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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello Sil .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Flash Fiction 1st entry ever today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

I've scanned through all the flash fictions in your port and the was the last one I read. I read them in the order in which they caught my attention. I already know this is Flash Fiction by the folder title, perhaps you could think of a good name which will really hook your readers in?

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

The characters work well. The tone in which they come across feels child-like. I'd maybe pitch them around 8/9 years old (given that the girls are still playing weddings), and I love the boys natural instinct to tease the girls off their court!

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

It works really well. You have the scene nicely set, a conflict, a resolution and a conclusion. All the component for a story in less 300 words. Well done. The shortest I've managed is 500. *Rolleyes*

*UmbrellaO*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*UmbrellaO*

When the narrator realises his friend is holding a rattlesnake we see him freeze and start to retreat. The only thing I felt I missed out on was the panic of scattered thoughts as he worked out his plan of action. It all felt just a little too easy and calm for such a young boy.

*UmbrellaB*Thoughts on the ending:*UmbrellaB*

What is 'Batter Up'? I get the feeling it's a perfect ending, but I don't know what it means. *Blush* It's the 'Brit' in me I'm afraid. *Smile*

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

Very difficult to get this into a piece of flash fiction, but not impossible. The crown of dandelions gave me a nice visual reference for the girls, but that's about it. Perhaps that is something to build on in future stories?

*UmbrellaB*Outstanding questions or issues:*UmbrellaB*

Watch out for repetition, especially in such a short piece. In this line, the word snake is repeated 3 times in very quick succession:
"Sure enough he had a snake. My dad’s a herpetologist, so snakes don’t scare me. It was probably a king snake."
You could try something like this:
"Sure enough, he had a snake, which didn't bother me as my Dad's a herpetologist...

Just a thought, but if you added 'harmless' before 'King Snake', it might help emphasise the difference when he realises that it is a rattlesnake. Similarly, you could tip the reader off that he recognised the rattlesnake by its distinct markings. When you later refer to the diamond back, (for those who know nothing of snakes)it will tie back to his earlier observation.

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

I think a comma is needed around these dialogue tags:
""That is going to leave a funny green ring," I snickered."
“I bet I can get them stupid girls out of the infield,” Josh said.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

A good piece of flash fiction based on a great idea. I love the big 'reveal', and I had no idea he was going to pull out a snake. It's always great if you can surprise your reader. *Shock*

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Puss-Puss  
Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello Asiah .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Puss-Puss today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

Lol! Well, it made me smile, and I was certainly curious enough to want to read it. Good choice. *Smile*

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

Both characters bring something special to this tale. The narrator gives me the opportunity to experience the lovely surroundings of that Autumn morning walk, and Puss Puss brings heart and warmth to the tale. As I read this it was very easy to warm to both characters equally.

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

This is a short and simple story about how a cat came into one owners life, and for me, the pace works fine. I particularly enjoyed the simplicity of the tale.

Though I quite like the tone of the introductory paragraph, I wonder whether, in a story so very short, it might make for a smoother read if the time-line was linear. So, instead of:

How we are now -> How we met -> How we are now

You could make it:

How we met -> How we are now

The flow could also be smoothed out a little by shortening a few of the longer sentences too and perhaps breaking that middle paragraph into two smaller paragraphs.

*UmbrellaO*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*UmbrellaO*

In a short story, or any story, there is normally some sort of conflict or dilemma that requires a resolution. There isn't really any conflict in here, which could for some readers make this a less interesting read. For others, it won't matter a hoot! *Wink* So, the comment is purely food for thought.

*UmbrellaB*Thoughts on the ending:*UmbrellaB*

I love the image of the contented cat and owner. I also enjoyed reading your opinion on naming conventions for animals. You made me smile with your very clear cut ideas of what is and isn't suitable.

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

I *Heart* this line, "like a living breathing pillow", it gives me a visual reference and an emotional one too. Really nice touch, it made me smile!

"They had all been replaced with Martin, Andrew and would you believe Steve?" And here, you made me chuckle. Good going for such a short story! *Wink*

*UmbrellaB*Outstanding questions or issues:*UmbrellaB*

Is there a reason why you made the point about being relaxed when the cat crossed your path? I re-read this bit twice to see if it was meant to be important, but I couldn't quite get the connection. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious. *Blush*

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

I'm not sure this is a sentence which quite makes sense, it sounds like more of an opening to a sentence, what do you think:
"Walking for exercise and peace of mind before the day fully realized itself"

Watch out for tense changes. In this story there are several changes of tense which just confused me and halted the flow a little. For example:

"The brindle cat sleeps at the end of the bed." Present Tense
"I was walking around Lake Monger" Past Tense
"The slight chill in the air at Easter is always my favourite time of year" Present Tense
"I was strolling on the path taking my time" Past Tense

There were also a few long sentences during which I lost my train of thought, for example:
"Her paws tucked under her furry whiskered cheek and her tail neatly encircling her whole body like half a frame making her form look like a small neat compact device..."
You could break this into two, for example:
"She is curled into herself with her paws tucked under her furry whiskered cheek. Her tail frames her whole body making her look like a small, neat compact device..."

Another sentence, which is just a little complicated to follow, is this one:
"To see them would always fill me with a light anxiety when one of the group would be lagging behind and the mother seemingly ignorant to the fact, but be grateful when the little one would realise and scamper off to catch up with the family."
You could try to simplify the message as follows:
"To see them made me feel anxious. It seemed inevitable that one little straggler would struggle to keep up with the main group, and the mother always seemed ignorant of the fact. I couldn't relax until the little one caught up and scampered off with the rest of the family."

I think you may need a comma after 'out':
"One day I heard a lady on my street calling out, “Steve, Steve, come here now!...”

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

I enjoyed reading this short story, and what particularly stood out for me was the way in which you incorporated a sense of personality and humour into so few words. At the end of this tale, I felt content that both owner and cat were happy and deserving of each other. Thank you very much for sharing. *Smile*

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
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Hello Ida_Matilda_Wright Help .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Hungry Monsters Need Love Too today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

The very reason I read this is because of the wonderful title choice. It totally hooked me in! I had to know what those monsters were and why the were hungry for love. I was completely wrong about where the story ended up, and I was glad to be surprised.

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

Ah, I could picture those two little children, alone and terrified in their tents as they wondered what had happened in the tent next door. I remember having a wildly over active imagination, and their fears and worries are very, very believable.

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

Short and sweet, it didn't need anything more.

*UmbrellaB*Thoughts on the ending:*UmbrellaB*

It made me smile. My only suggestion is to be less explicit about what the noises 'really' were. I think most adults would work it out, and to spell it out almost detracts from the naive and gentle tone achieved in the writing.

Rather than this:
"As adults we both know that the sounds of that night was the sounds of our parents showing their love for each other in an adult way, but Mom could never uderstand why she had to get us a sitter when they planned camping."

