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Review of Lend a Hand  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)

A simple gift for the world we live in

by: Reason


A very appropriate message at Easter.

*Bullet* A heartwarming message, and an absolute delight to read. Also, well set out and easy to read.

*Bullet* Because both the presentation and the message from the writer are so refreshing and pleasant on the eye, I'm rating this a 5 - Thankyou for this piece. *Delight*

*Down* ... from the Writer...

Jesus had a sense of humor (as well as many of the other religious leaders of different religions) and did not preach be good or go to Hell. These teachings, that are idolized by most of the worlds religions, have philosophies that try to tell us treat others the way you want to be treated, help out your fellow human and don't abuse others, other life, or this world we live in.

... and finally...

"If each one of us that has found happiness or pleasure in life would help just one person find their way then if that person helped one other and the chain kept going imagine what this world would be like in a few years."

Review of The Dance  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (3.0)

another sesory (*Question*) word excercise to help improve my writing skills.

by: Gregory Thomas

A short Piece - Here It Is

The Dance

*Bullet* Music playing, people saying

*Bullet* Hi, how are you today?

*Bullet* Dresses made from silk and chiffon
and white gloves all around

*Bullet* The mirrored ball in the ceiling calls

*Bullet* with each reflection it shares

*Bullet* Drinks clinking, Drinks spilling

*Bullet* all over the white tablecloth

*Bullet* Sitting, watching, not wanting to be first,
*Bullet* at the end of the evening, I smell the worst


I would like to include a little bio from the writer's profile...

I have been a Musician and Recording Engineer, and I have my degree in Music. Currently I am a teacher at the secondary level.

With the help of Writing.com, I will become very successful in my songwriting career.

.... I wish you luck! Mother DeVille
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)
Example MP3: Applause

An Example MP3 Audio Item.

by: The StoryMaster


This is an exciting new feature to Writing.
Com and I am seriously considering upgrading to enable me to be able to use it... Imagine !

You could then turn your work into Talking Books !` *Delight**Reading**Bigsmile*


Review of Feedback  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Are you getting ratings and reviews?

by: Kim-Marie, a walking barometer

Poll Question:

You post items. You read others. Are you getting the feedback you'd hoped for on this site?

Poll Results:

112 Votes (41%) No. Less than I expected

100 Votes (37%) About as much as I expected

58 Votes (21%) Yes. More than I expected

Total Votes: 270


...Also very interesting ... I have been giving these polls a good look, and many of them have been covering great topics, and they've been helpful and revealing! *Shock*
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Who really pulls the strings in global politics?

by: Kane Rowel

A Poll ...

There are secret organizations who govern global policy !



... Surprising how few people give this answer credibility! Many documentaries have actually namedsuch people ... It's A Fact !
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Are you in support or not? Voice your opinion here!

by: .Guardian of the Wounded Gate.

Q U E S T I O N :

Would you support making Same-Sex Marriages LEGAL?


I voted on this, and didn't review it last night, but I have reconsidered and have decided that I will put in my two bob's worth.

I feel that marriage was 'invented' as a safe and supportive environment in which the inclined-to-monogomy-female and the more inclined-to-polygomy- male would focus on raising their young.

It appeared to ensure that the male was then guaranteed a greater chance of siring and rearing his own genetic line.

Over time this proved a beneficial arrangement for all parties concerned, particularly children who had both male and female role models and the advantages that both genders could offer, i.e. homemaker, breadwinner qualities, without compromising care of offspring while 'hunting'.

In regard to gay marriage... I don't really see the point, perhaps a committment ceremony would be more appropriate, but I feel horses for courses is still the way to go.

I believe in live and let live and "each to their own"

all the best *Smile*

Review of Why! Why! Why!  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A question I desparately want to know the answer to!

by: Joule *Princess of Darkness*

Poll Question:

I have found that most, not all but most, gay men are absolutely gorgeous! Can someone please tell me why? Do you know why?!


Gay men are also often charming, highly intelligent and like the finer things in life - they often get on very well with women and genuinely seem to enjoy our company... they often make generous and thoughtful friends, as well...

Regards, Mother DeVille *Wink*

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)
What is your reason for passing, without comment, poorly written items?

by: marie

A well posed question with good choices/response answers!

