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Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Farsight and Squid:

An Avian Tale

A swallow, a raven and a heron fly into a bar... the heron forsees death and destruction.

by: Edward M. Sledge

The Winner of

Make Me Laugh Fantasy Contest

by: dreamteller


“I’m a seer,” Grokko croaked, sticking his long neck over Kirrit’s shoulder.

“Pleased to meet you,” the raven said, hopping back. Kirrit breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have that sharp beak pointed somewhere else. “I’m Carrak, a finder.”

“Have you found a duck-faced pigeon, by any chance?” Grokko asked eagerly.


Perfect! This story is enchanting; a whimsical reverie, taking us into the realm of make believe, and unobserved, we engage in this Avian Tale

*Star* *Balloon6* *Star* *Balloon1* *Star*

Review of The New Kitten  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
by Marty

Some little errors/ typo's throughout

But knowing that he gone from me forever and enough time has passed to heal the loss...

What I Liked


this passage ... We were talking about the kitten and calling the kitten by the new name,“Ming.”
Daniel said, “Nonnie, Taylor, Quit calling him that.”
I said, “ What is it, Daniel? Don’t you like his name that we gave him?”
I said,“We named him, Ming.”
Daniel replies, “No! He’s not Mean. He’s a nice kitty.”


A lovely story, just go and have a look for those typo's - no big deal, the story is wonderful!

*Star* *Star* *Star* *Balloon1* *Balloon3* *Balloon6*

Review of Closure  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Viv for VP w /Wee Amanda wrote for {c}Closure

...In fall, they had to part once more,
He back to the next level;
She, to the college in town.
Once full of love and laughter,
Messages from her came
Slower and shorter each time.
Soon, by Christmas, they stopped.
By end of semester, he heard
She gave her love to another.
His heart turned to stone.

Years passed, he earned a fortune,
But he never had a family.
At last the loner returned home
To find his lost love not only
Another’s wife, but a mother.
He stood in the background,
Knowing her husband could be ruined.
He had the means; he had the hate.
Then he saw her face in his mind
And packed the hate away.


This is a wonderful story in verse .. I hung on every word. Loved it!

I hope others will go and have a look at the full verse - you'll be glad you did, I'm sure.
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)
Errors & Solutions

you wrote:

since more times thenthan not the device would sit in a clump of tangled colorful wire and tiny pieces


gritting his teeth from the weight, he sat it on the ground; it made a large thud as it settled.


rubbed his hands together, and parsed them slightly breathing into them. [what is parsed?]

What I liked

An example of the humour in this story...

You wrote:

He stepped to the back and knelt to press the buttons on the remote. “Come on!” He said pressing the buttons over and over; in frustration he gave the remote a few smacks. The first blue light lit up. He clapped his hands together and his faced filled with joy. He pressed a few more buttons on the remote and the second light lit up. The rumbling of the device settled a little as the third light lit up. He jumped in the air with excitement, even dancing a little.

and LOL! *Laugh*

He felt the back of his pants and they were soaked from the water coming from the melting ice. He wouldn’t be flying over the town with his new device or they would think the liquid was coming from his pants,{c/}

... and the last line is Fantastic!

Overall Comments

This is a very funny story - the writer has a knowledge of a subject, and uses it well in the story.
There is humour, adventure and a good ending!

Just fix those mistakes... and not just the inventions, either!

Best Regards

Mother DeVille
Review of Witch Trials  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
by Spider girl is yellow

It has been months since the girls, Elizabeth and Abigail began to show signs of Evil's presence. Many lives have been ended, but with our help, their souls have been saved.

But, what is this? I hear more footsteps coming up the street. They must be coming for another accused. They are close now, another neighbor of mine perhaps? But they are stopping….at my door…I hear their loud, booming voices, crying out, “Mary Bradbury!” My God! My name! “Mary Bradbury! Come out and face us!”

"I do plead not guilty. I am wholly innocent of such wickedness." - Mary Bradbury

This is always a fascinating subject for research; and I would have liked to see a little more on what actually set the witch hunt off and carried the momentum; I believe that it had a lot to do with current religious standards of the time, but was also used as a convenient, expedient way of getting rid of one's enemies!

Overall Comment

Thankyou for an entertaining read.

Review of WHO WE ARE  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sarge wrote:

Many people would love to cause us pain, injury or even death. Some wish we didn't exist at all. We're cursed, ridiculed, shot at, cut, beaten, ambushed or murdered in cold blood by some. Would you ever imagine that we're here for those people also? Would you believe that we're the only thing that stands between you and them?


We see innocent little children that have no choice but to live in dirty, smelly, roach infested homes because their parents would rather sit on their butts and live on welfare in a government funded housing complex, or a house that is not fit for human habitat, than to get out and get a job. Parents that would rather spend more, if not all of their money getting high on drugs, than taking care of their children, and raising them in a clean environment. Some of the parents are only children themselves.

xxx slight error:

Yet, our job is one that looks appealing to some of you. Especially when you see

[we stopped for lunch.]

We've heard some of you say things like "I wish I had a job that would pay me to sit around and eat." Of course, you don't think that the very next minute we may be fighting for our lives, or yours.

