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Review of Lost  
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
After reading this I will ask one thing of you. Gather enough of your thoughts to BELIEVE good things will happen to you. If you must change your surroundings in order to gain the strength then do so. Sleep with tapes that offer soothing sounds or positive affirmations, and please can you take time to remember the effect you have on others by way of your thoughts and actions. Do you make anyone feel the way you feel? Negative or positive?
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.0)
In moments like this anything said can be seen as offensive? In response to your post, this poem made me want to reach out to give compassion or advice. This poem made me think of all the times that I felt this way. It made me think of others that I know have felt like this. Then it made me think what can I do to help? How do you help someone that might be tricking you or may hurt you?
Review of Why Women Cheat  
Review by mota
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I agree with you in closing.
Review of All The Others  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.5)
And some wonder why noone stay..............
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thank you
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This made me cry. I know what it feels like to truly like yourself and just be happy about life and someone else shake that out of you because their world is different. Weather this is true or not things like this happen all the time. We as a human race are hurting and because of our hurt we hurt others. It makes me sad. I am sorry that we live this way.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
I want you to know you have no idea how much these words impress upon me! I LOVE when people show up as themselves for themselves. It is so hard to explain because we all wear suites or masks to hide our true feelings. Pain, hurt etc. Or to keep from being vulnerable or hurt etc. When we do this we eventually convince ourselves that this hidden person this mask is who we are. But when we truly unveil or become naked to ourselves we are now in god space. Thank you so much for getting NAKED! LOl I appreciate this more then I have the words to express. For me this is what creates magnetism, it moves me or pulls me like a compass. It makes me want to celebrate or sing. It is AUTHENTIC and I love authenticity without all the distractions. I am loving you because you love you. I am loving you because I love me and this is how I know true love to be. We express love all the time. However as I know it, it is true when we love ourselves as much as the people we want to share our selves or our love with. Thank you this is freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review of Box of Solitude  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.5)
I pictured someone singing this loud and out of key. It made me smile.
Review of Blaine's find  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
Wow please continue.
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
It is very intense. The first question that came to my mind was why were his parents executed? I want to know what is going to happen to him. Please write on.
Review by mota
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
My review of this is.... I can not help but take it personal. of course I want to ask why is your place of worship this way. Perhaps it is not to figure out. Why can you not escape? I am asking to grrasp a better understanding feel free not to answer. What hits my spirit is the fact that some people live an entire life time with this kind of pain and we call it living. Our bodies remember even if the mind does not. A persons body will literally form to the shape of the abuse it suffered. Most sexually abused women are knock kneaded. Because their knees want to stay closed. Or have pouching stomachs. Because stomach fat is the bodies subconscious way of protecting itself. Men that have been sexually abused usually have smoother lines between the for head or frontal loab and the bridge of their nose. Perhaps this is because they try to mentally block it out or figure it out plus once the pineal gland is touched through certain channels or canals of the body this causes physical features to change as well. Also their walk changes, either their pelvic thrusts forward or they tend to walk with their entire body being stiff. This represents the subconscious violation. Sometimes they tend to move just the upper part of their torso sholders and arms. These tend to be the more aggressive types. They tend to take advantage more often then be taken advantage of. My point is underneath it all we, they, them, us all hurt. Sex is supposed to be a beautiful act. It is now something else. And I think that this is what this poem is about. Forgive me if I am wrong or have offended you with useless information.
Review of A New Year  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thank you so much for this post. I looked up the dream act. It is written in a easy to read document and gives further details on more information and links. All of it written for the lay man. We need more documents written this way so that the average American can participate and understand what they are voting for, instead of feeling like they are being spent in circles.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.0)
Why is everything personal? One who writes so eloquently as an art from antiquity. Has a grace of pen, iron and art that very few can comprehend and even less to compare. Yet no matter what every stroke for someone else is a secret eternal promise made to you by you to make even nothing ness personal. Yet shout that people are stupid and all the same. Did it ever occur that none will be if you do not let them? Surly non let you be you proclaimed your position. While still never quite acknowledging it was the tea in team that created such success of course I speak of your tea not mine. Please write on bind and spin minds. As your command is always to separate the wheat from the tear, However make noon mistake I do not wish for you a slightest bit of the ill you wish for.... See.
Review of The Window  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.5)
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.0)
I do love you way with words. Please continue. And know that with all ernestness that students are eager to learn. Myself being a student I have never felt welcomed at school. I am the student who usually made noise as a class jerk, this probally made me look really really stupid. However I was willing to look stupid unpurpose that be made to feel stipid because I really didn't know what the entire class felt like I should.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.0)
Yep me too. So either you know me and are mocking me or this is how you really feel.....
