pointing out the boring stuff like grammar too. Just my two cents. Good luck with your revisions.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of stand with me  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (2.0)
Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope you enjoy your time here!

What Caught My Eye

I've been reading some newbie poetry tonight. You're new and this is poetry, so it seemed like a good fit. *Wink* I also tend to enjoy dark poetry and stories.

Misc Thoughts

This seems like a very rushed and 100% unrevised poem. "All I was given was a lie an pain", for instance, is probably 'lie and pain', right? That is something that even a few seconds worth of revision would catch.

So this is a very raw rough draft. Nothing wrong with that. Personally, I prefer proper capitalization and punctuation unless there is a good reason to not do that. Here, the lines are mostly in complete sentences, so it feels weird without them.

I know that some people have an issue with excessively long lines in a piece with short lines. I'm not one of those. That can be done very effectively. It isn't super effective here, but it could be with some revision.

If I had to give you one more piece of advice for revising the piece, it would be this: watch your verbs. Action verbs are much more interesting than forms of "to be". Namely, was/is/were.

I was given (passive voice) was
All I wanted was
All you gave me was
My love for your was
My heart is
To touch you is
If I was to

Boring. That is just... boring word choice, no? The lines that really sing in this piece use more expressive verbs.

Kisses haunt
Skin tempts
I slip away

It makes a big difference. Using action verbs will also force you to rewrite some of the more ho-hum repetitive and conversational lines into something more emotive. Go for it!


Overall, this is... a mess, but there's nothing wrong with that! This is what drafts are for. This is what reviews and critiques are for as well. Don't give up... just get on with some editing and revision. *Thumbsup*

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
*BurstP* I'm earning my sparkles at "Invalid Item to spread sparkles for Phoebe around WDC! *BurstP*

I'm doing a challenge for "a very Wodehouse challenge that involves monkeys. Don't ask! *Laugh* Anyway, I started looking for monkey stories and stumbled across yours.

What Caught My Eye

The title is definitely the reason I chose to look at your story. Ah, those metaphorical monkeys! "Monkey on my back" and all of that. I was just curious as to what you did with it. After reading bunches of stories about actual monkeys, I figured a metaphorical monkey might be interesting.

Favorite Aspects

I think that this is a pretty clever story. The plot itself is intriguing. Of course, I'm a science fiction lover about to enter a grad program for Technology Leadership and Innovation too. I would guess that I am probably part of your ideal audience. I'm into the stuff.


I felt like we got to know Doug pretty well through the story, but I never really... cared about him. Like, live or die or go insane or whatever... I wouldn't have cared what happened to him. That's not really ideal. I would say that I never really became fully engaged in the story. It didn't grab me. I mostly just kept reading to see where you were taking the plot. Everything else was just... there. No shining standouts as far as the setting, descriptions, dialogue. It was sufficient I guess, but it wasn't amazing.


Thank you for double-spacing the paragraphs here. It makes it much easier to read. That said, your paragraphs are much MUCH too long to be read in digital format. Most online writing is broken into paragraphs no longer than 7 reasonable-length sentences, and the preference tends to lie right around 5 sentences.

Longer than that, and the person's eyes start to swim when it is presented on a computer screen. For the sake of the readers on here, I'd definitely consider cutting that last paragraph (for example) into 3 paragraphs.

This has nothing to do with the story itself, but if you want people to read it, break it up a bit. The readability would be much improved. Generally, I would look at a story like this and close it without reading it because it isn't meant to be read online.


Overall, I think the idea was cool and clever and unique. In the end though, the execution didn't leave me fully satisfied. You have an interesting story, but the writing itself could be more engaging.

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*BurstP* I'm earning my sparkles at "Invalid Item to spread sparkles for Phoebe around WDC! *BurstP*

I'm doing a challenge for "a very Wodehouse challenge that involves monkeys. Don't ask! *Laugh* Anyway, I started looking for monkey stories and stumbled across yours.

What Caught My Eye

The title is reminiscent of Escape from Witch Mountain, which is fitting for a children's story. The title itself sounds like a children's sort of story. I also liked the general message here... the escaped lab monkey going to a monkey paradise? Cute.


I think that the plot is pretty original. I've never read anything exactly like it before, which is a plus. The fact that there are some facts involved is also a little bonus... moms love those educational books.