Every now and then, when reading the work of others on the site, I come across a very poorly written piece. It might be a narrative or a story with serious grammatical, structural, or spelling errors that detract from the overall work. Perhaps the characters are flat, or the plot is flat or missing altogether. It might be a poem that is so flowery, metaphorical, or effusive that it defies my immediate understanding.

I really don't believe in giving a low rating without comment, so I find myself just clicking off of it. Even though I know that those are the pieces upon which I should be offering suggestions for improvement, for various reasons I often do not. I was wondering, am I the only one? And if not, why do we do that if the purpose is to encourage each other?


The poll results were interesting, and I for one, was probably not surprised at the voting outcomes...

Go and Check It Out! *Delight*

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)
The smallest thing may bring the joy of Christmas to a person.

by: Norksquad

*Flower5* But then a strange sensation rose,
As the church bells pealing grows.
The rings pierce right into my heart.
The rocky ground begins to part.

*Flower6* A ray of hope from God descends.
The brutal scars begin to mend.
I see the babe upon the throne.
I know I'll never be alone.

*Flower4* Thank you God for little things,
Like church bells that can somehow sing
Your glory like an angel band,
and represent your loving hand.


I felt as if I could hear those Church Bells ringing too, and yes, they are particularly heart-catching at Christmas

This was a lovely poem, and as the memories of Christmas recede, and the decorations are put away ... we can hear echoes from the ringing bells...


Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The tall man enjoys forbidden pleasures.

by: Phil


Not usually a genre I enjoy, but I found this story to be well written (flow, grammar...)

A Very Entertaining Read

*Star* Small droplets of blood had appeared on the top of the steak, and the tall man slid the spatula under it and flipped it gently.

This caused renewed sizzling, and he found the sizzling to be satisfying in its own way. He added a touch of salt, and twice as much pepper

*Star* With both David and his psychiatrist dead, the tall man had no one to talk to now. She had claimed that David had never existed.

*Star* “Multiple personality disorder,” she had said. The tall man knew she had been lying. She had taken his best friend from him, and this was her punishment.


Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Christmas Eve and stuck in an elevator...

by: Amethyst

This was written for a contest from The Writer's Loft. The rules are two people get stuck in an elevator on Christmas Eve and one must be wearing a Santa Suit. The story must also be less than 1500 words.


Well, I've already made some brief comments at the EP junctions, but I will say that overall, this was an interesting Christmas Yarn! *Star*

Almost anecdotal in flavour, and entertaining throughout!

*Star* Entertaining Read *Star*
Review of The Magic 21  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The true story of my 21st birthday.

by: Flip--Seasons Felicitations

Entered for the
Put Me In A Good Mood Comedy Comp


*Star* Ye eeeePPP! You sure did have one *Star* helluva 21st! *Star*

Something about this story, particularly the end has an echo of McFly or whatever his name was (played by Michael J. Fox) - in the 'Back To The Future' Movies, which I loved! ... especially the end of your story, where one thing led to another, - but if it hadn't and something else had happened instead... type scenario... oh well, I'm gibbering!

Thankyou for this entry! *Bigsmile*
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)
by: halfwright

This is a collection of some of the best stories that I have ever read !

*Star* How to build a Shed

Desc: short story about building a shed--mostly true
Genre(s): Comedy :: Satire :: Home/Garden

*Star* Move Again?? NEVER

Desc: story on buying and repairing a new house
Genre(s): Comedy :: Satire :: Home/Garden

*Star* Traffic Must Go On

Desc: short satire about road construction
Genre(s): Comedy :: Satire

*Star* Why We Don't do Thanksgiving

Desc: short satire
Genre(s): Comedy :: Satire

*Star* Trip to Six Flags

Desc: short satire on trip
Genre(s): Comedy :: Satire


I just hope that there are more to come ! Well written, funny, topical, short and sweet!

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)
story on buying and repairing a new house

by: halfwright

After we moved in, the little fun surprises started. We found out the furnace started with a boom that shattered glass.

The water softener had the beginnings of a new life form growing in it.

You could have the kitchen light on and use the microwave, just not at the same time.

The unusual smell from the oven was a family of mice that used to live happily in the insulation.


