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Review of Golden  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A super short. Used to solely to capture a moment in time.

by: J.A.Powell


This has to one of those brilliant, virtuoso, clever, remarkable, creative, gifted, talented pieces that turn up on this site every now and then!

A really good piece, for lots of reasons!

*Star* *Star* *Star*

I actually thought that the other one was the patient!
Review of Starship Sentry  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hard sci-fi? Space opera? Well, it is a puzzle. Lotsa clues. Can you guess the SECRET?

by: J.A.Powell

*Delight* What a great story... many intriguing tid bits throughout... not sure what the secret is though..?!

Loved the following:

Commander, astute as always, caught the query in the Sentry's eyes. "It's nothing dramatic," he said. "Just a meeting with another of those weird alien things. I'll be back before evening chow."

Due to the methodology used in engineering the Sentry and his kind, many of the words uttered by Commander during transmission were difficult to transcribe. "Weird alien things" wasn't really what Commander said,but it was the closest the Sentry could match the tones in his limited linguistics database.

Absolutely delightful! A story I enjoyed reading very much!


Lost half a point for the somewhat crammed info on characters, had to double check a few times... interupting flow of readership; doesn't detract from the actual story, though! *Star* *Star* *Star*
Review of Sweet Tooth  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)
A letter from the Big Bad Wolf to the Gingerbread Witch from Hansel&Gretal.

by: Lyonesse-O-Lantern


He He He ... I liked this ... I particularly liked the following:

... In return I'd like your help in settling my problems with the three little pigs. They have stolen my barbecue spit, tortured my cub and taunted me several times with their little diddies and tunes.

Invite them to your house for dinner. Ask them to bring my barbecue spit. I'm sure you can figure out what to do from there.

There's a lot we can do with pig, and winter is coming.

I look forward to your response and hope both of us will be satisified with this arrangement.

I can just picture a thwarted and angry wolf writing somewhat ingenuously to the witch, asking for her help...

Nice! *Delight*

Review of My Four Seasons  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Coffee and yard work just don't mix.

by: Charmin is mummified

It starts with the Spring, and ends with Winter,
The thought of cleaning, is making me whimper.

But now it's summer, and I'm feeling real fine,
I thought about cleaning, my brain starts to whine.



What a journey! What a year! Boy your garden must be something to see! What a great rhyme, I think this should be sent into a gardening journal for publication, honestly! I'm sure that they'd love it! *Delight* I sure did! *Bigsmile*
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
by Flip for the Yankees!

...Nobody's Place series...

It was another night at Nobody's Place, but it wasn't just another night for Joe. Standing behind the bar, sipping his Heineken, he had to wonder why the bar was so empty.

He figured some of the regulars would show up for his birthday but none were there.

Bo was at his usual spot at the door and hadn't even mentioned Joe's birthday. Crystal was in the DJ booth on the stage and had played a song for him. Thirty six years old and no one seemed to care much. Joe decided to leave.

*Cry* *Exclaim*

Luckily for Joe, all is not as it seems ...

A quirky little story, full of home-town charm; I see that 'Nobody's Place' has a secure region in your port, as there are many saga's here... *Smile*
Review of In the End....  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This is my view of the end of time. Note: I do not believe in a secret rapture

by: kismet

*Star* *Star* *Star*

Powerful, if disturbing and dire ...

This is the end, my friend
Time has come to claim its vow
Evil reigns supreme
And you cannot be redeemed
It's too late to make amends
For this is indeed the end
My beautiful friend.


A very dismaying indictment on the human state as perceived by another' - which begs the question - What, then does God think of us at the moment!

He must be extremely disappointed, I'd say!
This prose was thought provoking, and as a philisophical piece of writing, deserves consideration.
Review of Written Words...  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was written as a gift to a friend

by: kismet

Beautiful Words

I open my mouth
And spew forth my anger
At the injustice of what
Has now become your life

Though my voice is rendered silent
By the mourning of the winds
This sleeping dragon within
Has truly been awoken


I have discovered yet another writer who inspires me with their gift for meaningful and poignant speech.

