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for entry "Unusual Roles
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Dear BBW.

Your newsletter that mentions "Unusual Roles" is a great idea. I have never heard of a werewolf cowboy before. I am sure there may be something similar, somewhere, but not here. I have no imagination, which is why I stick to true stories. But I will think of this and see what I can come up with. Remember now, I am very new at this.
Your Friend,

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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello, Joy,

Your article, "Fiction: Exercises in Various Beginnings," held my attention. I like essays and articles best. I guess that is because I am a retired newspaper and magazine staff writer. Extra words or lengthy writing isn't easy for me to read. However, I read your article a couple of times and took notes. I could certainly use some work on the beginnings of a story.

I have several ways to write beginnings, as well, but not near as many as you explained. I usually write in first person about my animal adventures and colorful stories about working as a staff writer. I can usually come up with a title, or headline, for my stories. I wrote the front page at two different newspapers and I tried to have headlines and photos that attract readers above the fold.

I have used about all of the beginnings listed from time to time. I prefer to have a beginning that will hook the reader, depending on the story. I like to write in the first person if the story is true. When it is fiction, I do add a little truth, but start out with a description of the town or river, mountains, and add the characters after a few sentences.

If my printer is working, I want to make a copy of your article.


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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Mr. Aire,

I knew you were an author, and a good one, as soon as I read a few lines of your story/interview by . At one time, when I was a newspaper staff writer and a magazine feature writer, I did quite a few interviews, myself. Your style and questions impressed me a lot. I would love to read, "Highmge's Plight and Human Mage."

I don't know much about reviewing science fiction, but I love to read about the fantastic and adventurast stories. I never read any of the "Amber" series like, "The Amber Soucebook." I will check it out at Barnes & Noble or Amazon. It is a pity that your friend, Roger Zelazny, isn't around to write more books about Amber.

Thankyou for writing this unusual piece.


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Review of Healing Hands  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with Non-Humans R Us  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Dave,

I just finished reading your short poem, "Healing Hands," about nurses. I think nurses sometimes get a bum rap because they are the ones doing all of the work, most of which should be the doctors' responsibility. Having worked in a chemistry lab in the MUSC hospital, I hung around with nurses and med students. We were all silly and had morbid jokes for each other.

My husband is a nurses assistant at the MUSC Cardiac Unit. He told me when I asked why he didn't want to be a nurse. He said, "They don't get paid enough for what they have to do."

I am glad you appreciate nurses. We couldn't run a hospital without them!

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for entry "Your scent
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, Friend,

I read your short poem, "Your Scent." I thought is was so romantic. As a writer and not at all a poet, I still understand how hard it is to write shorter poems and stories. However, your poem is full of feeling of love and romance. I found it to be endearing for the author to remember her scent from their last embraced. God! I would love to write poetry. Maybe if I read enough, it would rub off.


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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Spidey,

At first, I was very worried that your mother needed a donor, and was relieved and pleased that Uncle Wayne was able (and willling) to use his kidney. That is a complicated surgery. A few of my family members also had kidney transplants. Nowadays, it is done all the time.

We all prayed for your mother and your uncle. I read the first part of your tale, but was waiting on the update I knew you would write. After all, you ARE a writer. I would do the same thing,too.

She and Uncle Wayne must have a good threshold of pain. I guess that is because everything turned out for the better. You must have a strong, and a close family.


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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Cassandra,

I can tell that you, like I do, love Michael Jackson. I guess I should have written we both loved Michael. To me, he was the very best performer in the world. I used to watch MTV, in the old days when there were nothing but music videos, I would sit and wait for any of his videos. My favorite was at that time, "Thriller." I loved everything Michael ever did.

I think, from experience and friends, he was abusing drugs. He was going from doctor to doctor for heavy duty meds and even having friends getting the prescriptions in their names. That is what drug abusers do. However the Propofol is NOT for personal use, in any form by any doctor. I was a veterianry surgery tech. and we used the milky colored drug ONLY for anesthesic purposes. A small amount was injected IV through a catheter and immediately, while the animal was not breathing, because of the drug, we were able to slide the trach tube down into the trachia.

So the only thing Propofol is used for is surgery prep, and it has to be done ASAP since the animal or person is not breathing. They have to be intubated and on a respirator to keep them breathing. So each time Michael was recieving the drug in a drip (NONONON), his breathing would stop. I don't know why he stayed alive as long as he did. But I don't think it was an overdose.

