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Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY Massive Friendly Derg FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

*Reading* A Cute poem that made me chuckle. *Delight*

Title and Description - Your title is perfect for this great play on words and drew my attention. Though, for your description, I think it sales your poem short. I'd change it to include what readers can expect. Something similar to 'A Comedic Look at a Drag-on's Dog Days of Summer. It may help draw more people in to read your piece.

Theme/Subject Matter:-Great subject matter for the play on words writing.

Characters - Nicely written. The reader easily gets to know the personality of the dragon they're reading about. *Cool*

Originality/Creativity:- Very original and creative, funny piece.

Setting - Perfect setting for the writing. I was able to easily visualize each scene.

My Favorite Part: -The last three lines. Nice!

Summary: Thank you for the smile and chuckle. I enjoyed reading your poem.

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

A signature for WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Silent Witness  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY Humming Bird FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

*Reading*Great personification of a mirror watching a little girl grow up! Definitely worthy of its ribbon. *Delight*

Title and Description - Perfect title and description of this story. They drew me in to want to read on.

Theme/Subject Matter:-Subject matter that one hopes to never have to deal with, but in some shape or form, we usually do. This is an interesting take on the lonely life of a teenage girl whose parents keep all too isolated supposedly for her own good. What they don't seem to realize, is it's slowly killing her. Draining away her will to live. *Sad*

Characters -Great job in such a few words of showing us not only who the teenager is now, but the lively and happy child she was while growing up.

Originality/Creativity:-Very creative. You did an excellent job.

Setting -Perfect setting for personification story of watching a little girl grow.

Emotion/Impact: - The story touches at the readers heartstrings. You want to be able to yell and shake the parents to the point that they'll actually open their eyes, and see what they're doing to their teenage girl.

My Favorite Part: -The whole story is well done, but my favorite part has to be the opening paragraph. It's such a creative, strong, pull and keep you reading paragraph! Nicely done! *Heart*

Summary:I truly enjoyed reading your story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

A signature for WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ladybug Beach  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Itchybarn

*Reading* This is such a great poem. You're a good poet! *Delight* I love ladybugs also. One time I moved into a house that was in the country. One of the second-story bedrooms had at least fifty ladybugs climbing on the inside of the window, trying to get out. I opened the window (I could only open it a little, without hurting them. I must have spent an hour or more getting them all out into the fresh air, It made me feel good. (Them too, I'm sure *Bigsmile*).

Title and Description - I love the title. It definitely drew me in. Then when I read you were five when you first wrote it. Impressive. I'm sure you've edited it a few times since because it's really good and fun to read.

Theme/Subject Matter:- The writer shows his love for ladybugs, and tells of his encounter with a lot of them on the beach.

Characters - The reader is able to sense the kindness of the writer. *Delight*

Emotion/Impact: - The poem made me smile. It was a fun read that left me feeling happy. Nice job!! *Ha*

Summary: I enjoyed reading your piece. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope to read more poetry from you soon.

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

A signature for WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello dragonline (dragon online) *CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP**Smile*

*Reading* Nice short story. It had a strong beginning that grabbed my attention and kept me reading. The ending was a nice twist I didn't see coming. *Smirk*

Title and Description - Great title. Neighbors can be a curse or a blessing. Having both in my time made me want to read your story. I would use the description to pull more readers in. Write a brief excerpt about what they can expect when they read the story. *Smile*

Theme/Subject Matter:- A wife whose husband has gotten on her last nerve, always worrying about what the neighbors will think. A husband who hinges everything on what others think.

Characters - In just a few words, you were able to bring across the personalities of both the wife and husband. Not an easy feat. Good job!

Originality/Creativity:- I enjoyed the way the story is written. The ending helped to elevate the whole story.

Setting - The setting is well done. The emphasis is mainly on how the neighbors perceive the couple.

Emotion/Impact: - Your words made me visualize the uptightness and egotistical characters of the husband. I didn't care for him. Even though what the wife was doing was wrong, you wanted to see her rid herself of him. Maybe just not in the way the story had us believe.

My Suggestions - I'd flesh out the part where the wife knelt down in the dirt at the end. Was that her whole plan? Or was it a ruse? And he just beat her to it?

My Favorite Part: - The ending. Great twist.

