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Review of A Precious Gift  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello iKïyå§ama It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Now, this is using your creative imagination to the nines, Kiya. When the prompt said pick a fictional place to visit you've never been before, I bet the writer's of that prompt never envisioned for a second a visit like yours! Unique and imaginative. Awesome job!

Two sisters are forever tied together. Though the oldest sister is not too kind and has tried to kill her younger sister more than once. But tragedy strikes and the oldest sister is struck with an illness which is killing her. The youngest climbs into bed and talks to her about her day, enjoying the time together she can have with her sister. Then one day, the sister is able to take her into her mind and let her see why some things happened like they did. It's a gift between sisters, which no one can take away.

Title and Description
Great job on the title and description. Both grabbed my attention to want me to read on. The description is so much more descriptive than what we can imagine. *Whistle*

*Bookstack2* Characters

The characters are well done and the reader is able to get to know them well.

*Bookstack3* Setting

*Laugh* I would say you did an excellent job on the setting. This reader had no problem what-so-ever, visualizing each scene as I read.

*Books1* My Thoughts

Awesome job with thinking out of the box with this one! *Thumbsup*

*Quill* Thank you for sharing your writing with us. I enjoyed it!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1.407 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello iKïyå§ama It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Death has her in his clutches. He won't let her go. For she belongs to him, eternally. Or does she? Will she win the fight against death and all it holds? What is death? Who is death? It longs to take her to hell with him -- to keep her there. Is her will power for life strong enough to make her hold on and resist him? Read on to find out further. *Smile*

A great tale. Your a weaver of words, Kiya. You have a powerful talent and you hold your readers interest from beginning to end. Your also really good at endings. You always seem to throw a twist in at the very end. Nicely done! *Thumbsup*

Title and Description
Great title and description. Though, I'm a bit confused. That sure didn't read like any teenage boy I know. And when you continue to read, it doesn't seem to point to a teenage boy, but a grown man. So, that's a bit confusing. I was definitely drawn in by the title and the description. *Delight*

*Bookstack2* Characters

You write strong characters. The reader is able to get inside of their mind and understand why they're acting they way they are. Well done!

*Bookstack3* Setting

Great job on setting. I was easily able to visualize each scene as I read.

*Books1* My Thoughts

Your writing has a wonderful smooth flow. It always holds my attention and I read greedily in anticipation of what will happen next! *Delight*

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, Kiya! I enjoyed it.

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,431 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Island  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello iKïyå§ama It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Ohhhh! Good story! And your first attempt at a suspense story? Wow! You nailed it. I believe he killed her and she came to haunt him at the beach. Haunt can be used loosely, as in his conscience.

A young couple who seemed to have it all is shipped-wrecked on an island. The man is slowly losing his sanity as he watches his wife dance around in a mad state of being. Making him eat all that she seems to scrape up -- regardless of what it is. She's angry at him, he at her. They do not communicate, unless it is to argue. She will not come to his aid when he falls sick. Instead, she disappears traveling about the island, leaving him to his own defenses.

Title and Description
Excellent title which drew my interest. The description is a brief synopsis which lets the reader know a bit of what to expect. It made me want to read further.

*Bookstack2* Characters

Excellent job fleshing out your characters. The reader is able to get to know both of them intimately. Both are damaged goods, losing their sanity on a stranded island they have been on for countless number of days? Months? No one knows how long. *Shock*

*Bookstack3* Setting

The setting is well done. I was easily able to envision each scene as I read. Nice job.

*Books1* My Thoughts

I liked the air of mystery your story ended with. It is left up to the reader to draw their own conclusion of exactly what happened. *Thumbsup*

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Premonition  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello willwilcox It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

What the hell is wrong with that man? Why would he do that? Death by lawnmower? *Shock**Sick* Did a few bill collectors really drive him to madness? Geesh...

There's something not quite right with the main character in this story. He just wants to sleep. Sleeping gets him away from the people and things which harass and irritate him throughout the day. Dreams and sleep, that's where it's at. If only he stays in bed, he'll have a good day. But a nightmare makes him awaken and get out of bed. He had it right the first time, he should have just stayed in bed. At least that way it was all a nightmare, something he could eventually wake from.

