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Review of For the Future  
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Note1* Thank you for requesting a review from "Invalid Item . This is an interesting story and a great idea. I enjoyed it, but did get a little confused in this part below:

This is very confusing-- I thought you killed the little girl and then you start out the man I just shot. We understand a little better when we read further down, but I think you should add more between the two sentence below, to explain the situation better.

I stood and walked to the door, the smoking gun still in my hand.

The man I had just shot lay there, gagging softly as his life

*Star* WRITE ON *Star*

Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Note1* *Laugh* What a surprise ending. This is very creative and cute. It's always fun to take a fairy tale and make it into a new story. For a contest, I wrote a letter that snow white would have written to her step sisters. It was a lot of fun-- almost therapeutic *Laugh* I said things to her sisters that I have wanted to say for a long time *Laugh* I found one typo below and a few places that may need a comma. lol

back at head office

back at the head office.

I am not the best to be giving comma advise, so I'll just ask you to look at these spots and see if you think you may need one:

*Flower2* with the Giant(comma) you and your

*Flower3* Mrs. Bear(comma) I'm afraid

*Flower4* killed the girl(comma) animal rights

*Star* WRITE ON!! *Star*

Review of Haunted Echoes  
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Note1* This is really good, Lexi. You painted a vivid picture with your words, and took us through the emotions which love sometimes takes us. I especially like this stanza:

With love's open wounds
bleeding in my hands,
I've bowed before you with
mercy on my breath.

*Star* GOOD JOB *Star*

Review of Lost  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Note1* Nice job. I really enjoyed your poem. Your emotions shine through your words and show us the pain you are experiencing. I really like this stanza, I believe the best above the rest:

Hands grasping, pulling
Trying to lead me where they want
Tears make moist trails as I try to resist

Maybe because I can relate to it so well.


"Invalid Item
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Note1* I got your story off of the request reviews page *Smile* I really don't see where your story needs a lot of editing. It could use a little additional information-- like maybe show the argument he and his wife had, instead of just telling about it, as an after-thought. And was it the little girl wetting herself or him? Maybe make that a little clearer (although, I think you were meaning the little girl) The ending could have went either way-- so good job on that, as we didn't know what to expect *Smile*
I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it with us.


"Invalid Item
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Cute story. You really let us get to know your characters well, especially your main character. It is so funny how wrapped up she had gotten into another world of her romance novels. That shows the actual power the written word can have on people- in the sense it is over the top, funny and sad at the same time *Laugh* Good job. I enjoyed it.
"Invalid Item
Review of Dreams  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Note1* Try re-writing this (if you want to *Smile*) without worrying about if it rhymes or not. Draw from deep within you how you are feeling and see what you come up with. If you do do a re-write, please let me know- I'd love to re-read it!
Good luck!

My dreams amd goals I wish to complete,
but death seems to beat.

You need to fix 'and' and the second line doesn't seem complete. Also, don't worry so much about rhyming. It looks like you're trying to force the rhyme.

Review by intuey
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Note1* This is a great story. It really held my attention all the way through. I would have given it a much higher score, but it looks like you didn't proof read it at all. Below are a few of the places you need to edit- I would read through the whole writing and edit the piece. It will really be a great story once it's cleaned up *Smile*

*Flower1* I wasn’t praying, in fact I wasn’t really doing of anything,

I wasn't praying. In fact, I wasn't really doing anything,

*Flower2* as if they were sitting next to.

as if they were sitting together.

*Flower3* and you suddenly you’re on your

*Flower1* my father shoulder

my father's shoulder

*Flower2* climbed until reached the

climbed until we reached the

*Flower3* can be with wherever you go

can be with you where ever you go

*Flower1* comes you way will be OK.

comes your way will be okay.

*Flower2* there is not need

there is no need

*Flower3* the train conducting coming

the train conductor

*Flower1* until the after the third stop

*Flower2* next me got of the last stop

next to me, got off at the last stop


"Invalid Item

Review of The Walk  
Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Note1* Great story. I really enjoyed it. It held my attention all the way through. I like the twist you threw in at the end. The only thing I might suggest is maybe making the scene with her and him in the car and him threatening her a little longer. Show that she was in real danger- as it is now, you just get a little sense of it.

fighting. she was

fighting. She was

*Star* GOOD JOB *Star*


"Invalid Item
Review of For Diana  
Review by intuey
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
*Note1* Very heart-warming story. I am sure it will touch your sister's heart to see how much she is loved and is going to be missed. It's a very nice birthday and going away present. I have a few suggestions below:

“I’ve already run twice today!”