I'd be tempted to go with something a little lighter: "As we grew into adults our understanding of those 'moans' took on a whole new meaning, and whenever we reminisced about camping trips, that was one memory on which we chose to politely refrain from comment"

I also didn't quite get the meaning of that last sentence about the sitter. Sorry if I've missed something obvious!

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

A few spelling /typo spots, I'm English, so if I've got some American variations please ignore:

I think 'forrest' - might be 'forest'
Is 'breaze' supposed to be 'breeze'?
I think 'franticaly' - might be 'frantically'
"Mom had gotten quite," - Do you mean 'quiet'?
"krickets" - Over here, we spell it 'crickets', but ignore that if you spell it differently.
"certian of our fears" - I think it should be 'certain'
"Mom could never uderstand why she had to get us a sitter" - I think it should be 'understand'

This sentence doesn't quite make sense:
"She was moaning, Their tent was touching the side of ours, moved franticaly creating waves up the side of the canvas."
Perhaps try something like this:
"She was moaning, and our tent, which touched theirs, began moving frantically. The canvas moved in waves up and down, up and down."

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

I love stories like these, small snapshot memories about childhood impressions of the world. Thank you for sharing this very sweet tale.

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame
Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Isaac Asimov Fan Package!
This package includes many things, one of which is this review from the "Invalid Item!

*Pencil* Thoughts and expectations from the Title:
Well, I'm normally a real fuss-pot with my titles, but I love anything to do with Christmas, so I was hooked with very little effort. If I was to be super-picky, I'd say that perhaps this title has been over-used in many places by many authors, so perhaps it lacks a tiny bit of originality. That said, I still read it. *Smile* What I particularly liked, is your teaser line. The 'sometime tonight' addition at the end make me smile, and I know I'd be on for a smile!

*Quill* How do I feel about the Main Character:

Again, how can you not love Santa? Take the quintessential good guy, add a touch too much of a favourite seasonal 'tipple' into the equation. and you've got an even more affable character, who is all the more endearing for his weakness!

*Pencil*Thoughts on the pace and flow:

The pacing works very well here, it's an amusing, light-hearted read, and the characters leap off the page in the panic stricken efforts to get the job done.

The only thing that hindered my flow was the changing text format. In some places it was too small to read, in others it just became distracting. I can see that this is a great attempt at a dialogue driven story, and I'm guessing that there was a word-count limit in place at some point which perhaps restricted what you could do in with it.

If you are in a position to revisit this, my only suggestion would be to decide whether you want to keep this as a dialogue only piece, or change it into a narrative. If you want to hold onto the dialogue only feature of this story then you could perhaps think about disposing of the internal thoughts. Personally, I felt it was a little confusing, but another reader may not feel the same way. It's just a thought. If you wanted to give it a go, you could get around it with Q n A, for example, with this sentence:

""Yawn...oh my, did that hurt. I think I stretched too much with that one..."
You could try:

"You okay honey?"
"Uggh, yeah. I think I'm paying the price for too much eggnog, my head..."

*Quill*Thoughts on the ending:

Smashing, I loved Santa's rhyme as he takes to the sky. The idea to call on a couple of accountants did make me smile too. I know a couple myself, and the stereotype image works well to illustrate Santa's dire needs!

*Pencil*How did I feel when reading this piece?

Warm, happy and in a good mood.

*Quill*Any technical comments?

I seem to remember from a visit you made to my port some time ago that you are super-hot in this area, and, as I'm still learning, I'll 'pass' on making any comments here. *Wink*

*Pencil*Outstanding thoughts and questions:

Will there be a sequel next year? I hope so!

Write on!

If you're interested in my approach to reviewing, please feel free to take a look at "Invalid Item

*Heart* Want to spoil your favorite author? Buy them a package to show your appreciation! *Heart*
"Invalid Item

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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The 'Emotion Notion Review'

Thank you so much for the allowing me to read and review "Honest to Goodness *Smile*

In this review I share my thoughts on how your writing makes me feel. I make these observations with the best of intentions, so if you are interested then please read on otherwise feel free to disregard what comes next.

How did I come across your piece?

I was invited. *Wink* How lucky am I? *Bigsmile*

Thoughts and expectations from the title:

The title seems to mirror the prompt you chose, but I'm not sure it's as attention grabbing or quirky as it could be. If it were on a shelf, would I pick it up to read it? Probably not. I struggle with titles, so I would never suggestion my offerings are any better, but they may spark some alternatives for you:

Perfect. Honestly!
Honestly perfect.
Striving for Perfection.
Practically Perfect.
The Image of Perfection.

How do I feel about the main protagonist?

I love this little girl SO much. I can so relate to that 'eager to please' side to her personality. As a theme/topic, the story of a little girl crying out to be noticed, praised and recognised is perfect for a story. Even as adults we can recognise that desire for praise and recognition. The unnamed little girl (Pat) talks us through her window of opportunity to delight her parents, and then shares the decision (the lie) she felt compelled to make. I think the situation she is in is great. It is real and it is timeless. It is also simple, easy to relate to and a good one for appealing to parents and the inner-child in all of us. What I'd like 'more of' is the opportunity to really 'walk in her shoes'.

What impact do the secondary characters have?

It is very easy to put the parents in the role of 'bad guys', because we are seeing things from the perspective of this little girl. The little girl's thoughts about them are restricted to how difficult it is to get positive attention and how bad things might be if she gets it wrong. Comments like "That wouldn’t be a pretty sight either" do a great job of conveying a sense of dread and agitation.

As the reader, it is easy to see the connection between the lack of praise given by the parents and the girls sense of being cornered and forced into a lie. If praise and recognition is so hard to come by then it is all the more eagerly sought. The resulting lie, and the feeling of torturous guilt (so obviously at odds with this lovely little character) are more preferable that a bad word from her parents. How could I not feel disgruntled that they had put her in such a position?

So, in summary, for parents that have only small windows of visibility, the subtlety with which they are mentioned is superb, because it gives the reader a clear insight into the little girls motives.

How do I feel about the pace and flow?

Perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:

The idea that this poor little scrap was worrying about that box for so long is a heart melter, and it is a great way of letting the reader see the good, honest heart that really drives this character. I felt very satisfied that as the girl reached adulthood her relations with her parents improved. It would be very easy to look back in anger at all those little things that forced a lie, and to start placing blame. Again, it shows the kind and generous spirit that is able to recognise the struggles and limitations of her parents as they tried their best to raise 6 children. This resolution makes me, as the reader feel content. I like the clarification that the parents weren't the bad guys, they were just doing their best, and sometimes (like all of us) they got it a little wrong.

Thoughts on emotion and imagery:

Please remember, I am an unpublished writer of nothing successful. These observations are just my gut-feel as a reader. Please, please, feel free to ignore and/or disagree.