When performers are working hard to do their best, it is extremely stressful. I have been super stressed out, myself. It is damned impossible to sleep. I had no access to sleeping pills, so I would just feel like s*** the next day. I just think Michael was trying to relax and forget about what he was going to do next. He was under emense pressure. Don't forget his dysfuncional childhood.

Thanks for writing this short piece. It said a lot to me.

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Review of new life  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Introvert,

Your poem, "New Life," reminds me of a lot of life. It could be a butterfly, emerging from a crysalis, a bird hatching from and egg, tad poles hatching and the new life of being in love. "time to eat and grow" can also mean we should feed our minds so that we can open them.

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Review of signatures  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Dear Introvert,

For a newby, you sure have an impressive portfolio. I would love for you to teach me a few tricks. I would love to put more pictures in my port. But I don't have any more to use. I also need to send some C-Notes. How do I get to yours to send?

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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Jami Lynn Pack,

I just finished reading your cute story, "Frank Zappa Moves In." I am a big Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention fan. They were ahead of their time. So when I read the name of your story, I thought the real Frank Zappa had returned from the grave.

I laughed out loud to find out that Frank Zappa was a dog and inherited 4.2 billion dollars from Mr. Henderson. Your story is probably popular with a cool name like yours.

Keep up the Good Work

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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I finanly found your Port. Boy you have more stories than I have! I just finished reading, "Atheists Take God To Court." It is a catchy title. I agree with you that good and evil does exist, and people tend to live double lives, "The Devil made me do it. If I pray and go to church, God will forgive me." Until the next time.

My husband and I real a lot of spiritual books, mostly about the argument that God exists. Carl Sagan spent almost all of his life, trying to prove we had a God, but never saw any proof. Dawkins and Hitchins are confirmed Athiests and do write about both sides of religion. However they still don't see proof of God and don't believe in the supernatural.

I like reading the works of Lao Tzu, a wise man who wrote the "Tao Te Ching" 3,000 years ago. It is what I think of is "the path." The words to live by are simple and loving. The Tao has been translated almost as many times as the Bible. I consider myself a "Sage of the Tao."

I liked your story quite a lot. I gets the reader interested from the start!

Your Friend,

pS I finally clicked on your port and I didn't get a message saying you were not available.

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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Kristina,

I just finished your spooky first chapter, "The Willow Creek Incident." You did a great job of describing the characters and making them real. I liked the description of the way the "nightgown flowed back and forth against her slender body as her long blomde hair gently whisked about her face."

The story held my interest and I enjoy reading (not being) about the supernatural. What the child saw gave me the creeps. I was especially worried when the house turned into wood and drew a crowd. Later, when she realized it must have all been a dream, she wakes her father. Maybe it wasn't a dream at all.


Keep up the Good Work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, playinghouse,

I just finished reading your poem, "Choking on Words." It made me feel sad for the young boy who is abused and mistreated. Your suffocation and labored respiration must be because you love him and it upsets you to know what is happening.

" I think your demon's perch, just above that scar, is suffering too." I don't see any glaring mistakes in grammar and spelling. But I noticed that a couple of your "i s" should be in capital letters. I am sure you didn't mean to over look it.
I enjoyed reading your poem.

Keep up the Good Work,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cry A Tear For Me  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Keaton,

I have always admired your work. I doubt my review can do your poem justice. I feel, "Cry A Tear For Me," is a great read for most of us. I read it to my husband and asked him if he would, cry a tear for me. He said, "Maybe."

I liked the desciption about, "Bleeding such words has become my way, hemorrhaging." I do like the wording of that phrase, among others. The poem also reminded me of a time when my boyfriend asked if I would shed tears at his funeral. He was killed in a fire the next day while I made wedding plans. I did more than shed a tear.

Your Friend. Lesley

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Review of June 13--Wheat  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
It's me, again,

Your short story, "June 13---Wheat," reminds me of watching the men that drove the machine that raked the hay and let it dry. Then we would load up the bales in the truck. I don't know a lot about wheat, except it is in horse feed. I also liked the description of the mountains in Colorado. I live below sea level in the swamps and marshes of SC. If you keep on bugging your father and grandfather, I'll bet they will let you come along.