I think that the language is pretty spot-on for children too. I'm guessing for ages around, say, 10? The word choice is easy enough to follow, I'd say, and you use language that will keep them reading and enthusiastic. It's the little details that really sell it. Like, for instance, the "Monkeys are not fish" line. That is so perfectly child-like.


You specifically asked for feedback from us but, preferably, from our children. I have a seven year old and read him the beginning. He lost interest when it got to the girl on the bus. I guess it just wasn't action-packed enough to keep his attention? I don't know, but I figured I would mention it.

Aside from some grammar issues and a few odd clarity problems (for instance, "And instead of giving you medicine that turns you from well to sick, they give you medicine that turns you from sick to well. Imagine that!" which I had to read a few times to figure out what you were going for... and which my son did not understand AT ALL), I think that the story is solid.

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Nyctohylophobia  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*BurstP* I'm earning my sparkles at "Invalid Item to spread sparkles for Phoebe around WDC! *BurstP*

I'm doing a challenge for "a very Wodehouse challenge that involves monkeys. Don't ask! *Laugh* Anyway, I started looking for monkey stories and stumbled across yours.

What Caught My Eye

Weird creature in the horror/scary genre? Sold. I figured it was worth giving it a peek and ended up enjoying the general writing style.

Favorite Aspects

I actually like the mirrored beginning and ending. It takes a certain sort of spark to use that technique and not have it feel weird and forced. You managed that very well. The final sentence has some resonance.

Also, I had never read about this particular monkey-headed creature before, so that was pretty interesting. I've always wished I could write something in the mythology genre... never seems to work at all for me, though it is enjoyable to read.


The plot is pretty well thought-out and seemed to be linear enough to follow with ease. The characters seemed a bit on the dull side. I don't feel like I got to know them super well, and I never really cared what happened to them. I think that the setting was slightly overdone at times, and I found myself thinking, "I get it! They're in the forest" a couple times. The word "forest" is used 9 times here. That might be a few too many for comfort. Descriptions are pretty important for a horror story though, and the non-setting descriptions were one of the perks.


Overall, I think the story is decent. I wasn't spellbound, but I wasn't too bored to read to the end. A decent draft. On a side note, it would be much much easier to read if you double-spaced the paragraphs (in Advanced settings when editing your item, there is a box to check to double-space them). It is much easier on the eyes when reading something online. As for the story itself, it could be better, but it isn't a bad read.

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Evila  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
*BurstP* I'm earning my sparkles at "Invalid Item to spread sparkles for Phoebe around WDC! *BurstP*

I'm doing a challenge for "a very Wodehouse challenge that involves monkeys. Don't ask! *Laugh* Anyway, I started looking for monkey stories and stumbled across yours.

What Caught My Eye

Someone finding out his would isn't the only one that exists... that is definitely what caught my eye. Multi-dimensional stuff can be interesting.

Favorite Aspects

I think that the story itself is interesting. The plot is amusing, and I can appreciate the idea itself. I found myself wondering what prompted such a story... where the idea really came from. That is the mark of an interesting piece.


There is a fair bit of description in this story, but most of it isn't setting. That isn't a huge problem, but a tiny bit more setting in the beginning would have been good.


The biggest issue with this piece is... this is not a play, right? "The boy:" and "The girl:" and "The man:" are not proper dialogue tags. It was super distracting. It gave the story a weird vibe that wasn't altogether pleasant. It made the conversations feel... fake.

The odd dialogue tags also create this strange disconnect between the conversations and the rest of the story. They don't seem to be related. Like the conversations are happening in a vacuum and are totally emotionless?

Also, this would be a whole lot easier to read with double-spaced paragraphs. That is just a "reading stories online" thing. Negative space hurts your eyes less when reading on a computer screen. I can't fault your story for it, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


Overall, I think this story could use some work for sure. Fixing the formatting would make it more readable, but really, you should focus on fixing the dialogue so that it has proper dialogue tags. "No," she said. *Left* Much easier to read than *Right* The girl: "No." More professional and clean looking as well.

