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I believe in constructive criticism and honesty. I can adapt my review style to fit the kind of feedback an author is looking for (e.g., developmental suggestions, fine-tuning, proofreading, etc.), but will always try to be as encouraging and helpful as possible.
I'm good at...
Plotting, characterization, dialogue, structure/pacing, and professional considerations. I can also do serviceable technical editing/proofreading, but I'm much better with developmental/creative feedback.
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I read almost everything. I particularly love genre fiction (mystery/thriller and science fiction/fantasy especially) and nonfiction of all kinds.
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Review of Songs And Lyrics  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Chef Juan

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

I really identified with the emotions you conveyed in this piece. Identifying with a piece of music, not so much for the specific lyrics but for the way it connects to your own inner thoughts and memories, is a feeling I'm definitely familiar with and while "A Million Reasons" by Lady Gaga isn't one of those songs that makes those connections for me, I am familiar with it and can see why it would be so powerful for some. You did a great job of connecting with your reader to express what you're feeling.

*Firework* Suggestions

Presenting this item as a single paragraph block of text made it a little difficult to read and follow along with, especially given that there are a couple of different major points that you're trying to make. Breaking this item up into smaller, more manageable paragraphs that follow with the central point you're trying to make would increase reader engagement, I think.

*Firework* Overall

Overall, this was a well-written item that definitely got its point across. I've similarly had periods of time where I'm not terribly productive as a writer, and all I can say is that, based on this item, I hope you keep finding time to write because this was really well done! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pizza Party  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Dorianne

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

I enjoyed this poem. I thought you did a great job with the personification of the pizza ingredients and the epulaeryu is a great poetry form for this subject matter. It's a new form for me, but I'm excited to give it a try!

*Firework* Suggestions

The only small suggestion I have is that "Pizza Party" felt like a slightly inaccurate title given that the poem was about the pizza ingredients themselves, personifying them, and making the pizza. There wasn't anything in the poem that seemed "party" related, except maybe the last line, so I can't help but think there might be a better title for this poem that would give readers a clearer picture of what they're about to read.

*Firework* Overall

Overall, I really enjoyed this poem. Well done!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Ned

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

This was a really charming, entertaining story. The character of Crustbin Thistlebum was well-developed and likable (despite having some rough edges), and the worldbuilding that went into this story about the fairy world was really interesting and humorous. Nice work!

*Firework* Suggestions

No specific suggestions for improvement.

*Firework* Overall

I noticed at the bottom of the page that this was a finalist for a Quill Award in 2019, and I can definitely understand why. Overall, it was a pleasure to read. Great job! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Schnujo's in Georgia

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

Congratulations on your account anniversary! Hard to believe you've been here for eight years already! *Shock2*

The Contest Challenge is a great way of recognizing other activities on the site and giving them a chance to be highlighted and see increased participation. You always do a good job of picking a good selection of different types of contests, so that every month has something that should appeal to most people.

*Firework* Suggestions

The only real suggestion I have is to potentially offer is to consider updating the mechanics for how to participate in the "January celebration." Going back and entering every round of the contest is a worthy challenge, but each year we get chronologically further and further away from some of those contest rounds and it increases the chances that a contest will be closed or even gone entirely (I believe you and I spoke about this when I was attempting the Contest Challenge).

It's an awful lot of pressure to put on yourself to have to monitor the participants, encourage them to work on other months if the contest they want at the moment isn't open, etc. It might be worth looking into some kind of universal rule about make-ups that's a little easier on everybody; perhaps something along the lines of having to find a comparable substitute contest to enter that's currently active, or something like that.

*Firework* Overall

Overall, I admire everything you've accomplished with this activity. It's a great way to highlight so many other people's activities on the site, and you're certainly second to none when it comes to the generosity you lavish on your participants! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner
Review of Stage Kiss  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Niki

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

I thought you did a really great job of conveying a story full of emotion in this poem. With just a few short lines and a handful of words, you were able to pack a ton of complexity into the narrator's emotions surrounding her first kiss.

*Firework* Suggestions

No specific suggestions for improvement come to mind. I thought you did a great job!

*Firework* Overall

Overall, this was an engaging, entertaining poem to read. Nicely done!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi citruspocket

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

I enjoyed your review of The Killing Floor by Lee Child. Like you, I stumbled across this book not really knowing a lot about the author or the series, other than that it was highly recommend by several people. Like you, I really enjoyed the way the book played out and thought it was quite well written.

*Firework* Suggestions

I don't really have any suggestions for improvement, as this was a piece detailing your thoughts on a book you read... and you did that just fine! *Smile*

*Firework* Overall

Overall, I enjoyed reading this review; it brought back memories of when I first read and enjoyed the book years ago. Nice job! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dizzy  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Shepard

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

I really like the use of the formatting on screen to add to the feeling of disorientation and dizziness. I thought it was a great way to visually put your reader in the mindset of the author as they experience disorientation.