My Overall Comment

Well, I have to say Sarge has done a good job of showing the other side of the Them & Us case; because, for most of us, the police seem another breed; Sarge is certainly one of the best of them.

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sarge is a policeman, and this poignant piece of writing tells the story of a policeman's shift...

Sarge wrote:

At that time I thought that I just might be in the wrong profession. Who am I to try and console these kids? Who am I to try to justify or explain the death of their father? I dealt with it the best I could.


I got into my patrol car and began to drive. Dispatch gave me a call of a "gas theft" that had just occurred. I went to the gas station and got the information from the clerk. He was very concerned. I asked how much gas was stolen. It was a few bucks worth. I thought to myself a few lousy dollars, who cares about a few dollars? But I told him that I would work on it and see if I could find the person.


It's as if life was a glass water globe with snow in it and someone shook it up. Things were all messed up. I know that the "snow" will settle very soon, but I also know that the "snow" will never be the same when it does.

Overall Comments

A story that has been simply told - very well. The language is plain, but manages to convey powerfully, the range of variable responses that are experienced by the police while on duty.

Review of Adding Accents  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
A lot of hard work went into this, and it is very thoughtful of you.

I have a question though, as I notice that you refer to
Windows Mac - and to:

Acute (résumé) *Left*(what do these refer to?)
Character *Left*(... and this?)
Windows Mac

Sorry! *Confused*

from 'Concrete Thinker'

Once again, thanks, and I will practice on my Windows 98...??
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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What I liked:

You Wrote:

And ten years before that my brother was sent to a war across the sea, where his legs remained even after he returned. His wounds healed, the bruises fade, but the pain remained, in his eyes, from now until forever. And nothing would ever be the same
Innocence gone

I like your short, sharp style; and the story is sad, and poignant.

I am moved by your story.


Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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What I liked about this': (I think...?)

You Wrote:

If, on the other hand, we feel the reviews were given without concern or just to meet the criteria for entering this competition, then we will TOSS OUT that entrant and randomly choose another.

Mnnnn. *Reading* ....*Worry*
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Good Show Old Man!

Lots of readers and writers, What!

By George! we'll rule the world! Mergers! Take-overs! (Yer not actually called George, by any chance, *Shock*)

What I liked:

You Wrote:

the more people there are on Writing.Com, the more reading, rating and reviewing there will be to go around.

I say...

Jolly Good! 'Hope So, and all that'.

Must be orf - back on Pirate Duty on the

Jolly Roger..

*Balloon6* *Balloon2* *Balloon1*

Review of Space Holder  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Yes! It's YourTurn!

What I liked About This Item:

It's short and sweet! I'm absolutley ... ZZZzzzzzzz
Mnnn? Oh yes, where was I? Oh, yes.. thrwwilzzznnnn ed ..to be here..

Melbourne, Australia...03:20 a.m. revwwwweff ing for a ZZZZZZzzznnnnZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzn gwooord Hrumph! dause clause cause!

Somebody's going to win (won't be me!) ..something...

ZzzzZZZzzznnnnnZZZ HrrrmMMPh

Nite Nite *Confused*
Review of Gemini Rising  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
No errors, of course...*Wink*

What I liked:

..was the descriptive prose, such as this section;

I see you ride
diamonds dripping from pen
Eyes aglow, you’ve

It has a wonderful malevolence to it! It conjures gorgeous,witty, extravagent female-ity*Snow3*

Overall Comments:

I think that I like this poem best, of the ones that I've seen of yours, tonight (01:22 am Melbourne, Australia, time!)

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Review of Hitchhiker  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)
Once again, no obvious errors, and this is a charming poem;

What I liked

I particularly like this section, where you have given the road personification and oddly .. feel that tiredness expressed, here;


until the nomad road,
tired of itself, invites
of him, the stranger,
to go as far

Overall Comments

You are good at depicting a scene, bringing the reader right into the picture.

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Review of Prehistory  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
There are no errors that I can detect;*Star**Balloon6*

What I liked:

A very nice poem; wistful, echo's and resonates around in the mind.. and leaves a good feeling.

Overall Comments

You Wrote:

Content to trade
my love
For talk
and smiles.

.. I think the poem displays good self knowledge, or insight, i.e. it appears that you are talking about yourself, and after some reflection, have decided to record thoughts for posterity... very nice.

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Review of Liberty Fest  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Errors & Solutions

Arrrrgh! None! Nothin' for a Poor Pirate to munch over Hrrumph..

What I liked:

I loiked yer family values... Arrrgh.. remoinds mea' when oi was still a good un meself!

You Wrote: (Brings tears to me oiys..)

Friendly reparte' is heard along the route as parade participants recognize neighbors, co-workers, friends and family who have come to cheer for them. Cub Scouts pull wagonloads of iced drinks down the street, raising money for summer camps or troop projects.

Overall Comments:

Yer a Treasure!*Snow1**Star*

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Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)
Errors & Solutions
None! Couldn't find any! Arrrrgh! You're a teacherrrr! 'Shouldn't beee any! *Star**Balloon2*

What I liked:Oi loiked this..

