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Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Tis is the 1st of my reviews for your winning egg # 55

There is a haunting quality to this piece. A wistfulness to the voice.

The following lines were exceptional...*This road of mine is broken. Ghosts of the past, Passing through me;* I can see the person walking down a pot holed and rutten road....hints of ghosts whispering past. Well executed and clear images propel a poem forward, and yours does this!!!

I particularly like the wa you have the last few lines laid out...and the last four lines are flat out awesome!!!
Review of Running Home  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)

{{e:note4} *Note4* Welcome Crystaldawn!!! *Note4* *Note4*

I am reviewing this for
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#1047366 by Not Available.

*Note4*Initial Impressions *Note4*
A well written plea including realizations, acknowlegements and decisions.

*Note4*The 'Ohhh Yess!!!' Factor*Note4*

The lines:
*Perhaps when I release and fly
That empty, lonely part will die
For so long it has been my twin
Holding back the me within*


*So hear my cry and let me in
In forgiveness let me swim
Protect me when the going gets tough
And the mountain I climb seems so rough*

are my two favorite verses. They say it all and say it very well!!!

*Note4*The 'Hmmmm, This needs Some Work/Revision/Editing' Section*Note4*

I found no typos. I do have a question about the lack of any punctuation. It seems to work well as is, but perhaps could be enhanced if you were to use some.

*Note4*Final Toughts and Comments*Note4*

On a purely personal note, I tend not to like poetry such as this one is. The fact that I DO says a lot about the voice and tone and well expressed the thoughts contained within this poem!!! Well done!

** Image ID #1217276 Unavailable **
Review by fyn
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Initial Impressions
This is the beginning chapter to a novel. It immediately engages the reader.

Plot Summary

A forty-nine year old woman, freshly divorced moves into her new home in Florida and meets one of her neighbors.


Lynn, ready to rediscover who and what she is, is revealed to the reader through conversation and glimpses of past memories. As her character emerges, contrasted with a reluctant real estate saleslady and compared to her older sister, Justine, more and more the reader is shown that Lynn is a woman, finally, coming into her own.

Improvement Possibilities

Within paragraphs 3-7, the movers finally arrive and next words are about paying him. There needs be something happening between the two sentences...a comment about their being finished so quickly or slowly or.... otherwise the time transition is too quick.

Para 9. "The real estate broker had shown me three houses in this neighborhood and, to make them sound precious, she referred to this one in disparaging terms while we were driving on the street in front of it."
This sentence is a bit awkwardly phrased. Did you mean three 'other' houses besides this one? I know you want the reader to see that she was trying to make the 'other' houses sound better by disparaging this current house, but this really isn't as clear as it might be.

Para 14. "“Oh, I wouldn’t call it a canal,” she said. “It is the tip of one of the forks of the St. Lucie River. And this house is at the end of the tip. In other words, here you have the river-view." Wouldn't the real estate lady simply say that it is actually the river? Current sentence construction is wordy, and difficult to understand.

Para 15. "(the river)lay untormented inside its dark cloak speckled with fallen tree branches, leaves, and water plants" Not sure about the use of the word 'untormented.' Calm, serene, peaceful, perhaps. Untormented makes the reader think that something else IS tormented....besides, it isn't a word.

Para 15. "Several egrets by the water clapped their wings " Vivid, alive image, especially as it reflects how happy Lynn is, as if the egret were applauding her arrival! Excellent!!

Para 17. 2nd sentence. Remove the first 'too.' It isn't needed and the repetition detracts from the thought she's making.

Para 38. A writer needs to be careful when mentioning statues and laws. According to " Florida Stat. § 689.25 provides:

(1) (a) The fact that an occupant of real property is infected or has been infected with human immunodeficiency virus or diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome is not a material fact that must be disclosed in a real estate transaction.

(b) The fact that a property was, or was at any time suspected to have been, the site of a homicide, suicide, or death is not a material fact that must be disclosed in a real estate transaction.

(2) A cause of action shall not arise against an owner of real property, his or her agent, an agent of a transferee of real property, or a person licensed under chapter 475 for the failure to disclose to the transferee that the property was or was suspected to have been the site of a homicide, suicide, or death or that an occupant of that property was infected with human immunodeficiency virus or diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. "
Thought you might want to know. It struck me as odd, so I checked. Other readers might well do the same.