*Firework* Suggestions

The very last line seems to have a bit of a conflict with the verb tense. "I've" is past tense while "waken" is present tense. I'd suggest either "I've awoken" or "I awaken" in order to make that line fully past tense or present tense, whichever you prefer.

*Firework* Overall

Overall, this was a really fun item to read. I thought you did a great job with it!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Water  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Balloongo* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews *Balloongo*

Hi Pinkpaws66

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. *Party*

*Firework* Positives

This item in your portfolio caught my attention because I'm also someone who finds water comforting. I find swimming very relaxing, and I've been lucky enough to live within driving distance of the ocean for the better part of my adult life, and I've always found the sound of water to be therapeutic.

I think your theory about feeling a connection to water due to our inherent dependence on it for survival is an interesting one and a primal connection to it could definitely explain why so many of us feel that way around water.

*Firework* Suggestions

This item was labeled as an "essay" and it feels a bit short and underdeveloped to truly be considered an essay. I think there's plenty of room to expand it into a full essay with a little expansion, developing some additional points, etc. That said, if this piece is truly includes the extent of your thoughts on the subject and you prefer it to be more of a statement of a brief theory, you might want to consider changing the item sub-type to "prose" or "thesis" in order to better categorize it.

*Firework* Overall

Overall, I enjoyed the read and found this a thought-provoking piece of writing. Well done!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another Writing.com author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

2012 Anniversary Reviews Banner

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Miss you  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Oletha

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I really connected with the emotion and theme of this piece. I lost my mother a few years ago and the experience of grieving the loss of a loved one still feels fresh in my mind. I thought you did a great job of capturing that emotional journey and communicating it to your reader.

*Penw* Suggestions

There were a couple of places where I found small technical errors:

         I couldn't breathe watching your body lowered into the ground

         I need to grieve

         I need to accept that you're gone

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I thought you did a good job with this item. While a little proofreading would be helpful, you still did a great job connecting your reader with the emotions you're feeling, which is the most important thing. Nice job! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed this item. I thought you did a great job creating an intriguing, reflective piece that was easy to read and definitely makes the audience think. It was short and to the point. Really nice job all around… keep up the good work and keep writing!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Curious Chrissie

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

This was a charming poem in honor of your sister's wedding. I can easily imagine it being read as part of a toast during the reception, and getting a great response from all the attendees who know all too well the changes that marriage brings into someone's life. Well done!

*Penw* Suggestions

On a technical level, there were a few places where there was some possessive punctuation missing ("arguing about what's on TV", "Hey where's mine?", "Awoken with tea from last night's dregs", "Graham's love for narrow gages"), and a few places where the subject/POV changed from third person to second person, which felt a little jarring at times. Smoothing both of those elements out would make this poem even stronger, I think.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was a great, really enjoyable read. Nice work!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of WDC Dragon Vale  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello GERVIC🐉Hiccup H Haddock III

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I've really been enjoying participating in Dragon Vale so I thought it fitting that I review it for your account anniversary today! *Bigsmile*

This is a great activity that encourages participation of all kinds across the site. I love how diverse the set of participation options are; there's literally something for everyone to do. The imagery is also excellent and keeps people engaged with their dragons as they grow and evolve. Really nice work on the overall concept and execution!

*Penw* Suggestions

My one critique of the activity is that some of the XP rewards feel a little imbalanced in terms of the effort/recognition compared to other things. For example, "sponsoring a Quill Award" (something anyone can do with a few thousand GPs, and can do repeatedly throughout the year) is worth 500 XP, but actually winning a Quill Award (something that is very difficult to do and can only be accomplished once a year) is only worth half that (250 XP) and is the same value as placing in the official contest (something that can theoretically be accomplished 12 times a year). Similarly, being in the Top 11-20 Most Active Reviewers (something that, as of this review, requires a minimum of 65 reviews over the course of a month) is worth 100 XP, but writing a 500-word short story featuring one of your dragons as a character (something that can be accomplished in an afternoon) is worth five times the XP.

While acknowledging that not every activity has to have an XP reward directly commensurate with the effort, it might be worth increasing the XP rewards for really unique or unusual accomplishments (like winning a Quill, or placing in the official contest) to truly acknowledge the feats that those are and the rarity with which they can be achieved.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this is one of my favorite new activities on WdC. You've clearly put a ton of thought and time into it, and it really shows. Amazing job! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy
for entry "Life in the Fast Lane
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hello KingsSideCastle

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

*Penw* Positives

I really loved the first stanza. The short lines and rhyme scheme really fit well with the theme of high speeds and racing. That stanza is a great example of poetry that makes every word and syllable count in order to convey a lot of information, imagery, and sentiment in only about a dozen words.

