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Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Cinderella is a fairy tale every girl loves to read and imagine to be the Cinderella seeking her Prince.

As a reader I enjoyed reading this story as it is written with a different tone and twist. The story begins with the usual touch of the Cinderella story, but gradually develops into a story with a sudden twist.

The author is successful in bringing in the touch of horror with the dialogues as spoken by Cinderella.

The story half way through develops into a story that reflects the modern life and how children do not want to let evil things go away without any punishment. Sadly this story brings out the mental problems children face due to the misgivings of adults who did things out of sheer selfishness.

The story concludes with a sad tone and will definitely bring tears from the eyes of the reader. It brought tears from my eyes as I could feel the pain in the heart of Cinderella.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A rich tribute to your beloved friend.

Thanks for sharing this article as it is heavy with frank thoughts and admiration for a well known artist who excelled in her profession.

The article is a good recollection of thoughts as I personally felt my presence over there.

The author's personal definition of the word 'diversity' is strongly supported by including an apt example. Talking about playing on the piano, the author takes the event as an opportunity to explore and share the heart felt feelings about a wonderful person.
Review of Pegasus Heights  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The story lovingly reminds me of my childhood days spent among trees, bushes and literally chasing hen around the sprawling space. Twenty years ago when there was not much hype about technology, lives were different and peaceful. Television did not dominate the lives and only newspapers and radios were there to inform what happened around the world.

The author with the use of dialogues has successfully brought the serene atmosphere in the stem punk age. I still remember watching the train puffing up steam and pull along carriages filled with passengers.
Review of Christmas Thought  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful thoughts written down with rhyming words and appropriate vocabulary. While writing poems with the religious tone, it is tough to choose standard vocabulary that will uplift the poem with the high standard mark. As an author you have succeeded in that.

The poem truthfully reflects the state the world is in now and how important it is to save the world.

"An awakening begun". These words painfully notes down how an awakening has not yet materialized and brought an understanding in the life of many. The poem starts rejoicing Christmas and concludes with a sad note that the reason why Christmas is being celebrated all through these years has not succeeded to achieve the real meaning of Christmas that fulfills the birth of Jesus.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thanks for sharing this story that is different from the usual fairy tale. As a reader, I really appreciate the author's attempt to write something that requires wild imagination.

The language used in this story has the native expression, native tone and the language that is raw and old. These things added some charm to this story that was told long ago.

Yet, as a reader, I felt stuck sometimes due to the language. I could not stop thinking why did the author forget to run the spell check to fix the grammar and the punctuation issues. Apart from retaining the local tone of the language used, in some places I felt grammar fix is a must. But to retain the beauty of the story, it can also be excused.

Being alone in a castle with all the people sleeping around, may be really scary. The last line of the story shows how scared were the little children as Jon could not stop crying after seeing his mother awake. Jon cries his heart out and it touchingly shows how he missed his mother and she is more important than the delicious food prepared for the birthday party.

Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thanks for sharing this article, as a reader, I learned something about marketing.

This essay starts with a catchy introduction that introduces the main theme of the essay to the reader. The introduction also gives the clues for the readers, what to expect to read in the following paragraphs and also about the focus of the author toward the subject.

The author has aptly used relevant examples to show the difference between different needs of man and have also explained how important they become under different context and needs.

The essay ends with a conclusion that sums up the whole essay. This essay with the structure of a persuasive essay discusses every idea in an impressive way to cover the important elements of the topic.

The ideas are organized in the correct order and each idea is connected well to the other. The transition of ideas and the flow of the essay is smooth.

This essay shows the author's unique writing style and has successfully presented the ideas in a tone that reflects the author's individual outlook toward the topic.

Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
It started with an interesting beginning. The title distracted me too much and as a reader I expected a different story. With a lingering suspense, the story moved ahead and took the most unexpected twist.

The author has been successful in bringing together the love experience of the character with a charm. Dialogues helps the character to bring it into life.

After reading the story, I could feel the warmth and the smooth skin of Jen. Amazing. Isn't it?
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Title - Apt title.