"I've already ran twice today."

*Flower2* with that same evil grin

with the same evil grin
Try not to use 'that' if you don't have to. *Smile*

Dad asks, winking at me

Dad asks, with a wink. (you don't need to say at me, because we already know he is talking to you.) *Smile*

*Flower1* Diana plops her hand onto her hip, which is jutting out in clear attitude. “No,”

*Flower2* I giggle and Diana is off again, the two of us running and squealing like we’re five and seven, not fifteen and seventeen.

Giggling, we're off again. Running and squealing like we're five and seven; not fifteen and seventeen.

*Flower3* Today is June seventh, and my older sister Diana is leaving for the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in twenty days to begin her basic training as a new cadet.

This seems out of place in the scheme of your story. Maybe you can put it in italics and make it a thought you are having while you two are playing.

Diana is leaving for the US Military Academy at West Point in New York to start her basic training in a twenty days. What am I going to do without her? (or something to that effect)

*Flower1* Today is June ninth, and my older sister Diana is leaving for West Point in eighteen days.

Do the same thing with all of these thoughts through out the rest of the story.

I can't believe she'll be gone in eighteen more days.

*Flower2* halfheartedly


*Star* WRITE ON *Star*


Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Note1* This is a wonderful, insightful piece. I love how you have the 'threads' of different points and choices of our life at different times in our lives. Yet, the choices are always there for us to choose which path we are to take. This came close to reminding me of an actual OBE where we can see everything at once- where time has no realistic continual. A place we can actually see where we have grown, the wrong and right turns we have made in our spiritual growth. It's a very deep piece of writing, with a great sense of inner knowledge. At least this is what I get from reading it. I greatly enjoyed it.

"Invalid Item
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Note1* Great story. You did an excellent job writing it in the time era you have chosen. Although the ending is sort of cliche'd, it is still a good ending. The story held my attention all the way through. Good job *Smile*

*Flower1* more intently that ever before
more intently than ever before

*Flower2* It became a sort of town obsession


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#839681 by Not Available.

Review of Novels  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Note1* I love how you made a great introduction to your folder. It makes me want to go back and write introductions to all of mine. As a matter of fact, I am going to go back and do so. I think it makes a huge difference and really adds a lot of character to your folder and makes you want to read your stories even more. You're a really good writer, Wenston. Keep on writing on *Smile*
Review of The Words  
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Note1* Very obsessive thoughts and writings- what's kind of scary is I could relate to some of it *Shock* *Laugh* I always enjoy your stories, Wenston. You write so realisticly. You seem to really get into your character's head. Been too long since I've been to your port, I enjoyed it *Smile*
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#839681 by Not Available.
Review of Chloe  
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Note1* It seems pretty good so far. I'm on the third chapter- well I guess fourth. lol It seems like she should be a little more shocked than what she actually was when she first arrived- it was almost like it was something that happened to her everyday. I look forward to reading the rest of it to see what happens. You know how to keep the reader captivated. I stayed interested every since the prologue.

*Star* GOOD JOB *Star*


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#839681 by Not Available.
Review by intuey
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Note1* This is a good poem, your emotion shines through your words very strongly. I don't think on the lines where you have words repeated 3 times is necessary. I believe you can get the same passion across with using each word only once. Try reading it with only one word versus the three and see which one sounds better to you. *Smile* Here are a few suggestions:

*Flower1* that frosty window pane

the frosty window pane

Try not to use the word "that" unless it is necessary. *Smile*

*Flower2* flowing fingers

Some reason flowing fingers, just doesn't sound right to me. Maybe flowing shadows? Just a suggestion to think about.

*Flower3* that sweet window

the sweet window

*Flower1* out that frosty window

out the frosty window

*Flower2* Closing shut that curtain,
that curtain on my life…

This reads a little awkwardly to me. Maybe, try:
Closing the curtains of my life.

