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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, J.A Viz

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Forgotten Casualties of War

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: We must never forget our women and men in the military, for where would our country be without them, which is basically what this lovely poem is saying. Themes of pride, honor, and duty shine through this piece, which reminds us all that we have a call of action, which is, supporting our troops, what is exactly what this poet is asking of us. He or she is asking us remember them and pray for them, which I believe is the least we can do. This is a very patriotic and heart-stirring poem, one which I thoroughly enjoyed.Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

Please never forget all these people and the sacrifice that has been made And the freedom we all enjoy came at a price that they have paid To all the people out there who have shed many tears over this pain
We all owe our freedom to you and yours, know your sacrifice is not in vain

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Have A Wonderful Day,

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Face in the Glass

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: This is a beautiful poem. You accomplished a simple and beautiful rhyme rhythm, you make it look so easy! Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can totally relate to this poem. I too, hate looking in the mirror and realize how old I'm getting. So understand of those things of which you speak. I just hate the thought of getting old. But, that is just life I guess. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I enjoyed reading your poetic words.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Have A Wonderful Day,

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Pretty Blue Eyes  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Kings

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Pretty Blue Eyes

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, which caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Good alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: This is an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. The reader can tell you have such great love for this person. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

One day I will show you just how much.
I love you while I treasure your touch.
If my time will allow me from my heart.
you'll have all my love and not a part.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy as much as I have. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Have A Wonderful Day,

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Ramblin Ryan

Disclaimer: Please remember that is only my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive -- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: As My Guitar Sings

Impression Of Title: A perfect title that is suitable to the subject of your poem, that caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. While I was reading this, I felt as if I were right there listening to you playing the guitar. Thank you for taking me away for awhile. I like the tone and subject of you piece. Very nice originality. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. This poem was a pleasure to read and kept my attention from start to finish! You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

At the first light of dawn
golden rays shine from the sun
and the orchestra plays on
lost forever in our fun

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep Writing *Pencil* and Keep Sharing With The Community!

I consider it an honor and privilege to read your work.

Have a Wonderful Day,and Happy Valentine's Day! *SuitHeart*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

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Review of Veiled  
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Poppy Moss

Disclaimer: Please remember that is only my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive -- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Veiled

Impression Of Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a lovely poem you have written here. This is an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. My favorite phrase is:

In each loving caress there's tenderness shown.
Love hasn't faded over the years it has grown.
Beauty shines through from deep down inside,
something ageing can never hide.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have!

Keep Writing *Pencil* and Keep Sharing With The Community!

I consider it an honor and privilege to read your work.

Have a Wonderful Day, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Lebuert

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Welcome to My Garden

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy. I always like to see acrostic poems begin with the first letter in bold or a larger font, so that the words it spells out are easier for the reader to see. I just think it's more attractive that way.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Another beautiful poem you have written. I really enjoy the imagery of it. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. This is a beautiful poem. You accomplished a simple and beautiful rhyme rhythm, you make it look so easy. Nice originality. This poem captures the attention of the reader from the very first line and keeps the reader's attention throughout. What makes your poem is the love behind them - they come straight from the heart. I enjoyed reading your poetic words.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Rose  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Seljo

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Rose

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem, that caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: This is a poem about your beloved nanny. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. The reader can tell that you loved your nanny very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy as much as I have.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, alienbeater

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: When You Were Younger

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I enjoyed reading your poetic words.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Georgia Rain  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, alienbeater

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Georgia Rain

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings While I was reading this poem, I felt so sad for that person, that I just wanted to give them a hug. And tell them everything was going to be alright. I could really feel the agony and despair of this person. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Although this poem was a very sad one, I enjoyed reading your poetic words. Nicely Done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Jesse Blackstone

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Circle of Life

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Perfect just the way it is.

Overall: What a beautiful poem you have written here. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. Such beautiful imagery! There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. The language in this poem is beautiful. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Heartbeat  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Scandalous Poncho

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Heartbeat

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: What a lovely poem you have written here. This is an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have. Very Nicely Done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Here Today  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Septolet

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Here Today

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a good little poem you have written here. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good poem, which I enjoyed reading. Good Job!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Stephanie

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Christmas Season

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a lovely poem you have written about Christmas. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in hi or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. While reading this, it brought back a lot of Great Memories of my children when they were younger. And how they would come and wake us up so early in the morning. So, I know of what you speak. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. This poem was a most interesting read and kept my attention from start to finish! A pleasure to read this heartfelt poem. Very Nicely Done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of The Empty Crib  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, stephanie