*Penw* Suggestions

For me, the second stanza wasn't as effective. Even though the syllable count of each line is roughly similar, the arrangement of the words made the read a little more staccato and rough than the first stanza. The idea of a life "sadly not being joy free" also read as a little confusing... is the intention to say that it's unfortunate the narrator isn't unhappy? The poem seems to imply that being "joy-free" is the ideal, and I'm a bit confused at the intention of that. It might be better to use a more commonly-understood word to communicate the presence of frustratinos... something like "sadly, though my life's not carefree" or "sadly though, my life's not worry free" to better get the sentiment across.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this eight-line poem was a fun read. It's got a really strong first stanza and a second stanza that I think could use a bit of revision, but it was an otherwise entertaining and compelling poem. Nice work!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of An Eternal Flame  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello VictoriaMcCullough

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I really liked the message and the imagery in this poem. I thought it was interesting and really well conceptualized.

*Penw* Suggestions

The structure of the poem was a bit confusing for me. The first stanza is an aabc rhyme scheme, but the second stanza is aabb, and the third is abcd, before the fourth goes back to aabc. Because of the varied structure of each stanza, it was a little difficult to get into a rhythm/flow as I was reading.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I thought this was an enjoyable poem to read, with a great premise and solid execution, despite room for some improvement. Well done!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Flamingo Bat  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Joto-Kai

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I enjoyed reading this item. It was short, to the point, and you did a good job capturing the character's emotional state.

*Penw* Suggestions

No specific suggestions for improvement.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was an engaging read that included just enough detail to create vivid emotions and imagery while keeping things moving along at a brisk pace. Nice work!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Come back  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Juliana Chu

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I like the structure of this piece, particularly the fact that it was a connected paragraph. It was an unusual form for a poem, but I quite liked it and thought it was very creative.

*Penw* Suggestions

This is just a small thing that's not even specifically about the poem itself, but since the intro references the fact that it was written for a contest and, in that case, it would be great to know some more particulars about that (if there was a particular prompt, poetic form that was being followed, line count, etc.). Sometimes that context can help readers better understand your creative choices.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this poem and thought you did a great job with it. Well done!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Kiss  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Bearclaw

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I thought you did a good job with the detail and description in this piece. The reader gets a clear sense of the setting and the atmosphere, which really goes a long way to creating an engaging narrative.

*Penw* Suggestions

Some of the plot elements are a little unclear, like why Ms. Lynette would hire Jonathan May to be her live-in memoirist when he admitted to having never written someone's life story before. Or why Jonathan would agree to do it seemingly on a whim, especially after just finding out that Ms. Lynette can seemingly read minds. By establishing a little more exposition and backstory, it would help to explain why the characters are making some of these decisions which, at the moment, are a little confounding.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was an entertaining read with a lot of potential. The execution as it currently exists needs substantial work to iron out some of the open questions and confusing elements, but it was otherwise enjoyable and interesting. I'm definitely curious as to where the story goes from here! *Smile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Ideal Boss  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Pumpkin

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I thought you did a great job outlining the qualities that you'd want to see in an ideal boss. You addressed the elephant in the room in the first paragraph (that for some people an 'ideal boss' is one that leaves them alone and gives them overly generous praise and rewards), and did a great job of diving deeper later in the piece.

*Penw* Suggestions

Toward the end, some of the points stated to feel a bit repetitive. If you ever revisit this piece with an eye toward updating it, it might be worth considering whether some of the examples can be consolidated, or if you can streamline it a bit.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I really enjoyed the read and thought this was a well-reasoned, well-presented essay. Nice job!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice job! I really liked this piece!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Derivative  
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Twilight Sparkle

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

*Penw* Positives

The premise of someone being in the wrong place is always an entertaining idea that can lead to a lot of potential humor and narrative conflict. I like the fact that you chose two really disparate subjects (calculus and dentistry), as the differences between those two subjects added a layer of ridiculousness and absurdity to the story.

*Penw* Suggestions

It felt like there was something missing from this story. It's more of an anecdote or a vignette rather than a structured story with a setup and a payoff. While the absurdity of a dental student accidentally sitting in on a calculus class is great, with a little more setup, the payoff could be amplified. For example, if you focus on the fact that the student is wearing scrubs, and maybe have her ask multiple clarifying questions that seem in earnest (like she's genuinely trying to figure out how this topic relates to what she thinks she's there for), it can really heighten the reveal when the audience realizes she's simply in the wrong place.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I enjoyed the item as a quick little absurd vignette, but I think there's a lot of opportunity to expand this piece in order to payoff the joke better with some additional setup and narrative structure. That said, I enjoyed the read. Nice work!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Holy Sanctum  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really enjoyed this poem! I thought you did a great job with the imagery and the structure; it was easy to read and flowed well. I also appreciated that you put the poetry form in the item so the reader has a point of reference for what you were trying to construct. All around excellent work! *Bigsmile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of What Matters  
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Thomas Seeker

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I like the sentiment of this poem. It does a great job of separating out the things that can be mercurial in our lives from the things that can be permanent and meaningful. I particularly like the "death where is your sting" line, which is a familiar callback to both scripture and many popular Christian worship songs.

