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Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Overall Impression: Felt the magical bliss of leprechaun. As a reader, the story made me feel good as read through the story. Evil gets the evil. Good gets the good.

Plot: A simple story with a simple plot that gives the justification in the end.

Style and Voice: The story is written in a simple style with a cheerful voice.

Scene/Setting: The cheer of spending an evening at the bar during celebration times is well portrayed.

Characters: The leprechaun is the main character in the story who slowly spreads his charm all around.

Dialog: The dialogs helped the story to move swiftly with speed in spirit and energy.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Enjoyed reading the story that shows fun and cheer.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): When I read the poem aloud, I can feel the charm of the rhyming words that sounded musical with every pronunciation of the end words.

Artistic Voice and Imagery: The author has successfully created pictures of cheer and fun in the mind of the readers. Reading more than twice, I enjoyed reading the poem again and again to get the cheer.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: The author has taken care.
Review of Forlorn  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall Impression: Emotional. As a reader, I could not help tears as I got involved so much in the story.

Plot: A simple plot with an emotional ending.

Style and Voice: The author's free flowing style fits this story perfectly.

Scene/Setting: An apt setting to help the girl get diverted from the hurt of her heart.

Characters: A few characters to tell the story.

Dialog: The author uses the dialogs to tell about the past, the present and what should be done in the future.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall Impression: Wow. The need of the hour makes us act promptly.

Plot: Simple plot to tell a simple story.

Style and Voice: The author has followed a simple writing style. Yet, the author has to take care of the sentence structure.

Scene/Setting: The setting of the story is simple and the author is quite descriptive.

Characters: Only a few characters in the story.

Dialog: The story is descriptive without much dialogs.

Grammar and Mechanics: Please run the spell checker to fix the grammar and punctuation errors. Second reading is a must to fix the complex sentence structures. Sometimes such structures disrupt the flow of the story.

Restrict the usage of the word 'had' as a reader I felt it crude in some places.
Review of Brown Paper Bag  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression: Felt my heart melt for the little boy. There is a saying 'a wounded oyster mends its shell with a pearl.' The author's abnormal situations in the childhood had helped the author to evolve into a better person with creativity and love for life.

Plot: The author has handled this heavy plot with east. The author has successfully mingled the innocence of the childhood and the matured experience of an adult in developing the character.

Style and Voice: The author uses a standard way of writing using standard vocabulary. The voice throughout the story is serious and it is well maintained throughout the story.

Scene/Setting: The author has proven how a simple setting, the front yard of a store can be used to tell a story with a heavy theme.

Characters: A very few characters and they help in the smooth transition of events.

Dialog: The dialogues fill the story and they help the reader in understanding the story. The dialogues also help to understand the difficult situations the ten year old boy has to go through.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall Impression: The title of the story made me think that this story must be about clowns. But, the clown in this story plays a main role to make the little girl understand the reality in life. The clown in the story evoked fear within me and I have to struggle to come out of the horror that my mind can visualize.

Plot: A simple plot that develops fast to reach the climax. The twist in the story gives a sharp turn to the events in the story.

Style and Voice: The author has chosen a simple writing style to tell this story. The fluency in the language helps the author to tell the story smoothly.

Scene/Setting: The author is quite descriptive in writing about the setting of the story that can evoke fear in the heart of the reader.

Characters: The clown helps the author to bring out the heaviness in the theme of the story.

Dialog: The dialogues between the clown and the little girl portrays well the grimness of the situation. It also shows the struggle the little girl goes through in her mind to accept the death of her parents.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression: As a reader, I always get confused after reading a science fiction. It is very difficult to conclude and tell what happened at the end of the story. Lingering suspense in the end.

Plot: A simple plot that is developed well into an interesting story.

Style and Voice: The author's language suits the story. The standard vocabulary and word choice makes the story heavy and it required a second reading to understand the story better.

Scene/Setting: The scene suits perfectly this science fiction - a deviation from the normal life.

Characters: The characters stay as the testimony to show what happened with the time machine that is not complete.

Dialog: The dialogues tell the story. The dialogues will help the reader to know what happened in the past, what is happening at present and what will happen in the future.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of.
Review of Memento Mori  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Overall Impression: Suspense well maintained throughout. Unexpected things happen when we expect the least to happen.

Plot: A simple plot that gradually gathers momentum and reaches the climax.

Style and Voice: The rigid tone is maintained throughout the story. The author's writing style suits this story with a heavy theme.

Scene/Setting: The scene where there is a constant choice between life and death is portrayed well.

Characters: The characters in the story shows the mental strength of the people who are involved in risky jobs.