Title and Description
Great title. As someone interested in such things, it definitely caught my attention. The description pulled me the rest of the way in. But why did it have to be Halloween? I didn't see where the story hinted at that small fact. Of course, we all know the spirits, ghosts and goblins come out on Halloween, as the veil is thinned and allows each to cross over without a fuss *Smirk*

*Bookstack2* Characters

What can I say about your main character? The poor man is whacked out! Literally *Rolleyes* *Laugh* I just kept finding myself saying, "What the hell are you doing? And Why are you doing it?" *Laugh*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Unfortunately, I could envision each and every horrid *Sick* scene as I read. Good job. Thanks for that *Pthb*

*Books1* My Thoughts

The only thing I can think of is what drove him to such madness? Maybe give us a hint earlier in the story. Was he so overly-distraught or depressed that he just didn't want to live anymore and would take any means to end his life. Because you would definitely be over your wit's end. Or was it the figure who absolutely made him do it? But no. He didn't seem like he was under a spell. *Questionp*

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I always enjoy my time spent in your port! *Delight*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,909 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello willwilcox It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Ewwwww! Creepy! My own eyes wide with anticipation of reading the next line *Bigsmile* That was a truly eerie tale, Bill! One needs to be careful of where one gets inspiration. *Rolleyes* *Laugh*

I would say he got his just dessert and then some! Although, I wonder if driving him insane and making him lose the totality of his mind would have been even worse punishment? Hmmm? Maybe, maybe not. *Whistle**Wind*

A writer lost for words go searching for a muse to help him write. But will his writing be hollow and only promote shock value? Something a critic cares nothing for? You need to only read to find out. *Bigsmile*

Title and Description
Great title! What better way to draw in a deluge of readers from a site of readers, but to use the very tool of our soul in the title? Nice description as well. Pulled me in immediately to want to see how he inspired his muse. *Shock*

*Bookstack2* Characters

This man has lost his marbles long ago. I'd venture to say if you have to go to such extremes to try and write, then maybe writing is not for you? *Laugh*

*Bookstack3* Setting

You laid it all out perfectly. *Thumbsup*

*Books1* My Thoughts

This reminds me of an author who has a similar experience and used it for writing. Though I will not mention her name here or exactly what happened, because Gaby ~ Finding my way back is going to put it in the NL this week. So, keep an eye out *Wink* (It's an entry from my blog) *Bigsmile*

*Quill* Enjoying my trample through your port. I guess I can only read one more, then I have to move to another's. *Sad* *Hug*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,482 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello willwilcox It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

This story puts a new meaning to the words, "I'll beat the living daylights out of ya!" I'll never hear or read that line again and think on it in the same way. *Laugh*

It makes me wonder if a doppleganger took over my life many years ago? Things that make you go, Hmmmmm? *Laugh*

Well told story of a little girl who forgets to do her chores. Her mother is uncharacteristically angry and literally beats the living daylights out of her child. But will the child forgive her? You must read the story to find out! *Wink*

Title and Description
Great title which grabbed my attention and made me want to check out the story. The description pulled me the rest of the way in. Nice!

*Bookstack2* Characters

Awesome job on your characters. The way her momma acted, I thought that maybe her mom was an evil doppleganger. Since it was so uncharacteristic of her. *Rolleyes* The reader was able to easily connect with the little girl. Poor baby *Heart*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Nice job with the setting. I was easily able to envision each scene as I read. *Smile*

*Books1* My Thoughts

We can always hope her living daylights took her to a beautiful place far away. *Bigsmile* Where would your living daylights take you? *Bigsmile*

*Quill* Thanks for sharing your piece with us, Bill! I enjoyed it!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,273 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Soul Drinkers  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello willwilcox It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Be careful when you lie down to sleep. Never let yourself sleep to soundly, or else the creatures of the night might over-take you!