Well, I won't be ...

a) coming for dinner

b) drinking from the tapwater here

c) Using the lavatory

d) looking at anything that has been renovated/painted... I'd stick to looking out of the window the whole visit.

... Sounds like a fun place! The writer could always get a permit for giving tours to the homeless - with the motto - Be Grateful ! Things Could Be Worse !

*Star* *Star* *Star*
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
short satire about road construction

by: halfwright

*Exclaim* The second study showed that they needed a plan[missing word ? *Confused* ] needed a name that exuded big, mean and tough.

*Exclaim* a [an ] encyclopedic knowledge of every alley in the metro area


Brother ! What a helluva life this writer has! *Worry* Every day is an event !

I think we all better raise some $$$$ to help keep him at home where he is safe !!

... but then he'd have to start making up stories.. and there's nothing like real life to create a good tale!

*Star* *Star* *Star*

Review of Trip to Six Flags  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
short satire on trip

by: halfwright

Another Good Yarn !

*Star* As you know, most places like this have an ATM in case you need cash. Six Flags has taken it one step farther and have a branch bank so you can take out a loan on your house to buy tickets. There is also a blood donor operation and a small dark building with a sign that says, “We buy souls”.

*Star* We were able to get in after persuading the ticket taker that both our sons were under two by carrying them on our shoulders. It would have been a snap, but my load’s feet kept dragging and his whiskers hurt my neck.



Well this writer certainly has the flair for raconteuring down to a fine art!

Of course I'm going to enjoy his work, we think alike!

If the misery of life has any value at all - it has to be that it's worth is in the mirth of a God's Eye View

... I hesitate to ask ... but I hope that he has lots more of these conversions ofmisery to mirthful masterpieces to hand in!

*Star* *Star**Star*

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
short satire

by: halfwright


Planning, preparation and purchasing would start about the tenth of November. It would often take a week just to figure out who was going to sit where, since our family was always arguing and making up. Some years, no one could sit next to anybody.We had a Thanksgiving dinner takeout.


I found this satire to be amusing throughout, and at times, absolutely hilarious! Another really good piece of writing by this writer!


... Maybe you have to have a rotten family yourself to appreciate this piece! *Wink*

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
One of my weekly newsletters in which I try to cook breakfast while on NyQuil.

by: bagelboy

Excerpt !

If I had to pick the worst thing about being sick, I’d have to say it would be trying to sleep when one of your nostrils is completely stuffed up and the other is SO f***ING CLEAR that it burns to inhale.

Jesus Christ, I woke up this morning feeling like I was doing lines of ammonia the night before. It f***ing blows.


I need to get some surrogate parents to take care of me when mine are away on vacation, hiding from their responsibilities and traffic tickets. Those f***s.


Are you my eldest son? *Worry* ... or even my youngest son, Bambino?

I loved this piece *Bigsmile* All you need to do is put a space between paragraphs; we usually do' here, at Writing.Com, you know!

A really good monologue/rant! *Heart* Loved it *Exclaim*

*Star* *Star* *Star*

Happy Birthday! Frankies Girl - 8th November! *Balloon6*

Review of The Last Guardian  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A once mighty race subdued
by: J.A.Powell


*Star* "Once, millions of our kind existed, so said the Seer. We shall see those numbers again."

*Star* Millions, a number I could not imagine. I replied to the naive and young Denk, "I do not accept this. I recall far, far less and I have existed long before you. I suspect madness crept upon the Seer because he knew his bursting was at hand."


This was a story with an edge! Elements of excitement, melancholoy and originality, I wish it could've been longer. The characters were engaging and I would have liked to have got to know them better.

As a short story it was never the less satisfying with a thought provoking conclusion.

Well Done !

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A storoem written on my 60th birthday about what I've observed during my life.

by: Harry

I can't pass up this excerpt! ...

Our leaders never seem to learn. Why did we learn nothing from Vietnam?
You can’t win their hearts and minds by destroying a country with bombs.

Our nation never seems to overcome its racism and bigotry. Sure, things are
better – integration is the law, opportunities for minorities are better by far.