Powerful and and exciting language! One is left wondering just what inspired such emotion!

*Star* *Star* *Star*

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The Dark of Winter is not only an exterior event.

by: a sunflower in Texas

An Excerpt

The air so full, laden of mental moisture,
Laden with the tears of my being this day.
Heart heavy gravity weighs my existence.

Thick air to match
My head so thick
Each breath from this swamp
A quagmire of quicksand.

Other choices offered ... dense, heavy, clotted, opaque;


I particularly like these excerpts included here; there is a concordance between your sensibility and the season of Winter, also felt by others' and this experience is well documented'.
Review of Circus Circuits  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
As I continue to learn computer skills, I compare "it" with me.

by: a sunflower in Texas

I like the paradoxical contrast between the way the mind works as compared to the perfunctory computer workings, as expressed in this verse...

Aaahhh! But the mind does crash!

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
some days it doesn't pay to get up

by: a sunflower in Texas

... I needed a laugh! *Laugh*

I put off getting out of bed
But it didn't help a bit.
Despite some mediocre efforts
My attitude is s***.

*Star* Air mattress has been chewed up,
My dog's a mouthy canine fool.


*Delight* Well, I hope that writing this poem proved to be cathartic and purgative! It has certainly lightened my mood! Thankyou for an amusing read.

Review of Inherited Medals  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
What does a warrior of the world leave behind?

by: a sunflower in Texas

Aspects of this poem that I particularly liked

Each of us is a warrior:
For earthly survival,

What determines the time of service
Of each individual warrior?
Conscription? Consumption?

In the material form they represent
Symbols, of the warrior's human achievement,
Rusting, deteriorating, without a hint
Of what they originally meant.

Value not the icon,
But hold it close to your heart.
It represents the culmination of humanity,
And your memory of it, the most precious part.

Overall Comments

A reflective, philosophical poem; my selections represent a particular empathy and enjoyment of these words.

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

What if the USA was governed by the same one that governs Sunday afternoons?

by: Lord Corwin

I could swear that you are a fan of Brave New World and it's concepts; this story too, has some alarming and daunting propositions on offer! *Worry*


* past year, every since Randy Moss was elected President

* has been temporary [temporarily] postponed awaiting verification from President Moss.

Overall Comments

... While I wouldn't want to live in such a world, I found it fascinating to read. You are a good writer of short sci-fi, no doubt about it.

I now go looking for pieces written by you. *Delight*

*Star* *Star* {e;star}
Review of Rate Yourself!  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
by: §αrαh Rαє


Nicely presented, and entertaining for the participant; it serves as a nice little break with a coffee I shouldn't be having at this time of night
... thankyou, polls are good fun! *Delight* Interesting results, eh? *Shock*

Poll Question:

What do you think your rating as an author is on the 5 star scale? BE HONEST!

This is not a poll to see what others rate you. This poll is to take a look at yourself and decide where you think you are as a writer. It's purely for fun ...

*Star* *Star* *Star*
Review of Visits Matter  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)


I would not include this sentence, as it is unlikely other residents would tease another, and seems somewhat pejorative to all addressed.


Some of the other kids probably even teased those poor kids; or maybe you were even one of those kids who always spent lunchtime alone.

While all the above examples are lovely profiles on these people, I think that on or two examples, used in a newsletter, to convey your point, would be sufficient. (i.e. I think that it is a bit too long)

Otherwise, nicely written
Review of Why I Write  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
by: Lord Corwin


*Nearly twenty hears to be exact

*Being a pit perturbed with my wife, I didn’t tell her where I was going

*I found myself sitting in our vacuous apartment and going over ..

*I secured a job, paying[paid?] much less than I was accustomed to, helping out ..

*** The word vacuous, while not a wrongful meaning, has just too close an association with empty headed, fatuous .. behaviour why not consider one of these...bared, dispossessed, denuded, dismantled, empty, stark, forsaken, emptied;

Enough! No more Picking on M'Lord! - here's what I like!

*Star* The problem for me was that while I have always wanted to be a writer, I always feared that I did not have what it took to succeed as one.