Now if this is a device to bring up the death for somewhere down the story line, perhaps the real estate lady could say that 'altho this isn't required, I think you should know that there was a death here, etc..

para 43. Who died in (this) house. {at this point they are still at the house.}

para 52. Check agreement ...less of a rash decision (singular) than that [then two things listed]...should be than those.

para 53. Being five years older than (I) also...secured is a bit awkward here...perhaps assured would be better.

para 55. 3rd sentence ends with a fragment.

para 58. flickering lights and shadows dancing through the dark embroidery of woods <--------crystal clear imagery...well crafted....as is ----> mystifying night sounds hissed and whispered, sending their intuitive vibes

para 59. This river was grabbing hold of me like a dream solidified. YES!!! Great Line!!!

paras 60 and 61. These two paragraphs are priceless!! The descriptions offered are humorous and I give the character credit for not running screaming into the house!

para 62 It continues here with descriptions including the following: "he sounded more like ancient windpipes playing Bach in mournful tones. In joint consciousness with him, I listened. His grandeur had blinded the full moon." EXCELLENT! You have a exceedingly facile touch with description!

Final Thoughts.

Almost 5000 characters and almost two hours after I started this, I reach the end of what must seem like an endless review. Sometimes, I'll review a piece that is full of errors and little else. Sloppy errors, lack of proofing or simply in a rush to post something, anything. Here, clearly, this is not the case.

This review, I happily spent a lot of time on because you are a fine writer and the bones of this beginning are firmly in place. Structurally, this piece is fine and all of these corrections or comments are, essentially, (for the most part) minor details that disappear with the revision and editing that I know you do! Perhaps some would question the rating I've given this. Again, the corrections needed are relatively minor, and the meat of this beginning deserves no less!

I am eager to read more, although, I don't think I'll be writing this in- depth of a commentary on your other chapters...at least, not tonight. But I can't wait to read the next three chapters!

Review of Trapping the Fox  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

This was certainly a different take on the survival assignment! Wow. Who would have thought the same prompt could lead to such vastly differing stories!

While there were a few typos, the story was well written and certainly complete. It was most interesting altho' some of the scientific stuff lost me for a bit and I'd have to reread it for it to sink in. But it didn't slow me down for long amd was well crafted enough to keep me reading to find out how it would all play out in the end.

Scary, mysterious and a bit of a detective story all rolled into one well rounded bundle! A good read!

Review of Drowning World  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm reviewing this for Soccor's contest.

This is a confusing plethera of images being fired at the reader like bullets from a sub-machine gun. It flies fast and furious and, initially, my reaction was huh?...then a few seconds later....oh! End result? I really liked the framework and how the poem was designed. Good reflection of what it is saying! Very well done!
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (3.5)
I am reviewing this for Soccor's contest.

While the thoughts brought to mind from the phrase 'withered existence' is good, this poem could benefit from a little more image and showing.
There is a bit of confusion with the line....'losing all I once had-'....do you mean for it to reflect back to the 'it' that is 'taking me over?' (which is what it is saying now) or did you mean that the actof taking you over is making you lose all you once had?

The line 'nothing hears'....nothing is refering to what? A person? The no one hears would be better....

There is potential here and with some revision and editing this could be a dynamite poem!!
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (3.5)
There is an interesting and well thought out concept behind this poem, and the bones are good, but this needs some serious revision to bring out its full potential.

Right now it is too talky. But I really ike the thoughts behind it and would love to see this reworked a bit. Lines like 'I always remember and am reminded of' are an example of this.

But the phrase...footprints in time...is wonderful....
Review of Life's Flight  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am reviewing this for Soccor's contest.

Claiming the sky...the family being a pond to drink from...this poem is well crafted with many fresh and new images. It soars with language well used! Reading this out loud, even your voice reflects the joy contained within.

Well done!

Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.0)
Responding to your request for review.

There were parts of this that I liked very much. Poetic expression and a clearly heard picture. The plans of the cyotes, the smell of the bush...the thoughts about the brightly lit houses staving off the darkness.

There are some parts though that need revision. The repitition of the word walkers near the beginning--while it does get your point across, I think it could be done without wearing out the word 'walkers.'

The sentence talking about the seasons --in this countrym in the world--could also use some reworking. Almost don't think both are even needed...world should suffice.

I wish there were more description about Orion's Belt...the 'whys' behind the thoughts...why do you sleep better whenit is in the window...what isit you are associating it with.

You bring up New England...what brought you to the desert?

