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Review of Hunting Bargains  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Harry

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Hunting Bargains

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a nice poem you have written here. I can totally relate to this poem. I myself like to buy things from thrift shops, or auctions sales, after a person has died. It's a wonderful hobby, and something I like to do. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nicely done and a pleasure to read!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Nothing Serious  
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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Kesan

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Nothing Serious

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Very nicely done. Although a sad poem, I enjoyed reading it all the same.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Rated: E | (3.5)
I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Staring at the Clouds

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Word Choice: Word good is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I do have a few suggestions. First off, in my opinion this should be in a different format. Example:

Lying side by side,
Looking in your eyes
Feels like miles away

Lying back to back,
Staring at the clouds -
I have found you there...

Secondly, you need punctuation in here. Example:

Lying side by side,
Looking in your eyes;
Feels like miles away.

By doing these two things, in my opinion, it would make your rhythm, and make your poem flow better. But, again this is only my opinion.

Overall: The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I think that, with just a little bit of attention, this poem could really bloom into a wonderful piece. I would love to read your poem again once you make the edits. I'll gladly re-rate it if you just e-mail me.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Meg

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Turnberry Street Poet

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: What a beautiful and loving tribute you have written here, for your friend, Kansaspoet. This is a poem about your beloved friend, Kansaspoet, who is now deceased and in Heaven with his Creator. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. The reader can tell that you two had a very special relationship. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

We'll raise our glasses one by one
To toast the one who lit the flame
Our Campfire Leader ~ Long live his name.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, BScholl

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Forever. You will see. (2nd Place)

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors. I did find one error on punctuation. In the 1st stanza. You forgot to end it with a period. This was probably just a typo error.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is very good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: First off, congratulations on winning 2nd place on this poem. I can see why you won an award on this poem. This was an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I enjoyed reading this, because it was well written, and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: It All Began With A Smile

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: Parting ways in any relationship isn't an easy job. Here the poet has displayed grace through soft and kind words when two poeple are going their ways. I think this is sweet. I mean in today's world who would part ways like this? There would be more of speculations, blames and fights. But parting ways like this is a great way to burn all the grudges and live life afresh without ill-feelings. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose} is:

Promises he knew he could and would deliver
A pleasant man with love for me in his big heart
What we had will live on deep inside me forever

It all began with a smile

I thought this was a perfect way to wrap up your poem. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Forgotten

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is excellent. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye. This, of course, is a matter of taste, and what I prefer.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I can't find any suggestions to make this poem better.

Overall: Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. You brought forth your emotions and I felt as if I was feeling them myself. While reading this poem, I did feel the agony of the depths of deepest despair of that person. I cannot imagine going through such a difficult life of feeling unloved. A person who feels forgotten and unloved. While reading this poem it really pulled at my heartstrings. I just wanted to give that person a hug, and tell them everything was going to be okay. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. This is a great poem. A sad one, of course, but a great one nonetheless. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of REMEMBER  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Remember

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I do have a suggestion on punctuation. But, will not take aways from your rating. I would place a strategically placed comma at natural pauses will give emphasis to your thoughts as well as make the flow and rhythm even better in my opinion. But, this is only my opinion, only you know what is best for your writing.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Deep expression of emotion. Powerful! I like the tone and subject of you piece. It gets the reader thinking. What makes your poem is the love behind it - they come straight from the heart. Very nicely done and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of MY WISH 36 lines  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: My Wish

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: First off, I would like to send you my deep condolences and prayers. May God help you through this trying time. It is never easy losing someone you love. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings, and brought a tear to my eye. Spoke directly to my heart. This poem was also inspirational, because you put your faith in God. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. While I was reading this, I did feel the agony of the depths of deepest despair of that person who lost their loved one. I usually have a favorite phrase, but, Oh my gosh, the whole poem just touched me and brought me to tears. Once again, you have my deepest condolences and I will keep you in my prayers. Excellent poem. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off the the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Harley Cat  
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Harley Cat

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye. This, of course, is a matter of taste, and what I prefer.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. What a great poem. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. I can just imagine in my mind, that cat on a Harley. So funny, I had to laugh. I thought the picture added a lot to your work. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose) is:

Still a Harley Dude in all my glory
Sleeping more than being rowdy
Getting older and that’s a fact
But I will always be a Harley cat

This is such a wonderful phrase, excellent in the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! I really enjoyed reading this poem. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community, And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of God's Flower  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Lena

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: God's Flower

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a beautiful and inspirational poem you have written here. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I enjoyed reading this inspirational piece. Very nicely done, and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Looking At You  
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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Romantasism

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Looking At You

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I do have a few suggestions. My first one is, that I would put this in a different format. Example:

Everytime I look at you my heart cries out
I have a need within to have you for myself
It comes in like the tide with waves so sure
And cleanses my heart to make it pure

Secondly, I think this could use some punctuation. Example:

Everytime I look at you, my heart cries out;
I have a need within, to have you for myself.
It comes in like the tide, with waves so sure,
And cleanses my heart to make it pure.