*Star* In High School I joined the journalism club, the yearbook staff, the newspaper staff as an advertisement designer, the speech club and through it all I never stopped dreaming of being a writer. My lack of self confidence, however, left me shirking, avoiding .. (don't know why... I don't like the end of this sentence.. and have left it off)

*Star* The reality that after 38 years of life, I was able to fit everything I owned into such a small car and still have room to spare left me depressed

What do all these sentences have in common

... they are all very revealing, - and sincere and they make good reading .. is an injection of veracity ..and the writer's *Heart* the secret key to writing? could be!

Overall Comment

This proved to be engrossing reading..and I like your last line...

“because I [now] refuse to let any obstacle stand between me and my dreams.”

Review of Stalked  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Written for a contest.

by: Flip


aawww! *Cry* You've spoilt your record ...*Down*

able tokeep up it's chase


Yes, this story is all three:

*Star* Drama

*Star* Comedy

*Star* Thriller/Suspense

Overall Comment

What a pity about the typo! I thought that I was going to break the record for no: 5 Ratings tonight!

You are indeed, a very good story teller.

(psst! Even his bio is well written and funny) *Delight*
Review of Emergence  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Written for the By the Light of the Moon Contest.
Birth of a werewolf.

by: Flip

...she could see something lurking behind his eyes...


The baby clawed the rest of the way out of his mother's shell and was quickly picked up by Quenten who carried it outside, in his jaws, to bathe at least once in the fullness of the moon.



I don't know why this hasn't had more reviews; for a short piece (rewarded with gift points!) it is packed with exciting details and expressive speech *Delight*


I thoroughly enjoyed this - there are no distracting typing mistakes and it's grammatically sound; an innervating read, to say the least


A Rating of 5 is reserved for the best work, fellow writers.. read it! If you really think I'm wrong... I'll pay a 100 Gift Points!


... but I'm not! *Wink*
Review of The Doctor  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

A strange little tale about a strange doctor living in a strange time. Hmm, how strange.

by: Lord Corwin


Very strange indeed *Worry* ... echo's of Aldous Huxley and Brave New World me thinks!

I like it! It's very well written, as all your writing seems to be.

No spelling or grammatical errors detected!

Perfect! ... it is *Exclaim*

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
A true story on abuse and neglect in a work enviroment

by: Lexi

Lexi this is a dreadful experience to have undergone *Frown* I fully understand, because as a nurse myself, I have also worked in some appalling facilities in Australia - and often management will turn a blind eye.


I think your bringing this to the attention of other readers is a good idea; we had a site in Australia, where people could lodge complaints called www.notgoodenough.com.au but you were not allowed to mention the companies names, which tended to undermine things a tad.


Never the less, this Public Awareness through the written word can be very effective.


Great Story, as when others' read this piece and the review, they may be inclined to report such incidents (their consciences may get the better of them!)

Review of Item Statistics  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
StoryMaster has set up an instrument by which our items can be statistically analysed i.e. readership demographics as follows:

******Yes! This is a Plug!I think it's a useful piece of information .. read on *Wink*******

*Exclaim* Are younger members rating your item lower than the adults?

Are women rating your item higher than men? *Shock*

Are these the groups from which you expect to receive such ratings? *Worry*

Review this information to determine if you are successfully writing to your target group!

If you received low ratings from members in groups you're not targeting, then most likely you don't need to worry about those ratings or that group.

If you received low ratings from numerous members in the groups you are targeting, you may need to rework your item to better target the readers in question.

Once you know there is a problem, you can seek out specific advice in review forums within the community. Or, choose friends and associates who fit the group that you are targeting. Stress to them that you need their honest opinion to help you fix the problem you've found by analyzing your extended statistics.

My Comments

You may need above average intelligence to read and understand and action this information, it will take me a few times to read and react...but I think in principle, it sounds useful! 8/10 for his intelligent devising of this tool and that translates to my 4.5 here.

*Star* *Star* *Star*

**** Good Work, Maestro!*****

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)

Written for a contest.

by: Treacle


You Wrote:

while sending my mouth watering taste buds on a glorious ride.