Summary: I truly enjoyed this short, short. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. *Smile*

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Intuey

A signature for WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The End  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Horror Scribe *CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP**Smile*

*Reading* It's amazing how much of a full story one can achieve in a flash fiction piece. You did a great job. *Smile*

Title and Description - The title drew my attention and the description pulled me in. We all have things we wished we would have done or done differently while looking back. Or in this case, looking forward to a future not allowed to be.

Theme/Subject Matter:- It's the end of the world. And it's brought on by the careless actions of those now facing the consequences. Now, facing death, they realize life wasn't so bad after all. As a matter of fact, it was pretty good. Ah, hindsight.

Characters - The main character telling the story is portrayed nicely. His emotions, sadness and regrets are quite prevalent.

Originality/Creativity:- A good creative ending and point of view, in a familiar story line.

Emotion/Impact: - The emotions come across strongly and nicely.

My Suggestions - Good job in a flash fiction story. It would flesh out nicely for a longer story also.

My Favorite Part: - The ending. It's poignant and leaves the reader thinking.

Summary: I enjoyed it. Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. *Delight*

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Intuey

A signature for WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 *CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP* *Smile*

*Reading* This was a good and quick read. For such a short story it had a strong beginning, kept me interested, and had a surprising end! *Shock2* *Laugh*

Title and Description - The title grabbed my attention, and the description drew me in. Who doesn't like reading about dysfunctional families?

Theme/Subject Matter:- I kind of figured out what the subject matter was before I began to read. But the way it was written was refreshing.

Characters - The little boy is the one who narrates the story. The reader can easily feel how confused and sad he is. He doesn't quite understand his position. And his parents do not try to explain it to him. Instead, they insist he's bad and hit him.

Originality/Creativity:- The viewpoint of this story is definitely original, different, and creative. Nicely done.

Setting - The setting is a small area, and the story is mainly focused on the window. The only escape from the noise happening from upstairs.

Emotion/Impact: - The reader can't help but feel for the little boy. Even despite things. Especially the last sentence.

My Favorite Part: - I think the ending, even though it's a bit disturbing, makes the story.

Summary: Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I enjoyed it. Happy Anniversary!

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

A signature for WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello HollyMerry

I truly enjoyed your essay about butterflies and how to help them. Butterflies have always shared a special spiritual connection with me. As a matter of fact, I just made a blog entry a few days ago: "Why Butterflies Hold A Spiritual Connection To Me

Your essay holds a lot of great information. I love that you address how even one pot of flowers can help nourish butterflies. I also like the fact that you gave examples of the kind of plants and flowers they are attracted to. I've watched a documentary where a group of people are going around to the edge of woods, and to even small parts of public and private properties, and planting small wildflower/herb gardens, that can make a huge impact on keeping the butterflies fed and healthy. It's amazing how much even two or three plants can have such a big impact.

*Butterfly2r* As much as I love butterflies, I have never thought of making homes for them. What a beautiful idea! A lot of people don't realize that butterflies receive a lot of their energy from the sun's rays shining on their wings. They need warmth. I plan on making a couple of spots just for them when I move into my new place at the beginning of winter.

Thank you for sharing this with us. If it gets even one person to do something for them, then that one person will share with others. I know I plan on sharing your wonderful info with others! Even though I have that special connection with them, there is new information here for me. I appreciate that! Oh, I also appreciate you letting me know that a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope. There couldn't be a more perfect name! Being in the middle of one of their kaleidoscopes is something I wouldn't change for the world. *Heart*

Thanks again for sharing. Have a great day. *Delight*

Write On! *Heart*
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Awww ... poor kitty. *Laugh* I have to be honest, I didn't know if I should root for or against Grandma. *Shock*

You did a wonderful job with imagery. It seemed like I was standing right there among them, watching each scene unfold.

You brought my memory back to a time when country grandmas were women you sure didn't mess with! *Rolling*

I felt for the almost all-white cat. I wanted to tell it it's time to get before that shoe peg tobacco makes it feel the licks of hell itself! The boy couldn't have cared less. He was all for showing the cats whose boss.

Thank you for the smiles and nostalgia. I enjoyed stopping at your port. Here's to many more Happy Anniversaries to come!

Write On! *Heart*
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Trading Places  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed reading your story. My granddaughter would really enjoy it. *Smile*

I hope this review finds you well and filled with creativity.

