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Review of For My Valentine  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Sum1

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: For My Valentine

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: What a beautiful poem you have written here, about the love of you life. You truly wore you heart on your sleeve. Which was just lovely. This was an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every line. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

So Valentine my love, I need you to know,
By your side I will stay, away I’ll not go.
I give my love freely, knowing you are mine,
Just as I am yours, forever in time

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Sum1

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: What Lives On The Wind?

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. I could just imagine in my mind. those snowflakes falling to the ground. I live in Minnesota so I know what you are speaking of. I like the tone and subject of you piece. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout.
My favorite phrase (although hard to choose) is:

When you hear shrieks soft on the wind,
Listen to the sounds as they blend.
When you hear shrieks,
When you hear shrieks,
Is it only the wind, or them?

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Candle  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Sum1

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Candle

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, which caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. What a lovely poem. This was an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

So if you need
a little light, to brighten up the darkest
night; you might find me on a mantle,
come get me, I’m your candle

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Look at Me  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Look at Me

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Perfect just the way it is.

Overall: I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings. Talks about how our sea are so polluted. I think that is just awful. I think that writing difficult pieces like this one that put your causes of concern out there are something every writer should pursue at least on occasion. There are so few ways to make people more aware and more involved in putting a stop to such atrocities, and this is one of the best avenues to incite change upon. Well done. There is such deep depth of emotion and feeling in every line and every phrase which you have written. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Mentor  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Jace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Mentor

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a great poem you have written here about Mentors. I can totally relate to this poem I have a great mentor, and feel so lucky to have her. She is always willing to help me out at anytime. I think mentors are just great. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nicely done, and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Robin

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Praying Rights

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is very nice, being centered on the page.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: Beautiful piece. I really enjoy the imagery of it. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. I think the picture added a lot to your work. I found this poem very inspirational. Talks about God, and all he does for us. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

I beg this hatred now to cease;
We need to understand – release,
We all deserve to live in peace
With Him – to Whom we pray…

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of The Proud...  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Robin

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: The Proud...

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. What a lovely poem. We must never forget our women and men in the military, for where would our country be without them, which is basically what this lovely poem is saying. Themes of pride, honor, and duty shine through this piece, which reminds us all that we have a call of action, which is, supporting our troops, what is exactly what this poet is asking of us. This is a very patriotic and heart-stirring poem. These men and women sacrificed their lives, and that is why our country still survives. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose} is:

We mustn’t lose the standards
That are built on our ideals;
Appreciate the ‘whole’ we are!
And we’ll begin to heal…

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Robin

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Re-Defining God

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is very nice, being centered on the page.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice. You accomplished a simple and beautiful rhyme rhythm, just lovely.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: I found this poem to be very inspirational. It shows so well how it feels when one is willing to let the false sense of self go and become one with God. He does all of these things and more, giving a sense of peace and relief in the wake of fear and pride. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. My favorite phrase is:

We’re all earthly brothers – created by God.
We can live in peace;
With charity, cease.
And live side by side - as God’s blessings increase.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. This is an uplifting piece about the importance of faith in our lives. You make many excellent points about the need for faith in our lives. I enjoyed reading this spiritually motivating piece.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Chelsea

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Your Eyes Didn't Lie

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Love without trust and honesty isn't really love. You conveyed this very well in your poem. The poem itself was very intense and emotional. Unable to understand and confused. Left alone and lonely. But, he or she saw it in their eyes. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Very nicely done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Keep Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of My Angel  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Kings

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: My Angel

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy. The form is very nice, being centered on the page.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: I found this poem to be very inspirational. It shows so well how it feels when one is willing to let the false sense of self go and become one with God. He does all of these things and more, giving a sense of peace and relief in the wake of fear and pride. I too, believe angels. That is a great relief, knowing someone is watching after you. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. You definitely have a true gift with words. he language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

You do so much when I need your help.
I could never explain all the love I've felt.
My love for you grows stronger each day
Time nor rain will never change its way.

