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Review of New Life  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Again I see the creative ability in you. The images are depicted perfectly, and the sense of hope comes through easily with powerfully convincing reason.

I take my hat off to you and offer up congratulations.
Job well done.
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Review of The Love has Died  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Well done here.
I admire the sincerity in your words. They ring true and loud. For that however I am sorry to hear the song. For that surely means that someone with an artist's heart has been hurt. Everytime that happens I feel the world become darker and colder.

I sympathize completely with this and offer up my condolences and encouragement.

Keep writing.
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"Loneliness Is Not A Phase
Review of Fair? What is?  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Such a dour look at life and the world will no doubt bring you heaps of uplifting reviews. This is a place that likes to comfort those it sees or perceives as
downtrodden or negative in nature. I on the otherhand totally see your point of view in this piece and commend you on pointing out what otherwise gets sugarcoated all too often.

Interesting though this may indeed be, I found only one item that is not correct:
Nothing with held should be one word

Review of A Rose So Sweet  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (3.5)
I almost decided not to read this- for when the description has misspellings....

I did not really understand this. I think it was about love.
What does smitter mean anyway?

I am happy to see that you like to write don't get me wrong.
Just next time spell check it.
Would be more professional looking and you'll be taken more seriously.

Good luck.
Review of Five Things  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I laughed so hard at this that I nearly threw up!
I have known people like BOB and man you nailed the personality aspect down.
You gave me a laugh and a moment of reflection after I read this. For both I thank you for!

You are an excellent writer and you are going to go far in this site.

Very good!
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"Breaking News
Review of Storm  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a powerful piece written with a lot of passion and sadness.
A broken heart is one of (if not THE) worst things attached to the gift of LOVE.
It never heals. Time isn't a miracle cure. I know this all to well.

Hang in there.
I feel for ya.

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"Loneliness Is Not A Phase
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good my friend. I think you've got the knack!
I liked this mainly because it taught me something that honestly I had no idea
about. Anytime I can learn something new or interesting is time well invested.

Congrats on this and look forward to reading more from you soon!!

Review of DON'T HURT  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a good poem.
Well written without mistakes.

I absolutely agree with you when you state that there is no reason at all to hurt a child, either physically or emotionally. People sometimes forget that emotional abuse is as painful and scarring as any beating could ever be.

Thank you for posting this and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Review of Waiting  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Why exactly does waiting make us more than meets the eye?
I'd be interested in hearing some definition of this.
I did not see any grammar or puctuation errors in this.

I really did not get the point of this poem but it is written rather well....

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Review of Next to Godliness  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is definitely and ode to cleaning I'd say.
There is something to be said about clean living I'd agree on that wholeheartedly. The only thing is there is a fine line between what one considers fastidious cleanliness and obsessive compulsive-ness.(?)
That's where my mother wound up. She had a reputation of having a floor clean enough to 'eat off of'.

But then towards the end of her life she'd spend so much time worrying about every little thing and whether it was in its correct place, etc...

Be careful not to let a good character trait turn into something else.

Good writing.

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Review of Magnifying Glass  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting take on this. I thought initially it was going to be about something else entirely...hehe.

But as far as writing attempts go I would have to say that this was a good one.
Overall the idea is conveyed to the reader fairly well. You have an ability to write but I think that perhaps in the future you might want to put a little more to the page.

Meaning it was a bit short. I guess that means I wanted to keep reading-
so there you go. You're a writer alright!

Only two items that are incorrectly spelled:
ofttimes, and signifigence

Otherwise good job!

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Review of No Clue  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was a good poem overall I'd say. The only real thing that I can find that might be needing attention paid to is the rhyming scheme. It doesn't flow as good as it could, but you are no doubt on the right track.

Be carefull using big words like 'obliviousness' in sentences intended to rhyme on 'key' .
Keep on writing!
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Review of Love for Him  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nicely done. Your love shines throughout the entire poem.
You are truly a person in love!
The only thing that appears to need attention paid to is the alignment shifted on us. Was that intentional?

Oh, and the color scheme is nice but a little hard to read.
For me at least.