Poor Jack. He escaped them yet again and this time for good, since they are now statues in his yard. *Shock* But what of his poor sister and what about his parents? Did they make it through this nightmare? We may never know. But with Jack, we see how the will to live and quick thinking can save your life when you're in a pinch! *Shock*

Another great story! Kept me interested from beginning to end. *Delight*

Title and DescriptionNice job on your characters. Poor innocent little Shelby *Sad* The essence of the innocent is always the strongest, isn't it? And for that she paid had to pay with her life.

*Bookstack2* Characters

Your words brought your characters to life. The reader was able to get to know each at an intimate level. *Smile*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Excellent job! Your writing brought each scene to life. *Thumbsup*

*Books1* My Thoughts

Ugh! The scene with poor Shelby in her bed with those creatures. *Shock* Spreading her jaws more than she thought possible and shoving something down her throat to suck out her very essence *Sick* Great scene!

*Quill* I enjoyed it! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. *Bigsmile*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,247 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello willwilcox It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

I always love reading your pieces, so it is my pleasure to raid your port today! *Bigsmile* An old witch is out for revenge on a town who burned her at stake many years ago. She's back now and she's back with a vengeance!

One of the town's innocent men who has been dreaming strange dreams all night, awakes to only realize his dreams have followed him into the real world. When he goes outside, he finds he is not alone. The whole town is still in a dream-like state, having all sorts of horrid hallucinations.

But even under the town's curse, can the one lone man find a way to save the town?

Loved the story! You always know how to weave a tale *Bigsmile* She reminded me of the witch's of Hocus-Pocus. *Laugh* Which I definitely consider a compliment *Wink*

Title and Description
Cute play on the title which caught my attention and the description made me want to read on. A burnt-out witch, indeed *Bigsmile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

Excellent job on your characters. The reader truly gets into the witch's distorted mind and mission. We also get to know Dylan and understand internal good does conquer evil. *Thumbsup*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Good job with the setting. Loved the part about the witch dancing down the hall with darkness and the scene of the whole town in the streets with horrible hallucinations. Great job!

*Books1* My Thoughts

Bill, you should have tons of books in publication. Your writing always entertains and hold attention. It's always a pleasure *Heart*

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,530 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Delight* Hello FruitSeller It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

You have a pretty good start to a fantasy novel *Smile* I kept wanting to get around the next paragraph to find out what he looked like. So, you have the suspense down pretty well. *Bigsmile*

This is a good tale of a being who comes back to earth in the form he so chooses. He came back in the 1600's, which is already a pretty rough time. He nor his mother goes looking for trouble, but they're pretty good at protecting themselves, until it comes the time when they're unable to do so.

The beginning of your story is strong and kept me reading, the body flowed along at a smooth pace and your ending definitely had me wanting to continue reading. *Wink* Nice job!

Title and Description
The title and description had me interested right away and I was ready to read on to find out what it was all about.
The description seems a bit choppy. You may want to make it a bit more clearer. (Robert is introduced to a new fantastical world or does Robert introduce us to a new fantastical world?).

*Bookstack2* Characters

Excellent job with your characters. As a reader, I grew to care about what happened to both the boy and his mother. Fantastic job! *Thumbsup*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Good setting. It was easy to visualize each scene as I read.

*Books1* My Thoughts

There are a few typos and errors in your story as listed below. These are only my suggestions, so please use or discard them as you see fit. *Smile*

*Quill* The below words need a comma after them:

*Bullet* Above all else( )their sentiment

*Bullet* Eventually( )a chorus

*Bullet* Eventually( )the spiral

*Bullet* in this world( )there are many sentient

*Bullet* In the end( )I made my choice

*Bullet* however( )it's in these episodes

*Bullet* Of course( )you might be wondering about that,

*Bullet* sturdy and supporting mattress( )my only

*Bullet* Initially( )he had seemed to avoid me,

*Bullet* however( )he would always visit,

*Bullet* Naturally( )this was by my own design

*Bullet* worth on the slave market( )” he

*Peno* shone with incredible brilliance, spiralling


*Penr* flowing from its white hot core.


*Peng* as thunders while my eyes was too dazed

my eyes were too...