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Blue  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BurstP* I'm earning my sparkles at "Invalid Item to spread sparkles for Phoebe around WDC! *BurstP*

I love the way your folders are broken up, love. First, I love that the names are colors because I am a huge color lover. Second, it is amazing that you have enough poetry to warrant having them in a million folders! The themes would probably drive me nuts... is it emotional or mental illness or dark or some hybrid of the three? That sort of thing. I just slap all of my pieces into folders by year so that I can find them, which is convenient for me, but your folders are super convenient to the reader because they can choose what they want to read with ease.

I have read quite a few of these poems. The titles looked familiar on a number of them. Not surprising since I know that I have reviewed you quite a few times. Now and then, you stumble across someone whose writing is just easy to review. I don't know why you're easy to review... our strengths and weaknesses balance out maybe? Or we speak the same language and I just "get" what you're doing with them? No idea, but I'm always up for a Jess review! *Wink*

You have some really interesting and sad pieces in here. Just at a glance, a poem about Anne Frank caught my eye because of that huge awardicon. That is interesting to me... I've never tried my hand at historical poetry. I rarely write from personal experience too, so people wont find much like your "Regret" in my port either. I'm starting to get there... just not quite arrived. I appreciate anyone who can really take their poems to a dark or emotional place for them personally.

Anyway, I'll move on to the next review. I'm going to refresh your port too to see if the ratings are showing up. *Facepalm*

*Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv* Happy WDC Anniversary from "Anniversary Reviews *Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dark Poetry  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Alright... so all of your main folders have ratings now, which is good enough, I'd say. But I do have one more review to do... and I'm already here. So I figured that I might as well just go ahead and do one more. But what?

I knew exactly where to go. *Laugh* I figured that your poetry folder would have subfolders since your story folder did. And there it was... Dark Poetry. I knew you'd have one. *Laugh*

You write tons of dark poetry, have a dark poetry contest and group, and commissioned the dark poetry merit badge. It screams that it means something to you, no? *Wink* So this is the perfect review to end on, and it is definitely deserving of 5 stars, since the folder is packed. Happy Anniversary, Darleen... my definitely-no-longer-newbie friend. *Shock* Maybe I'll be back for another mini-raid on your third anniversary. *Heart*

*Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv* Happy WDC Anniversary from "Anniversary Reviews *Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Etcetera....  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Laugh* Uh oh... I just landed in your non-group-related kitchen drawer! This is actually not that cluttered or crazy, considering. I just reorganized my Miscellaneous folder a week or so ago. You know, the usual... added cover photos, more subfolders, tidied up all the weird stuff that has been in there since 2009!

In the end, mine is still a big old mess compared to yours. *Facepalm* I'll have to come back and peek through your misc folder four years from now and see how clean and organized it is THEN. *Wink*

The thing that grabs my interest the most in this folder is "A Postcard from Bora Bora". I don't know if this is a poem or what, but I thought that was the most random title I've seen in ages... perfect for a Misc folder. It makes me want to slap an item in the middle of my misc folder that just says "One Left Sock" or something. *Laugh*

*Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv* Happy WDC Anniversary from "Anniversary Reviews *Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Works in Progress  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm totally on a roll now! *Laugh* I need to do 5 more reviews (at least) for Anniversary Reviews. You have 4 folders left in your port. Looks like you're about to have all of your portfolio starred and pretty. And maybe one subfolder if I don't decide to spread the love a little bit at the end.

Now, this one might be tricky, since all of the items in here are private! *Laugh* I don't think it really matters though. This might even be the most "serious" folder of the entire bunch because you're working on drafts and getting them to a place where reviews will actually be helpful and/or necessary. Seems like more people ought to do it that way, really. I can't tell you how many times I've reviewed something only to have them tell me, "You shouldn't have reviewed this! It wasn't ready!" Well... how was I supposed to know that?

So anyway... keep on adding to your sneaky secret works in progress, love. I think it's a great way to go about your writing process. Gotta say that it makes me pretty curious though. *Laugh* What are these 4 mystery items?! I better stop here, lest I drive myself mad with curiosity. *Wink*

*Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv* Happy WDC Anniversary from "Anniversary Reviews *Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Short Stories  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Alright, 🌑 Darleen - QoD ! Back for another folder review. This might be the last one for right now. I'm not sure just yet. You have a zillion folders, and barely any of them have ratings. Chances are, it will take a while to get them all done, even if I take a stab at it now. Ugh. I guess that's really why I do all of these folder reviews though. No one ever does them. And why not? It looks better with ratings, and for anniversaries, they're especially nice because I don't have to feel like I'm "gifting" someone a 3-star review or something. Know what I mean? *Laugh*