Just by reading this poem, the reader senses the closeness I can tell that you must have put a lot of time and effort into this poem,and I'am sure there were many revisions, but the reward is in the beautiful final copy of this poem. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on such a beautiful poem! You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. This is an uplifting piece about the importance of faith in our lives. You make many excellent points about the need for faith in our lives. And keep hiding His word in your heart. I enjoyed reading this spiritually motivating piece. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Grief  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, TiaraJane

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Grief

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. The flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: This is a poem about your beloved husband, who is now deceased and in Heaven with his Creator. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. The reader can tell that you loved your husband very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Good poem.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of A Broken Doll  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Shirol

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A Broken Doll

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: Good imagery, which helps the reader to see his or in her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. It's about a broken doll that just wants to be loved. Even though it was just a doll, it really touched my heart strings. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. My favorite phrase (although hard to choose} is:

Her pensive lament, her tearless weep,
Left, forgotten, at a pitch-black hall;
To light breeze, she whispers, yearning deep,
For a heart to love a broken doll.

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of A Little Girl  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Jezri

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A Little Girl

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: This is really a cute poem. One in which I think many children would love to read. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. While I was reading this, I felt like I was that little girl looking up at the stars. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every line. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Nicely done, and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, YellowRose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!


Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Perfect just the way it is.

Overall: This was an enjoyable piece that I am sure many will be able to relate to. The subject of love never gets boring, especially when written with such a heartfelt tone. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose} is:

Kiss my lips and walk with me
Warm my heart and my soul tonight
Be with me today and evermore

A pleasure to read this emotional,heartfelt poem, a winner for me. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello, Princess Megan Rose

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Fairies And Dreams

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. How wonderful. While reading this I shared your adventure. Thank you for sharing this heart-warming moment with me. Very nice originality and great imagination. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

Fairies in the forest,
Children and dreams.
Magic and love.
Fairies. You will always be my friends.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Robin

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Grasping Inner Inspiration

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: What a gem of a poem you have here. I can totally relate to this poem. I'm sure other writer's also can relate. Every writer gets writer's block. But, eventually you start to write again. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose) was:

I’m ready to begin;
I’m ready – hit the keys!
I’m ready to create again;
I’m ready – it relieves…

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. You definitely belong here, you have an amazing talent. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written. One in which I would highly recommend. I give you a big BRAVO!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Firefly  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, typingrhyme

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Firefly

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: Very nice originality, and imagination. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. I can just imagine in my mind, those fireflies flying through the air. They are such a beautiful thing to see. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, typingrhyme

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Clickin Around

Impression Of Title: The title is unique, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I saw nothing at all I would suggest for perfecting this piece.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. What a lovely poem. Wow, I can totally relate to this poem. I do the same exact thing you do. I'm sure there are a lot of people who do that while they are at work. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose} was:

Oh I really need a fast cure
For my big clickin’ addiction
Because if my boss sees my plight
I’m headed for a job eviction.

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. I thoroughly enjoyed this poem. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of THE OUTSIDER  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!


Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: I found this poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Really pulled at my heartstrings. I can really relate to this poem. I get like that when I'm depressed. While reading this poem, I just wanted to give that person a hug, and tell them everything was going to be alright. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. I did feel the agony of the depths of deepest despair of this person. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. Although this was a very sad poem, I thoroughly enjoyed this poem. It really touched my heart. Very nicely done!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: By the Rivers Edge

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Overall: What a lovely poem you have written here. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. While reading this poem, I felt as if I were there with you by the rivers edge. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Very nicely done, and a pleasure to read!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of My Stolen Soul  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: My Stolen Soul

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: The only suggestion I have is on punctuation. I would place a strategically placed comma at natural pauses will give emphasis to your thoughts as well as make the flow and rhythm even better in my opinion.

