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Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* What a scary story! I'm so sorry you had to go through such a horrifying time in your life- but also grateful that you were there beside him, and like you realized, that everything did happen the way it did.

Your fear and emotion comes over quite strongly, and the reader can easily feel the controlled panic you, as his mother, was going through. We can also feel the gratitude of praising God for making each incident happen as it did, so you could keep your darling angel son with you *Heart*

Thanks so much for sharing this scary time in your life with us. By you sharing your story, you may have unknowingly help save other earthly angels- by giving a parent or guardian instructions of what to do if this ever happened to one of their own. *Heart*

*Exclaim* GREAT JOB! *Exclaim*

Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading* Beautiful and heart-touching story.

You did a wonderful job making us feel the pain and anquish the little girl was going through, from losing her beloved momma. *Cry*

The vivid "dream" she had was so beautiful. I believe when we are blessed with such a vivid dream that heals our spirit, we should know it is much more than "just a dream," it's a precious, healing gift- one that truly does last a life time. *Heart*

Great job. This is definitely a feel-good story!

Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Reading* Ewwww... very creepy story!

The beginning is strong, and pulls the reader right in, and once our attention is glued to the screen, you do a wonderful job holding it there. *Smile*

I'm not going to spoil the ending-- but it has a fantastic twist toward the end, that leaves the reader's eyes wide in anticipation. Good job! *Delight*

*Leaf4* I would have liked the ending expanded on just a bit. I felt the ending was a bit abrupt.

*Note3* There's a few places where you have some extra spaces throughout the story- so you may wish to scan over the piece. *Smile*

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*


Review of ~I'm Coming Home~  
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading* I can see why you won this flash fiction *Smile*

You were able to pack a lot of emotion in a short space. You did a wonderful job capturing the reader's interest, and holding our interest throughout.

When she took the baby, I had mixed emotions. I could relate and understand why she did so, but then I couldn't help but think of the relatives who now not only lost the two dead people in the car, but now also will have the worry of what happened to that precious baby. *Worry*

*Exclaim* GREAT JOB! *Exclaim*

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* Excellent thoughts, and of course exceptional characteristics. I agree- any man (or woman *Wink*) with all of these traits is definitely a good person. *Smile*

Although they are admirable characteristics, I'm not quite sure if the genre is correct for this particular writing. I do believe this piece would make a great prose or opinion piece.

Have you thought about listing it in either of these genres?

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us. *Smile*

Happy Valentine's Day,
** Image ID #1132804 Unavailable **

Review of Dear Me  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* You have a lot of set goals to look forward to achieving in 2008 *Smile*

I love that you are making the time to thank God for all his blessings. Sometimes we get so busy, that the most important thing to do slips our mind.

It looks like you have a good outline to work toward. I wish you all the best in the new year ahead!

I am reviewing your letter as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest [E]. Thanks for entering!

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* I enjoyed reading your goals for 2008 *Smile* I can certainly relate to being in a rut. I've been in a rut myself for some time- and it's not only a writing rut! *Laugh*

So your main goals are to review more, and to work on your trilogy. Do you think giving yourself more of a detailed time line will help you measure how well you're meeting your goals? *Smile*

I wish you all the best in meeting and exceeding your goals for 2008!

I am reviewing your story as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest [E]. Thanks for entering!

Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Reading* Awww... that's so nice Kiya *Smile* You captured your character's personality completely, and became him. Good job!

And the way you got your inspiration is amazing! I've seen that commercial and it didn't stir my muse *Frown* *Laugh* Isn't it amazing where we get inspiration from?

Your story sounded very realistic, and kept me interested from start to finish. I could feel my heart melting with his aching heart. The ending made me smile, as I thought about the joy of a family becoming truly a family once again *Delight*

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*

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Review of Cross  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
}e:reading} Beautiful drawing! You did such an awesome job.

Life is hard, and sometimes it's harder for us to see the things that may be robbing our glory in our own life, then it is to see the sin in others.