What an adorable children's story. It's one easily relatable to past history, or even a valuable lesson on how to treat others right here at home.

You did a wonderful job with the imagery and enabled the reader to be right there with the white rabbit. The relationship formed, first by empathy toward the rabbit, and by the boy, is nicely portrayed and sets the scene to come.

It's a simple lesson: We all need to take care of one another. Don't be greedy and keep those that were here before and after us in our mind.

Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us.

Write On! *Heart*
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of 1 Easy Prey  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

Hi! Welcome to WDC (writing.com). If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to contact me. *Smile*

I enjoyed reading the first chapter of your book. Your writing has a lot of potential. I look forward to reading more.

I would have liked more imagery of their surroundings. I think it would help make the story more personable. *Smile*

Here's a few typos I found:

*Reading* he could see but their hens

*Reading* Oribio reaction wasn't that what you'd expect

Oribio's reaction wasn't what you'd expect

*Reading* set on grabbing his opponent feet.

opponent's feet

*Reading* Above all he dreamed to become another Alzid,

Above all, he dreamt of becoming another Alzid,

*Reading* approach was of considered them to be

approach was considering them to be

Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us. I look forward to future visits to your port. *Cool*

Write On!

Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hi Olivia. Welcome to WDC (writing.com). If I can be of help in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me. *Heart*

I enjoyed your poem about new love. Hoping and feeling it's a love that will surpass just a summer infatuation.

I like the analogies you used with your feelings and the beach. Being born and raised a Florida girl, it was definitely relatable. *Delight*

My favorite lines:

like Polaroids hung on string with wooden pegs

the Polaroids slip from the pegs
will you catch them

A good and strong ending.

I look forward to you sharing more of your writing with us. *Bigsmile*

Thanks so much!

Write On!
*Heart* Intuey
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of In the Beginning  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I hope this review finds you doing well and filled with creativity! *Delight*

This is a good story of a father telling his child a scary story.

The main character of the story is a girl fathered by darkness. Even though she had the capacity to love, her capacity for hate was even stronger. She's the main character, though I felt I got to know the mother better.

The main character also had a brother. The brother's trauma of his sister's darkness is clearly noticeable. I believe he could have brought an even deeper meaning to the story.

The setting takes place in the caves and the woods. The story lets us know this took place many eons ago. I won't spoil the story, but it shows that darkness is as prevalent as good in this world.

I enjoyed the story and feel it could be made into a second story showing the good side, coming to protect the human population from her evil and hate. It could also be made into a book. I trust that's how much potential the story has. *Bigsmile*

Thanks so much for sharing your work with us. I look forward to visiting your port again!

Write On!
*Heart* Tracey
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Solemn Vow  
Review by intuey
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hi April, thank you for allowing me to review your poem.

Wow! Nicely done. You pulled off the form nicely. An iambic tetrameter can be a bit tricky. I can see why it won The Dark Dreamscapes Poetry Contest! *Cool*

This was indeed a period of dark, dark times. The Bubonic plague was so bad that they thought no one would survive.

I like these lines below:

The Plague of 1656 --
an agent of the River Styx --
ensured the weary bodies’ rot;
hence curers’ skills were all for naught.
Yet frightly masks adorned their heads
while treating patients in their bed;

It sums up the plague nicely, and even the horror of the doctor's bird mask. The doctors thought the extended nose would keep the germs away.

*Reading* Yet frightly masks adorned their heads

Maybe consider changing frightly to frightful I don't believe frightly is a word.

*Reading* It were a tranquil, soothing night

This is an excellent opening line. It betrays the terror yet to come.

I do think were should be was *Smile*

Her solemn service underway
stops when the platform starts to sway
and rumbling whispers turn to shrieks
as pools of blood the casket leaks

Nicely written. Truly creepy!

I definitely look forward to reading more of your work.

I hope you have many more happy years on WDC!

*Heart* intuey
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey Tim, I came across your sporting activity poem through the read-and-review link!

I used to love to bowl when I was younger. I had to read your poem over a couple of times because it's been a while. I'm sure a regular bowler won't have that problem at all! *Bigsmile*

You did an amazing job explaining how much strength to put into the throwing of the bowling ball. As well as how to throw a curve ball, or to throw it down the lane in a straight movement.

