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I love to do reviews! I can get lost for hours reading all the amazing work from everyone here! I am honest when I review, I love to offer advice or suggestions, sometimes another set of eyes can be a big help!! I know that I always appreciate another opinion or help so I just want to offer the same to others!!~
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Spotting ways to change up just a couple of words and make the flow even better. As well as noticing ways of making the writing stand out even more with adding text color or placement.
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Review by Jen~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Once again I have found myself reading more of your work and feeling as though some of what you write I know I have said myself. It is a uncomfortable feeling to have to almost sit back sometimes and watch decisions and choices being made by a part of you that you don't know, like or trust. Left in those hands what shall our fate be? Sit back and watch is all you can do, yet the feelings that run through us are strong and intense. You managed to express exactly those feelings to the reader. Another amazing job and I look forward to reading even more of your work!
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ironically it is almost 4 in the morning, insomnia has struck again. Perhaps it is due to my own anxiety, ocd, bi-polar,depression and such, that makes it feel so easy to relate to this poem. I easily slipped into the words as I read them and saw myself, I stay at home as much as possible, mostly in my room, my safe haven as I call it. I felt the emotions that you felt when you wrote this, it is an amazingly well grasp on how the jumbled mind works for us. Great Job!
Review of Mystified  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (2.5)
The title did not lie! I enjoyed the randomness of it, uniquely expressed. I noticed a few typos. I have copied them here to show you so you can check to see if it is a typo or supposed to read that way.

unable to understand it, sometime wish I had it all...
(sometimes I wish I had it all)

Being a loner doesnât make it easy, for everybody is a stranger,

Thereâs a swarm of people around...whom should I believe and whom should I not,

Great Job!
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes as a child we are taught to think that what our parents are telling us is just insanely wrong on all levels Ha Ha! However now as I have aged, have children of my own, I realize that perhaps they were not as insane as I may have thought! Advice and guidance is handed down through out the years and the advice we once ignored, is now what we are trying to get our own children to hear! Logic does not always exist in the mind of a child! Great poem!!
Review of Lest We Forget  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (5.0)
That day is one that nobody can ever forget. The pain and grief will carry over year after year for the ones that were taken away. That day will forever burn into our hearts and the images are something that will forever be etched in our minds. Very well written and good flow, you showed in just a few lines just what that day was. Good job!
Review by Jen~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This made me think back to when I got divorced 8 years ago. It truly does feel as you expressed, lost, empty and searching for a way to fix it all and make it go back to when all was right! But there comes a point and time when it just cannot be fixed and you have to move on. This was a very well written poem with great detail to the emotions that rage through our minds and hearts when this happens to us. Write On!
Review of Come And Gone  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW! I was totally drawn into your words, relating perhaps...? The emotions are so raw and painful that the reader can feel them. Lost and alone, feeling like there is no reason to be....seeking and searching for answers. That may never get answered. I thought that this was an amazing poem, great job! As always, write on!
Review of Label Me  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Labels tend to be what society likes to use when they are afraid of the unknown. Sadly sometimes labels are needed for without them some of us would be lost, not ever knowing what we exist under. Labels are a way to show who you are, what you stand for, what you are..They will always be there for us to see, judgement tends to follow. It is a battle for us labeled ones, to fight for ourselves. Great poem, well written and truly pulls the reader into it from the start! Write On!
Review of She Dances  
Review by Jen~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was awesome! It pulls the reader in with the first line, teasing and taunting with words. You can almost hear the music she is dancing to as you read this...you put the reader there with you, watching her dance! Loved it plain and simple~ Great job! Write On!
Review of Abyss of the Mind  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (4.0)
I loved this! Writers block is crushing to the soul, you feel the need and desire to get out what your mind and heart are saying, yet you cannot. It is frustrating and somehow with nothing to write as you said, you wrote something great! Any writer that reads this will be able to relate for sure! Nice job! Write on!
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (3.5)
This made me want to be on a beach somewhere soaking up the beautiful rays of sun, having fun and being carefree! It was refreshing to read, well written and truly makes you feel the warmth of the morning sun! Great job on this and for making the reader FEEL what you wrote! Write On!
Review by Jen~
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
I think that at some point we all feel lost and seek direction. Self esteem is something that I struggle with very much as well as anxiety. I can relate to the paranoia that the man feels. It is a very unnerving feeling to experience...you wrote this well and the reader can feel the desperation the man has. Good job!
Review of Throughport  
Review by Jen~
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Friendship, once strained, is often hard to keep the same. Once something causes strain, then that is forever there..hanging in the air between them...the true friendships will survive the storm..the ones that don't make it? Well then they perhaps were never meant for such weather! Nice job!
Review of Humanity  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your poem for sure got the readers attention, it was well written and easy to find yourself agreeing with it all. This life that we live we take for granted each day. I especially liked this part:

