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321 Public Reviews Given
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Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow I didn't see this ending coming.
Review of Admiration  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really beautiful and inspiring.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
The last line of this short pose had the greatest impact. Gosh how I wish things were different for me. I know my self expression would not be so damned stifled had I not experienced things that caused PTSD first before my limitless self expression could began. But this is your story not mine. So I am proud of you.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.5)
I like it. Everyone wants to feel important. Please keep writing.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
What an interesting way to view the soul.
Review of Body Talk  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.5)
Sounds like an active imagination. Along with a fully awake heart. Why not tell em? Life is to short.
Review of Observe  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like this.
Review of Suppression  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is interesting, I have some opinions on topic of this subject as well. For instance the examples you give are of issues here in the states. What about other countries where the women and children can not speak out against their injustices? Or where the men are expected to support their family's without income. What about places where it is law for women to be stoned or burned to death, beaten or plain killed for simple disagreements or because of lack of finances or what ever other reason one can think of. If Muslims in general are subject to harassment and disparagement as a custom of any non believer or organized authority then it becomes a natural order to pass these feelings and or actions down the line thus eventually effecting the family as a whole. Now most of these extreme cases are international but it is only a matter of time before they are domestic. My question is this as we become a global nation how do we create environments that protect our families. What would it take to protect women and children form being abused and turning a blind eye as it is law? How can we educate our community so that the disparagements disappear and we in fact are treated with the same respect that any non muslim would receive. How can we give women both here and globally a voice to speak out against injustices and start creating solutions? I am so thankful that you started this discussion as I have not known for some time how to speak out about such taboo's.
Review of Better Love  
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is beautiful please keep writing Teach!
Review of Pain  
Review by mota
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
This piece makes me think of questions I sometimes ask myself. The first one being "If you were locked in a room with no door no windows a celling and a floor how would you get out? The second question is can you see with your skin? Smell with your eyes and taste with your nose? Thirdly let YOUR laughter weep lest none laugh at you let your weeping laugh lest you'll be in good company. The moral be okay being vulnerable and don't mask your vulnerability anymore, that is where your strength is. "What's the matter?" This question does not mean what is wrong as it is so commonly used today, it is more so referring to what are you made of. The matter for you right now seems to be, things you are holding on to because of the feeling they produce. But the chemicals that actually take action to produce these feeling are from with in. You are calling on yourself from within and now it seems like from your writing you are no longer distracted from going inside so go and seek your best you, the one that isn't even known to you yet. Forgive your self, what ever the forgiveness that needs to take place make sure you don't continue doing that which needs forgiveness and if it be a habit or addiction seek out a professional support system and stick with it even past the desired results. I pray my words help.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very powerful speech especially in regards to working together. Where this speech sort of created a wall for me was when you said "Both Republicans and Democrats want what is best for the country, and though, in recent years, (three decades) we have seen the party’s disagree for no reason other than to disagree, to blatantly disregard the will of an American people and to smear the name and intention of another, for no reason than to shift power and make money. It would seem that they must have forgotten that we are all, in fact, in this together; that we trusted them to provide for us, the American people, a free, a safe, and an honest life. They must, again, realize that their back and forth badgering can only make us look uncollected to the world, and has not, nor could it maintain, or offer a change to the future of our unsettled country." In this statement it feels like more finger pointing than agreeing to come together for the good of our nation. Another way that this could have been said was 'Both Republicans and Democrats want what is best for our country, and in recent years we have seen parties disagree and dis regard the will of the American people. It would seem that they must have forgotten that we are all in fact in this together.... Now please do not be offended. My intention is to point out that both parties probably felt justified in their reasons for doing what they did. But the bigger picture is what you are asserting and It would be a disadvantage to your message if the impact were diluted because someone took parts of it personal. Also what changed significantly in May that allowed us to stray as you put it from excepting each others differences? I hope I did not over step any boundaries as a reviewer by pointing out my opinion in this review. Other than that it is very well said.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this a lot. Some of these concepts I have been trying to simplify. You have simplified what I could not. Thank you so much. The fish analogy was spot on. And I agree in totality.
Review of Spilt Milk  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem is intresting. The begining made me cring I have been both the reciever and giver of such sharp objects. The middle made me think of past hurts and regreats of what could have been done differently. ooking at my self as well as others. The ending the ending made me wonder as much the author question. It made me wonder back through major events in my life and wonder if we saw each other as loyal and if so were we loyal to one another? My answer for my self as I know it would be yes, I have been loyal to others to the point where I made sure they ate and I was hungery. But in the end it is no hard feelings for me because even if they did not do the same for me they did what appeared to be their best most of the time as I knew it. Great poem.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
Are you serious? That would be awesome! Are you saying that you would like to illustrate for the writings written here on writing .com? Short stories, poems and long stories? Please let me if this is what you are saying. I know my question might sound a little trivial, but before I get excited I just want to make sure I know the specifics. Please send me a detail response. Also what are you requesting in return or your time and artistic creativity?