I think it's sort of like with our writing- it's easier to find the mistakes in other's writings, then it is to find it in our own. I think it may be because sometimes we're too close to our own, to see what's right in front of our eyes. *Heart*

Beautiful- thanks for sharing.

Review of Dear Me  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Reading* I can definitely relate for your need to be better organized! *Laugh* That is my biggest goal for 2008!

I love that you are concentrating on your health. I wish you lots of success in meeting and exceeding your goals for 2008! *Bigsmile*

I have a few suggestions for you below. Please use or disgard them as you see fit. *Smile*

In the first five sentences you use the word, sloppy, two times, making it a bit repetitive. You may want to change one of them.

*Note2* better. too.

*Note1* gain some skills

*Note* You could actually enjoy doing it. Who

You might actually enjoy cooking; who

*Check1* Money is tight and you can't have

Comma after tight

*Note4* that apartment that

the apartment that

*Check1* Build up your bank account and things won't be quite so far out of your reach financially.

This sentence sounds a bit confusing. Try revising where it won't be so wordy. *Smile*

Be better at saving money! This will help you feel more financially secure.

*Note4* I know exercising isn't the most fun thing in the world and you would rather sit somewhere writing all day long but you need to take some time to get that exercise in.

Again, this sentence is long and wordy. It doesn't give the reader any time to pause and take a breath.

I know exercising isn't the most fun thing in the world; you would rather sit around writing, but if you want to look and feel better, you need to make the time.

*Check1* Your knee is not as strong as it needs to be and the physical therapy really do help it, even if it is long and annoying to do. You are strong and should be more concerned with your physical well-being.Maybe you could work some other types of exercises into the routine as well and make it fun for yourself. Maybe you could work some other types of exercises into the routine as well and make it fun for yourself. The doctors know what they are talking about and you shouldn't take risks. Another knee surgery would be a bad thing to have to go through.

Even though physical therapy is long and annoying, it's important to your over-all health, and it definitely helps your knee feel stronger. Talk to the therapist and ask them if they have any ideas to make therapy more fun. Quit taking so many risks with your knee. You don't want another knee surgery, so listen to your doctors!

*Check2* You will feel so much better. if you go back to that.

You make a lot of great goals, and I love the encouragement you give yourself at the end. *Smile*

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*

I am reviewing your letter as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest [E]. Thanks for entering!


Review of Dear Me  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* Good for you! After having such a hard year and going through many challenges that would have knocked a lot of people down for quite a while- you are not only still standing, but you are ready to run with your hopes and dreams for 2008! *Bigsmile*

I wish you and your family all the best, and hope that 2008 is your year to reap the benefits from so many trials. *Heart*

Good luck!

I am reviewing your letter as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest [E]. Thanks for entering!

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* Great goals for 2008! I also like that you are encouraging and not too hard on yourself. I wish you the best of luck with getting a job with NASA! Don't give up *Smile*

You also state great writing goals. I hope 2008 is full of blessings and conquered goals! *Bigsmile*

I only found one typo:

keep you eyes on

keep your eyes on

I am reviewing your letter as a judge for "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest [E]. Thanks for entering!

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* What a beautiful forum. Thank you for offering such a kind and much needed place.

This is a prayer forum that is offered in a survey form. You come and list your prayer wishes, and the only ones who see it are the members of the group. You may also remain anonymous by checking the box up top. A beautiful way to share your troubles with prayer warriors, who will take your prayer requests to the Lord, with the faith of knowing where two or more are gathered- He is always there.

Come and let them pray for you, now *Heart*

Thank you for offering such a beautiful place!

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* Absolutely wonderful folder! This folder can do a lot to help people understand: understand children who are abused, understand children's bad or strange behaviours. Help people believe children, or at least listen and try to understand why they're saying, what they're saying. It can also help people understand some foster homes, and that there are foster homes out there who genuinely care about the children. Maybe it will help some who have nothing but negative thoughts about the foster system, understand that there are many foster parents who may give these children the love and caring that they may ever receive; and help people realize how invaluable our children are, and they deserve to be taken care of- to be listened to, and to be helped with love, and when they enter a stranger's home, to know they are entering one where love and understanding awaits them, not more pain.