You took something not easily explained and did a wonderful job in only a few lines. Thanks so much for sharing your poem and bowling knowledge with us. *Delight*

*Heart* Intuey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Odessa Molinari I'm reading and reviewing your piece as a part of "I Write in 2020 [E]

*Reading* Your war story is well written and keeps the pace throughout. I like the contrast you set with a sense of normalcy from the higher-ups giving the orders, to the organized chaos of the ones having to carry those orders out. Nicely done! *Thumbsup*

*Salute* Your piece showed honor to those who have fought for their country while at the same time, showing how quickly one loses their life. Reminding us all to always keep them in our hearts and prayers.

You did a wonderful job. Thank you for sharing your piece with us.

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Intuey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Revival  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful poem, Beholden. I absolutely adored it. *Heart*

I enjoyed the tidbit of information that your piece was based on. It adds to your writing making it, even more, the richer. *Heart*

I can definitely relate. The last church my family belonged to was like this. It was a new church and we watched it grow. We prayed for it to grow. My kids worked with them and the message was one of love, respect, and acceptance. The church grew amazingly fast. One service turned to three to fit everyone in until we could find a new building. By the time we moved into a new building, we no longer went there and in fact, neither did many of the original parishioners who helped make it what it once was. It's no longer the same church at all. Which is a shame. But I guess they found their place -- though it does seems to flounder about a bit.

I enjoyed reading this writing and the nostalgic feel. Nicely done!

Good luck in the contest.

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "The Yama - Mother
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Prosperous Snow celebrating! I am reviewing your piece on behalf of "I Write in 2020 [E]

*Reading* You did a fantastic job with the form of the Yama. You followed all of the requirements precisely and ended up with a wonderful, though sad writing. Nice job. *Smile*

*Bookstack3* Your opening line is strong and pulls the reader right in. We completely understand that she's no longer among the living after reading the first stanza. You relate this sorrow through small but intimate actions that are no longer present. Leaving the reader with a feeling of emptiness and sadness.

*Bookstack2* In reading the second stanza we are over-come with the hollow emotions of missing someone who was truly loved and an important part of the writer's everyday personal space. The sorrow is palpable. Very well done in such a few short syllabic lines. *Angel*

*Bookstack* The last stanza feels as though there is an acceptance. A sad acceptance, but one arrived at out of necessity and no other choice. A loved one is gone. It's a heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, gnawing feeling one has to work their way through. So they pray for their mother but all the while, always listening out (and perhaps, hearing at times) the beloved words, I love you.

*Angelic* A nicely written piece packed full of emotion that comes across strongly in your words. Nice job! You nailed this one. I'm so sorry that this comes from a close, personal tribulation of losing your mom. *Heart*

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "The Supernatural
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hey Jeff I'm reviewing your blog entry on behalf of "I Write in 2020 [E]

*Reading* Since this is a blog entry, I thought it only fair to check out a few other pieces. *Wink* Though I will only converse about this entry. *Smile*

*Ghost* I've always enjoyed the supernatural and paranormal. I like hearing the experiences (or lack of) from others and their viewpoints on the subjects.

*Cloud* Ever since I was a child, I have had experiences. But I can understand why those who have never shared these experiences do not believe. It's hard accepting something like that when it's not a part of your space.

*Clock2* The opening quickly caught my interest, and it pulled me right in to keep reading. I appreciate the reasoning of your disbelief of ghosts; while still being able to acknowledge other strange phenomena that are just too inexplicable, not to be considered as possible paranormal experiences.

*Reload* I call experiences like that synchronicities. Especially ones like that of your boss going to Hawaii at the same time as you and your wife -- not only that but ending up one row over! That's wild! Then when you continue to elaborate on how that one synchronistic trip influenced and enhanced your future life, to me, that's nothing short of divine intervention! *Delight*

*Caro* As for bad accidents being avoided? I've been there also. And no matter how many times I go over one of them in my head, the statistical odds of how I maneuvered my car, breaking the steering wheel while never leaving the two-lane highway and then just continuing down the road... well it was impossible. There's absolutely no way. I even met the young guys' wide eyes while I turned my vehicle in two totally opposite ways within a few seconds. I'm with you when things like this occur. I believe this is a divine intervention of our angels watching over and protecting us.

