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Review of Stars Born  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Returning a review of your very nice review of my piece

Overall impression of piece You can go a long way with this. Poetic form is good. It rendered questions

Grammatical and spelling errors Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* The whole world is based on cosmic dust. What happens to humans on death? They return to star dust and probably start the whole process over again. Interesting rhymes. Definiely gives a cosmic perspective.

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Lurks is an interesting word. I had to look it up. Often it means a hideout or a someone who does something deceptively. Stars kind of are just there. Humans, by contrast, are [retty transient

How the piece made me feel This is very descriptive of something we couldn't possibly put our minds around. I am not sure what any of this actually means as an individual

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Darkness  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
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Why I chose this piece This is a requested review

Overall impression of piece: This seems pretty honest

Grammatical and spelling errors: Your sentences have a lot of clauses kind of running together. They verge on run on sentences. I would be a subject. Me would be more of an object. I suggest me

What I liked?*Smile* Darkness overpowers colors. That is even true in the physical world. We need a certain amount of light to see richness. I get the despair in this. There is always hope in a new day. Internal eclipse is a very powerful metaphor

Points to Ponder:*Idea* This is so descriptive, I kind of lose the person involved.. This is a first person account, but you kind of lose some of that with all the descriptive clauses

How the piece made me feel Please let us know a bit about you in your port. Reviewers really need to know something of whom they are reviewing

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Inner Fires  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Why I chose this piece This is part of the spiritual newsletter. I write a lot of stuff like this

Overall impression of pieceL I get some of this from a feeling level

Grammatical and spelling errors: Lots of sentence fragments

What I liked?*Smile* There are a lot of good images here

Points to Ponder:*Idea* This is personal yet you write about it in the third person. I think you know a lot more than you let us in on. What freezes our souls? I would extend these images so that they can be felt more fully.

How the piece made me feel O'Neil would write about not going gently into that good night. I expect that was cold too

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Divine Unity  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece This is part of the shameless plug page.

Overall impression of piece: Words are powerful. We have to consider where they come from.

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* There is a cosmic view point in this. I have to consider what you say

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Are words kindled by the Spirit or is the author. I would consider the second. The author creates with words. They are tools.

How the piece made me feel A lot of these faiths that seem so distinctive, have a lot of sismilairites

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I saw this in the spiritual newsletter.

Overall impression of piece You certainly havae a unique perspective on this

Grammatical and spelling errors: Two spaces after a period

What I liked?*Smile* Definitely a cosmic view of everyday reality

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Cosmos and universe tend to be synoymous in most folks way of thinking. I would define how you are defining universe. I believe that a universe has individual laws that designate its purpose and meaning. I am a universe./ I can buy that. I have billions of cells

How the piece made me feel Do 9 billion universes make the world easier to understand?

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Love's Surprise  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece This came up on a random review

Overall impression of piece: I could give this a one word review. "Wow."

Grammatical and spelling errors Reads very well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile*. We can separate in Marriage and not have lasting disaster is the common view of marriage...We do grow into each other so it is hard to know where one starts and the other ends. Of course there is attraction and yearning. We are all human and we need each other

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Can't think of anything

How the piece made me feel I hope you pursued this. There are differences. There always are. It is a miracle to find each other and keep finding the other

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Love Poem  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Why I chose this piece This came up on a random review

Overall impression of piece Love is a very particular subject. It come up a lot

Grammatical and spelling errors NO errors. Reads pretty well

What I liked?*Smile* There are interesting rhythms and rhymes in this

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Love is everywhere? How about in abuse and un incarcaration. Love soaring to great heights approaches cliche. You have told us all the things love is, but there is no description to have us feel like you do

How the piece made me feel Love is the ultimate enigma. Sometimes it is unrequited.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Dream Job  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
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Why I chose this piece sometime bookmark things that interest me. This one caught my eye

Overall impression of piece This is quite succinct

Grammatical and spelling Bachellor of Divinity with caps

What I liked?*Smile* liked how the prompt was spelled out. Brevity is the soul of wit. I do get the essence of this

Points to Ponder:*Idea* You have kind of given us your whole life history. It really doesn't seem to tie in to why you aregoing in this direction. I can imagine (as a christian0 what this might look like bit give us a little more connections of Christ to the Psyche. What will you new job look like?

How the piece made me feel I am envious of where you are going with this. I can certainly see a need.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Flow  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece I havaen't reviewed you for awhile

Overall impression of piece:This is pretty well crafted. Flow has been studied in Book forrm in a book labelled flow with an author with an impossible last name

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* Rhyme and cadence seem to make this flow in its own unique way. A poem on flow should have that.