Okay...there are a few lines in here which, after a couple of reads, I wondered whether you could (if you wanted to) tackle a little differently. Particularly if you want to try and make more of an emotional connection with your read. For example:

In one place you address me directly: "you can imagine the pride I felt when..." On a positive, this creates an informal, chatty tone which can create that feeling that the narrator and I are sharing a cup of hot chocolate. The flip-side, for me (maybe not for everyone), is that it reminded me that I'm not involved in the story, but more a non-participating observer. For me, it kind of pushed me away from my growing connection with the little girl and her story. So, it's a style/preference thing.

On a slightly different note, but it relates to the same section of the story: It's not so much about me knowing you felt proud, it's about making me feel how proud you felt, so that later, I feel your panic and need to lie.

I wondered whether it might be worth considering a slightly different tack. Please bear in mind I've completely gone off at a tangent with your storyline, and used a bit of 'artistic license' (my tenses may be also be out-of-whack), but it's just to illustrate the point about feeling what that little girl is/or might be feeling):
"One bright, sunny Saturday morning Mama called me into the kitchen. She never called us into the kitchen, it was her territory. Harry's teasing that I was 'in trouble' only added to me sense of unease. I stood patiently and waited for her to finish her task, and when she spotted me her face turned serious. I tried to resist the urge to twizzle my hair around my finger, a nervous habit that irritated Mama no end. When she asked me to run an errand for her I almost skipped on the spot, but it was important she knew I was trustworthy and responsible. Grown-up girls didn't skip in the kitchen. I listened to her instructions while my cheeks burned hot with absolute delight. This was my opportunity. I was finally going to show Mama just how helpful, and just how perfect I could be..."


A couple of other areas where you could try something similar (not necessarily on the same scale) are as follows:

"To my dismay, I found two items, side by side, with very similar names," What does this dismay feel like?

"My ride home was miserable" - How was it miserable. What did this feel like for her?

"the thought of someone or something lugging that stupid box back into my life weighed heavily on me for several months" - What form did this take?


Areas where I think you did a smashing job of communicating her feelings are the following little nuances:

"I tingled with excitement" Communicates a sense of apprehension.

"I clutched the list in my hand" Communicates the importance of her task.

"Which one did Mama mean? I stood there, perplexed. I couldn’t buy both of them. What if there weren’t enough money, or what if my mother yelled at me for wasting money? Such a dilemma! My ten-year-old perfect little mind was in a state of panic" Gives a great impression of panic and indecision.

Are there any technical issues I want to query?

This is an odd one, but something about this sentence doesn't quite sit right with me. I can't quite work out what it is. *Sad*

"I decided at a very young age to be perfect so that my parents would notice and admire me for my wonderful qualities of honesty, respect, responsibility, good behavior, perfect grades, and so forth"

Normally I'd not mention it, but as I know this is for a competition I thought I'd take a stab at trying to explain why I kept stumbling on it.

I wonder whether my niggle is because so much of the story, and this little girls actions and reactions come off the back of these few words. They are kind of the foundation for the story. Yes, I think that's it! Therefore, I wondered if you could make it so that they had a stronger impact? For example:

"I decided at a very young age that I needed to be perfect. Perfection would ensure that my parents noticed me, and once they noticed me, how could they not admire me for such wonderful qualities as honesty, respect..."

I don't know, it's just a thought, so feel free to ignore. *Blush*

My overall thoughts:

My favourite part of this story is the little girls transition from 'being perfect' to 'maintaining an image of perfection'. I love this subtle change, and the fact that you share how telling lies to maintain that persona never sat easily on your conscience.

This is a captivating tale, all the more poignant because the main character is so easy to adore, and because she grew into such a lovely 'grown-up'. I think you have a lovely, truthful story which will appeal becuase of the simplicity of its messages.

Now, can you do me a favour in return? Can you just let me know I've not put you off ever asking my opinion on something ever again? I write these things and then chew over them! *Rolleyes*

Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Flowers for Suzy today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

I read this title and braced for impact. That it was about love, loss and grief, I knew from the start. That it would turn into one of the the most beautiful and moving tributes to a lost, loved one, made the experience an emotional and a moving one. One I'm honoured and deeply saddened to have shared.

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

The flow of this short story was as soft and gentle as a light spring breeze. I was scooped up and carried along for the smoothest of most heart-breaking of journeys. Every sentence contributed to the memory of this much adored woman, each word had value. I didn't trip, stumble or falter at any point - except when I realised my box of hankies was out of reach.

*UmbrellaO*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*UmbrellaO*

The conflict in here is real and subtle. It is one man's battle to find a way through each and every day without the presence of the one person who made sense of his world.

How does one find a way through grief? I'm not sure one does. I think grief finds a way through us. Eventually, it finds a quieter home in the cracked walls of our hearts, but the sting never goes away. We just seem to find a way to live with it.

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

I read this short story, and from the outset I was compelled to see the story through. Right from the start, I felt a monumental sense of loss, and this feeling only became more and more weighted as the writing continued. These words are raw, they are real and honest, and I think more than anything they are current. The pain is still very much a 'now' feeling for the writer and it strikes me in the same way.

There is some stunning imagery in here. Far too many examples to quote line for line, but I've picked a few of my favourites:

"Twenty-three years seems like a long time to most, but to me it was just a flicker in an inferno."

"The curves of her face are as soft as the clouds in the clear blue sky."

This was a piece of writing which really pulled me into the heart of the moment. When I read this: "I stare often into Heavens eternal abyss. I know she is there, looking down upon me." my heart almost broke. I felt the moment as if I were there experiencing it for myself. Ditto with these poignant, gut-wrenching words: "I make my way home, back to all that I know without her."

It seems amazing that in the face of such loss the universe can keep spinning, but somehow it does.

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

I didn't see any, and I didn't care to go back and look. It was a beautiful, perfect read and I had no desire to even attempt to pick fault.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

I am gutted for your loss. You have given voice to an incredible love story, and a world of grief. Not an easy task. You did it beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Hello Natbutterflyblue .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Mists of Apalia, Chapter 1 (1087 words) today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

I'm not sure the title does the story any favours. You have a cracking good story line here, but the title 'Airianna' doesn't feel very inspiring. I'm not sure I'd pick it off a book-shelf if I was browsing. I'm loath to make a suggestion after only reading two chapters, but I think you could probably come up with something much more exciting or dynamic. Something that a would-be-reader just couldn't resist looking at if it were a book on a shelf.

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

Faith makes for a striking lead female role. Courageous, loyal, instinctive, intelligent and cunning. In the first chapter we see so many amazing sides to her character that as a reader it was very easy to like her. I got a real sense of how terrified she was and how devastating the attack was from Faith. Her emotions and her reactions felt very real and made it easy for me to connect with her. In the second chapter I also saw a more sensitive side as she struggles with her nightmares.