Dialog: The dialogues portrays well the tensed moments faced by the people who work with bombs.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of.
Review of Department Store  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression: Curious to know what happened in the end. This simple story with suspense held my interest to read through the story in one go. Childhood adventures brought risks but they also brought memories that will last forever.

Plot: This simple story with the simple plot with a twist. The climax of the story happens as a breather and as a reader I felt relieved.

Style and Voice: The simple language used by the author maintains the adventurous tone throughout the story. The author is quite descriptive in describing the racks loaded with different types of clothes.

Scene/Setting: The author is quite descriptive in describing the scene/setting of the story. The setting of the story adds weight to the main theme of the story.

Characters: The author tells the story throughout. A very few characters help to move the story ahead.

Dialog: Minimum dialogues that are used to bring in the twist in the story. The interference of other characters apart from the mother tells through the dialogues the risks that little children may face from strangers.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of it.

Thanks for sharing this story with us.
Review of Trick or Tweet  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression: Awesome!! Amazing to read through this story. May be one day this can be true, yet, as a reader I don't want this to happen which can wipe away the human race. Technology must not interfere into the life of the human beings.

Plot: Simple plot that develops gradually and reaches the climax. The story has its twist in the middle of the chapters and takes momentum fast to reach the climax.

Style and Voice: The author has used a simple language to tell this story that brims with imagination for it can take the readers miles ahead into the space.

Scene/Setting: The setting of the story is in a world with technology at its peek. When human beings give in to the luxury of sophisticated technology it can kill the human ethics. Hope this will not happen.

Characters: Mr. Carter the main character tells the story. The recollection of his memories unfold the story and tells the story to the reader.

Dialog: Most of the dialogues help the reader to understand the growing level of technology in the world and how man can feel at loss if he is moved away from the technology. The sophisticated technology has made man lazier and not immune to any attack from the technology.

Grammar and Mechanics: The author has taken care of it.

Thanks for sharing this story with us. As a reader, I am awestruck!! Will I be able to write a story like this? Hmm. I am doubtful.
Review of 0 Dark 30  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression: Interesting to know about the life of Troopers. As a reader I could visualize the hard life they face during their training period. Awesome to learn.

Plot: Simple plot that shows the hard life at the training.

Style and Voice: The author's style suits the write-up. The style of writing reflects the hard life at the training. Appropriate choice of vocabulary to tell about the training and the trainees.

Scene/Setting: The setting in the story shows the rigid life style of the trainees and how it helps them to be mentally and physically strong.

Characters: With a very few characters, the author could tell the story crisp and short.

Dialog: Minimum dialogues. The author is quite descriptive that helps the reader to visualize the story and where it happened.

Grammar and Mechanics: Please run the spell checker to fix the grammar and punctuation errors. - hop - hopped, there - their
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The story painfully tells about the misfortunes of a person who gets the shock of his life, one after another. But I found it difficult to read the story as it was pasted as a lot.

Please align the paragraphs with one space between each paragraph.

Please run the spell checker to fix the grammar and punctuation errors. In so many places, there are missing quotations, full stops and commas.

After reading it, I felt heavy at heart and prayed to god for peace for souls who suffer.
Review of My White Lily  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The story is well written with the suspense lingering from the beginning to the end.

A very short read with dialogues but tells the story in the most exciting way.

The story begins with an interesting incident which develops into tensed moments and reaches the climax with an unexpected end.
Review of Trophy Hunter  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The story starts with a scary tone and it is maintained well till the end. The author has successfully maintained the suspense throughout the story. The descriptive language, dialogues and the characters in the story would definitely evoke fear in the minds of the readers. Every sentence is written well to induce the feeling of horror.

The story moves on smoothly without any loose ends and finally ends with a climax that makes the reader feel more scared. As a reader, when I completed reading the story, it took some time for me to come out of that feeling of uneasiness that comes out of looking at the trophies collected by Lester.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
First I must appreciate for your efforts to read more information and write them down in a well structured essay. You have started the essay with a very good topic sentence and has successfully developed the main theme into a readable content.

The transition between paragraphs is smooth as one idea develops into another. The ideas are interlinked well. Some of the reference you have quoted in the essay shows that you have spent commendable time in reading books about crows in the library. Yet, please check if you are following the particular style as needed in writing down references within the text or essay.

In the third paragraph, the words 'You must wandering' must be 'You must be wondering" Kindly check. Please read word by word as the spell checker could not fix these words. These words may give a different meaning in the context of the content.

Please run the spell checker to fix the grammar and punctuation errors.

The request to compare crows with the man shows that there is further room for development of this essay. The examples that you have used to show crows as clever is also something to share with every reader.

The conclusion of the essay sums up the whole idea of the essay and the main theme of the essay is once again reaffirmed in the last paragraph.
Review of Shakedown  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Enjoyed reading the story.