Points to Ponder:*Idea* I kind of see a God thing in the "One." Maybe some could use an introduction

How the piece made me feel This is artistic and goes beyond the science of flow.. This is compact and to the point

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Iam aware of this contest and take great interest in it

Overall impression of pieceL|: Life is complex and in the heart and mind of God himself

Grammatical and spelling errors: All quotes start with a capital. I am not sure about quoting a part of a referenced book?

What I liked?*Smile* This is a complicated chapter and you have explained it extremely well

What I disliked*Idea* What does thismean to couples today? We have one of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Malachi 2 talks about children and families and it is pretty specific what God wants. What about aborted kids? The numbers are staggering. This all has staggering implications

How the piece made me feel Congratulations on your 7 kids. It is what you will be remembered for

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I like this verse to. Nothing much more specific than this one:

Overall impression of piece: iget where you are coming from. This is powerful

Grammatical and spelling errors: Dashes have no spaces before or after.

What I liked?*Smile* This is personal and too the point. It is a promise. Of course, it works

What I disliked*Idea* inevitably makes it sound that you don't have free will. Perhaps a different word.

How the piece made me feel Change is so bloody hard. If we confess and really don't want to change, is it true confession. Peter asked how many times do I forgive, and Peter said 7x70. Which I think is His way of saying alot. I think and feel we have to keep praying and confessing our failures. This is book material

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I get this. This is a lot more personal and easy to grasp than other pieces I have read.

Overall impression of piece. Definitely a piece for today

Grammatical and spelling errors Quotes start with a capital. Dashes have two hyphens like you wrote but no spaces before and after.. I am not sure what DMV is. After same you have a comma and a period.

What I liked?*Smile* You do have a good summary of discrimination in the usa. I know exactly how you feel about these things which is quite an undertaking

What I disliked*Idea* I think we need more specifics about the inequalities of today. In the 30's they were obvious. Today they are more subtle but still there. Introducing niggerish really doesn't help

How the piece made me feel Everyone assumes that the football player protests are spurious. I do think that some people are more equal than others

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Girl's Night Out  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece This came up on a random review.

Overall impression of piece> This is very cool. If you think marriage is just for your, think again. I have been married 44 years.

Grammatical and spelling errors Reads extremely well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* It has been a while since we have had any little ones, but it is not easy to foget what it was like. Rhymming is particularly clever. I especially like flannel and channel. The attention you pay to your words reflects how you care about your family.

What I disliked*Idea*

How the piece made me feel Thereis obviously a partnership here.. You inherit a lot of things when you marry. They do become yours too

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I saw this in essays and am aqointed

Overall impression of piece: I can always get your direction and where you are coming from

Grammatical and spelling errors: Nowe has a typo

What I liked?*Smile*I thn you have captured a fair amount of the human condition. It is rally where most folks live.

What I disliked*Idea*From our appointed way of lookng at things, death seems pretty arbitrary. God's point of view says, He hs itall mapped out. He knew Jeremiah before he was born. I would amplify this hate thing. It is not obvious to many. I suspect it is tied to anger and not being in charge. I would personalize this more. How do you deal with this?

How the piece made me feel We kind of fight against this thing we call death and go to great measures when realaity is that we don't know how to live. Does God live on a roller coaster or does He know all things?

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece This came up on a random rview.

Overall impression of piece: Ths is very impressive

Grammatical and spelling errors: No errors

What I liked?*Smile*: I never touht about any of this before and it does make sense. This is extremely well formatted and very easy to flow. I like the bolding of examples

What I disliked*Idea* If these are all orignal thoughts, no footnotes ar needed and it stands, as written

How the piece made me feel You obviously did not fall off a turnip truck. I checked out your port. ( I always do)

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Fallen  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece This came up on a random review. I don't believe I have reviewed your work

Overall impression of piece I come from a similar vintage. My wife and I have bee marriied 44 years

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems like there are more pauses when I read this. May need more punctuation. Bed-bound I believe has a hyphen

What I liked?*Smile* You have told this through images and feelings. Anyone with these kin of experiences can feel them too.

What I disliked*Idea* Can't think of much

How the piece made me feel Loved your bio material. You did tell us a lot. I know about "Changes."

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Am I an artist?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Why I chose this piece

Overall impression of piece. This certainly hit all the categoris in which you wrote this

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* I see a lot of painful poetry on WDC. I get some of the feelings behind this. There is a lot of good imagery in this.

What I disliked*Idea* You ask questons but neve given a definitive answer. Are we to feel your pain or go somewhere else? We kind of need to know where you are going.