Yet, too many “Christians” still harbor prejudice in the world today. How do
you explain how a WASP can hold disdain for a Hispanic, a Black, or a Jew in their heart? Have they failed to realize Jesus was a Jew? Still too many
harbor racial bigotry and poison the minds of their children…far too many.


Happy Birthday Harry!
*Balloon1* *Balloon6* *Balloon2*

Well, it's patently clear that you have lived your life well, Harry (31st October was your birthday?)

It seems to me that you have something to show for your 60 years ... Wisdom, good memories made from diverse experience and life's selections, great family ties ... Harry! It occurs to me that you are like a piquant and aromatic spice! You should be bottled! LOL!

Warm Regards! Mother DeVille
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Written after hearing a disturbing account on the news.

by: Ann Ticipation


The man was out walking along the beach
he could see the huts just ahead,
suddenly he clutched his head in pain
thought migraine, I must go home to bed.
So he turned and walked back again.
The hut so near, so far, remained out of reach.


The boy, about five, was naked and terrified,
he lay curled on the beach hut floor,
his nostrils filled with the stench of wet wood;
he tried hard to scream out some more.
Voice guttered on bitter brine, no longer could.
Dark streaks showed where his tears had dried


Disturbing, chilling piece of writing; I once had a narrow escape myself on the beach... and the weather had changed... so against all teachings from my parents, I accepted the offer to get into the car from the man who had seen that I was starting to shiver...

My father did come! I'll never know whether that man was a bona fide concerned adult ...or not. Thank God.

With skill, you wrote of the sound which seemed like a gulls cry on the wind... the tension you brought to this descriptive portrait of a lost child indicates significant talent as a writer, as I've noted from other pieces that you've written. *Star*
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (5.0)
poem about why canines howl at the moon

by: Harry

A little error ?

Man forgot the meaning of the canine call all too soon;
today its purpose (in) is? unrecognized, hidden meaning lies.

Their cries blended into one plaintive wail, lingering,

becoming a howl riding the night wind. God, hearing this wailing for Mankind's fate, deemed it a fitting serendade

for Man to hear their howl so that he would not miss
the sorrow felt by Heaven for the future he had made.


I really enjoyed this, thankyou for the invitation to visit your port, I went straight away! (I see that you have a published volume available for sale! *Delight* )

What an entrancing concept! I loved it! I will keep this saved to My Favorites!


Review of The Outlaw  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
The typical guy next door.

by: angelac


It was less complected[complicated]
pasttimes [pas-times/passtimes]Merriam Webster Online... as in pass the time...

*Star* People get caught up in the expectations and jump into marriage and were miserable. Jake didn’t want that to happen. If he couldn’t have a happy marriage, then at the very least he didn’t want to be miserable. There had to be a way to be both married and happy. He thought of hsi friends nad the good times they had. Joe wondered if she would understand.


I liked this story, Jake was credible,solid character, who held his own throughout the story; consistent and engaging narrative with a cogent ending.


Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A thought-provoking poem about a national wildlife tragedy.

by: Harry

The flies are thick and buzzing.
The buzzards circle slowly overhead.
Another black bear lies mutilated and dead,
having fallen victim to the business of poaching.


In Korea bowls of bear paw soup are a delight.
A powder made of ground-up bear gall bladder --
worth more per ounce than cocaine – spells sadder
times ahead. Worldwide, bears are losing the fight.


This really is a terrible thing to be happening! What, if any, are the fines for those caught poaching?

Someone should tell these Bast#rds, that they can't take their loot with them! To Hell! Where They're Going! *Angry*

Review of Monster  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
If you call someone a name often enough they may soon believe it

by: Ghostly serenade

*Star* *Star* *Star*

Richie wanted to see what lay behind the bandages. And, being the school bully, he was accustomed to always getting his own way. So, after school one Thursday afternoon, he decided to forcibly remove them from me with the help of his friends to see "the freak". The memories are almost too horrific for me to recall; anger, humiliation, pain and despair flowed through my body in equal measures as Richie tore off the bandages so carefully applied until my face was bare. Several other children had by this point crowded round and there appeared to be complete silence for seconds until one word was uttered - "monster".


Is this a true story? If so, it is rather horrific! The end of the tale is somewhat sinister and not very pleasant at all.

Never the less, it was a compelling tale and not all stories end happily - do they.

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