I was an "army brat" when I was small and was convinced I was "issued" instead of being born,

Issued? Hrrumphh! Proparly done, What? Pirate or No' we loike orda 'round heeeaarrRR! Hrumphhh!

Overall Comments:

Well, blow me doown! I'ts 'ardly a BIG autobiographynow, is it me old Darlin'? Nevvarrr Moind! What there was of it, was good, Aaarrrgh! Time tay off and raid heavier cofferrrrs!

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Review of Elegy  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)

The contrasting first and third verses do a good job of separating both the ambivalence, and contending emotional actions and response between child and parent;

You wrote:

My mother's voice was loud and harsh;
She yelled a lot when she was angry.
Her face became a scary mask,
And she would shake her hand in my face--
Just before she hit me.


My mother's voice was soft and gentle;
Every night she would read to me.
Her face would glow from her warm smile.
Every night she would pray for me,
And tuck me into bed.

**A nice Elegy,


Review of Medieval Soldier  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)
This comes over as a spoof (parady;play, satire)
This could be good material for a play, actually.. a skit: example shown below;

A Shakespearian skit as, for example, Julius Caesar with an American gangster setting. Japan Times The Drifters perform in three comical skits on 'power'.

Oxford Online/interactive

... Monty Python were also well known for such work;


“Charge” yeah I’m going. I think I have a rock in my boot. Ouch it hurts every time I take a step. Ewww that guy took a sword to the groin. Hey, that gives me an idea. Yeah, you better retreat because you won’t like it when I get you. It looks like this guy soiled his tights...

Hahahahaha LOL!

Review of Hollywood Ending  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.5)

Harry Wrote:

Should the common man
defeat corrupt city hall

or if lovers true should
remain together

despite all their enemies can
do to tear them apart…then maybe we could

have hope to win against all odds,
to enjoy

that Hollywood ending sometimes in our lives.
When fate does threaten our dreams to destroy,

belief in happy outcomes is how our soul survives

... is how our soul survives! Yes! Indeed!

Lovely, Harry
Review of Aeroplane  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)
LOL - I like this passage, shows insight and empathy with those around you; good qualities to have as a writer!

You Wrote:

I even like the screaming kid racing up and down the tunnel, blindly slamming into adults who then swing round, eyes bulging incredulously, glaring around for the obviously inferior parents at fault.

small error:

The captain begins to explain that [that] we are about to take off,


the aeroplane finally [seizes] moving,

The detail in the writing was good, anyone who has flown would agree with you .. and those air-hostesses! Spot On!

I enjoyed reading this piece because it was well written, I could 'identify' with the subject material, and it was written in a pleasant, objective 'tone.'


Mother DeVille

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

You Wrote:

Of course, when she came home and saw that my head had indeed popped off, she was going to lose her mind.


“Wohoho… you are going to be in so much trouble.”

“Trouble?” Trouble? What did the little wart think? That I’d done it on purpose?

Very well written, most enjoyable reading it.

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: E | (4.0)

You Wrote:

Follow your heart as if it were a rainbow.
It's the true path that will help you grow.
And growth is the only way to true happiness.

I love that last line ...

.. and this section too, is well said!

You Wrote:

Look at me, for I am a sign to the end of your rain.
I will bring you the blue skies that will end your pain.
When it comes to all your fears I will light your way,
I'll take a hold of your hand, and by your side I'll stay.

However, I'm not as happy with the last section..

You Wrote:

So let me be your rainbow; Let me be your star.

I don't want to be the one who has to be afar.

So please don't leave me with this emptiness,
When you know I only wanna give you happiness.

'Starts to get a little bit maudlin.. I think that you are concentrating on the rhyme instead of the general tone and sentiment of the former sections of the poem..

The last 3 lines sound.. well .. like a masochistic lover.. (hang me on a cross and nail me up)

I liked the poem in its earlier stages as it sounded as if the 'writer' giver of good things - was almost omnipotent.. magical.. not a sufferer of also-ran love affairs..

Never the less, I liked it overall.
Review of Grief Displaced  
Review by M. DeVille
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I wonder if this poem is alluding to any particular incident in history?

You wrote:

I look at pictures on the wall,
unmarred by death-borne grief
from the day the monster ate New York,
but I slipped through its teeth.

and - does this next passage relate to a hidden guilt?

You wrote:

But sooner or later comes the day,
obscure to all but me,
when my heart is eaten by a monster
that only I can see.

A very engaging, if enigmatic poem!


Mother DeVille

The dirt is dry - no longer fresh -
on victims dead and gone,
but living victims still remain,
yet somehow, I'm not one.

Review by M. DeVille
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

You Wrote;
He shook his head as he remembered the serious face that had described to him the ways [the ways] of reflective objects.

I think that you mean sully her (dirty, spoil, defile)

You Wrote:
He had pushed her away afraid of the consequences, of sullying [himself] with her youth and innocence.


It has potential, but needs a little less...

"Rick wiped his final tears away as Claudia’s lines of farewell sounded in his ears."

... over emotional language - at times.


Mother DeVille

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