How the piece made me feel I wonder about who you are. You haven't given m much to go on in your bio. I look at that when I review and hopefully, dialogue. You ask som great questions, like "Why do we write?" I feel writing is bridge to another person

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of To do list  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
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Why I chose this piece This came up on a random review and it interested me. I know what it is to wrestle with this.

Overall impression of piece Great advice. It is all there. In Hamlet, one of the characters suggests, "To thy own self be true

Grammatical and spelling errors. Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile*I can't go against any of the steps. Every step closer makes a beiver out of most.

What I disliked*Idea* There is a whole lot of telling in this. The questions ecomes, "What does this feel like?" Hamlets quote belongs to a character that is pretty much an idiot.

How the piece made me feel Most people want to know how to get here emotionally. I stuggle here, too.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Growing up  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece Saw this advertised in the Newbie section. Welcome to WDC

Overall impression of piece: Made me a little nostalgic. Sometimes location has a lot to do with decisions

Grammatical and spelling errors: seems intact

What I liked?*Smile* I grew up in small town America. Often we are a compelation of everywhere we have been. The earliest roots are often the most permanent

What I disliked*Idea* You spend much of the piece describing the town and its people. As a reader, I am not sure how this applies to me. Your intro gives me a clue why you wrote this. I would expand that thought

How the piece made me feel This is really aboutmaking decisions. Often they are very hard. Please write something about youself in your bio. It helps us as reviewers.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Psalm of praise  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I bookmarked this as interesting

Overall impression of piece: This is pretty close to a lot of the ancient psalms

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile*I can not argue a single point in here. They are part of all of God's universal truths. Many come write out of the text itself.

What I disliked*Idea* None of this is new stuff. I'd like to see more of your personal spin on things. Perhaps some I statements would help

How the piece made me feelA lot of this is directly biblical. God's word is new every morning. Great is His faithfulness

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
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Why I chose this piece I wonder about stuff like this too. I bookmarked it as interesting

Overall impression of piece: Definitely a valid argument

Grammatical and spelling errors: Narcissus is a person and needs a capital. Antibullying is one word. This is written in block formatting as need a line in between paragraphs. It is had to read on screen

What I liked?*Smile* We are crying out for heroes, but I amnot sure if we trust anyone. What you say is logical, but I am still looking for answers

What I disliked*Idea* You have kind of spoke about this generally and not given anything personally. It feels like you are invested in this, but you kind of hold back. You have what you feel, but you don't do much showo back it up

How the piece made me feel: We haven't stormed anything since Viet Nam and those folks were hardly welcomed as heroes. Maybe we kind of don't like heroes. I suspect as much

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Not Alone  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece Welcome to WDC. Returning a review

Overall impression of piece This is pretty good

Grammatical and spelling errors> Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* You have thrown in some interesting rhymes. It is pretty personal. I believe you really think this.

What I disliked*Idea* Kind of older thoughts like "What a friend we have in Jesus." This could have been written in prose as easy as poetry. Poetry uses images to get the reader to feel like you feel. There is a lot of telling andnot much showing

How the piece made me feel The great ideas never get old. This is definitely an example

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece This is part of the spiritual newsletter. I write this kind of stuff.

Overall impression of piece Almost prosy in its construction

Grammatical and spelling errors No overt errors.

What I liked?*Smile* This is beautiful. I thinka lot of folks are wretling with simlar things. It is a goomary of the way things are.

What I disliked*Idea* What you have here is of a treatise on life .I beIieve in brevity but but this gives me a clear ideaI that I want to see more. It is hard to evrything in a paragraph

How the piece made me feel I am wrestling with similar is in my life. You have a very weighty topic. Go with it.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece Bookmarked this one too.

Overall impression of piece: You obviously wrote this for this generaton

Grammatical and spelling errors: No errors

What I liked?*Smile*Maybe it does pay to advertise. an you abuse on facebook. Great formatting and dialogue

What I disliked*Idea* It sounds lik this is Phys Ed. Homework seems a little off

How the piece made me feelI had a chemistry teacher who would have been like this. He wrote the textbook. Anyon who didn't do homework went to the principal office. Imidation and spur to excellence arind of the same thing

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece I saw some of your work and was intrigued. I bookmarked it for later

Overall impression of piece: I like this. It catches the ambience as a garbageman. We all hopes and ambitions

Grammatical and spelling errors: No errors

What I liked?*Smile* Obviously words were at a premium. You did pretty well with what you had to work with. I believed this could have happened. It seems believable and I can se the relationship of characters. This is well set up and the format makes it easy to read.

What I disliked*Idea*

How the piece made me feel Everyone has dreams. We think garbagemen are exempt, but they are not.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
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