This is good writing, but as a reader I find myself wanting more 'background' details as to why it is so special to you. You say it is, but never say why....it must be more than the appreciation for the scents of the night walk...details and description..this piece is crying for more...more....

LOVE the last line...tied it up nicely.

How many IDOL houses were there?

The 'Let it be' part was very nice.... I can hear it with you....

This is nice. I'd be interested in seeing a revised version!


Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I remember the Indian commercial...it haunted me then down deep inside. I like the way you stepped inside and said in words, what his tear represented. Sometimes it is necessary to spell things out for the unenlightened, the dense or the uninformed. Well done, well spoken, good poetry!
Review by fyn
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is exceptional! This is a multileveled poem and with or without the caceat about 9-11, it stands screaming out at the night, making its call heard down through the ages! Well done!

There are a couple of places, easily found by reading it out loud, where the rhythm is off a wee bit, but it still works, almost echoing the disjointed terror felt.

Review of The Swami is in!  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was intriguing. Altho' the 'Swami' has yet to enlighten me as to his thoughts, the prompts caught my muse and I went with it. The premise? A series of prompts lead you on a merry chase with you filling in the details along the way. Then, the Swami will clue you in to things about you by your answers. Interesting, and fun, and at the very least, an unusual writing exercise.
Review of Into The Blizzard  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Initial Impressions

Interesting story told from a child's viewpoint after a passage of time. I found this on the 'Request for Reviews' page.

Plot Summary

A child departs England during a snowstorm. Confused and not a little bewildered about the way the parents are behaving, and wanting to be out playing in the snow, the child instead is whisked off with no explanations to the airport and headed for Detroit.


This is a very short, short story, and as such, the characters are not too well developed. It seems almost more of an introduction/prologue to a longer piece. The child is somewhat individualized, the mother as well, the father much less.

Improvement Possibilities

I think more detail would enhance this story. While the attention to detail is evident in the mother's walking carefully in the snow, and possibly being symbolic of the way the mother would normally act, if this type of observation were more evident throughout, it would strengthen the story immeasurably.

The image of the mother walking very carefully is repeated at the end of the story. While I thought this device was well used, I found the lingering image to over-ride the rest of the story and to question why this woman would tred so uncarefully (in a sense)to pick up her child and leave her country so precipitiously, in a blizzard no less.

Final Thoughts

I enjoyed this. I particularly liked the story beginning and ending with the mother walking carefully into the snow. I just found myself wanting to know more. In the knowing more, I should be able to form more of an attachment to the characters. This is something that (I think) is especially important within the framework of a short story.
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.0)
On several levels, I really enjoyed this poem, reminiscent of "Mr Nobody."

Best stanza was :

I’d sneak up slowly next to you
And pinch you while you slept.
Nibble your nose, tickle your toes
I’d trip you as you stepped.

I do have a question about the rhyme scheme tho'. There is a standard pattern going, but it isn't present in either the first, or the last stanzas. ondering if this was intentional or....
the 1st was an abcb...the last...aaab

This does disrupt the flow of the poem enough to be noticable. I think the poem would flow better if these lines were revised.

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed this!
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh this should be a children's book...I can see the illustrations perfectly in my mind!!!!

Wonderful poem story with just the right amount of rhythm and rhyme to to make it fun!!!

Great story line to it as well!!! Clever concept!

My only suggestion is for the line:"They played in the snowflakes; a glorious sight." Perhaps, rather than repeating the word snowflakes again, you could use snow or alternatively, the played 'with' the snowflakes (as they once had with the butterflies!)

Overall tho', well written with excellent images...a brightly 'colored' poem!!

Review of Returns for Santa  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*
The title here is what cought me eye, and then the short summary.

*Delight* What I liked best...lines or word combinations *Delight*

No specific lines or combinations, but the dialog here was executed flawlessly. It moved the story along and was true to each speaker.

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*

One of those stories that make you wonder part way through, 'How will the author work his way out of this mess?'

The author does this in such a way you will smile for quite a long time after finishing this excellent short story. This is one of those reads that sticks with you! It would be an excellent children's story as well!
Review of The Train Whistle  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Greetings BarbL

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*
This was a short story detailing a woman's decision to leave her abusive husband centering the focus on the actual event of leaving (hence the train whistle) with additional tension being supplied by the the husband's arrival and subsequent attempt to stop her.

*Delight* What I liked best or especially effective devices...lines or word combinations *Delight*

I liked the varied interpretations available for the reader to assign to the train whistle...this was a quite effective device, used exceptionally well!