*Angelic* Thank you for your post. I truly enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more entries from you. I'll have to make sure I visit more often!

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Endless Climb  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Reading* Hello ♥Hooves (((mott)))♥! How are you doing, my friend? *Bigsmile* I am reviewing this super long piece that took me the better part of the day to review. *Crazy* *Laugh* I'm reviewing your piece for "I Write in 2020 [E]

*Bookstack* Contests and Activities seem to be alight with Oriental Poetry, as of late. For anyone who has applied their creative muse to these short forms, they find writing one correctly may not be as easy as it appears!

*Bookstack2* Reading your three-lined, 12 syllables Than Bauk Form, a few times over, has left me quite impressed. *Fire*

*Bookstack3* You reached in deep and pulled out this little beauty. It is in-depth that tells a complex story of struggle, the will of a spirit not to give in, and the road to recovery.

*Treecypress* The writer lets the reader know this is something that's been going on for a while now. But there is finally light at the end of the tunnel, as smiles began to grace her life once more. She understands that there is still a road to travel, but with her determined strength she will continue to fight the good fight! I for one, know she will overcome, shine and kick ass!

*Key* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us. Good luck in the contest!

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* *Hug* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Taking the Leap  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Reading*Hello 💙 Carly! I'm reviewing your piece for "I Write in 2020 [E]
I was going to check out the workshop to see if there was a certain assignment for your piece, but both links are to your writing? So that was a little confusing. *Whistle* But on to your piece!

*Bookstack* Are you writing this for a novel? If you are, good for you! *Delight* You look like you have an excellent storyline your working out. I wish you a lot of luck with it!

Title and Description -Your title for this section of your piece fits perfectly. That's exactly what both of your characters decided to do. Young love is so fresh. Everything is still fairly new to young adults. *Heart* Your description does an excellent job describing the dilemma your characters will be facing. Nice job.

Characters - Both of your characters are starting to become established and known to the reader. I do wish I had a bit more information about how far into the story this piece is. I feel like it's at the beginning stages. If this was a short story, I'd want to get to know the characters a bit more. But since this is part of a larger work, then I know we'll get to know them in stages. *Smile* I feel like we start to genuinely feel the passion and emotion coming from both of them as the story gets rolling, It picks up the pace quite nicely about halfway through and carries it on toward the end.

Setting - I don't really remember a lot about the setting. So it didn't stick in my mind. You may wish to work on their surroundings a bit more; Make it more tangible to the reader. You did a great job on the scene where he is walking through her house and noticing the things she had around her, that helped him get a feel for her emotional attachment. *ThumbsUpR*

What I like about your piece - I enjoyed the connection between the two. I think you're doing a fabulous job starting the emotions off slowly and with caution, then watching them both falling for each other at almost the same speed. The passion builds at a nice pace, and I smiled when they finally kissed. *Inlove*

I do have suspicions about that other girl, though. Something just doesn't seem right about all of that. And why wouldn't he want to tell her about them right off? Hmmm... *Think* *Smirk*

Suggestions - I do have a few suggestions. Most of these are just typos are minor edits. Please use or discard them as you see fit. This is only my opinion.

*Books1* closed herself off and tried to focus on re-formating her career.

Comma between 'off' and 'and' (herself off, and) reformatting - no hyphen

*Books2* she could see him in her minds eye. The two of them sitting out on the deck chairs, sipping coffee and watching the sun set.

in her mind's eye. coffee, and sunset

*Books3* Desire rose leaving her feeling

Desire rose to leave her feeling

*Books4* fill the suitcase, gave

Comma not needed

*Books5* The bed itself, was made,

Commas not needed

*Bookstack2* Still he had been aroused just the same. Giving her advise and

Still, he had... Giving her advice

*Bookstack3* After lunch she continued on.

After lunch, she continued. (Remove the word 'on' to prevent a tautology.}

*Books4* Arden Falls cutoff, when she

Comma not needed (Is cutoff supposed to be two words?)

*Books1* She was temped to jump out

She was tempted...

*Books2* expect and complied. He held the door for her and closed it when she got out. He then led her over to his SUV, turned them and

Commas needed after before each 'and' (expect, and complied) (turned them, and)

*Books3* For a split second she was caught off guard, then bewitched as she pressed further into him and kissed him back just as passionately.