In my opinion, by doing this, it would make your rhythm and flow much better. But, this is only my opinion.

Overall: This was an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I think that, with just a little bit of attention, this poem could really bloom into a wonderful piece.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Daffodils Haiku  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Peach

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Daffodils Haikiu

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good poem, which I enjoyed reading.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of As the River Goes  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, AshleyR

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: As the River Goes

Impression Of Title: The title is unique, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my iterest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: You have painted a lovely picture of what friendship is. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have. Very nicely done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, AshleyR

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Just like a Rainbow

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: What a beautiful poem you have written here on hope. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

Just like a bright rainbow
In the middle of a storm,
There is hope

There is always hope.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion. I think this was the perfect way to wrap up your poem. Beautifully written, and a pleasure to read. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Who am I?  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, AshleyR

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Who am I?

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is a little choppy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I do have suggestion on punctuation. In the 3rd stanza, you use a lot of periods. I suggest you do it this way, Example:

But who am I in this world?
I am not the Sun;
I am not the Star;
I am not the bird;
Nor am I the clouds,
So who am I?

By doing this, in my opinion is would make your rhythm and flow better. But, that is only my opinion

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. It is about someone trying to figure out who they really are. You conveyed this message very well in your poem. I think that, with just a little bit of attention, this poem could really bloom into a wonderful piece.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Jacob Anderson

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: We'll Say Our Goodbyes in the Morning

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. This was an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Good Job!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, PhillipV

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Father-Your Finished Product

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I do have a suggestion on punctuation. I would place a strategically placed comma at natural pauses will give emphasis to your thoughts as well as make the flow and rhythm even better in my opinion.

Overall: This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Deep expression of emotion. Powerful! Bitterness is found here. Unable to understand and confused. Left alone and lonely. A feeling of the man about to give up on love altogether, because what his father had done to him when he was younger. What a sad thing for a person to go through, and not get along with one of their parents. Really pulled at my heartstrings. While reading this, I did feel the agony of the depths of deepest despair for this man. Very nicely done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Her Words  
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, PhillipV

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Her Words

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I can't find any suggestions to make this poem better.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Speaks of a woman leaving her man, probably to find herself. When I read this, I felt really sorry for the man. Because you could tell he loved this woman very much. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. There is such deep depth of emotion and feeling in every line and every phrase which you have written. You definitely have a true gift with words. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

When she does return to him
Ready to embrace
All that she’d forgotten
With a smile on her face

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. I'm so glad this poem had a happy ending. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of In Her Dream  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, PhillipV

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: In Her Dream

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: What a sad, sad poem and situation that person is in because he loves this woman, but yet this woman is thinking about another man. And wants him to be like the man in her dreams. While reading this, I did feel the agony of the depths of deepest despair of the man in the poem. There is such deep depth of emotion and feeling in every line and every phrase which you have written. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Although this was a sad poem, none the less, I enjoyed reading this poem. Very well done.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of ANGUISH  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, SimplyComplicatedMe

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Anguish

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy. I always like to see acrostic poems begin with the first letter in bold or a larger font, so that the words it spells out are easier for the reader to see. I just think it's more attractive that way.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: This is such a sad, heartbreaking poem of a relationship that has been broken up. It is never an easy thing to breakup with someone you love. But, you have to just get on with your life and start anew. While reading this, I did feel the agony of the depths of deepest despair. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. All in all a good poem which I enjoyed reading, although it was a sad one.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Scars  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, SimplyComplicatedMe

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Scars

Impression Of Title: The title fits and is appropriate.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I do have a suggestion on punctuation. The punctuation, or lack thereof in a poem, is the direction of the writer, guiding the reader. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is direction from the author to the reader. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation. By using punctuation would make the rhythm and make your poem flow better. But again, this is only my opinion.

Overall: I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings. About someone who cuts themselves to make things feel better. What a sad, sad poem and situation that person is in. While reading this I just wanted to give that person a hug, and tell them everything was going to be alright. And that they should speak to someone. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. I think that, with just a little bit of attention, this poem could really bloom into a wonderful piece. Though this was a sad poem, it was a pleasure to read your poem.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Sneeze  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, SimplyComplicatedMe

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Sneeze

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: Very nice poem you have written here. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. I like the tone and subject of you piece. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Very nicely done, and a pleasant read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Ode To Beauty  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Wamique

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Ode To Beauty

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: What a beautiful poem you have written here. This is a poem about someone that you love very much. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. Again, this reminds me of a love letter which you wrote to your loved one, and in essence, I believe this is what this really is. The reader can tell that you love this person very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. I enjoyed reading this poem because it came straight from the heart. Good job!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Stargazer  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Creative Misanthrope

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Stargazer

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Very nicely done and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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