Princess Airianna, the woman the book is named after, feels like a secondary character even two chapters in. Is this the intention? In this first chapter she is very much the victim, rescued by a loyal friend. Faith's quick thinking in the corridor is what ultimately saves them, and our view of Airianna in this moment is one of a terrified and bemused damsel. In Chapter 2 we see quite a jump, almost too much of a jump. I like the decisive, focused and noble woman she has turned into, but I feel as though I've missed out of too much of her journey. How did she transition from victim to leader? Are you intending to revisit the previous three years? I hope so.

I didn't get much of a handle on Tah'lon. His presence in the first chapter was minimal, and even in the second he didn't have much of an impact. I sense this will change, just like I sense his relationship with Faith may urn into something else, but it's all pretty much in my imagination at the moment. That he is a good guy and he remains loyal to the princess help me like him, but I want to know more.

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

Bar a few readability issues, which are easily addressed, this makes for a dynamic and exciting read. The pace is a little slower in Ch 2, but it still makes for some compelling reading. A lot is achieved in a short space of time in Ch. 1 and without hesitation I moved to Ch. 2. My one thought, is that both chapters feel rather short.

*UmbrellaO*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*UmbrellaO*

The consequences of the betrayal are portrayed in a very vibrant, bloody and dynamic way. Little references like these: "A giant mountain of a man towered over her" and "She heard him zip his pants" do a great job of communicating just how brutal and unrelenting the assault on the palace as been. Very quickly, I had a clear sense of who was in the wrong and where my loyalties lay.

*UmbrellaB*Outstanding questions or issues:*UmbrellaB*

Just the huge gap in time between Ch.1 and Ch.2. I feel robbed. *Wink*

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

Something to watch for is repetition, which can be distracting for the reader, and if they are anything like me, it causes me to start skipping ahead. In the first three paragraphs I felt as though Faith's name was a little overused. Sometimes we need to remind the reader who we are talking about, but in this instance, there is no other female interacting with Faith and every experience relates to her. For example:

"Faiths breaths came in rapid gasps, her pulse pounded against the side of her throat. Terror gripped every fiber of Faith as she clung to the shadows...

I would be tempted to replace the 'Faith' with a 'her'. Similarly, the opening word in each of the first three paragraphs is 'Faith'. I'd be tempted to try and alternative opening for the second and third paragraph. For example, you could try:

"Gripping a knife, she pulled her hem up higher..."


Another example of repetition within close proximity is: "She held her breath. She heard him zip his pants". You could try:

"Holding her breath, she listened as he zipped his pants and..."


I also think you need an apostrophe here: "Airianna's nursery" to show ownership. There are a few instances of this dotted around.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

A well imagined story that comes across as a convincing read. Do write more, I very much enjoyed the escape.

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item.
Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review of A Single Rose  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (5.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "A Single Rose today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

The idea of a rose shivering with emotion was initially one I struggled to get my head around. I'm not great with poetry, but I do like that it makes me think! I felt as tough this rose was mirroring the waves of emotion that were coming off the individual sleeping.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I love symmetry in writing, so the first three and the last three lines appealed to me. I also found the description of the shivering rose, shaking with pure love to be a lovely image.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

Nothing springs to mind.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

A delicate poem which took me a few reads to get my head around. Thanks for waking the brain cells!

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of A Teacher's Poem  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "A Teacher's Poem today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

I never imagined at the time, that my teachers really cared about my education. I took their offerings for granted and assumed it was 'just a job'. Only looking back do I see some of the super-stars disguised as teachers, men and women that really did care about the education they were providing. This poem made me look back on some of those unappreciated teachers with a new perspective. Thanks for sharing!

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I like the meaning and the sentiment behind each line.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

My only niggle is that the lines themselves feel a little long, and perhaps because of this the read is not as easy or as smooth as it could be.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

A great subject choice for a poem, and a thought-provoking read.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.
If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of The Best Revenge  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "The Best Revenge today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

This poem took me back, and I remember wanting to hide my broken heart and doing everything in my power to show that I was doing 'just fine' without 'him'. I look back and it doesn't so much feel like revenge but more a way of holding onto ones self esteem and dignity.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I *Heart* that I was given a free trip back in time. Some of the memories this poem evoked made me smile, I almost don't recognise that person, it feels so long ago. Thank you very much for the reminder. *Smile*

I liked the line where you talk about beautifying yourself and asking him if he imagines your face. This is something I remembering doing, and I don't think I was asking him if he imagines my face, I think I hoped he imagined my face. I wanted him to miss me, though I think he'd long since moved on...*sigh*

One other thought I had, which only occured after the second read through is that, although there is no description of feelings in this poem, there is still a lot of implied emotion and pain in the words. I think this is quite an achievement. The risk, I guess, is that the reader may not hit on the 'emotional note' you were aiming for.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

I wonder if 'The Best Revenge' is an apt title for this. Revenge is about making someone pay for their crimes against you. To me, this poem doesn't so much speak of revenge, it speaks of 'moving on' and 'I'm doing just fine (though underneath my heart is breaking)'. Just a thought. It's your poem and you know best what you want it to achieve.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

I like the confident writing style in this poem. The message is clear, the presentation works well, the thoughts are decisive and the emotion feels real. Well done.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of The window  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "The window today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

A thought-provoking poem which could be about several different things. I like to think it was about feeling trapped and breaking free to seek the adventures that await on the other side. Who knows though... *Wink*

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I like the idea that looking out of the window is an adventure waiting to happen, but in the context of this poem, the same doesn't apply when looking in from the the outside. I like the idea of breaking through the glass, it's a very visual description.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

Poetry touches everyone in different ways. I feel like this one has bags of potential, and for me I think I'd like it to appeal a bit more to some of the other senses. All of the descriptions are very visual, almost on-dimensional. With something like this I wonder if you could appeal on a more auditory level or perhaps give it a more tactile feel. It's your poem though, and you know what you want it to achieve.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

An accessible poem which still makes the reader think. A good read.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of The Haircut  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.5)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "The Haircut today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

Who would have thought a story about long hair and a hair-cut could have such a sinister feel to it? A most unpleasant, yet very gripping read.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I love the way the tone of the piece changes as the little girl thinks about her Moma and then her Daddy. The entire feel of the read changes, as does the language and my sense of anxiety. The writer here does an excellent job of taking the reader on an emotional roller-coaster as the young girl interacts with, and observes the differences in her parents.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

I liked the last sentence, but I felt as though I was missing that sense of loss she might feel from those shared moments with her Daddy. I understood her relief at not being the the object of her Moma's bullying tactics and never having to endure those brutal hair-brushing sessions, but I didn't feel it was as clear-cut as that.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

A gripping and well imagined piece. I felt most uncomfortable as I read this. Nicely done!