Review of Freedom Call  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.5)
I think this speaks for a lot of people. Especially today with so many changes happening it is hard to keep up with it all. Government that used to represent what the people wanted is long gone. Or perhaps my eyes are just starting to truly open up to how things really are and have always been. We the people have made sacrifice upon sacrifice some greater than others in order to preserve our lives and our liberties. What we have to day I can not say is better or worse, than yesterday. For so many advancements gained there have been a lot of things lost. Is that not the natural order of life? I am just starting to grasp some of the things my fellow brothers and sisters in our nation already know or have known. It is wonderful to see people speak up in a way that includes everybody.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
This piece made me feel like this is the type of encouragement I would like when I am going through troubled times. It radiate with smiles as if the person who wrote it was smiling as they wrote it. This is so encouraging and whom ever your friend is, is so happy to have people like you in their conner!
Review by mota
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Okay with this story I laughed from beginning to end.Very funny. There were bits of realness for me in between the lines that made me think in the beginning. However by the end I could not stop laughing. I love your cynical lucid sense of humor presented here. I could see this as the beginning of a short play.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is cynical and really funny. I can appreciate your sense of humor!
Review of C'est La Vie  
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
We go head first into things we know not of the outcome because we have blind hope and faith that it will be our dream come true, we hesitate going into something we know of the outcome good or bad because we are afraid of the commitment.
It is a strange feeling when something happens to us. It is natural high. we want more until we eventually allow our addiction for the high to control us. we look for good while expecting the worse. we dream of good but our attitudes is prepared for the worse. How can we make our spirit that wants goods yet our mind and body that expects the worse work together. How do we make our indigents blend to make a sweet sauce? why can't we look for perfection? We tend to get lost in our ability to create our masterpiece of perfection. Perfection is what suites each individual to be in their happiness. We live in a world of prefabricated items, objects, people, love, etc. We have lost our ability to create our happiness and now expect happiness to come in the fashion we require. Thinking everything is perfect just because it happened the way you wanted it to is luck and not every one is lucky to get perfection. Why can't we create our everything as perfect as we know how. We need to take back our abilities to create our own perfection.
Women are acting more weaker than in the past, as history causes. There is no support systems in place to help mold and shape the intricate mechanical operations that make up a women. Men are like the foundations and roof and where as women are the pillars that hold up the roof and hold down the foundation they are nurtures, supporters, lovers, wives, mothers, workers, creators and fixers. With out the diverse support system of teachers, elders, like people, spiritual guiders there is no way women can overcome the issues at hand. We need to let go of competition and look at other women as weblike support systems that will help create better woman of tomorrow. We need to let go of jealousy and envies and embrace each other, love ourselves and each other in order to change and build womanly wisdom in what ever forms or fashions it may show up as!
Review of Space Holder  
Review by mota
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Wow you know this says alot right?
Review of Dear Negativity  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very powerful. At first it made me feel uncomfortable, I took it as if the author was talking to me. Then I felt proud as if this was a friend speaking to me and they were declaring what they wanted and didn't want in their lives. It allowed me to feel checked with love. Then naming all their friends allowed me to process where each of those emotions has had a major impact in my life recently. The ending for me fell a little short of what I would expect of myself, but I am not the author. Over all it is a very powerful and encouraging peice of writing!
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is beautiful and I encourage you to keep singing!
Review of Cold Turkey  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
Truthfully I do not have proper words to express a review. At first reading this mad my heart heavy. Then I connected with the idea of what it felt like to have your heart ripped right out or how venerable it feels to wear your heart on your sleeve. I held my breath at the idea of slaying your dragons or in words I might use ending past demons or hurts. At the end my heart sank again because of the very real feeling that was conveyed of missing out on something that had been given to you all along. The message that was conveyed to me at the end was that you knew for now everything was alright and at least your heart for a moment had a chance to heal. All of the elements in this story have very real themes for me. Thank you for sharing yourself.
Review by mota
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I like the suspense please keep going!
Review of A Question  
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Who said it was possible. I agree it is not once you open up to someone you can not close down. Like giving birth to a chilld once you do you love that child forever. If someone asks you to stop are they actually asking you to stop loving them or are they saying for what ever reason this is not or has not worked and I need to do my best to be strong and not try to hold on to something that is not going to happen? Just my sentiments.
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