A story that is heavy with much thought, much content and more philosophy to ponder. After I read the story, I felt heavy at my head and could feel my grey cells laden with some puzzling thoughts about the human life.

The heavy writing style of the author makes the story really worth to be read. Sincerely, I read the story more than two times to understand the underlying thoughts of the author in the story and the main theme of the story.

The author is quite descriptive in most of the places and this also adds more strength to the story. The descriptive language used by the author brought before my inner eyes, the ambiance of the university, the way the old man looks dressed and also his appearance.

As an author you have successfully blended together philosophy, medical knowledge and creativity in this story. It is really tough to combine these three in the correct proportion to give a good story. You have done it. Keep it up!!
Review of Damon's Lilies  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The story sent down a feeling of shiver down my spine. The author has successfully evoked a feeling that I could not tell. Is it a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety or fear? As a reader I could not make it out.

The story begins smoothly and slowly unfolds the knot and reaches the climax. The end of the story left me breathless and stunned for any words or thoughts.

The author's style of writing helps the story to move on smoothly with good transition. Each paragraph is well connected with the next paragraph and the events are perfectly connected with one another.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The author requires specific writing skill to write about physical intimacy. As an author you have succeeded in that. To write down one by one as if in a process, you have beautifully written down the evolving intimacy between the two. The writer's writing style helps the story to move on smoothly, moving from one event to the other.

The story does not have more dialogues and the author is quite descriptive as this story demands. I have a doubt if I would be able to write like this. To come out of the mind block and write openly such intimate experiences need some courage to write so.

The story begins smoothly, gathers speed and finally reaches the expected climax.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Scary to read through. As an author you have successfully told a horror story without writing much.

The entry every day is written crisp and short and conveys what the author wants to tell.

The story thread combines every event smoothly and the transition goes smoothly unfolding one event after another.

The author has taken a usual happening to tell a story and the story at the end did not fail to evoke a feeling of horror within me.

Thanks for sharing.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Interesting read.

The author has used successfully dialogues to tell the story. From the dialogues, the reader will know about the setting of the story, the time period in which the story happens, the location of the action and also about the characters in the story.

The dialogues also help to unfold the plot, to move forward the conflict in the story. It also helps to project the main theme of the story.

The dialogues helps the reader to understand the tone of the story.

In this story, the dialogues help the author to take forward the story with the smooth transition.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Reading science fiction makes me feeling dizzy as my brain could not understand how wild the imagination can unfold like this.

I enjoyed reading this cute little story, yet could not make out the end of the story.

"The experiment going great, it’s ended as you predicted 93 human year and its only take us a little over two days" - This dialogue keeps me wondering what does it tell in the end. May be as a reader I am still need to improve myself to understand stories like this.

The story starts with a catchy introduction that could hold the reader's attention and helps the reader to read more. The story has a twist and also a conclusion that ends with a punch that reveals the knot of the story. Writing a short story with all the elements of a short story is really a challenge and as an author you have succeeded in that. Keep writing, your imagination skill is amazing.
Review of My Soldier  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well written with emotions tightly packed. The story with a sadder tone reflects hope and strength of a human heart that is ready to accept and face life as it is. The strength of the character as a mother is beautifully brought out. The mental strength of the girl as a mother is amazing and that is what happens every where around the world. The mental strength of women helps them to pull through all types of adversities and help their children to achieve the best.

The story starts with an introduction that captures reader's attention and the story concludes with a conclusion that shows the strong decision of the girl as a mother. It brought tears to my eyes.
Review of The Accident  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The write-up is packed full with emotions. No one can substitute mother in this world.

The author begins the article with an introduction that catches reader's attention. The sad tone of the article is set in the first few sentences and it is maintained throughout the article till the end.

The author has successfully conveyed the heart-felt emotions through the well framed sentences that convey the emotions strongly bringing tears to the eyes of the reader.
Review of Hot pockets  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The story sketches realistically an experience some men go through in their old age. The female partner who looked as a menace during youthful days, slowly turn out to be a must and they need them as they need air to breathe.

The author with the help of dialogues of an old man has brought out the pain and monotony in the lonely life. Personally, I have also seen some old people who live in their past and try to connect them with their present life. It is pathetic now our youngsters hardly have time to spend for them.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Enjoyed reading the article as it brought back memories of my childhood also.

The author has been quite descriptive in writing about the daily walk to the school. The author has used appropriate words to bring in the charm of the environment with the flowing of the icy cold stream along with the innocent giggles of little children.

As the author tells, it is true, sophisticated life could not substitute with the natural beauty and the happiness it brings to one person. Nature brings in a happiness that cannot be produced by the sophisticated technology.
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