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of Dracula Essay  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Dracula Essay today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

An intense scene in which two lovers are separated by the demands of war. The scene is played out through the eyes of a female vampire who struggles not to let anger interfere with their last few moments together.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I love the intensity of her emotions in their parting scene. I really felt her desperate need to keep him close. I also feel that the tone of the language in here gives an interesting, 'period-like' feel to the story.

My favourite part however is the their connection in her dreams and how she feels him changing and slipping away from her. This was beautifully delivered, and I really enjoyed reading this section.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

I did get a little confused about the: not going to heaven, going to hell, being refused entry to hell section. For example, one moment I read: "I know that no sin can enter into Heaven", and the next: "If you are in Heaven, I am coming".

It all got just a little too jumbled along the way. If this section could be smoothed out a little I think it would be a very strong story-line right through to the end.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

An interesting read. I think you did a great job of communicating tense emotions in this short piece.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of Perception  
Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello River McKenna .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. I've visited your port in the past, and I remember being very moved a previous piece you wrote. I found yet another honest and insightful piece today, and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Perception today. My comments are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

You caught my attention with this title. It reminded me of a phrase I've used during training many times in the past: 'Perception is Reality'. That this piece of writing is based on a personal experience just made the title all the more interesting.

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

Some stunning imagery in here. The victim-like descriptions were very vivid and so very easy to connect with. This line in particular says so very much: "delicate flower that had been jerked from its roots and crumpled".

I also thought your choice of words in that very first paragraph were spot on. Words like: "squealing", "smashing" "slamming" and "whipped" gave me a visual and an audible reference for what was being described, which made me feel uncomfortably close to the action.

*UmbrellaB*Outstanding questions or issues:*UmbrellaB*

My one additional comment is regarding the strength of character it takes to step back from the moment and see the bigger picture. When you recall the words of your sister and see her relief that nothing more serious had happened, you had a choice. You could have gone to the 'but why did it have to happen to me place' and instead you went to the 'how lucky am I place'. That gives me a feel for the remarkably strong, individual that let an inner optimism break through her fear.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

I think a wonderful job is done of sharing a sense of enlightenment. As I read this, I felt the dark cloud lifting. It's all credit to you as the writer, that I was pulled into those feelings of fear and loneliness, and then just as convincingly able to share the sense of liberation experienced at the end.

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "A Warning about WritingML Tags today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

Sometimes you just want a short, sharp read that leaves you with a smile. It doesn't have to be a loud guffaw, just an 'Ahh' moment will suffice. This short story gave me just that. A shot of humour before I go and tackle the ironing. Just what I needed.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I like the tone with which this is written. The reference to "Windows for Ding-Dongs" was a nice touch of self-deprecating humour which appealed to me!

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

I'm still working these things out myself, so feel free to ignore me if I'm wrong, but I wasn't sure if there was a change in tense in this sentence:

"So with trepidation, I crept to the final forum of the night. I posted one last time, adding an item after my signature. I slowly reached for the "enter" key. When I suddenly see what must be causing this strange occurrence.

Should 'see' be 'saw'? Like I say, I'm not sure, use or disregard as you see fit. *Smile*

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

I enjoyed this little bit of fun. Thank you for sharing!

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "An Eternal Promise, Forever today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

First let me just say that I stopped by your bio to find out who wrote this story. It's been my pleasure to read your story today, and if you are writing like this at just 17 then I'm excited to think about what the next decade could bring as you continue to grow and develop your talent. I wish you the best of luck in writing those novels!

Anyway, back to the story: This is a brief glimpse into the overwhelming feelings and memories of one woman during a most impossible time in her life. This story is written slap bang in the middle of a huge emotional upheaval and the writer does a good job of illustrating the turmoil of the moment.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I think you have some lovely memories in here and I could relate to the moment you are describing in here. I think my favourite line is: "Your laughter, your voice, both echoed through my memories, the only place I’d ever hear them again." because for me, your describe the very crux of grief and loss: that sense of knoing what you are missing is unbearable.

I really like that the flowers held a personal meaning which was the trigger for her undoing. This very physical reaction was one I could again relate to: "Shrinking in on myself". I would have liked to understand th meaning of the flowers a bit more. Did he buy her tulips in the past? When and how did the pink carnation become a symbol and the message - was that from him to her or her to him?

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

In a piece that is predominantly about feelings, the key is to get the reader feeling the emotions of the narrator. Telling the reader about all these memories goes part way towards this, but what really nails it, is when the reader connects with the way the narrator feels. Although I know this story is about loss, a reader could be forgiven for reading the first paragraph and thinking that it was one person talking to their partner about all the wonderful things they remember from their early courtship. Can you see this? I think it's because although the content is there, the tone doesn't start to kick in until later.

It might be that you didn't want to reveal too much too early, and of course that's your chouice. For me, it just meant that 1/3 of the story had passed before I began to connect emotionally with the character. My suggestion is that alongside sharing these memories, you could try to share / show the reader how the narrator reacts. What are the physical and emotional responses to these memories?

One additional thought yu could consider is to perhaps avoid telling the reader something too specific, especially when it doesn't contribute to the overall mood of the piece. For example: "My eyes open and blood-shot", instead you could try showing this, for example: "my unseeing, blood-shot eyes..." or "my blood-shot eyes glazed over as..."

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

One thought that occurred to me is whether the title could be linked a bit more to the ending? It's a symmetry thing! I'm a symmetry gal! I understand the promise is spoken in her words, I just wondered whether the word 'forever' could be tied in there too? This is definitely not a criticism, and the title works, it's just a random thought.

On a final note, I think this story is beautifully imagined and well delivered. You have indeed told a lovely story. Please, only take my suggestions as thoughts for your consideration, nothing more. You know what's best for your story. *Smile*

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.
If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Color My World  
Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello to the very lovely warriormom.

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. I very rarely review poetry, but oddly this is the second piece to have called for my attention today. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Color My World today. My comments are made with the best of intentions, but please keep in mind I know little about the technicalities of poetry. All I can offer are some thoughts on how your poem made me feel, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

I entered this competition myself a while ago so I was familiar with the prompt. I had hopes that this poem would be one I'd find accessible, and I wasn't disappointed (though the 'nonet' thing spooked me a little). *Wink*

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

This was so easy to read. When I read the words to myself, they were as smooth as chocolate (always good), and when I read them out loud, they rolled off the tongue with ease.

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

The imagery in here was gorgeous. I loved the use of the colour grey, and the various ways in which you illustrated the burden of feeling trapped in the 'ominous darkness'. In contrast references to 'brilliant colours' and 'the rainbow beyond the mist' brought a contrasting illumination to the poem, even if it was slightly out of reach. I also adored your use of colour in presenting this item. It brought a whole new dimension to the experience of reading and enjoying poetry.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

Thank you for teaching me something today. Up until twenty minutes ago, a 'nonent' was simply a term of endearment for my littlest mini-beast. Now, I know the original meaning! *Smile*

I hope you don't feel too robbed of a decent review, but I hope I can assure you that as a non-poetry girl, this poem was one that reached me. I appreciate the simplicity of your language and the clarity of the sentiments. This is a beautiful poem and deserving of it's honourable mention!