Even after reading the poem for more than three times, as a reader I felt I have not explored the in depth meaning of the poem that the author wants to convey to the readers.

After my first read of the poem, I understood that the author discusses the modern day fleshy attraction and how people want to explore dazzling beauties who look enchanting due to modern technology.

"Of that well-rehearsed and well-deserved pony ride..." The last line of the poem sums up the meaning of the whole poem.

Does the author want to tell that sexual encounters with unknown may turn out to be boring than the ones with the known people? Still could not get a clear understanding, and so I kept on reading again and again.

The author has used selected words to give a standard read to the poem. Only people with higher intelligent quotient would be able to understand it better.
Review of Survival  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A cute little poem that talks about survival of the fittest in this world that runs behind materials.

The author aptly uses flower to show how young lives are crushed beneath everyday struggles and the challenges they have to meet in life to be successful.

Though the author has used simple words to write this short poem, they speak volumes that are untold.
Review of Slab Kitty  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The author is at the height of wild imagination spinning creative threads artistically with the theme of God particle.

As a reader, I am amazed at the expanding area of imagination that can travel several light years within seconds to reach the distant point on the great universe.

Already 101 things are happening around the world that question the peaceful life on Earth, and this short story brings into me more worries about a blissful life in the near future.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Title: Catchy enough to make me read

Topic sentence: Good to persuade the reader to read more.

Main theme: Usual rant that has been discussed in an unusual way.

The author's rant caught me half way as I felt so heavy with so many thoughts discussed in one go. Though interestingly the topic was discussed across, it would be better if you have split into paragraphs for easy reading. As it was pasted as one lot, it strained my eyes too much. The author as a good observer was able to collate too many thoughts that often go unnoticed.

Please run your spell checker to fix the grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. The topic is one with a serious tone and the grammar, spelling and punctuation errors disrupted the flow of reading.

If you split this write up and make it into paragraphs, it would be great to read through.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am very much new to this type of writing. As an author I feel it requires very wild imagination with a creative bent of mind that can deviate to the highest degree.

The story begins with a suspense and unfolds further with interesting events. As an author you have successfully brought in the Christmas theme and you have brought smiles and happiness also.

This story can be developed further. Expecting to read more.
Review of Cuisine  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Scary read.

After reading the title, I expected to read some story related to cooking or a food item. While reading through the story, it developed into an unexpected story that made the hair on my hand stand straight. An unexpected twist in the middle with a scary climax.

The story starts with a simple beginning. But slowly it evolves into a thriller which made me sit on the edge of my chair. While Adam started to walk struggling on the dark steps, I started to feel something is going to happen. When I read how Adam met his end, I could not control my heart beating faster. So scary....

As an author, you can write very good thrillers. You know how to bring the twist into the story and complete the story with an unexpected ending. If you can write more and develop this story, it will be a good thriller.
Review of Smoke and Mirrors  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A well written story that strongly reflects the mindset of the young people who live now. Technology has made man's life sophisticated and less work, but it has not filled the void that is widening day by day, as the girl points out. The void is deepening by not providing any answers for the spiritual awakening of the human mind or giving the maximum support to a life that has become stressful and mechanic. Younger generation relish in empty pleasures and they really don't know or don't have anyone to direct them to achieve the ultimate happiness in life.

The dialogues are used to reveal the transition that the girl undergoes and also the mental set up of the boy who really don't know how to fill the growing void between them.

Review of The Power of Love  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Life is being happy. If you’re not happy, you can’t buy any oranges.

Thanks for sharing your organized thoughts neatly jotted down one by one. This write-up has an impressive introduction that starts with a sentence to hook the reader to read further.

As an answer to the question, "Who are you?", as an author you have written down a beautiful love story that develops slowly to reach the end and show the readers the real meaning of love.

The story evolves beautifully into a worthy love story that sadly ends with the death of Desmond. Desmond not only helped Camilia to understand what is life, he has taught the readers also what is love and what is life. Thanks for sharing the story.
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The story with a different perception. Applauds to the author who is so imaginative to write down the thoughts of the wood that was made into a cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. How shuddering it would be to feel the pulse of the lord in pain!! Just could not think about it!!