Review of Where Is Love?!!  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this now how long do you think it will be before everyone is willing to live by this creed?
Review by mota
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think the answer to your last question depends on the path that one desires. I have pondered on the act of over thinking and the answer that formed for me was we think to discover. The we explore to discover, then we seek to discover yet all of the things we desire to discover lead us farther from ourselves. Because in order to acquire passage to explore one must go through something, the same goes for seeking and discovering. Least with discovering it may come on it's own however once noticed one in order to peruse the discovering again one must go through something. Knowing this brought me to the question of what is it that I am seeking, looking to discover or explore? For me it was the universe. Once I had a focal point I then realized all of the answers can come from with in. They usually do. Every genius everything written was first a thought or emotion or it could not exist in physical form according to the laws of cause and effect. Now as I understand it ( and I claim to be no scholar by far.) The splitting of the mind comes from storing to much information in certain areas without having outlets to express that information. This then becomes the quest for balance. In my humble opinion this is where humanity is stuck at and has been for some time. We absorb more than ever before and with the expansion of technology comes the retraction of other types of expressions. Leading the populous to express itself in what ever mediums are most often available. Changing the plat form of creativity perhaps forever. This is not a fact just my thoughts on the evolution and the thought process. As I understand it the brain is a muscle that was designed for way more than just thinking. Our brains if fully used should be able to allow us to telekinesis, and move through what appear to be solid objects. We should be able to contact any one any where as our cell phones allow us to do. It is my understanding that every piece of technology known and unknown is a scale model of our body or our brains and these should be examples of what we can really do. The teachers that taught us how to fully use these tools are either all dead of very isolated. I believe they isolate because as they learn the how to use their tools the rest of the world and it's operations no longer make sense or the world views them as not making sense. Or they become some experiment for the world or science and labels them as having some kind of super power. Which is usually not even fully appreciated until their death. 'I think the last few sentences were me over thinking.
Review of Fears  
Review by mota
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am honored when I come across people who self evaluate. I am learning that their is a difference between self pity and self evaluation. I have struggled with depression for so many years that I thought it was normal. I am just now at a point in my life where I am recognizing depression for me is not only hereditary but also a sickness. I did not realize how bad it was until recently. Thank you for being brave enough to post this it is very inspiring to me! My greatest fear with having suffered from depression for so long is that once I get into a long term relationship, I am not sure If I will be able to recognize healthy boundries or what a healthy relationship looks like because I have accepted unhealthy thinking and being for so long and thought it was normal. Again thank you for having integrity with yourself and being fearless enough to share with others.
Review of This is You  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this alot.
Review of Run  
Review by mota
Rated: E | (3.0)
One year I took off season conditioning. I had no idea what it was, until the semister stared. I felt so bad because this was college level and everyone in the class had been training since at least high school. Well Guess what I hung in the class fininshed with a D. It was not impressive but it was passing. The most inspinring thig was my class mates did not laugh at me cause I was the slow fat kid. They incouraged me and my coach said as long as I beat my time I was improving. So when it came time to race my class mates, guess what? I finished last but I bet my own timing so I was still a winner!
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
Kind of you to honor her this way. It sounds like a healthy plat form for closure.
Review by mota
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is beautiful.
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
I feel like this sometime. Sometime more often than others when I think of all the wrong twists and turns my life has taken. I am not sure what advice to give you as I have not become who I wanted to be either. Me not standing up for myself allowed me to be put where 'they' wanted me to be. The saddest thing is when my position became an inconvenience to 'them' then I was further talked about. I had to learn to except that people will ALWAYS talk. Then I had to look at what I wanted for my self and my children. The truth was I was not living for either one of us. I was living for survival and for someone else but not for me or them. When I started to think about what I wanted for them the biggest factor was protection and safety. For me as well but also I wanted the freedom to move how I choose without being scared all the time. I used to make friends so easily. Now I am always wondering who's going to come after me with a gun or set me up. It has definitely taken my life apart. So I say all this to say look at your puzzle and it's pieces and regardless of outside influences what is truly important to you? That is where you start. This is the best advice I can give cause this is my starting point. Most of the time the world seems so crewel to me that that is all I see in others. But it wasn't always this way so I have to remember the beauty and joy. That is what children give until they are forced to experience crewel, Then they become products of their experience and environment. I hope my words help!
Review by mota
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is nice.
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