*Penbl* mattress, my only defence


*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(2,168 w/o wml)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Black Rider  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello J. Lynn Lindsay It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Wonderful job writing this flash fiction piece. It always amazes me when someone manages to write a complete story in so little of a space. But you definitely accomplish that here. Your beginning is strong and keeps me interested, the body flows smoothly and at a good pace and the ending closes the story nicely and completely!

The moral of this story is you should never hurt another man's wife. If you do, there will be hell to pay and that hell just may be your judgment day. *Wink* Nice job!

Title and Description
To tell you the truth, when I read the title and description of this piece, I thought it was going to be a play off of the poem, "The Highwayman". Your title and description is appropriate for your writing. *Smile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

The main character is quiet and determined. Though, he's not one of many words (or any, for that fact) as a reader, we are able to understand what made him do what he did. We're also able to see the emotion which drove him to do it.

*Bookstack3* Setting

Great job with the setting. I was able to easily visualize each scene as I read. Well done!

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us. I enjoyed it!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello Bernie writing! It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

This is a romantic story of two people in love. Nothing is as sweet as a brand new love. The sun shines brighter, colors are more vivid, emotions are stronger. In this story the love is brought even closer together because of a loss. The loss shows both how much each other means to the other.

A parent at the time of his death, guides his son not to let this love get away. To seal it by letting her know just how special she is to him.

It's a very sweet story.

Title and Description
What a great title! Creative and unique. Nice job! Your description is perfect. It gives a brief synopsis of what the story is all about. It pulled me in to want to read your story. *Smile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

The characters are pretty well done. I do feel like maybe you could of shared a bit more mannerisms and characteristics to help the reader get to know them more intimately and to care a bit more about them. But you do show some and I was rooting for both of them. *Smile*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Pretty good job with the setting. I was able to visualize each scene as I read.

*Books1* My Thoughts

Wouldn't it be nice if in life everyone could find someone to love so deeply? Love is what truly makes the world go around. Not materialistic things.

*Quill* Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. *Smile*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1.341 w/o WML)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello aquaviann It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

*Laugh* I say, you definitely have the stereo-types down pact! I consider myself a lurker, also. I do love forums -- but I hardly ever post, because most of the time it is to be a bunch of idiots posting. Mostly people who just want a reaction out of someone else and when they get it, it just feeds their ego (though you say this is the ass -- probably the ego which turns into an ass, or an ass to begin with because is ego is out of control *Crazy*).

I visit a lot of forums. Mostly it is when I'm looking for information about something or interested in something. Every once in a while, I'll post something, but I usually do it without reading others' replies, first. I'll just post off of the main post or subject field. Reading other posts can inflame me and I'll want to post, but I hold back, because I don't feel like putting my energy into a bunch of drama.

I always thought it was quite shameful that a bunch of adults can't have a decent discussion or debate. It's quite telling, also.

There's always those lone posters who just look for boards to stir up trouble. Once they do so, they move on to the next, satisfied they did what they came there to do. *Sad*

Title and Description
Love your title and description. It's what drew me in to want to read your piece~ *Thumbsup*

*Books1* My Thoughts

I found myself shaking my head throughout your whole writing. Your piece was interesting and spot-on! Nice job! *Smile*

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello 50's Child It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Awwwwww.... *Heart* Another writing which has touched my heart. *Bigsmile* I could just see those two running together and playing. There's a show on T.V and I can't think of the name, but it's something to do with unusual furbaby playmates. Like a bear and a tiger, a dog and a pig, etc... it's a beautiful show that will bring chill bumps and good feelings while you watch. Your piece did the same. *Delight*

They do not know the rules that they're not supposed to be friends. So, off they go, looking after one another.

I hope if you moved while they were still living that you were able to make arrangements that those two stayed together. Because friendships like that usually rely pretty heavily on each other.

Title and Description
Love the title and love those two names! They seem to be a perfect fit for your unlikely couple. Being an avid animal lover it definitely pulled me in to want to read further. I'm so glad I did! *Bigsmile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

Your characters in your story were based on real life and the four-legged kind. *Bigsmile* You wrote about them well and the reader is easily able to get to know them and the love behind the one who takes care of them. *Heart*

*Bookstack3* Setting

You did a great job with the setting. I could easily visualize what was going on as I read.