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review of Rabbit vs Turtle  
Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hello Hayley I. (aka Kilpik) .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Rabbit vs Turtle today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*

What more could I ask of a title? This tells me what the story is about and who the key characters are. And yet, how little you actually gave away! Nice choice. *Smile*

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

Rabbit is one of the most entertaining characters I've come across. I absolutely adore his inner monologue. It was scarily reminiscent of conversations I've had with myself in the past. Different situation but with the same voices *Worry*

His cocky arrogance is wonderfully endearing - how on earth did you manage that? I couldn't dislike him, even though his final decision to let turtle win is still motivated by self-gratification. Rabbit is a wonderfully written character whose presence jumps of the page.

*UmbrellaO*Thoughts on any conflict and / or resolution:*UmbrellaO*

My favourite part of this story is the inner monologue where Rabbit's internal angel & demon debate the merits of their suggestions. The humour here is super and that the final resolve is the 'right' choice for the 'wrong' reason was a stroke of genius.

*UmbrellaB*Thoughts on the ending:*UmbrellaB*

Poor tortoise! I'm so glad he got his victory. I wasn't entirely sure what to visualise at the end. I got a little confused. He died before crossing the finish line but he still managed to roll over the line? And I didn't quite get the relevance of Rabbit's feigned coma. Go-on, tell me I've missed something obvious. *Wink*

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

Oh, you used some fabulous imagery in your opening paragraphs, and the tone with which it was applied had me grinning. I could almost see this little rabbit puffing himself up to fit the size of his ego. Wonderfully done!

*UmbrellaB*Outstanding questions or issues:*UmbrellaB*

Over here in the UK, it's the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. Not a criticism, just sharing our variation with you!

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

Perhaps consider using italics to clearly show the reader any internal thoughts. In the following section I stumbled through my first read thinking the words had been spoken.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

This was a great and thoroughly entertaining read. Thank you so much for sharing it on WDC

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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Review of Mama  
Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Hello NickiD89 .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Mama today. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

We are provided with so few details about this character and yet within a very short space of time I'd connected with her. I think the conflicted emotions she feels for her mother are very vivid, and the imagined movement of the image in the photograph make it all feel very present and rather raw.

The way her memories shift from fond and loving to harsh and painful is beautifully done. I love this line which acts as the link and the catalyst for the change: "The tangle tightens, reining in my nostalgia" A fantastic use of words in a piece with a limited word count.

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

The tale felt effortless. It transitions from one sequence to the next with ease and there wasn't a single moment when I wasn't committed to the read.

*UmbrellaB*Thoughts on the ending:*UmbrellaB*

A very poignant ending. What will motherhood mean for this woman? Will she fall into the same trap or set her own benchmarks against her fonder memories? I couldn't see any specific indications that she would be the same as her mother, even though the implication is that she too is in show-business. The sickness, a normal reaction to pregnancy is also cleverly tied in with her anxieties. This is so nicely done.

*UmbrellaP*Thoughts on emotion and imagery:*UmbrellaP*

There are some wonderfully subtle moments in here which worked perfectly in ensuring I empathised with the main character. The mascara wand is one which will stay with me for some time. Most women would connect with that in some way. Who hasn't put on their mascara and then caught sight of something that threw them off-guard? A brilliant real-life activity made personal to this woman seeing the photograph out of the corner of her eye.

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

There was just the one sentence which I tripped up on a couple of times. I'm sure it's fine, but I felt as though the word 'and' was missing after 'tummy'. See what you think: "One hand strays to my still-flat tummy, rests on the coarse, sequined material"

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

This was a fascinating glimpse into one woman's life. I very much enjoyed the read. Thank you for sharing.

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of The Thread Box  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known.

Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame
Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Carl Sagan Fan Package!
This package includes many things, one of which is this review from the "Invalid Item!

*Quill* How did I come across this piece?

I've seen many of your reviews for others here on WDC, and now it's my pleasure to take a look through your port today. I hope my thoughts on "The Thread Box are in some way helpful. They are made with the best of intentions, but they are only one persons perspective as an enthusiastic reader.

*Pencil* Thoughts and expectations from the Title:

I love the title to this piece. It's the type of title I'd go to pick from a shelf in a book store. It didn't strike me as the title of an 'Essay' and I couldn't quite put my finger on why I should feel like that. Perhaps it's just one of those odd, subjective things?

*Quill*Thoughts on the ending:

What a beautiful, poignant ending. I was moved by the image of the same grandaughter becoming a grandma herself, and all the wonderful memories that she would make sure were passed down. It was a lovely, and very satisfying ending.

*Pencil*How did I feel when reading this piece?

There were some lovely lines which really pulled at the heart strings. This line in particular "The faint musty smell of age and memories tickled my nose", was something that resonated, as it tapped in to my own memories, and yet also appealed to my senses. Very nicely done *Smile*

I really felt a sense of loneliness when I read this, even though that word is never mentioned. The narrator asks why Granma didn't come to live with 'us', so I know that this person isn't entirely alone, but this piece is filled with memories of loss, and I think the sadness really comes through.

*Quill*Any technical comments?

I wondered whether this opening line: "small one bedroom apartment" would read a little smoother with a bit of punctuation:'small, one-bedroom apartment'. What do you think?

One other thought is whether these sentences might be smoothed out a little, perhaps by avoiding the repetition of the word 'thread': "The threads were no longer bright and new. The wooden spools were dinged and worn. I had never used those spools of thread. Each thread was a tenuous tie to the faint few"

*Pencil*Outstanding thoughts and questions:

I felt as though I missing a memory or some tangible connection between the person finding the thread box and the mum who passed away. I understand that it belonged to the Granma that has just passed away, but what involvement did her Mum have with the box and why is that box a closer connection to her Mum than, say the photographs or blessing gowns? I felt I was missing something here, was there a story the Granma told the Grandaughter which gave the Thread Box more of a connection to her Mum?

My one last thought, is that this felt like a non-fiction story rather than an essay. A very good, very moving story, that I'm very pleased I was able to share.

Write on!

If you're interested in my approach to reviewing, please feel free to take a look at "Invalid Item

*Heart* Want to spoil your favorite author? Buy them a package to show your appreciation! *Heart*
"Invalid Item

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review by MumstheWord
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hello Just an Ordinary Boo! .

*UmbrellaB*How did I come across your piece?*UmbrellaB*

This review is from "Showering Acts of Joy Garden. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Commercial transaction today.

I've actually browsed through several of your 'Hors d” oeuvres' today, as I'm in awe of anyone that can create a story with so few words at their disposal. I have to mention 'Into the Light' too, because it was a super, super story, with a fantastic surprise at the end. Anyway, this review is about "Commercial transaction, so back to this one. My comments are made with the best of intentions and I hope they are in some way helpful. Please ignore if not.

