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1,504 Public Reviews Given
1,842 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I look to be entertained, informed, and connected in some way. It may be wrong but if the first few lines or paragraphs don't hook me in some way, I will leave without even reading the rest. Also, I will notify you if I run into errors.
I'm good at...
I do not mean to toot my own horn but I am awesome at limericks. I've helped so many people with limericks. I've even thought about opening up a class here on limericks.
Favorite Genres
In no particular order: humor, horror, biography. I'll read any genre but those are my main favorites!
Least Favorite Genres
I'm not sure. Maybe legal or finance but if done in the right voice, even that can be good.
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, short stories, bios, essays,fiction, and nonfiction
Least Favorite Item Types
pros, books
I will not review...
Something that is LONG like 100 kbs or something. I will only review long pieces if someone requests it of me but nothing that's 100 kb. Let's not get crazy or anything.
Public Reviews
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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (3.0)
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Hello Chlo,

I thought this was a very interested story. I love metal, but will never get in a pit. Maybe if I had floor seats....maybe.

At times, you switched from second person and third person. You should go through and make it all one POV.

The other errors I encountered will be in red.

It hits you that he just waved at you. He... Just... Waved... At... You... Jimmy... Waved... At... You... And (take out And) from that moment on, all common sense, all rational thinking, is lost from your mind. In stead of having just one sentence words, why don't you do this "It hits you that he just waved at you. He. Just. Waved. At. You. Jimmy. Waved. At. You. And from that moment on, all common sense,

I mean, your entire room is covered in posters with him.
your head is tick tick ticking with excitement
It really would seem better to just have ticking. You cold say really ticking or just ticking.

And suddenly, you faint.

And that will always go down as the best 20 minutes of your life.
In here, take out both Ands. It would also look better if you spelled out the number.

Hope I've helped.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Magoo,

I am gong to share my opinions about .

This was just great! There were no errors and it was a great story.

I do admit though the line Sure I get yelled at if I try to lick the tray. Puzzled and disgusted me. *Laugh* Then when I got to the end, boy was I relieved.


write on,


Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Keith,

I would like to share with you what I thought of "Ghost of Appleton High.

This poem was just fantastic. It had great rhyme, it flowed smoothly, and it told a great story. I think it even sounded like a song. There were also no errors that I encountered.

Write on,

Review of Dear Me 2009  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.0)
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I have read "Dear Me 2009 and I would like to offer you my thoughts.

This was a good letter to yourself about goals that you wanted for the year.

As you submerge yourself into an new year, was the only mistake I saw. "An" is supposed to be "a". Other than that I didn't encounter other errors in grammar.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Norby,

This was a good start at your blog. I have just as many entries in my blog. haha

Write on,

Review of My WDC Goals  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Nicole,

This was good. Short weet and to the point.

Well I have a contest
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1473144 by Not Available.
Maybe I'll see an entry from you some time.

*Smile* write on,

Review of My Disasster Date  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

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Hello Bob,

Congrats on second place. I really liked this. It had good rhyme and the titles fit well.

The only thing I saw wrong was I grab Bruno's lease from my new favorite lass, From reading it, looks like lease was meant to be leash.

I hope to see an entry from you in future rounds.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello kneedeep,

I thought that this was quite funny. Everyone knows wht that situation is like. lol

I didn't encounter any technical errors either.

Write on,

Review of The Habit  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Hello Bill,

I have read "The Habit and I would like to share my thoughts.

This was just sick. I was able to picture what everything looked like and invision everything happen, like I do whenever I read something you wrote. I loved the descriptions at the end. This was just fantastc. If I'm reading something and I scrunch my face as I read it, it's good. And you have succeeded in having me scrunch my face in this story.

Write on,


Review of Passing of Summer  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jayce,

This was good. It caught my attention because I love summer and I always mourn its loss. No errors either. Great stuff.

You're in Missouri? What part? I'm in Jefferson County, not too far from St. Lous. I knew we shared the same birthday, but had no idea we lived in the same state as well.



Review of Questions  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello Jayce,

I have read "Questions and I offer you my thoughts.

Funny thing...I have often wondered about this myself. Unlike you though, I haven't put quite as much thought into this. But thanks to you, I am now wondering more about it. *Laugh*

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello Debbie,

I have read "Ghosts of A Hospital and I would like to share my thoughts.

This was just amazing. I loved the subject. The description said you wrote this wrote this while working at a hospital. I'm curious, was this from your imagination or did stuff like this actually happen? Makes me want to go work in a hospital.

One mistake I did encounter was this line You can't see them,but ,they can see you, The commas before and after "but" are not necessary.

I hope I have been of some help.

Write on,


Review by *Jenny*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hello Cougar,

I have read "Book 5: Where the Oasis Blooms and I offer you my opinions.