I found most of the dialog to be well written, especially the inner dialog within the woman's head.

*Note5* Improvement Oriented Comments *Note5*

There are two things that I think would make this short story better and, specifically, more powerful.

*Check1* While there is a bit of description (other people at the station...the outdated and worn clothing she wears) I think that this piece could use a bit more description to make the setting come much more alive. More details would add much. Train stations tend to be bustling, hurried places with a variety of emotional states surging all around. I did not see this here. More description and details would bring this story more life. For example, she is taking the train to 'New York.' Where is she now? New York or New York City? Why NY? Big place to go with no specific destination in mind...or is she planning on the overwhelming bigness of it to be lost in?
It is an expensive place to hide in...doesn't sound as if she would have the funds available to her to take on NYC.

*Check1*The other thing that deserves attention, is the sense that this wasn't quite real. Not that it may or may not have happened, but that the feelings, while saying many of the right things, just aren't ringing true. It is too pat....somehow. As a reader, I wanted her to fight back immediately...not think about it. A busy place is the safest place to confront, or resist an abusive person due to the fact that the average abusive spouse cannot handle the public attention being focused on him as anything less than perfect. It would seem that she should have been more likely to react for herself here, rather than having to deliberate about it.

One excellent thing in the middle of all this part, is her thought process after he is subdued...the worrying, the still feeling a bit bad for her husband. At least, she was strong enough not to cave in at this point, which, unfortunately, happens all too often.

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*

I think that this has the potential to be an extremely powerful and inspirational short story. It is well on its way, but needs a bit of work, still, for it to give those validating moments and mind freeing decisions the stature they deserve. I would be most interested in reviewing this again after some rewrites and revision.
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh, this was good! The last two stanzas were especially well written, although this entire poem about spring's arrival is chock full of rain-drenched images, fresh as a spring day...no hackneyed cliches here, just a string of picture perfect images, one after the other, each better than the last, until the final two stanzas where it all comes together.

Frizzled hair...still sitting here giggling over that line!
Review of Underwater Stones  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Joy

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*
The title of this caught my eye, and then tugged at my mind. Beyond that, the overall portrait was multi-layered, layers appearing as one sees more stones beneath the waves.

*Delight* What I liked best...lines or word combinations *Delight*

'Silence, a sentinel,' <--excellent line, full of images, one after another....
'...a stone will still wear your shadow'<---wonderfully crafted thought/image. Fresh, meaningful and reflective of the reflections mentioned earlier in the poem.

*Note5* Improvement Oriented Comments *Note5*

*Check1* Only thing that stopped the flow was the 'to not let the current' line. It simply didn't flow as easily as all the rest.

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*
The lines about tugging fanciful poetry still linger. Poetry, in my mind, should linger in the mind, and yours is doing just that. In the lingering, more layers appear, and that, is what goodpoetry is all about!
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1196046 by Not Available.

Initial thoughts/impressions

Right off the bat, the character of the truck becomes real. We see, hear, feel its reality. Did wonder to whom the trunk was telling the story to, however...

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

this..."My wood is dulled with age and abuse, splintering at the edges. My hinges are rusty and screech annoyingly when forced to move. My lock’s broken, shattered and useless. My inside’s are stained and littered with mice holes. And a strange odor hangs about me. It’s the scent of old age, the scent of being locked away in dusty, cobwebbed attics and damp, musty basements for far too long."<---n absolutely wonderful description!!!!!

and...."where she found the old cook wielding a heavy cast iron pan against one of Ivan’s soldiers."<------great image!

*Thumbsdown* What needs work

Paragraph 3..." the precarious brother murdered Arthur" precarious is the wrong word here...

The part where the truck speaks of the voodoo priestess...how OLD IS the trunk...this needs to be clearer...trunks last about 300 years, maybe....and the story implies thousands...

A bit of confusion as to how far she traveled while in the trunk...days, perhaps? Much more than a week and she'd have died of dehydration...and as relates to the time involved before they got word of the family being murdered....from when she was found until she finally commuicates with Griffen (LOVE the name) appears to be perhaps 9 or 10 months...seems a bit long for word to travel 20 miles or so even back 400 years or so....

Use of "to his son as The Miracle Worker" brings to mind Helen Keller and really isn't quite the right phrase to use here...

The word here should be 'borne'..."especially since she had bore a son with a nobleman"

In this sentence, " Ivan screwed up when he left his men to murder me" The word screwed is out of place, wrong phraseology for the time period.