*UmbrellaR*Thoughts and expectations from the title:*UmbrellaR*
There is nothing I love more than a writer that preys on my deep rooted assumptions and forces me to step back and think twice about where my thinking has taken me. The title here, sowed the seed of an idea about this story, and the description underneath nurtured that same seed. This is a brilliant title, it describes exactly what the story is, but not in the way I initially imagined.

*UmbrellaG*How do I feel about the characters?*UmbrellaG*

There is little time or even need for an emotional connection with this character. I didn't feel strongly one way or the other about her. Having said that, I did make a decision about her from the outset, and I did feel a little *Blush* to have so misjudged her, even if that was the intention.

*UmbrellaP*How do I feel about the pace and flow?*UmbrellaP*

Spot on. Short, sharp and to my mind, immaculate in it's delivery of the twist.

*UmbrellaB*Thoughts on the ending:*UmbrellaB*

Superb. Made me roll my eyes in exasperation and sharply reprimand myself for passing judgement on the poor girl!

*UmbrellaB*Outstanding questions or issues:*UmbrellaB*

In a piece where word count is so precious, I'd perhaps question the need for, and value of the word "brusquely". Perhaps the same goes for "impatiently", as the glance at the watch implies this feeling.

*UmbrellaR*Grammar/Punctuation and Spelling*UmbrellaR*:

I'm still getting to grips with this myself, so if I'm wrong, then 'slap me down' *Wink*, but I wondered if you might need a ',' before the end speech marks in the dialogue sections.

*UmbrellaG*Overall thoughts:*UmbrellaG*

I read this out to my husband, and he actually 'got-it', where as I totally went to the wrong place. So, I loved it. I love that I was surprised, and that I was made to think about my assumptions. Very nicely done!

If you are interested in my approach to reviewing, please take a look at "Invalid Item. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your work.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Pandora  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.

Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame
Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Charles Dickens Fan Package!
This package includes many things, one of which is this review from the "Invalid Item!

*Quill* How did I come across this piece?

This is the first time I've stumbled across you here on WDC, and I've had some fun browsing your port today for something to review! I hope my thoughts on "The Pandora are in some way helpful. They are made with the best of intentions, but they are only one persons perspective as an enthusiastic reader.

*Pencil* Thoughts and expectations from the Title:

Who could resist a story entitled 'The Pandora'? There are just too many possibilities not to take a look. I envisaged something magical, and possibly even sinister, and as far as titles go, this one certainly did its job and grabbed my attention.

*Quill* How do I feel about the Main Character:

Very, very, curious! I was thoroughly fascinated by his thoughts and his remembered, yet confusing, experience. I finished the story feeling no more enlightened than when I began, but most definitely a whole lot more curious. I like that there are so many unanswered questions about this young chap (the only hint that he's a 'boy', and therefore reasonably young, is the reference to the 'other boy'), but by the end, I think I felt a little lost at sea with him. Though I wanted to know more about the 'event', I think I needed a few more points of reference for character himself. Just enough, so that I know a little more about who he is and have enough of a connection to be interested in what happens to him too.

*Pencil*Thoughts on the pace and flow:

I love the time-line, it creates a real sense of tension. This could only be maintained for a short while without perhaps becoming a bit laboured, but for a Prologue or an opening chapter I think it works extremely well. What I was super-impressed by, was the way very little actually happened, and yet I felt compelled to stay with the read. It was SO wonderfully puzzling to read, I still have a frown on my face now as I think about it. Nicely done!

*Quill*Thoughts on the ending:

I was a little deflated at the ending. Such a fantastic job had been done of building all this tension and creating a sense of drama and confusion, and it felt as though it went a little bit flat at the end. My gut-feel is that more of the 'tension' is required to keep the reader turning the page to see what happens in the next chapter.

*Pencil*How did I feel when reading this piece?

The time-line made me anxious, I could feel my stress levels building though I didn't ever fully understand why. I liked that the MC wasn't supposed to be there, and had in fact been warned away, and this created a sense of danger, though again, I didn't know why. This short piece of writing does a great job of hitting that note of suspense.

*Quill*Any technical comments?

Just a few observations, see if you agree *Smile* Firstly, I'm not sure these two sentences flow as well as they could. See what you think: "And the train was due at 2:12pm.Then in just 10 minutes he would be there again." Do you mean, "The train was due at 2:12pm, and in just 10 minutes he would be there again"

Do you think a ',' might be needed after 'thirsty' in this sentence, (I ask because punctuation isn't my strong point *Blush*: "The tension made him thirsty and he wished he had stopped at the shops and bought a bottle of water."

I also wondered whether his thoughts might make for a smoother read if they were differentiated from the general narrative, for example:

'How many of them are there?' he thought, 'and how long has this been going on?'

*Pencil*Outstanding thoughts and questions:

I'm very curious about what happened to The Pandora's crew and how this young boy got his scratch, but by the time I reached the end of the read, that seed which had been so well planted, had almost gone to the back of my mind. I think this is a fantastic start to a story, and I'd be excited to read more, if it were available, but my one outstanding thought is to try and provoke the readers curiosity again near the end, so that they can't resist turning the page. If you haven't yet had the chance to progress this story any further, then I wish you the very of luck in revisiting it some day. *Smile*

If you're interested in my approach to reviewing, please feel free to take a look at "Invalid Item

Write on!

*Heart* Want to spoil your favorite author? Buy them a package to show your appreciation! *Heart*
"Invalid Item

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: E | (4.5)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "Grandfather's Yard today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful. Please feel free to disregard anything you feel isn't appropriate.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

This is lovely peek into a fond childhood memory. The remembered visits to 'Grandfather's Yard' are brought to life with colourful explanations of the varied plants and vegetables grown throughout the year.

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I love this line "his yard was a virtual farm in the city" as it really gives the reader a clear idea of just how much this place meant to the narrator, and the difference it must have made during childhood.

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

I felt as if the opening sentence was let down a little with the following "pleasant highlight", the two words almost contradict each other. Pleasant describes something 'nice' and 'okay', whereas 'highlight' suggests something more stand-out. I'd be tempted to drop the 'pleasant'.

I'm not sure why, but the narration style felt as though it changed in the last few sentences. It might be a tense thing! I think it sounds like the child speaking rather than the adult remembering: "In fact, horror of horrors, what if they decided on no swing at all? Hmm...that grape arbor....what new and exciting possibilities!" If you disagree, please ignore, however if you feel the same, then you could try something like the following:

'In fact, horror of horrors, what if they had decided on no swing at all Hmm, that grape arbor might well have become the unwitting outlet for my creative endeavours' or something along those lines... I'm sure you'd come up with something far more suitable.