It's really been a pleasure visiting your port. I feel I have really gotten to know you quite well, and you're a very kind-hearted, loving person who doesn't take no more crap *Bigsmile* And you are definitely one who deserves to live crap-free *Smile*

Thanks for letting me get to know you so well through your writing. You are a writer who writes with her heart and soul- my favorite kind. *Heart*

*Thumbsup* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Thumbsup*

It's been a pleasure!
Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 20 of 20- YAY! *Bigsmile*

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Reading* You bring up a lot of good points. But there are many, many foster homes out there that are absolutely horrible. Sadly, many of them are just about as bad, if not worse in some ways, then what the children have been through- trust me. I know this first hand.

Yes, the foster care system has made many giant strides in the last few years, but they still have a long way to go. We had a case in Florida, not to long back (a couple of years), where they just realized, "Hey, a little 5 yo is missing in the foster system." This little girl fell straight through huge cracks- the foster parents had murdered her- and it was a while before they even realized she was missing. *Frown*

And of course the children are not to blame- but when they get on up close and into their teen years, and have been treated like crap all of their lives- tossed from one place to another, abused by many people in many different ways- especially by the very ones who were suppose to be looking after their well-being- they get hard. Can you blame them? They lose trust in not only the system, but all organized systems (court, foster, school...) And they don't trust the system, because they can not trust the people who make up that system, therefore, making them lose trust in human kind. Yes, some who are even put through such trials, somehow come out okay. Believe me though- they still have a lot running through their head, and they'll spend many years trying to figure things out and trying to hide their lack of self-confidence, maybe by even over-compensating with seeming overly-confident.

On the other hand- you're quite right; they're are many good homes out there. Thank goodness for homes like yours, where the people inside of it truly care for the children who come under their roof. It's people like you who may not only save the life of that child, but may save many upon many lives. You never know what your love alone, may have kept that one child from doing or becoming *Heart*

Thank you.

There's a few suggestions below. Please use or disregard as you feel needed: *Smile*

stamping up and down

stomping up and down

*Balloon4* movies in row in which

movies in a row, in which

*Flower3* care of a child. You

care of a child, you

*Check1* called to do it.

called to do so.

*Note3* If foster care had been around when I was a kid, I should have been in it.

Foster homes have been around for quite a while. I don't know how old you are- but I'm 44 (next month), and believe me, foster homes were around then, and a long, long time before. Even before they were called foster homes, they did have foster houses (similar to work houses) *Frown*

*Check4* who's lives are chaos

whose lives are in chaos

*Flower1* parents just is wrong!

parents, is just wrong!

Please never quit sharing your personal stories and feelings with us. It is ports like yours that I greatly enjoy visiting. You're a very special person and your writing has touched my heart and soul. *Heart*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 18 of 20
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* You have a lot of pretty signatures in your visual folder *Smile* I especially love the one from sonnetwolf, of the indian and the deer. Very pretty. *Heart*

I also LOVE the pair of wings. The colors in them are simply beautiful.

If the blonde haired pixie sig looks like your daughter, then your daughter is gorgeous *Smile*

Thanks for sharing.

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 16 of 20
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* Excellent contest folder. I love your contest idea, and look forward to reading some of the entries. Biographical or biographical inspired pieces are among my favorite to read and write. *Smile*

I also like that you wrote an item for your own contest prompt as an example of what you're looking for.

Good luck with the contest, as well as any future rounds and items written for the prompt. *Smile*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 15 of 20
Review of My Testimony  
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Reading* This is a very heart-touching and inspirational poem. Through your words, as a reader we can feel your pain of being torn between love and hurt. We can feel your soul trying to mend, and your mind trying to understand. And most of all we can feel your love you have for our Heavenly Father. *Heart* He truly is the only way through our hard roads on earth.