Okay, anyway. I think that I've only ever read one of your short stories. I mostly review newbies... newbie poetry, most specifically. I looked up the reviews I have done for you so far, and the one that I reviewed in this folder is the original Chocolate Miracles. I saw that it was fantasy and clicked the fantasy subfolder to see how well organized your port is. Imagine that! You can find things in here! *Laugh*

I see that you have rewritten Chocolate Miracles. Not a bad idea, since it had a few snafus for the first draft (true of pretty much all first drafts, actually). I know that I read the original because you asked me for feedback on it... did I ever read the rewrite? No idea anymore. I do vaguely remember the story though, even after all this time. It was about ummm... a magic sweets shop? Like, the candy was sort of like potions?

Well, that isn't much story so much as general setting/premise, but hey, after two years and hundreds of reviews, it's probably a good thing that I remember anything about it, right? I mean, you must have done something right.

Alright. I'll take a look around and see if I can't send you a few more anniversary-ratings for your folders. They will probably be much shorter, since I haven't read anything in those. Who knows though? I do have a tendency to ramble. *Wink*

*Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv* Happy WDC Anniversary from "Anniversary Reviews *Confettig* *Giftv* *Confettiv*

PDG Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I feel like I have time for about one more review, which is super convenient since you have exactly ONE folder left to review! Yay for a port that looks full and pretty! You have one other item in there without any ratings... either a Book or In and Out item I guess? Don't remember which, but regardless, I might come back and give it a review sometime... just for the sake of completion.

Sneaky sneaky with this one. Are you hiding all of the items so that you can release them all at once? Hmmmm... hiding them isn't a requirement for the contest I don't think. I can't be sure though. I read the requirements and such for the contest when Kiya first announced it, but I'm not a story writer at all, so the information didn't stick.

At any rate, good luck with the contest, love! The competition will be fierce with prizes that good. *Laugh* And on a final note here... I had never heard (or heard of) Regina Spektor before. I looked her up on YouTube and gave one of her songs a listen while writing this. Ummm... "How"? Not bad.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Stories  
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! Again, you seem to experiment a whole lot with different genres. Supernatural, horror, mystery, young adult, women's, inspirational, comedy... that is a whole lot of variety. I'm always amazed when people branch out that much. I think that literally every story I've ever written falls into a few basic categories. Horror, scifi, and/or dark. That's seriously it. You have so many genres represented here that it's hard for me to even wrap my head around it. *Laugh*

I didn't think that I had ever read any of your stories, but I have! One more review to add to the list of reviews I've done for you too, since I read/reviewed "How Mr. Greene Lost His Leg" for ummm... the WDC official contest you wrote it for? Whichever one that was. That must have been before I first read your poetry. Once I read someone's poetry, the stories disappear from my mind I guess. *Wink* Hey, I'm a poetry person.

That said, I thought that story was pretty darn cute. If that is any indication, I imagine that the stories in this folder are solid. They have really good ratings from other people too. Good enough for me to give the folder itself 5-stars! Though really... folders are about the effort for me. Always 5 stars. *Thumbsup*

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cinn
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Woah... you're a big fan of the Writer's Cramp, huh? *Laugh* 7 entries. That has got to be more than I have ever entered that particular contest. I should probably give it a try more often, but I'm miserable with prompts. I've entered twice recently because I had to enter for some challenge or other. I won once too, actually. Other than those two times, I haven't entered since I was a newbie myself, and even then, it was just a couple times.

Anyway, do prompts only work for you when you write stories? Just curious. You write poetry, and the contest accepts both poetry and stories... yet there is no poetry in here. *Laugh*

You have a pretty nice variety of genres in here. Fantasy, horror, political, comedy, family... that is pretty impressive. For me, no matter what I set out to write, it turns into something a bit dark.

Have any of these won, by the way? It might be nice for future reference if you say which ones have won... maybe put them in the body of the folder? No one ever clicks that "Go to Folder" link, so it would just be for you. Still, it might be nice to have later.

*Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1* Review brought to you by "Newbie Welcome Wagon *Vine2**Flowerp**Vine1*

For Simply Positive

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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