*Star* GOOD JOB *Star*


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#839681 by Not Available.
Review of Sold Memories  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.5)
*mote1* You brought your emotions through fantastically in this sad piece. I know how you feel about estate sales, in a way they are very sad. I always think, "wouldn't the family like to keep this?" but I guess everything can not always be kept. It's almost like wiping away the person or people's life with each item sold. You did a good job portraying these feelings.
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#839681 by Not Available.
Review of The Blind  
Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
*Note1* This reminded me of "The Matrix" The idea behind it, anyway. Maybe try to add a little more action in your story, it kind of had a hard time holding my attention. I believe adding more action lines, will help solve this some. I see it's not finished, so keep working on it! Good luck. Thanks for submitting this to "Invalid Item

*Flower1* trash heap: full of corruption; tainted values and morals; technology; and materialism.

Since you have the semi-colon to let us know a list follows, you can write it, like this:
trash heap: full of corruption, tainted values and morals, technology and materialism.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#839681 by Not Available.
Review of Island  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Note1* This is a cute story and you have a great idea for content. I think it could highly benefit by going through it and proof reading it. It has a lot of small mistakes, which can easily be fixed. Also, try to combine some of the facial expressions, etc...with an active sentence and not just have a full paragraph of how they turned their heads, the way they rolled their eyes, etc... Please don't get discouraged *Sad* I still do re-writes on items which I wrote years ago *Laugh* I think that is one thing about being a writer, we are always going back trying to improve. Here are a few suggestions below:

*Flower1* Elizabeth was applying some cooling cream to her face where she had been slapped ten times by her evil Aunt, with tears running freely down her face

The above needs to be re-written. It reads awkwardly. Try:
Elizabeth gently rubbed her face, where her tears and the soothing cream she applied, blended together over her redden face, where her evil aunt had slapped her several times.

*Flower2* Lizzie gave a sad sort of smile and kept rubbing the cream in.
Josie looked over at her and shook her head. Her sister Annie saw her and cocked her head questioningly. Josie saw the look and sighed.

This is way too much. You have a whole paragraph with just their eye and head movements- you need to work these into active sentences.

*Flower3* want together without ever

want, together, without ever

*Flower1* “How?” Asked Elizabeth, her bright blue eyes lighting up at the thought of getting away from Aunt and her beatings

Elizabeth's light blue eyes brightened up at the very thought of actually being able to escape her aunt and the daily beatings, "how?" she whispered.

*Flower2* “Where is it?” Asked the astonished Annie. Josie stood up and brushed herself down.

As Josie stood up and brushed herself off, Annie, still in shock, asked, "where is it?"

*Flower3* “When can we go?” Asked Nicole. Josie laughed.

As Josie laughed; Nichole asked, "When can we go?"

*Flower1* What will when one of us?

Doesn't make sense. I'd delete the whole sentence.

*Flower2* “ When, if, the time comes. We will be ready. We would’ve made sure we have everything we need. Ok?”

"If...when, the time comes, we'll be ready. We'll make sure we plan on everything we'll ever need. Okay?"

*Flower3* “Hope in.”

"Hop in."

*Flower1* The were a large

There was a large

*Flower2* The others bent to and picked a few of their vines to eat.

The others bent and picked a few off the vines to eat.

*Flower3* food out of the bat

food out of the boat
Where did they get any food from. Earlier in the story it sounded like they just ran outside where they were to get away from the aunt. So, where did the food all of a sudden come from? *Shock*

*Flower1* touched Lizzie hand

touched Lizzie's hand



My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Note1* This is pretty good. I really don't have any suggestions except to maybe read it out loud and in the couple of places where your tongue stumbles a little, maybe try adding or deleting a word or two to help it flow a little better. Other than that, good job. I liked the way the lines- "he rode", he rode- then how they are flipped around in the next stanza to say "rode he, rode he" I believe that is the strongest points in your writing. Nice. Thanks for submitting this to "Invalid Item Sorry it took a while for me to get to it, it couldn't be helped.


Review by intuey
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Note1* Great poem- one many of us can relate to. I enjoyed it. I have a few suggestions below:

*Flower1* I look in the mirror, and what do I see?
A girl like myself looks back at me.

In the first line I would drop "and" it makes it flow more easily and it also puts 9 beats in each line, in the first stanza *Smile*

*Flower2* and then I remember there's nobody there.

*Flower3* But (T)o look in her eyes(,) shows her body's a shell,
with hidden emotions(,) she wish she could tell.

Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Reading* How enjoyable. I was really feeling for the giant sloth. You did a great job making us care so deeply about him in such a short writing. I just knew he was going to meet his end. The imagery was fantastic and felt very realistic, even for a fantasy writing. I loved the way it ended. The imagination of writers' never cease to amaze me.

*Star* GOOD JOB *Star*

Writing.Com Signature #5

Review by intuey
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Reading* Wow, very interesting writing. So sad. I like the monotone of the piece, it does the writing justice. You really are good at getting us into the man's head and making us feel what he is feeling and making us care about him. I would take out of the description that there is a twist, you really don't want to tell people that. I really enjoyed the read. I have a few suggestions for you:

*Note1* been ok,-
been okay(.)

*Flower1* say that(,) can they?

*Balloon2* grown up into the fine adults that-
grow into the fine adults who

*Flower3* of them though-

of them now

*Snow1* waste(,) I suppose.

*Snow2* paid off and everything now-

paid off, along with everything. The

*Note1* a bit big though just for me.

Writing.Com Signature #5


Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Reading* Interesting story. I sure wasn't expecting the big twist at the end. I'm not sure what you might want to do, but I would add to it a bit, to make it a little more clarified as to what is exactly happening. We know he is pocessed, but it sounds like it is a good spirit. Or, did he finally break? After all the bad things he has done in his life. So, to me it was a little confusing. I think this could be cleared up very easily. Creaive and imaginative. Good job.

Writing.Com Signature #5

Review of Empathy  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (2.5)
*Reading* I can see a lot of promise in this writing. It can almost be two different stories going on at the same time. I'm sorry but I was at a lost during most of the story. It hopped around so much, I lost what I was reading. Also, there is a lot of extra words, people and circumstances that were just thrown in, that really doesn't need to be there. I would work on a total revision for the story. I guess it didn't really seem to have a plot at all. Please don't be upset over this review. I have read another one of your writings, so I know you have talent-- and this story is so packed full, that it is like your brain was wanting to write a couple of stories at once. You are a very creative person. I will be happy to re-read this and re-rate it, should you decide to revise. Good luck to you *Smile* I have a few suggestions below:

*Note1* A man sits behind the counter of a convenience store, and looks up from the Sunday classifieds with red rimmed eyes as a customer enters; the Amtrak rushed past with a girl sleeping on a Teddy Bear in the window, and the bear looked to everyone it passed for help; mothers say they would jump before a car for their children, but they don't always get the chance - and Margaret stood on the corner waiting to cross, with her hood off despite the rain. -

This paragraph reads a bit choppy. Try:
A man sits behind the counter of a convience store, reading the Sunday classifieds with tired, red-rimmed eyes. A customer enters the store, as the Amtrack train passes by with a girl sleeping on a Teddy Bear in the train window. The bear seemed to be looking for help from everyone it passed.

The man behind the counter noticed Margaret, standing on the corner waiting to cross. Her hat was hanging down her back, even though it was raining outside.

*Flower1* to make usual Sunday small talk then step right into her warm car.-
to make the usual Sunday small talk, before stepping into her warm car.

*Balloon2* thin crowd before the church -
thin crowd in front of the church

*Flower3* staring at that car from her past-
staring at the car from her past

*Snow1* I'm sorry I was late -
I'm sorry I'm late

*Snow2* buried her face in his shoulder, wetting it just a little with four, maybe five tears. -
buried her face on his shoulder, wetting it with a few tears.

*Flower1* a forty-something man raked leaves in his front yard -
A man in his forties raked the leaves in his front yard,

*Balloon2* meet at the Billy Jane Diner two -
meet her at the, Billy Jane Diner, two

*Flower3* gone there on for lunch

*Flower4* over her husband and notice how graceful his back looked, turned to her.-
over at her husband and noticed how graceful his back looked.

*Note1* She put on her coat, her gloves, her hat, and last of all her shoes, and walked out the door. -
She put on her: coat, gloves, hat and shoes. Quietly, she walked out door.

*Flower1* something pointed hurt in her stomach -
her stomach was doing flip-flops

*Balloon2* And suddenly she was on the floor of the bar, her hair mingling with discarded peanut shells and sloshed beer, her hands clutching her stomach.-
WHAT? What happened? Why did she end up on the floor like this? I thought they were at a diner? I didn't even know they had time to order beer? This definitely needs an introduction and expansion

Writing.Com Signature #5

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