*Books1* My Thoughts

Your love and kindness shine through your writings. I'm so glad I came into your port. It's been an honor getting to know your heart. I have fanned you and look forward to talking to you and getting to know you. *Heart*

*Quill* Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us! I truly enjoyed reading it. *Delight*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1.628 w/o WML)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Joy of Friends  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello 50's Child It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

This writing touched my heart. I so felt for you. Working gave you a chance to socially interact and have that friendship bond that you were missing in life. Then when you had to stop working, due to the store closing, you lost those bonds. *Sad*

I can relate to this because I have always had tons of friends. A few years ago, due to life and isolating myself from the world. I let my friends kind of dwindle away. I left a lot of friends behind when I moved and it was so painful. Then when I started trying to make new friends in a new state, two that I got close with, betrayed me. It was so painful, I just stopped even trying to make friends. For me, who has always my entire life had tons of friends or acquaintances around me, it was devastating.

Now for you, your's is made complicated because of your husband. How very sad that he won't allow you those friendships in which you crave. That's not good for you or your relationship with your husband. I don't know all the circumstances so I won't comment on that further -- except to say, you are lonely and crave friendships and I think you should be able to have them. I hope you do figure out a way to make that happen. *Heart*

Title and Description
Your title and description drew me in to want to read your piece, because of what I said above. I believe friendships are very important. It helps fill a void in our souls.

*Books1* My Thoughts
There's a few typos. These are just my suggestions. Please use or discard them as you see fit.

*Penb* Your writing which seems to be copied and pasted, needs to be aligned on the page. It kind of skips down in the middle of sentences -- your last writing I read did this every two sentences. You may want to consider editing both of these to flow more smoothly. *Smile*

*Penbl* The below words do not need a comma behind them:

*Bullet* closed for the holidays, but

*Bullet* hours a day, missed family time, and lost a

*Bullet* store had to be the best, but gave up much

*Bullet* sad state of mind, was changed

*Peng* what my life had been about.

....had been about?

*Penr* customers like company in their homes

... like the company...

*Peny* we had to say good-by to

...say good-bye

*Penv* better times and being stress free

....being stress-free

*Quill* Thank you so much for sharing your intimate writing with us. It is a pleasure to connect with you. *Heart*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(2,368 w/o WML)
Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Talking to God  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello 50's Child It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

This writing touched my heart. It's never easy to love someone we love. Watching them suffer in their end days is even harder. When we know death is imminent and there's nothing we can do to stop it. I believe praying for God to go ahead and take them home is unselfish, caring, loving and well-meaning. Like you said, your mom would never want to live that way. No one wants to live in pain that's hard to control or be a burden to their loved ones. God would not have taken her if it was not her time. But He gave you all a gift in doing so. No longer having to watch her suffer and waste away. It's a horrible thing to go through.

Do not feel guilty about your prayer. *Heart* Even if a part of you was tired and you didn't want to have to go through this anymore -- that's not something to feel guilty about -- it's human. *Heart*

Your momma knows the love you have for her, now even more than before. *Hug* *Heart*

Title and Description
Your title and description caught my attention. I've been in hospital rooms with my husband a lot the last two years. So, I could definitely relate. It pulled me in to check out your piece and read on.

*Books1* My Thoughts

I've lost both of my parents, siblings and many good friends in my lifetime. It's always hard. We never want to see anyone we love suffer. Not only that it truly is hard on the caregivers. We don't want to keep watching things drag on and on. Your prayer was only human and God blessed you, your mother and your family by answering. Better to go on nw to Heaven where she is no longer suffering, than have to stay and keep on suffering. So, please pray and ask God to remove that guilt from you. You don't deserve it! *Heart*

*Quill* Thank you for sharing your intimate piece with us. It truly touched my heart and soul. *Heart*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of BOOK 105 - Sci-Fi  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello {suser: } It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

*read*What an awesome folder filled with stories of Science Fiction! It caught my attention because I love Sci-Fi! I love your description:

It Will Help To Know How The Aliens Are Developing these days.

