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1,504 Public Reviews Given
1,842 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I look to be entertained, informed, and connected in some way. It may be wrong but if the first few lines or paragraphs don't hook me in some way, I will leave without even reading the rest. Also, I will notify you if I run into errors.
I'm good at...
I do not mean to toot my own horn but I am awesome at limericks. I've helped so many people with limericks. I've even thought about opening up a class here on limericks.
Favorite Genres
In no particular order: humor, horror, biography. I'll read any genre but those are my main favorites!
Least Favorite Genres
I'm not sure. Maybe legal or finance but if done in the right voice, even that can be good.
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, short stories, bios, essays,fiction, and nonfiction
Least Favorite Item Types
pros, books
I will not review...
Something that is LONG like 100 kbs or something. I will only review long pieces if someone requests it of me but nothing that's 100 kb. Let's not get crazy or anything.
Public Reviews
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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello rampartace!
I have read "Gaming for the Win! and I give these suggestions.

First impression: Having a love for video games myself, I couldn't wait to see your viewpoint.

What I liked most: I liked how you went through every possible "bad" thing about video games. I've always said that it's great for hand eye cordination. However, I hate the wii though. Hate it. Like the games, but if I want to jump around I'd break out the power pad.

Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling::you said the word relives a couple of times. That means to live again. I think you meant relieves.
Then this sentence Or have or friends play too and destroy them instead! just does'n sound right. Try re-wording it.

Write on,

Review of Last Gift  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Hyperiongate!
I have read "Last Gift and I give these suggestions.

First impression: I thought it was a bit strange that a reindeer was walking down the hallway. Actually, I thought he fell from the roof or something.

What I liked most:This was a great story. Very touching and I'm sure it would brighten a kid's day. Well, especially if it was a kid in the hospital.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
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Hello Xander! I have read "the most interesting thing in my life. and I give these suggestions.

First impression: Right from the start, it was poorly executed with one long run on sentence. Interesting story though.

Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling: This entire thing has errors all through it. For example: I think its the most ridiculous question that can be asked, it was once asked to a young man not to long ago his response,he was sexually assualted by his priest when he was just about the age of 8, now he's a homophile. On the other hand the same question was asked to a priest his response ,he molested a young boy,he puts hands on his head as he recalled his first time, he was scared and uncertain but his fear was replaced by a hunger for more.Her eyes filled with tears and i could sense her pain as her body sagged as she speaked, she ignored the signs,or was it that she This is just the first paragraph. The first sentence is a huge run on. Take out some of those comas and place them with periods. Therefore capitolizing the next letter. It's beter if you spell out the number. You need to capitolize the letter I when reffering to yourself.

Suggestion: re-do this and take your time.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ree,

I have read "Thoughts on Blogging and I give you my thoughts.

Technically, I think this is the only error that I came accrossI' not too comfortable with that thought. Looks like you forgot the m.

I find out that a lot of writers are private. I'm not. I love blogging, but haven't here. I just turn them into a nonfiction piece here. Personally, I enjoy sharing everything about myself. Just thought I'd give you my opinion on the subject.

Write on,


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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello RN,

I have read "Not Everything Is As It Seemsand I would like to share my thoughts on this.

Technically, this was well thought out and put together, with no errrors.

The subject is something I agree with, even though I am straight. I agre with everything you said in here and I really don't see what the big problem is. Maybe some day....

Write on,


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Review of A Ghost Story  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Dragon,

That is awesome. That kind of thing may scare some people, but I would think it would be well, like I said...awesome. I wish I could go on a navy ship.

Technically, this was well written. I didn't notice any kind of mistake.

Write on,


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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Dennis,

This was terrific. When I got to the end, it was even better when I saw that she was real. I happen to be half an hour from St. Louis. When I'm there though, I go party by the arch, I don't go to graveyards. If I did though, I would tell you if she's buried there. I should make a special trip to that cemetary.

I thought the poem was flawless and had a great rhytm.

Write on,


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Review of The Door  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lone wolf,

I loved this. It was really short and was a great subject matter. The pattern was good and I didn't notice any errors.

Write on,


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Review of The Questioner  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Jesse,

This was very interesting and well put together. I think you did great at not repeating wwords.

Write on,


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Review of myself  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello maanasha,

You really ought to expand on this one sentence. Tell more about yourself.