The very last line, I found to be very weak, This story, the trunks tale (which I think might be a better title) deserves a better last line. It simply did not hold up to the tapestry that has been woven. You've already let the reader KNOW that the trunk served to save her life. Far, far better to leave the last line off entirely and end the tale with, "But for a brief amount of time I held within me a young woman’s life and was witness to a tale of courage, rebirth and love. "
This says it all and says it with panache!

A bit of revision, the fixing of some issues and this will be a precious jewel all its own!

Final thoughts
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1196046 by Not Available.

"Invalid Entry
Initial thoughts/impressions

Putting all the explanations about how to rate something and comments about format put me off a bit. If a poem is requested within a certain form, I can understand, but if not, then it is unnecessary.

A poem stands to be written on its own, and explanations of it's being part of a larger work, are also not relevant to the contest.

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*
The initial verbal photograph of the lost waif at the train staion.

What needs work

I found this poem to be a bit forced as if you were struggling to fit the words to the form. As a result, it did not flow as well as it might have given another form or style.

Needs a comma after 'tender looks.'

Final thoughts

There was too much missing information. Why the leaving and the leaving behind of the trunk? Where did she go, and why. What happened? Why the 'guilty' letters? There isn't enough detail, not enough 'showing' of what was involved. There isn't enough meat here to sink one's teeth into. Just needs to be longer perhaps or in a different form. There is a wealth of information/details/happenings/life missing here, that being included would give this work much more depth and range.
Review of Last Dragon  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings Miss Anthropy

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*
Oh this is a delight! Sad, too sad...but a delight none-the-less. The rhyme scheme works exceedingly well for this type of poem and it is done in a way that brings the poem along well.

*Delight* What I liked best...lines or word combinations *Delight*

The morning rises on whitened eyes<----excellent parallel meanings!!!

*Note5* Improvement Oriented Comments *Note5*

*Check1* Starved, its broke ribs are showing<---broken would serve the rhyme and rhythem better.

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*
Welcome to WDC! This seems as if it should be part of a body of dragon work, or the end of a dragon tale....I'm meaning that I want there to be more surrounding this! *grin* Well crafted and complete tale within this poem!
Review of Harm None  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Kimchi

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*
What a great song, what good lessons therein!!!!! What a great way to teach those all important concepts!

*Delight* What I liked best...lines or word combinations *Delight*

The way you touched on the various different situations where a child might remember the song and act accordingly.

*Note5* Improvement Oriented Comments *Note5*

*Check1* Not an impovement but an alternative....with a couple of different words, this song could also be adapted for every child...and a few adults I can think of *grin*

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*

Well done, fun to read and, I imagine, to sing.
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Greetings Claire

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*

This is very well written, good character development, builds extreemly well and employs fantastic dialogue!

*Delight* What I liked best...lines or word combinations *Delight*

I think what I liked best was the way suspense was built. That and how the fairt in the closet becomes real to the reader, allowing for the unreal to become eal.

Also, your descriptions throughout were well done. I don't ever think I'll see those 'black leaves' in the woods again without thinking of your story and taking a quick peek around! Staying power like that is good writing!!!!!

*Note5* Improvement Oriented Comments *Note5*

*Check1* Aside from a few awkwardly worded sentences, this was fine. Try reading your work out loud, It is very easy to find such places when your tongue trips over them.

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*
Well written short story. To be such a good writer at your age...*thinks back and remembers herself at that age scribbling away under the covers by flashlight*...I can only imagine and look forward to the writer you will be a few years from now...whew! *grin* This is someone to watch folks!
Review of Glass Rain  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Eternal Melody

*Note2* Initial Impressions *Note2*
Excelent! Your visuals are right on and the images you project are as clear as the emotions raining down.

*Delight* What I liked best...lines or word combinations *Delight*

*The rain shatters the silence
like broken glass.*<-----sound wrapped around a visual surrounded by sound. Excellent....Picks up on the poem's title and sets both the scene and the mood.

The last two lines let it all out, the storm intensifies!

*Note5* Improvement Oriented Comments *Note5*

*Check1* Only concern was the choice of the word 'polyrhythmic' as it tends to slow the reader down. I understand what the attempt was, but I'm not sure it added to the poem's sense of being.

*Note2* Final Thoughts *Note2*

This poem is well designed, builds as it goes along till the final lines. Well done!
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