A time to care for others

And love our fellow man

That is so very true and if society would do just that then the world would be a much better place.

Good job! Write on
Review of Weightless  
Review by Jen~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I enjoyed reading this, it flowed smoothly and you used good detail. Sometimes when something in our life comes to an end, whatever it may be, we find ourselve at the mercy of our emotions. End means change and change is scary, therefore it throws our minds and hearts into a tornado of feelings. You wrote this and showed just that. Good job! Write On!
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (3.5)
This was very sweet, they do deserve to be watched over. Risking their own lives for others, knowing each time they leave their family, it could be the last. What an amazingly selfless thing that is! Your words speak true, giving you a well written poem! Nice Job! Write On!
Review of My love  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (3.5)
Everyone has that one true love in their life and when you find them it is an amazing experience. I like the style in which this was written as well as the message you are sending to the reader. And you get that message across is just a few line! Well written, flows nice!
Review by Jen~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This had me hooked at the very start. You were able to express such deep emotions and allow the reader to FEEL her pain. Domestic abuse sadly happens everywhere and a lot of the time it does end like this because they cannot escape. This was a great poem!
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (4.5)
I 100% was hooked at the first couple lines. Life and death causes us all to ponder and guess at what is, what was and what could be. You use amazing details that grab the reader at every line! I think that it was very well written and flowed well. It is a hint into the darkness we live every day! Great job!
Review by Jen~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Short yet powerful! You are able to reach out and get into the readers mind by simply the power of words. That is one of my favorite things, the power of words....because it is so beyond true. Words hold so many meanings and they are how we as humans express ourselves. You did that in this poem. Great job!
Review of Imagination  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (3.5)
Imagination lives within us all and it is our jobs as to weather we put it to use or close it up in a corner of our minds. Putting it to use is where we get hope from. I liked this poem, short yet meaningful. Especially if the reader has their imagination open to all! Good job!
Review of Unfinished.  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem grabbed me at the first line. You feel for her and the pain she is experiencing, you want to help save her from the hell she feels. This was written with emotion and it is shown by the power of words. I think that the reader can easily sense the emotions throughout the entire poem! Good Job! Write On!
Review of You Smiled at Me  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Such a sweet poem that honestly makes the reader can FEEL the love you are describing. It is a wonderful thing when you find someone who makes you feel this way!

Only thing I did notice was the last part didn't flow as well as the rest of the poem...

And so the decades come and go
Three-and-a-half have past
And every time you smile at me
My heartbeat still gets fast

Perhaps maybe changing the second line will make it flow smoother

And so the decades come and go
Over three years have since past
And every time you smile at me
My heartbeat still gets fast

Just my thoughts LoL It is still a great poem even if you leave it as it is. I am new to this site but been writing for years and I know I welcome any and all advice!

Write on!
Review of Doc's House  
Review by Jen~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Your artistic use of great details to describe things, colors, feelings, thoughts...is amazing! I read this with such ease because it flows so well. We all see things differently in life and this poem shows that between the 2 people. Great job and Write on!
Review of Disillusionment  
Review by Jen~
Rated: E | (3.5)
This has a very interesting meaning to it because in fact we are a prisoner of our mind and the illusions of things as we perceive them. This was written with a hint of darkness that captured the reader at the first line. Well written and great job! Write On!
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