We have to keep up on those Aliens! There's no telling what they've developed and hiding already on this earth. So any help in keeping up with their newest technology would be a good thing, indeed. *Bigsmile*

But when I opened your folder, I didn't really see any Alien or UFO, USO stories *Laugh* But the stories I do see look really interesting and some of the descriptions really pulls me in and urges me to read on. So, I look forward to one day soon returning and checking out your port more thoroughly!

I like to review and rate folders and give some folders which haven't been rated a chance to shine@ *Bigsmile*

This looked like a good one to me. I hope you enjoyed your Anniversary and have gotten extremely spoiled~

Thanks so much for sharing your work with us.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello OOT™ It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Oh no! How horrible. I wonder if that was her gut speaking to her. Her intuition to get 'Santa' to talk. She was more direct than she usually is and wanted to hear the story. Insisted on hearing the story. What are the odds that the man she sits next to on the plane would end up having an intimate connection (by proxy) with her?

This story is well told. The beginning is strong and keeps the reader interested, the body of the story is well done and flows at a smooth pace. The ending is well done but sad.

I don't think this is a comedy at all, though. How is a cheating spouse comedic? Nah! More of a drama piece. *Wink*

Title and Description
The title is perfect for your story. The description grabbed my attention and raised my curiosity to want to read the story. Nice job! *Thumbsup*

*Bookstack2* Characters

Good job on the characters. Although you didn't go in-depth with them, it was enough to get to know both of them in this short story piece.

*Bookstack3* Setting

Same as with the characters -- you didn't go in-depth with them, but for the short story that it is, it really didn't need it. What you have works fine.

*Books1* My Thoughts

I think your story is creative and unique. Wonderully done. *Smile*

*Quill* I didn't notice any grammatical errors which distracted from your piece.

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,329 w/o WML)
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Certificate  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Hello April Desiree-I'm back! It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

This is a story about a couple on their way to live in America. But first, her beloved must get a copy of his divorce certificate. The love between the couple is apparent as they make their trip to Algeria first to try and get the certificate. After, they will get married then move as husband and wife to their dream land.

I thought you did a great job writing this flash fiction piece. You caught my attention with your strong beginning, the and the body held my attention wanting me to read on. *Smile* Though, when I finished reading, I felt like the story should continue. Also, there was no major problem to get over -- you had the divorce certificate as the problem, but it wasn't fleshed out. After a small wait, they received it and enjoyed their trip. You may want to consider something dramatizing or scary happening. It would add quite a bit to your story, giving it a bigger obstacle to overcome, so when they do, the reader who was cheering them on, will feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness for the couple. *Smile*

Title and Description
The title is good and is what the story centers around. You may want to consider adding a description of your story. I think it will help pull more readers in. *Smile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

Good job on your characters! I felt like I was able to get to know both characters personally. Nice job!

*Bookstack3* Setting

Good job on your setting. Especially for a flash fiction piece. I was easily able to visualize each scene as I read. *Thumbsup*

*Quill* Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wishes  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Hello April Desiree-I'm back! It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

This is a story of a family made up of a mother, daughter and the mother's sister. It is during a time of war, which the family had lost too many from. The mother had lost her son and the auntie had lost her husband and child. The daughter had her special hiding spot where she'd go to get away from many things, including people. It's a bitter-sweet tale.

The story seemed to read a bit choppy. Maybe it was just me. But I did have to go read it again. The second read did seem a bit smoother. But you may want to read it out loud and just see if there's something that stands out for you, where maybe you can expand a bit and make it more apparent of what is unfolding. *Rolleyes* *Smile*

Title and Description
The title is okay. But the story doesn't seem to center around 'Wishes'. I think maybe a title emphasizing a family going through the effects of war would fit better. "One War, One Family" or something similar. Since the description doesn't tell the reader anything about the story, I'd make a brief synopsis stating what your story is about. *Smile* I believe doing so will bring in more readers for your piece.