Write on,


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Review of Baby Boy  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Eliot,

I have read "Baby Boy and I offer you my thoughts.

Five kids! Yikes. At least you didn't have to birth them. How many more you want? lol

This was short and well written. I loved the very end.

Write on,


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Review of Mr. Snood  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Bill,

I have read "Mr. Snood and I offer you my thoughts.

This was a nice blend of funny, weird and kind of sick. (I thought the end was the sick part) As always, great job!

Write on,


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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello aralls,

I have read "The Day I Made My Mother Speechless and I offer you my thoughts.

This was good. I loved how you built everything up with all the thoughts as the narrator held the green beans. My favorite part was of course the ending.

Write on,


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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Stallion,

Nice little poll. I voted other though. I think you should have the option all of the above. haha. Other than that, very good.

Write on,

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Review of The Admin Issue 1  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Hello JP!

I have read "The Admin Issue 1 and I offer you these suggestions.

First impression:The description is what hooked me in.

What I liked most: The ending. I loved your description of Jesus. lol

Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling: At some points, you have the word hell. In lowercase. Since that is a place, it needs to be capitalized.

Write on!


Review of Santa Speaks  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hello Beck! I have read "Santa Speaks and I give these suggestions.

First impression: I was wondering what you did with the prompt for the contst. As I started to read I was amused.

What I liked most: The whole thing. The ending was great. I entered this contest this round. If you don't win though, I will be surprised. You deserve it.

Write on,

Review of The Streak  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Hello Jace!
I have read "The Streak and I give these suggestions.

First impression: I would have loved to participate in something like that. Take off my and run around in some place public and not get in trouble? You bet!

What I liked most:I thought the very end is what wrapped it up nicely. Well, nicely for a read. Not for that guy that no one helped.

Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:I thought everything was just fine. Great stuff.

Write on,

Review of Hot Drama Poll  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello Steph,

As far as my answer goes, I voted A Christmas Story.

Now to be a critic..... None of those listed are dramas. Dramas don't just have to do with acting. Dramas are on a more serious side. Movies like The Shawshank Redemption, 12 Angry Men, and Pulp Fiction are considered to be dramas. The only actual drama I think you have listed is It's A Wonderful Life. Maybe The Polar Express. The others are comedies. I hope this helps and doesn't offend or anything. I just think you should change it to beter suit the titles. Just my opinion though.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Matt,

Just when I think I've come upon a poll that's like none other, I find one that tops it. This poll is definitely unique and it is safe to say that I've never seen a poll like this.. I like it.

I voted that I would encourage. I actually dated a guy for a very brief time that dressed up for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I thought "whatever".

Write on,

Review of Hapenis  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Hello Hunters!

I have read "Hapenis and I offer you these suggestions.

First impression:Well, my very first impression was the title. How could I not love that title? lol

What I liked most: While, I like a ton of poetry, hardly any poem makes me smile all through it. This one did. Well for one, I quite enjoy the topic. Another thingn is that this was written with a good sense of humor.

Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling:You had the line your remind me of your purpose as I pass through each day. You should make your into you.

Write on!


Review of Holiday Dinner  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Mike,

Thanks for entering my contest. I hope to see you here again.

This prompt was cable tv shows. You got about half right. I am pretty sure the other half are shows on in sindication, like Yes, Deer. What About Bob, Bachelor Party, and She's Got The look are movies, not cable shows.

Needless to say, I am awarding you with second place. I did enjoy the story. The 3.5 rating is due to the sindicated shows and movies. I do hope to see another entry from you in the future.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Hunter,

I'm glad that you entered this contest. I was happy to read your entry. It was just what I was looking for. Those are the types of shows I was talking about. Some people were just confused about that for some reason.

I am giving first place to you. I hope to see you here again.

*Smile* write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Hello Stallion,

I chose the "who the hell are you?" option although my answer isn't up there. Here's my answer: If he was dressed in simple jeans and a t shirt, I'd probably hit on him. Just thought I'd share.

Write on,


Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Gene,

I have read "Supernatural Stereotypes and I offer you my thoughts.

This was a good poll, but I think you should have specified somewhere that you were talking about fiction. I say that because I really enjoy supernatural nonfiction.

Write on,

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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Hoshi,

I have read "Popular Internet Videos and offer you my thought.

This was very good and you put the correct kinds of words, to put in the blank spaces. That is what made this a great mad lib.

Write on,


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