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Empty Crib

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. The flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings and brought a tear to my eyes. As I was reading this poem, I did feel the agony and despair of this person. Who wants a baby so badly. What a sad situation for this person to go through. I can not even begin to imagine what that is like. If this is a true story, I hope you get your wish for a baby. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Although this was a very sad poem, I enjoyed reading your poetic words. Nicely Done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Hunters Moon

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Wisdom of Years

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: Wow, what a great poem you have written here. I can totally relate to this poem. I too, do all those things you speak of in your poem. I think it is hard to get old. Next year, I turn the Big 50, I will really feel old then. But, I do think as we get older, we become more wiser. So, I guess it is not all that bad. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. This poem was a most interesting read and kept my attention from start to finish! My favorite phrase (although hard to choose}is:

As I review my history,
there's no scar that I'd forsake.
They say the best is yet to be ...
if I can only stay awake!

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a excellent poem! One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author! I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Weather Cat  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, typingrhyme

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Weather Cat

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a great poem you have written here. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. While reading this poem, in my mind I could just see your cat flying through the air because of the storm. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. It was a pleasure to read your poetic words. Nicely Done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of And For That  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: And For That

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Good alliteration, assonance and consonance. I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Suggestions: What a great poem and tribute to you mom, you have written here. This is a poem about your beloved mom. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. Again, this reminds me of a love letter which you wrote to your mom, and in essence, I believe this is what this really is. The reader can tell that you love your mom very much and that the two of you have a very special relationship. I know that sometimes this can be a rare commodity indeed, so please consider yourself lucky. I know many people who have not had this kind of relationship with their mom. I, too, was blessed to have a special relationship with my mom, so understand of those things of which you speak. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I liked how you put different colors for each stanza. It really made your poem Pop! Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

When I look at you
through the eyes of another person
instead of your little girl,
I see the strength and courage
that I myself hope one day to possess.
And for that, Mom, I idolize you.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!


Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Shhh Silence  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Shhh Silence

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, that caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I can't find any suggestions to make this poem better.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings. I can totally relate to this poem. This is how I get when I get depressed. So, I know of what you speak. While reading this poem. I did feel the agony and despair of this person. This whole poem really struck a cord with me. What a sad situation this person is in. I just wanted to give that person a hug, and tell them they are love, and everything was going to be alright. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. I usually have a favorite phrase, but the whole poem was very emotional, and I liked the whole poem. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a excellent poem. I enjoyed reading your poetic words. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of His Love  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: His Love

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: The only suggestion I have is with punctuation. I would place a strategically placed comma at natural pauses will give emphasis to your thoughts as well as make the flow and rhythm even better in my opinion.

Overall: What a good poem you have written here. This is an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good job, and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Now you are gone  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, daydreamer

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Now you are gone

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: First off, I send you my deepest condolence and prayers on the loss of your friend. May God help you through this trying time. What a lovely poem and tribute to your friend. This is a poem about your beloved friend, who is now deceased and in Heaven with her Creator. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. The reader can tell that you loved your friend very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very Nicely Done.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Jadedrose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: You Became One Of Them

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

{{font:comic}Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. There is such deep depth of emotion and feeling in every line and every phrase which you have written. While reading this I did feel the agony and despair of this person. It seemed like that person was going to give up on love altogether. How sad! This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Although this was a very sad poem, all the same, I enjoyed reading it.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Season Of Love  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Rusty

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Season Of Love

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: This is an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. It was a pleasure to read your poetic words. Very Nicely Done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of The Mirror Thing  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Rusty

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Mirror Thing

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Good alliteration, assonance and consonance

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. What a lovely poem. I found this poem to be very inspirational. It shows so well how it feels when one is willing to let the false sense of self go and become one with God. He does all of these things and more, giving a sense of peace and relief in the wake of fear and pride. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose} is:

Is your life filled with emptiness
Is sadness what you bring?
I recommend you seek the Lord,
Then do the mirror thing.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. This is a very good piece. I enjoy reading spiritual pieces. Thanks for sharing this! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, Countrymom

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!


Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, that caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy. he form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Good alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. I can totally relate to this poem, as a mother. It is quite scary when your phone rings in the middle of the night. I always think that it is one of my children, and they are in trouble. My heart stops beating every time I get a call in the middle of the night. So, I understand of the things you speak. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Deep expression of emotion. Powerful! Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. My favorite phrase (although hard to choose} is:

You laugh together over life,
Some news just won't keep;
Then hanging up, you think
"At last I'll get some sleep.."

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. I must say that I think this was a pleasure to read and wondefully written. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Logan

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Midnight in Missouri

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Perfect just the way it is.

Overall: What a great poem you have written here. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. I usually have a favorite phrase, but I loved the whole poem. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a Great poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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