*Bookstack2* Characters

You have a good backbone for your characters. I think fleshing them out just a bit more, so the reader can get to know them more personally would really benefit your story. Show us their mannerisms and emotions a bit more. *Smile*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Pretty good job on the setting. I was easily able to visualize each scene as I read. *Thumbsup*

*Books1* My Thoughts

I thought you had a pretty good story. *Smile* I just found it a bit choppy and lost my way a couple of times to what was happening. I also checked to see if the date range (the years) changed. Was the daughter now the mother? Which she wasn't. Part of that could have just been me. My brain isn't completely as focused as it should be lately *Rolleyes* *Laugh* But I think smoothing it out just a bit, could help a lot. *Bigsmile*

*Quill* Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us~!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,984 w/o WML)
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Arrival  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Delight* Hello April Desiree-I'm back! It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Good fantasy story. While I was reading, I wasn't sure which ones were the bad guys versus the good guys. I thought maybe the mother and sister were trying to do a spell to drive away a romance between her daughter and another who was perhaps evil. So, it kept me questioning until close to the end.

The rituals were well done. *Smile*

Title and Description
The title caught my attention, but the description didn't tell me anything to make me want to read further. I checked out the genre headings you had it under and decided to read from there. You may want to consider changing your description to give the reader a hint of what your story is about. There are tons of fantasy lovers around here, so I think that would bring in many more readers for your piece. *Smile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

Good job with your characters. I would have liked to have known who was the bad guys and good guys at the beginning. I don't know if you omitted that on purpose or not. *Rolleyes* But that's just my opinion. *Smile*

*Bookstack3* Setting

Your setting was okay. But you have a lot of opportunities to flesh it out quite a bit. Doing so will truly bring your reader into the story and help them visualize each scene more thoroughly.

*Quill* Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us. I enjoyed it! *Delight*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Vlad's Wife  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello April Desiree-I'm back! It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

I was interested in reading this. Vlad has always held a strange attraction to me. (What he did, not himself *Laugh*). He was one twisted man. They said he would even impale rats and bugs. That shows me he had a severe sickness. He was probably schizo with psychotic tendencies. And not just a touch of it either -- full blown! He would impale people in ways that would make the suffering last the longest. People could be impaled for days before dying. What a horrible, horrid way to die! He also impaled women and children -- even children this man tortured! He had too easy of a death if you ask me.

I didn't know anything about his second wife, though. Is this based on fact, or just a story? Either way, I found it very interesting. I think you did a wonderful job for such a short flash fiction piece. *Smile*

Poor woman. I guess jumping into the river seemed to be the easiest thing to do. I'm sure she would have been tortured and enslaved if she was caught!

Title and Description
The title definitely caught my attention, because of all the writings and documentaries I have read and watched about Vlad. The description made me want to read on because I didn't know anything about his second wife (and even if it is fiction, it was quite interesting and an enjoyable read). *Thumbsup*

*Bookstack2* Characters

You had a strong character. I was easily able to get to know her and understand her thinking.

*Bookstack3* Setting

Good setting for a flash fiction piece. If it was a longer piece, I would want a bit more of the setting, but for a flash fiction piece, the setting is fine. *Smile*

*Books1* My Thoughts

Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us. I really enjoyed reading it! *Delight*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

(1,722 W/o WML)
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Final Goodbye  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Happy Anniversary! *Bigsmile*

This was a bitter-sweet story. How sad that she developed such an awful disease at such a young age. It's a horrible disease at any age, but even crueler when it hits one in younger years. *Sad* A beautiful love story of two who had a wonderful life together before one was struck with dementia. The fact she was able to pull into her soul and give them that one last moment together and is a gift that will last forever.

Your story had a strong beginning. The body of the piece moved the story along nicely and though the ending was somewhat sad, it was a good completion to the story. Well done! *Thumbsup*

Title and Description
The title was perfect for the story and the description basically said it all, without giving away any details of the story.

*Bookstack2* Characters

The reader gets to know the characters through a narrator of the story. The love between the two is evident. A good life spent together is cut short way too soon.