Perhaps this would read better as:

while sending my taste buds on a glorious, mouth watering ride...


Food is my quiet comfort.
With each bite taken, it envelopes me in a heavy blanket of warmth, while filling the gaping wound
inside my heart.

Overall Comments

You have set this out beautifully, coupling the comfort and pleasure with the guileful food and temptation's repercussions, in a way that has the reader accompanying dolefully, with you - the angst such perfidious appeal as the victuals described, attend on us!!

*Star* *Star* *Star*

Review of Heaven  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)

written for my great grandmother after she passed away

by: Shel

An Excerpt

She went back to the heavens, looked down from the sky
She said "Thank you God, but why did I die?"
The Lord looked at her with eyes all so true
and said "To Come Home", and with that her heart flew.

She thanked the lord, for bringing her home
but wanted his help with one thing alone.
"there is someone down there, who is sad and afraid,
she doesn't know how to live with the life that she's made"

These were my two favorite stanza's

There is nothing correct or incorrect about the last two, but aesthetically (visually) they appear slightly at odds with the previous stanza's...
Nothing at all wrong with the wording or meaning... it's just a thing I have, and not really important - with symmetry... *Blush*

Overall Comments

I thought this was a beautiful commemorative verse and think it's first-rate that you loved *Heart* your Great-Grandmother so much that you have written this piece in Her Memory

Review of The Loner  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The Loner

...a glimpse into an evening of a loner at his favorite pub.

by: Lord Corwin

An Excerpt

Barry lifts up his eyes and glares at Roger. Roger retreats a step. After two or three seconds, Barry lowers his eyes back to his drink. Roger shrugs his shoulders and walks to the far end of the bar where the waitresses and waiters make their drink orders. He then grabs a rag and walks the perimeter of the bar, scans its surface, and wipes it with the rag in half a dozen places.


I liked this story for the following reasons; for me, it had those X Facor ingredients of all good writers that - je ne sais quoi - a certain indescribable something.

The story is short, about a page long (A4-ish) but packs in full characterization of both Barry & Roger - and depicts a great little sketch!

Anything Lacking?

Well, it is only a short sketch.. but I would've liked to know why Barry was sombre...

For my money though *Star* *Balloon6*
... I like it! *Delight*
Review of On Reviewing  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
On Reviewing

an essay, my views on Reviewing.

by: spidey, quit 2yrs ago 9/22

Comment: What I got out of this essay:

The following points were helpful to me, i.e. they gave me a new perspective on the way others' may interpret my review - or ways in which the recipient of a review may wish to have clarification and justification for ratings and comments given:


*Star*Criticism that encourages and truly helps is ideal, and it is what we should strive for as reviewers. In classes and at Writing.com, I have seen constructive criticism at its best, and I truly thank those who are helpful and encouraging in their reviewing.


*Star* Explain yourself! Give a brief explanation (just a few words will suffice) as to why you give the rating that you give to a piece. Every rating, from 1.0-5.0 deserves an explanation! It will help the writer understand your thinking and your review.

... Last Words...

I've been a part of Writing.com now for... umnn - nearly 6 months, and I have now learnt much of what this essay is about... it is worth a read by new and older members though; we all need refresher courses from time to time.

I am rating this as 4.5 for the presentation of information, and the message as I find it, in relation to my own way of reviewing - i.e. extra things to consider when reviewing.

Review of Dandelions  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

A short story by Ed Dobbins

- Honorable Mention - in the Make Me Laugh Fantasy Competition...

An Exerpt

An eerie calm settles in at this moment, the calm of those who are simply too overwhelmed to be otherwise.


Everyone around the globe knows the exact time of his own locale’s sunrise by this point. Some are glued to the TV to see what will happen next. Others, what Maggie and I are doing: waiting quietly, patiently, accepting whatever it is that will be their – whatever will be our – fate.


Ed Dobbins certainly knows how to put words to their best use! What a story teller! *Shock* *Delight* Very Impressive tale!

Not a word out of place - no typo's, no extraneous - anything; an expert, obviously!

*Balloon1* *Balloon6* *Balloon2*

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