Thanks again and keep writing!

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Review of Hurricane  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really liked this piece you wrote. Almost like and ode to Katrina or something.
Yet it wasn't really. You used very creative descriptive words throughout the composition. I like that. It made sense overall and brought images clearly across to me as I read it.

Very Good
Review of DESPAIR  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (3.5)
You seem to have a real deep manner about you.
You talk of things that (to be honest with you)
are apparently beyond my scope or comprehensional ability.

I applaud you on your efforts though.
The placement of the punctuation marks and the use of caps on certain words
was intentional. A style unknown to me but since it is obvious that you wanted to write this way, I cannot call it 'incorrect.'

Thank you for being so creative.
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Review of MY DAUGHTERS  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
You must be a great mom.
Nothing would have given me more pleasure and happiness that to have a parent take the time to compose something like this for me!
Children are so precious and if I had any you had better believe that I'd be writing about them any chance I could!

I liked this poem and I commend you on your composition.
I found nothing that needs corrected in this.

Good job.

Keep on writing!
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Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This was a nice little poem. It is not too short and leaves the reader with an uplifting message at the end. It is sad indeed how the world turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to the atrocities that occur all around us on a daily basis.

If mankind would only dig its head out of the sand. Perhaps then we'd be able to see the path to salvation laid before us by the Almighty. That there is no problem that cannot be rectified as long as we realize the need for a solution first.

Good job.

Keep on writing!

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Review of Gone Forever  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
My hat's off to you my friend for this poignant ode to a lost friend. It broke my heart reading this. I did not want to initially I will admit, for the title lends the reader no misgivings as to what the work is about and where it was going to lead. I am an animal lover myself, both cats and dogs alike. I lost a companion of mine not too long ago so I feel your sorrow. Although I know each person's pain is unique, but in spirit we share similarities.

God be with you and rest assure that your friend is in a much better place.

Review of The Fire  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Pretty good poem here. The writing seems to be okay. Not too many errors that I can find (except the punctuation marks (some) are missing. No biggy though.
Overall I liked this piece.

It reeks of sadness but it has a glimmer of hope as well to it at the end.

Very good.

Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
what a well written poem.
your devotion and love comes across easily in every word.
To have someone come in who can be that foundation stone that a shattered life can rebuild upon is indeed most fortunate, and I congratulate you on finding that, as well as writing such a fine piece.

Review of Former Life  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
My Favorite Line:
Your laugh pierces joy, and lingers like liquid breath surrounding a fresh kill

Overall I found this to be an interesting expression of yourself.
It shows an inquisitive nature, a knowledge of oneself, and an ability to create powerful works of literature.

Good Job

Review of Awakening  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Nice rhyming poem.
Sounded well and flows easy.
You did a good job!
Keep on writing like this and you are bound to go far.

That I could purse without hesitation. <---- misspelled. Persue?

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Review of Loved you too  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Absolutely one of the best pieces of literary work I have ever had the pleasure to read. I commend you on your accomplishments. I say accomplishment(s) because the first one I praise is the warewithall to survive physically as well as mentally, and for your abiliy to write such a powerful and emotional piece such as this.

I take my hat off to you.
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"It's Only Me
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
You've definitely reached the event horion here.
Uh, huh. Yup. D'ats da truth...(*Smile*)

Anyways, don't know what you were shooting for apart from being out there.
I liked it don't misinterpret this.
BUT if I were to have done something of this nature...
it would have included at least three references to one hand clapping, dry ice or at minimum, Pogo the three armed monkey.

But. That's just me.
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Review of Fame  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
You know, really wouldn't surprise me if this isn't how it really is.
New definition of GONE HOLLYWOOD.

I thouroughly enjoyed your post here. It is creative with a slice of
'jab- right between the eyes'- type of deal.
Hmm, that made no sense. Oh well....

Honestly I liked this piece. Intelligently done.
Caught my attention by its title and kept me interested all the way thru it.

Very, Very Good!
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In answer to the derisive question asked by a white man, "Where are your lands now?"
With his left hand pointing Crazy Horse replied, "My lands are where my dead lie buried."
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