I am also a survivor of childhood abuse. I'm so sorry for all the pain you have been put through. I'm proud of you for coming through it so strong, and from what I have read so far, it seems like you are a very loving and caring mom.

If you ever feel like you need to talk, please feel free to write me, anytime *Heart*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 12 of 20

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* Another wonderful folder of cute and creative fantasy stories. Your daughter has a wonderful imagination. I know since she helped make up the characters and more, that it makes these stories even more special.

Thanks for sharing *Smile*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 11 of 20
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* Another wonderful folder of folk lore children's stories, though I'm sure all ages will enjoy them. I'm a YOUNG *Bigsmile* grandmother, and thoroughly enjoyed your stories. I look forward to reading more!

*Exclaim* KEEP WRITING! *Exclaim*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 9 of 20 *Delight*
Review of Ivy Tales  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* I love your folder of the fairy tale/folk lore stories of Ivy. What a creative idea- to have a character who is half-leprechaun and half-fairy. Usually leprechauns are portrayed in such a mean-spirited light, that this is really a wonderful idea to help children who may be afraid of leprechauns.

I enjoy reading about Ivy's adventures in granting wishes, and look forward to reading more. *Smile*

Keep up the great work!

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 8 of 20
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading* Another wonderful children's story. I know your little girl has to love bedtime, and what tale her Momma is going to weave tonight. *Smile* Your love of fairy tales shines brightly through your words. You should start working on a children's book of fairy tales! *Bigsmile*

Just one small typo:

ye , my friend."

ye, my friend."

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 6 of 20
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Reading* This is a beautiful story. You did an awesome job in such a short piece.

We're also Cherokee and Creek. My greatgrand parents on my mom's side were both full-blooded Cherokee, and on my Dad's side, almost full-blooded. You can't really see it in me though *Frown* I took after the Irish side- which is also on both sides of my family. I do have the high cheek bones. I so wish I had more of their skin tone- but I have very fair skin. I could move to Ireland, and blend in perfectly. *Laugh*
My hubby has a lot of Cherokee in him as well. His mother looks almost full-blooded indian. Though my children have a lot of Irish in them, you can definitely see the Indian in them as well. *Smile*

Sorry to get side-tracked- these stories are so special. I know your daughter will always treasure them and pass them along to her kids. You did a fantastic job of representing Father Sky and Mother Earth. I really loved the story of The Red Rose.

Beautiful. *Smile*

One small suggestion:

named was Wind Dancer

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*

Smaller image for Wild Card Review
Review 4 of 20
Review by intuey
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Reading* Wow! This is a wonderful poem! You've done a fantastic job. At first it reminded me of Cain and Abel, then as I read further, I thought you may have been talking about mythological creatures. Was this based on a mythological story? If it was, you may want to make a little note about where the idea originated from. If not, you may also want to make a little note, maybe at the end, that the poem was your own creation- just my opinion, to soothe the natural curiosity of enquiring minds, like mine. *Wink* *Laugh*

I thoroughly enjoyed this! Fantastic job! *Bigsmile*

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*

I hope you and your family have a wonderful new year!
** Image ID #1132804 Unavailable **
** Image ID #1346833 Unavailable **
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Reading* Oh wow! What a chilling and sad poem. What's so horrible is sooo many- too many children go through similar acts of violence. What adults need to realize is that abuse against each other when a child is within ear-shot, is also abuse against the child. It is scars the children will carry with them for the rest of their lives. *Cry*

You do a wonderful job with such a tender subject. Your point comes across very strongly. If it will make just one person stop fighting in front of their child, then it's done more good than you'll ever know! *Heart*

Your rhyming scheme and beat is perfect.

Thanks so much for sharing.

*Exclaim* WRITE ON! *Exclaim*

Happy New Year!
** Image ID #1346833 Unavailable **
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