Keep on Writing,

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Review of June 14--Gun  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello, again, Nikola,

I like to read your stories because they aren't long-winded. I liked the short story called, "June 14--- Gun." The young woman in the story was a typical abused lady. I see it and read about abuse, mental and physical abuse. I have been lucky. I gravitate towards kind men who love animals.

I am glad the abused woman finally got her revenge. Now, as she says, "I'm Free!" I wish other women could be free.

Your Friend,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of June 15--Dog  
Review by Lesley Scott
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello, Nikola,

I just finished reading your informative short story, "June 15...Dog." I wrote something almost the same in my port about a dog that is dumped and picked up by animal control. I saw dogs and cats abandoned when I was an Animal Control Officer. I think it is called, "Lost and Abandoned." It is the first story I wrote for WDC. I also wrote one with a happy ending called, "Torty." I hope you will go to my port and read them. I also have a gator story called, "Gator in the Road or Losing my Head." I think it is exciting.

Your story touches on puppy mills. The SPCA is making some progress, but slowly. I was the one to check out the cruelty of these horrible places and carry the animals to the pound to be euthanized. Sometimes, I had to euthanize dogs and cats when I worked in an animal shelter. There just isn't enough room.

Keep up the Good Work,

ps, Do read my stories. I think you will be glad you did.

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Review of You Cannot Come  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Crystale,

I just finished your poem, "You Cannot Come." Does that mean the writer is going to Heaven and it is not time for the people who wanted to follow her? I liked a couple of your phrases, "There's been much I've had to overcome,
stayed behind in the sight of some." I also liked, "I ask you in advance a warning, It will bide us all time for the light to shine morning." I feel enlghtened. Thanks.
Keep Up the Good Work,

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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)

As I have written before, these forums are a great tool for us to get to know each other. I wrote down some things in the previous forum page and I hope to make some new friends. I have a lot of other friends with my disABILITY. I am surprised at how many people can cope.


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Review of Letter To GOD  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Sum1,
I always enjoy your work. This short story, "A Letter to God," not only praised Him for the wonder and beauty that surrounds us, and prays that the Mother Earth and animals be better treated. "I will hear your voice by following the path I know I should," is inspirational. The only thing I would comment on is that I usually try not to write long paragraphs.


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Review of Frank's Way  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Tim Chiu,
I just finished reading your poem, "Frank's Way." My mother has always loved Frank Sinatra and compares him with the music I listen to. I am not too young and remember hearing him sing, and there is no one like him. He was very handsome with his twinking blue eyes and smooth voice. I am glad you decided to write about Sinatra.


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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello. Teresa,

I just finished your short story, "The Magical Horse." I found it to be suitable for anyone to read. To me, it seems that the villagers were more selfish than to take proper care of this unusual animal. I am glad he was taken by Dilsham. I am not clear on what you mean by "cud."

Since horses don't chew cud like a cow or goat, maybe "droppings" would be a better word. But since it is for children, you probably can come up with an age suitable word. I would also break up some of your paragraphs. But that is up to you. I was told in one of my reviews not to use a ! unless it is appropriate.

See what I did without thinking? I wrote a long paragraph. But I couldn't figure out where to put one. I will try again.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Music  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, MattiBoo,

I certainly do agree with your thoughts about music. I read a long time ago that to cheer up, listen to some quiet music to begin with and go on to faster music to get motivated. I love to do housework and wear my ipod. I have a collection of motivating rock and roll. My most favorite (I have lots of them) is Eric Clapton. I still consider him as God. Just kidding, but he is the best in the world. You are right, "Without music I don't know what I'd do." Oh, BTW, you spelled "I'd" id. Otherwise everything looks great to me.


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Review of Name Handle  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey, Friend,

The Christmas Handle is beautiful. I love the way the tree is done in an abstract way and it is perfect with the dark and light blue color. I guess you will have to wait until Christmas to use this handle. I can see why it won the "Squrtoon Auction."
Your Friend,
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, J. A. Buxton,

I just finished your story for the "Writers' Cramp" contest, and congratulations for winning. I thought is was a very good piece. The desciption of the family painted a picture of the way a family should be. I thought the "Sergent" was refusing to take a picture because she didn't want to stand next to someone. I liked the ending when I found out she was having her photo taken with your tire swing.


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