*Books1* My Thoughts

The writer does a good job giving the backstory of the two lovers. *Heart*

*Quill* The story left me a bit sad. I guess it hits a bit close to home. But the one main thing to take away from this story (and from life) is the love that you share. It's the most important thing there is and should always be treasured. *Heart*

Thanks for sharing your story with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sundae the cat  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Hello sindbad It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

I really enjoyed this piece. Your love for your furbaby shines through with whole heart totally and completely. *Heart* I can definitely relate, though my furbabies are dogs, the love is the same, their tactics of getting attention are close to the same.

Isn't it wonderful the love and affection we receive from our furry family members? I wouldn't want to imagine life without them! *Heart*

Title and Description
Nice title and cute description. Both caught my attention and made me want to read this piece. *Smile*

*Bookstack2* Characters

The kitty stole the show. Her character is huge and the joy she brings into your life was apparent.

*Quill* I truly enjoyed reading your piece. The beginning was strong and made me want to continue reading. The body of the piece held my attention and kept me reading and the ending brought the story to a nice completion.

It really brought me a smile and chuckle when I read about her snuggling up in bed with you and getting offended if you moved an inch, trying to get to a more comfortable position. My youngest dog does that with me and also snuggles right up against me. *Heart* My oldest dog though, likes to get close and be petted, then when he has enough, he likes his space. He moves down to the end of the bed and likes to have room to stretch out. *Bigsmile*

It's amazing the individual personalities. They always bring me happiness and a smile. When I'm down or stressed, the first thing I want to do is get home and hug and snuggle with my babies. They always make everything feel better. *Heart*

Thanks so much for sharing your love of your furbaby with us.

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Penitence  
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Delight* Hello Prof Moriarty It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Wow! This flash fiction writing is so strong and full of emotion. It makes the reader take stock of their life and realize makes us realize that we never know how quickly the end may come. The things we do in our lives matter. We may have planned to ask forgiveness and make it right, but if we do not do so in the moment we understand the mistakes we've made, it may be too late to do so.

As the man watches his family succumb to the horrifying actions of soldiers, he realizes that in many ways he's just as bad as they. *Sad*

The beginning is strong and kept me reading. The body of the writing propels the story forward at a nice pace and the ending brings the whole story to a sad but strong conclusion.

The writing leaves the reader with reflection and raw emotions. A very well written piece.

Title and Description
Excellent title which caught my attention. The description is a perfect brief synopsis of the writing and drew me in to want to read the piece.

*Bookstack2* Characters

Fantastic job giving us a glimpse into a dying man's last thoughts. *Sad*

*Bookstack3* Setting

The words though brief were enough to know and understand what was going on. For this particular piece, which focused on a dying man's thoughts, that was all that was needed.

*Quill* I truly enjoyed your story. Nicely done! *Thumbsup*

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*


Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by intuey
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Hello two of four It's my pleasure to be reviewing your piece for "Game of Thrones [13+]

Another fantastic story! Will they perhaps meet again in a future story? This is a perfect start to a series of short stories about these two, or perhaps a novel? *Bigsmile* I think she handled him pretty good under the circumstances. I guess one of royal blood of the immortal kind would know how to control his senses. Him being drawn to her by the book she was reading was a perfect way for the conversation and meeting of the two to begin. Nicely done! *Thumbsup*

Title and Description
Nice title. A bit on the creative side. I don't think that title would have ever crossed my mind. Good job *Smile* The description is perfect for the story and definitely drew me in to want to read more.

*Bookstack2* Characters

You did a wonderful job writing the characters. Both were written so the reader could get to know their characteristics pretty well, especially for a short piece.

*Bookstack3* Setting

I think a bit more description of the surroundings and maybe even the surroundings of his past would really add even more depth to already good piece. *Bigsmile*

*Books1* My Thoughts

Great beginning which pulled me in and kept me reading. The body of the writing propelled the story forward at a good pace and held my interest, the ending was fantastic! I absolutely adored the last line. Fabulous way to end this wonderful piece. *Delight*

*Quill* I didn't notice any grammatical errors which distracted from your story. Well done!

Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!

*Notev* WRITE ON! *Notev*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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