After a moment or what seemed like eternity, he

Add a comma after 'second' (For a split second,) (seemed like an eternity,)

*Books4* uncle’s place… sure, was I was excited

sure, as I was excited or sure, I was...

*Books5* until I got to Weber’s…


*Bookstack* or a ton of snow, is

Comma not needed

*Bigsmile* Thanks so much for sharing your work with us! I really enjoyed it! *Delight*

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Sun Waits  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hey ♥Hooves (((mott)))♥! It's my pleasure to review your poem today for "I Write in 2020 [E] *Heart*

*Reading* Great job with the form! You followed the rules precisely and ended up with a fabulous little piece. But it was definitely one that had a surprise twist in the end, I definitely didn't see coming! *Shock2*

I wrote one also. It's the first time I have ever heard of this form. How about you?

*Bookstack2* Your first 3.5 lines were very relatable. You painted a nice, vivid image of you dancing along the shore, squishing and kicking up sand between your toes. *Heart* I do love the beach, before the unbearable heat sets in! *Sun*

*Bee* Then the last 1.5 lines turn into a twist I didn't see coming! Now, normally this is good, but not when it's at the expense of a personal experience! *Cry*

*Beach* So, you know what I am probably going to say .... WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED? If you have a blog entry or storytelling about this experience, it would be wonderful if you could link it at the bottom of your piece. If you don't, maybe you'll consider doing so. That is if it's not too painful to write about. *Heart*

*Dropy* I find writing about difficult situations in my life seems to truly help. I have many very personal experiences listed (mainly in my blogs and real-life folder) but there are still several that only stay within my personal journal. I think you are probably one who does this already, but if you don't, you may want to try it. I find it really does expel negativity from the mind and soul, helping me to heal or deal. Whichever the case may be.

*Hug* Whatever you decide, my heart is definitely with you! And I could feel the pain seep through your words. *Heartbroken*

*Ha* Thanks so much for sharing your piece with us! Good luck in the contest!

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* *Hug* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Prosperous Snow celebrating! I'm reviewing your item for "I Write in 2020 [E]

*Reading* This short nine-line poem is about repetition, and how many times the writer needs to recite or write something for it to be ingrained within her mind and soul. *Thinker*

I can definitely relate! I have found writing something at least three times over and saying it for every day for about two weeks is the best way for me to remember (and then if I don't stay on it, I still forget *Facepalm* *Laugh*)

*Think* I think a line or two letting the reader know if you find it easy, hard, rewarding or infuriating to try and memorize something would help elevate the piece to more of an emotional pull on the reader. Not unless the poem has to be only 9 lines? Not sure on that part.

*Books2* These are my favorite lines:

write it on the parchment of my soul
and inscribe it on my brain cells?

I especially love write it on the parchment of my soul *Heart*


Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Grocery Day  
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a fabulous and hilarious writing! Isn't it nuts how crazy things have gotten? I'm 56 and have never seen anything like this (besides when a hurricane is headed our way *Laugh*).

Keep on writing! Thanks for sharing. Stay safe and keep your distance away from the zombies! *Shock2* *Laugh* Intuey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello ♥Hooves (((mott)))♥! I'm reviewing your item for "I Write in 2020 [E]

*Reading* Your words clearly show your emotion to your family's quilt which has been passed down to you. I can definitely relate. I love quilts and all they represent. *Inlove*

Your words lovingly take us on a trip to the past, as you tell about the women who have stitched this priceless possession. The strong heart-connection which you have that has this precious momento out for all to see -- not hidden away. One that when the day is done, though those who have added to its blocks are no longer here, you can once again draw close to. Not only in memory but in a tangible closeness, as you hug this treasure around you. *Heartv*

Beautiful! *Inlove2*

*Quill* KEEP ON WRITING ON! *Quill*

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ha! *Ha* This was fantastic! Sadly, it did not even enter my mind to list writing and/or WDC as one of my opportunities in life, when clearly, it definitely has been! Kudos to you, my friend! I also read your first writing - it was very well done *Bigsmile* I truly enjoyed it.

See, you were a bit overwhelmed by the tasks that lay before you to complete in a mere month, and look at you! You're on fire! No need to sweat it *Delight*

Good luck to you. Looking forward to reading more from you!

*Heart* Tracey

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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