It had become an usual thing in the present world also to enjoy the pain of other people. As an author you have used standard expressions and standard language to lift up the weight of the story. An appropriate story for the month.

Keep writing. As an author you are so good in expressing emotions that are not described so far or felt so far.
Review of Vlad's Wife  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
As a reader, I enjoy reading stories that are reflection of something that happened in the past. The story starts with a suspense that slowly unfolds and tell about the happenings in the place. As a reader, I sincerely appreciate the language used by the author to bring out the charm of the historic age.

The author has successfully developed the character Jusztina that shows the mentality of the women who lived in that period. Expecting to read more and know more about the past. Keep updating.
Review of Just Jump  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thought provoking. When I went through this article, I felt it reflected the thought process that I am at present going through. In the middle trench in life, I don't know if I will cross and reach the other side or fell into the ditch and succumb to circumstances. But as an author you have given optimistic hope that there will be a way out for this also. That helps me to uplift my confidence and gather strength to face life as it is.

There’s a couple people at the top, a couple people at the bottom - 'a couple of people at the top' 'a couple of people at the bottom' - missing preposition 'of'

Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Interesting read. In the first read, as a reader I read as an usual story. In my second reading, I found it to be a different. Half through the story, I realized it is a story about turkey and holiday feasting. Quite an imagination that showcased the dialogues between birds discussing how to survive holiday feasting.

Every living thing in the world has the right to live. As an author you have brought out quoting how turkeys as birds have the right to live in this world.

The dialogues are lively and they will help the reader to understand each and every character in the story.
Review of Stuck On You  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
An interesting read. As an author you have succeeded in developing a small theme into something interesting to keep the reader reading the story in one go. As an author you have a smooth way of writing down the story and let the story unfold beautifully just like a flower that slowly unfurls its petals. Not only Mary had a hearty laugh, I also laughed heartily after reading this story. Keep writing.
Review of Thankful  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The author's inspirational tone will definitely succeed to inspire the reader. How true it is to be blessed with perfect five senses that will make our life a happier one. This poem written with standard vocabulary lifts the poem to a higher level, for as a reader I have to read it again and again to understand the in depth thought that lie in the heart of the poem. The last stanza of the poem beautifully sums up the poem and convey the message of the author.
Review of Those Eyes  
Review by Kalai
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The author captures the reader's attention by the first few lines of the poem.
Behind those eyes
Unspoken thought,
Performs its playful dance,
To melodies that only you can hear.
The reader will definitely feel it in the heart.

That I escape the danger you devise,
Within unspoken thought behind those eyes. - The reader is once again captured by these strong lines.

Though the poem is written in free verse, it does not compensate with deeper meanings every line.

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Review of Last Heartbeat  
Review by Kalai
Rated: E | (5.0)
Enjoyed reading the poem as it beautifully portrayed love with simple words. The first stanza of the poem explains love life in a nutshell. In the same the last stanza sums up the meaning of love as a conclusion to meaningful life. It is true we never look for our heart beats while we take our valuable time to listen to the heart beat of our beloved. The poet shows maturity of thoughts and matured way of expressing feelings and emotions, Keep writing.
Review of The Drowning  
Review by Kalai
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Enjoyed reading the story. The story gave me a glimpse of life that I did not know so far. The beginning of the story hooked the attention of the reader and it made me read further. With one go, I finished reading the story. The free flowing sententeces with simple word choice has helped the author to build up a story with hidden suspense. In the end, I felt I have read a story about a lifestyle where there was no place for emotions or feelings and people just walk away once their work is done. Does it show the changing attitude of the people? Must be true according to the author for the successful portrayal of life without any compassion.
Review by Kalai
Rated: E | (5.0)
Quite an interesting read. It took some time for me to understand the story hidden. As an author, you have succeeded in having the reader's attention. You have also succeeded in maintaining the suspense of the story. The story has an abrupt ending and as a reader I wish to read more. Keep writing.
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