I thought this was just great. No errors and very informative.

My favorite part was about slang. Like you I'm also guilty of saying sweet, but I don't put it in my stories for the same reason you said. A new one could take its place any second now. This part made me laugh because it's so true. People of different generations also have different slang terms. An example of this is the word "thong"--which to some people means a shoe, a flip-flop. This can sometimes provide humor for you: For example, the reaction of a grandson when his grandmother asks him if he's seen her thongs laying around anywhere. Not long ago I was in the same kind of situation, but I was talking to someone my own age. *Laugh*

Write on,

Review of The Ghost House  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Hello Pennywise,

I have read "The Ghost House and I offer you my thoughts.

Story wise this was spectacular. There were some punctuation that I recommend changing....

A few times you have &. I think it would look better if you had the word "and".

Also at some points there are double quote marks like "".

Hope I have been a bit helpful.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hello Puckboy,

I have read "Invalid Item and I offer you my feedback.

This was great. The rhythm was flawless and was just like the original. I loved the subject and could see everything happen as I read it.

One problem though. The word is vampire not vampyre.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Gypsy,

I have read "history of writingand I offer you my opinions.

This was great. It didn't have any typos and was very informative. I enjoyed reading this because I have learned things from it. Learning is always good.

Write on,

Review of Yellow Brick Road  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Hello Mark,

I have read "Yellow Brick Road and I offer you my thoughts.

This was written more like a romance than an erotica. Well done with the story I might add.

There were no typos or words spelled wong. Punctuation was good. I did have two minor problems as I read this. The name Chevy: Is that pronounced like the truck or like Chevy Chase's name?

Something else I just couldn't get past was this sentence He moved his hands to her hips and didn’t waste any time in removing her panties and throwing them into the fire. If anyone threw an article of my clothing into fire, we'd be fighting then I would put whatever clothes I had left back on and leave. Maybe that's just me though.

All in all, I enjoyed the read.

Write on,


Review of Misunderstood  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Hello Mark,

I have read "Misunderstood and I offer you my thoughts.

This was good but it could be a bit better. Like maybe tell more about what people did when they saw the boy.

After several years, a group of campers came back to the lake. I became excited because for the first time in nearly 30 years, I had the chance to meet real people again. The number 30 would look better as the word "thirty". Of course it's not a necesity though.

While she ran, she tripped on a root and fell headfirst into a tree. After she landed, she stopped moving. It wasn’t my fault. But I felt like it was. headfirst is two different words not a compound. The last two sentences should be combinded into one.

I hide so no one would see me for weeks. During the filming, I enjoyed the excitement. Hide should be hid.

I hope I have been helpful.

Write on,

Review of Writer's Block  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello J.D

I have read "Writer's Block and I want to offer you my thoughts.

I thought this was terrific. No mistakes and it flowed great. The subject was also fantastic.

Write on,

Review of It Had To End  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Nevada,

I have read "It Had To End and I will share my thoughts.

This was absolutely amazing. Didn't see any error and I could picture everything happen.

Write on,

Review of " untilled"  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello Amy,

I have read "" untilled" and I offer you my thoughts.

It had a good rhyme going. The subject was good and although short, you didn't leave anything out.

I suggest giving it a title. That would make it stand out a little more and tell what the poem is about. You had one mispelled word. You had havens when I think you meant heavens.

Write on!

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
In Movies, Music, and more

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Hello rogue,

Congrats on second place.

It was flawless and the tiles fit nicely. You only got 2nd place cuz it was too sad.

Hope to see an entry from you again.

Write on,

Review of Why Haven't You?  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hello Dragon,

I have read "Why Haven't You? and I offer you my thoughts on it.

I thought that this was a great little thing which made people get to know you a little bit like myself who did not know you at all. It was kind of like reading an autobiography in a different form.

I don't really understand why you put this on here if you didn't want to but your friend did. I'm guessing this friend is relentless. I am glad that I got to read it.

Write on,


Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello Magoo,

I have read "I Can Wrestle My Dad and I offer you my thoughts on it.

What a cute poem. I admit at first I wondered why this was happening, then I saw. Great job and I didn't encounter any errors either.

Write on,

Review by *Jenny*
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
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Hello Allwrite,

I have read "10 Years Ago: I Was in Second Grade and I offer you my thoughts and suggestions.

This was pretty good story wise, but it did have some errors. The very first sentence was Often people ask me if I was scared. On 9/11. You have that as two seperate sentences where that should actually be one sentence. Just take out the first period and put a lower case on the o and it will be better.

In this sentence I felt glad, having a acrid distaste for learning "a" should be "an".

There's just little things like that. I hope this has been at least a bit helpful.

Write on!

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