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

I thoroughly enjoyed this brief step into the past. I thought you did a lovely job of bringing this memory to life.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of seeking freedom  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
** My apologies for any distracting English/American spelling variations**

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*RainbowL*Hello from the "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]!!!*RainbowR*

*ButterflyV*How did I come across your piece?*ButterflyV*

Your item has been highlighted for a visit by "Simply Positive Review Forum , and I thank you for the opportunity to read and review "seeking freedom today.
My observations are made with the best of intentions, and I hope they are in some way helpful.

*ButterflyB*General Impressions:*ButterflyB*

An interesting, thought provoking piece of writing which asks us to stop for a moment and let our minds breathe. I liked the call to action in this, it's good to be able to reach people and get them to think!

*ButterflyO*Favourite Elements:*ButterflyO*

I think you present a fairly balanced opinion in here, making your point without preaching. I also liked this sentence in particular "we are crushing the segment of our brain that's responsible for imagination", 'crushing' is such a good word to use in this context. Nice choice!

*ButterflyG*Areas to Consider:*ButterflyG*

The first sentence is a giant of a sentence, and there are a few of them scattered in here. *Wink* Consider breaking it into a few smaller sentences to improve the readability. You might also want to watch for tense changes. "listening to the morning routine sounds, stare at the room", I suspect it should be 'staring', what do you think?

*ButterflyR*Final Thoughts:*ButterflyR*

It was good to read something thought provoking this morning, thank you for the interesting read.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing.

If you have any thoughts on how I approach my reviews, please check out my explanation in "Invalid Item


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Review of A Normal Guy  
Review by MumstheWord
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
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I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after.

Congratulations on your nomination into "Ink Blot Hall of Fame
Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Emily Bronte Fan Package!
This package includes many things, one of which is this review from the "Invalid Item!

*Quill* How did I come across this piece?

I had a lot of fun looking for something to review in your port because it is filled with some thoroughly eclectic, highly imaginative pieces. It's been a pleasure reading and reviewing "A Normal Guy today. I hope my thoughts are in some way helpful. They are made with the best of intentions, but they are only one persons perspective as an enthusiastic reader.

*Pencil* Thoughts and expectations from the Title:

When I saw this very 'normal' title, it sure seemed a little 'too' ordinary for your portfolio, and I suspected I was in for something quite the opposite! I couldn't resist finding out what was behind those simple words. The description beneath the title reiterated my thinking and set my expectations about the type of character I'd be meeting. Good choice of title!

*Quill* How do I feel about the Main Character:

Okay, two words sprang to mind the first time I read this: "Thoroughly confused". *Bigsmile* Neil is a larger than life character, and it takes at least two, if not more, reads to get through the apparent complexity of his personality, before seeing the simplicity of his troubles.

Neil fills the screen with his colourful personality. Kate's description of him in the second paragraph is a wonderful read. I couldn't help but smile at the references to bats. *Bigsmile* Yet, it was a wry humour that illustrated just how challenging his personality can be.

I love this line: ""You've brought no one with you?" He walks outside and conducts a preliminary investigation of my perimeter, anticipating any form of contraband normalcy.", the last 6 words of which I only clocked on the second read through *Blush*!

I spent most of the first half thinking that he was suffering from schizophrenia, or some other difficulty. This thinking was, I felt, reinforced by my perception of Kate indulging him, and choosing the path of least resistance, when it came to dealing with him. Equally, 'Gramps' seems to go along with the 'infidels' scene.

My view on his mental state began to change, when he was faced with the choice to keep quiet or answer the policeman back, and he couldn't resist. This was a great scene, and it has that clear touch of teenage rebelliousness to it. Truth be told, it also had a ring of 4-year-old-itus to it too (my little one just can't resist answering back at the moment. *Rolleyes* From this point forward the message regarding Neil becomes clearer, and I was able to understand that his behaviour stems from a reluctance to leave behind the freedom of childhood and take on some of the responsibilities that come with growing-up.

We see a nice, yet sad scene at the end where is affection for his Gramps leads him to 'knuckle-down', for long enough to cook a family meal. This allows us to see that for all his self-indulgence, and the indulgence of those around him, he does love his family.

*Pencil*Thoughts on the pace and flow:

I felt the scene in the restaurant was almost unnecessary, and by this point I was getting a bit irritated with Neil. This might well have been the intention, but I felt this scene slowed the face a little, and I had to resist the temptation to skip ahead.

I thought the energy in the dialogue was wonderful. Both the first scene with the flies, and then the scene with the policeman felt very lively, and I could imagine these words being spoken.

*Quill*Thoughts on the ending:

The ending was great, it had a real sweet and sour twist to it. I won't spoil it for any would be readers, but it reminds me of the reoccurring niggles that cropped up during my late teens, when more and more, I had the sense that responsibilities and expectations were resting on my shoulders, that weren't there before.

*Pencil*How did I feel when reading this piece?

I thoroughly enjoyed the whirlwind effect of being on the outskirts of Neil's world, but I have to admit it was a little like being on the waltzers. After a while, you need the ride to slow down a little so you can get off. I thought Neil made a great central character, and I particularly liked the scene with the policeman where, for the first time, I felt Kate's frustration at being his friend. I would have liked to see a bit more of this. There are several times when Kate chose not to speak, and I wondered whether it would have rounded the piece of a little to feel a bit more of what it was like to be his friend in those mad moments.

I also chuckled at some of the wonderful images I was given of Neil, like for example: "He answers the door. There is a colander on his head." How could I not grin at this?

*Quill*Any technical comments?

I wondered whether this might read a little smoother as two sentences: "on a Sunday morning. The only person..."

I also considered whether this change of time and location, might be more transparent for the reader if it incorporated something about it being Neil's or Mr. Wattersley's residence: "As I walk up the front steps to Neil's porch" or "As I approach Neil's front door" something like this.

*Pencil*Outstanding thoughts and questions:

I didn't understand Kate's repeated choice to indulge Neil, and to say nothing. It kept reinforcing this perception that Neil had a known, but unspoken problem, yet by the end I understood the real issue. I kept wondering if I'd missed something. Similarly with Gramps initial participation with the 'infidel' scene. I couldn't make sense of it.

I also thought that Neil and Kate were cousins for the first few paragraphs because of the way she referred to him in speech tags as 'Gramps'. It was only when she spoke to him and called him 'Mr Wattersley' that I realised they weren't related. I wondered if there might be a way to eliminate that confusion from the outset by explaining that she thought of him as 'Gramps'?

*Quill*Final Thoughts:

Thank you for a thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking read. This story had me puzzled, and it was fascinting following it through to it's conclustion as the pieces of the jigsaw came together.

Write on!

If you're interested in my approach to reviewing, please feel free to take a look at "Invalid Item

*Heart* Want to spoil your favorite author? Buy them a package to show your appreciation! *Heart*
"Invalid Item

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