*Penw* Suggestions

The only part I was a little unsure about is the "family, friend last forever" by "lovers may fade" sentiment, as I'm not sure that friends have the same sense of permanence as family. Even family can be something that people "opt out" of in certain circumstances, but the separation between "friends" (being something that last forever) and "lovers" (being something that might fade) needs a bit more context to make the distinction, I think.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was a great read and had a great message. Nice work!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Dr M C Gupta

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I enjoyed reading this poem. I thought you did a good job setting up the two fundamental questions that you ask your reader. I thought the structure was excellent and made the read flow well.

*Penw* Suggestions

No specific suggestions for improvement.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I liked this piece and thought you did a solid job with it. Nice work!

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shadow Over July  
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
The Free Folk image for G.o.T.

Hello Gaby ~ Way behind!

I'm sending this review in connection with "Game of Thrones.

*Penw* Positives

I really loved this piece. The juxtaposition of the negative things that can be associated with summer to the importance of relishing the moment (a theme that's familiar and poignant in the summer months) worked really well. Personally, I felt a connection to the idea that making memories has to be the priority over all the other considerations that come up at this time of year. It reminds me of my own life when, come summer, my wife and kids are all out of school and I still have to work. It can be easy to get lost in the work and treat the summer like any other time of year, but as this poem points out, it's important to make time for the other stuff.

*Penw* Suggestions

For the the couplet "as the skies cast / shadows over July" felt a little out of place in the positivity of the second half of the poem. I might be reading a little too much into it, but the poem seemed to start darker and more depressed, and then move into a more positive note, so ending on what felt like another down note gave me a bit of a "whiplash" feeling. I really like the imagery, but wonder if maybe it should come earlier in the poem, near the top where the other emotions and descriptions match a little better?

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was a really great poem. I thought you did a good job with it! *Smile*


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
The Free Folk image for G.o.T.

Hello Gaby ~ Way behind!

I'm sending this review in connection with "Game of Thrones.

*Penw* Positives

I really enjoyed this well-organized "get to know you" item and reading through it. I was surprised that you and I are just about the same age... maybe that's because you seem so young and vibrant in your posts? *Angelic*

I had totally forgotten about the time you spent working at the slaughterhouse! Wasn't that during the last Game of Thrones, or thereabout? Man, I remember all those crazy blog posts that you wrote, detailing the ins and outs of a business that I honestly never wanted nor expected to learn the ins and outs of! *Laugh*

I'm definitely with you on the loving food and having a sweet tooth, though. I'm currently trying to lose the thirty extra pounds those interests in my life have cost me *Think*, and Italian food (especially pasta and pizza) are up there for me too. I love Chinese food, and I'm with you on the veggies. I have reluctantly come to accept that they are necessarily evils. *Wink*

Traveling is one of my passions too and I can also heartily recommend Portland (except for me it's the Oregon one, not the Maine one). San Francisco has lost a lot of its luster over the past several years as it struggles to recover from the pandemic. Chicago and Denver are on my short list of domestic cities to visit!

Karate was a sport I was involved with when I was younger too! I've always loved tennis but never played seriously, and folk dancing is definitely not something that I can say I've ever attempted.

Um, I understand the preferring to buy books thing but... you hate libraries? *Shock2* I definitely understand the difficulty returning the books; I'm very fortunate that the public libraries around me don't actually charge late fees (unless it's an in-demand newer book). They'll just automatically extend the loan until you return it. I've had a book for like three months that I'm slowly making my way through... *Laugh*

I can't find fault with any of your movie and actor choices; all excellent!

Huskies are on my short list of favorite dog breeds as well. I'm also partial to Australian Shepherds and, although I'd never want one for myself, I can't help but smile whenever I see a pug, a French bulldog, or a Pomeranian. Also, koalas are adorable!

*Penw* Suggestions

I don't really have any suggestions for improvement. In a piece like this where it's nonfiction and someone is sharing about their life, I think it'd be pretty condescending to have "suggestions" about things that they could or should change (except the library thing... we gotta work on that... *Rolling*). I think it was great getting to know you a little better. There was some stuff that I already knew, but a lot of stuff that I didn't!

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was a fun item to read. Even though the bio blocks in our portfolios have a ton of options to fill out, those kinds of things can always feel a little formulaic. I love the fact that you elaborated on a lot of areas here, and really took the time to detail your likes, dislikes, and opinions. Readers will definitely walk away feeling like they've gotten to know you better. Thanks for sharing!


Jeff masquerading as Deadpool
"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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