Overall: I found this poem to be very inspirational. It shows so well how it feels when one is willing to let the false sense of self go and become one with God. He does all of these things and more, giving a sense of peace and relief in the wake of fear and pride. This is an uplifting piece about the importance of faith in our lives. You make many excellent points about the need for faith in our lives. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. My favorite phrase was:

A glorious new day has started to dawn
and my soul has began its welcomed thaw
trembling with pleasure as I make my revenant
knowing these wounds have been healed
the Lord will be by my side on my journey.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. I enjoyed reading this spiritually motivating piece. And keep hiding His word in your heart.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Inner Peace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP

General Disclaimer:
I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: "Angels In Disguise

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: I was nosing around your port and I found this little gem. What a lovely poem. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I can really paint the scene and you did a great job setting the mood to it. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every line. This poem captures the attention of the reader from the very first line and keeps the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite part (though it's hard to choose) is:

How very sad it is,
for these angels in disguise,
that some people never see
they are God's most precious prize.

This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Mom  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Jace

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Mom

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is very good. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: This is a poem about your beloved mom. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. Again, this reminds me of a love letter which you wrote to your mom, and in essence, I believe this is what this really is. The reader can tell that you love your mom very much and that the two of you have a very special relationship. I know that sometimes this can be a rare commodity indeed, so please consider yourself lucky. I know many people who have not had this kind of relationship with their mom. I, too, was blessed to have a special relationship with my mom, so understand of those things of which you speak. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy this as much as I have.

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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Review of Peter Adam  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Lou

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: Peter Adam

Impression Of Title: The title is good, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhythm is good. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good, nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Overall: This is a poem about your beloved brother, who is now deceased and in Heaven with his Creator. There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. The reader can tell that you loved your brother very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. I know that sometimes this can be a rare commodity indeed, so please consider yourself lucky. I know many people who have not had this kind of relationship with their brothers. I, too, was blessed to have a special relationship with my brother, who is also in heaven, so understand of those things of which you speak. You are are really wearing your heart on your sleeve in this poem, which is just lovely. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. My favorite phrase, (although hard to choose) is:

As we placed fall flowers
Upon your grave stone.
Until we meet again,
I love you little brother.

I really was touched by this phrase, because I know I too will see my brother again someday. This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely! One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, Countrymom

I have the honor of reviewing your poem for "Invalid Item

General Disclaimer: I hope that my observations are in someway helpful, though I ask you to take into account that what I offer is only a personal opinion and respectfully given to you. Only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: I Had A Long Talk With god

Impression Of Title: The title is perfect, and fitting the content of the poem.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is lovely, being centered on the page, which makes it attractive to the eye. This, of course, is a matter of taste, and what I prefer.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem.

Overall: I found this poem to be very inspirational. I can totally relate to this poem. I too, have asked God those similar questions, but no answer for Him. But, I do know that God does things for a reason, and we will not understand why he does them, until we come face to face with our Heavenly Father. This poem it shows so well how it feels when one is willing to let the false sense of self go and become one with God. He does all of these things and more, giving a sense of peace and relief in the wake of fear and pride. There is wonderful depth of feeling and emotion in this poem and it shows through in every phrase. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You definitely have a true gift with words. The language in this poem is beautiful. I guess my favorite phrase (though it's hard to choose) is:

I've learned to trust Him completely,
My soul and my life is in His Hands;
And I know that He will not forsake me,
For I - am one of His lambs.

This is such a beautiful phrase, excellent in depth of emotion and the imagery is gorgeous with this phrase. I was really moved by this phrase. Because, you are right, we are all God's lambs. Very touching!! This was a perfect way to end this poem. Sometimes we can write and write, but finding the ending line is difficult, but you have found the perfect one here. Simply lovely! It was a pleasure to read your inspirational poem. One in which I would highly recommend. My hat goes off to the author!

Keep On Writing *Pencil*, Sharing with the Community And Rock On!!!

It's been an honor and pleasure to review your work!! *Smile*

Warmest Regards,
janice48 Have a Nice Day!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed" .

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