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Review of Youth  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a wonderful and poignant way to describe the wonders of life and tragedy of aging. I particularly like the point you made regarding choice(s)

'No thought to who I've hurt or what I've done'

It is true that youthful vigor oftentimes supercedes proper decision making, causing us to do things that later on in life we regret. It is the agressive nature of trying too hard to grow up to fast. Learning through experience is the only way to truly gain wisdom in life (in my opinion). Otherwise we just become older children having no idea what life is really about.
It seems you've got the wisdom of which I speak. Good for you.
Kudos for this piece & Keep writing!!

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Review of The Path of Life  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there. I really enjoyed this work of prose.
It is easy to follow, and interesting to boot. There have been
similar works like this, but for some reason I cannot pinpoint right now this one grabbed my attention and held it.
I liked it and congratulations on such a fine job.

My particular favorite:
'Even today I am unclear as to what made me speak to you that day.
Maybe the brightness of your path or the turmoil on my own.
I felt the need to talk to you.'

Please keep it coming!
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Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Here's an example of why I liked this piece:

"The fearsome general, satisfied by the promptness of her troops, cheerfully leaped from her perch and quietly landed on the damp ground below."

This sentence is very well done, I believe at least.
I like the way you describe 'action'.
Colorful yet subtle.
Not sure what the bold text is all about but oh well...:)

Overall I enjoyed it. Write on!
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Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello there my friend.
This is one of the most beautiful works I have ever read here on WDC.
My heart knows that pain. I will not say that it is similar, for each of us are individual and our pain is unique. I only state that I know it.
My heart goes out to you. I know first hand that nothing will ever get rid of the pain felt afterward, nor does it ease with time. Learn from it. Keep it.
You will move on.

Very good literary work here!

see my example here--------> "Loneliness Is Not A Phase

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Review of True Feelings  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am sorry for you having to go through this sort of emotional turmoil. I know it personally all too well. But the one good and bright side I can point out to you at this moment in time is that:

I liked your work and you are going to go far here at WDC.

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Review of Falling  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Creative this piece is! You are definitely an author in the making!
It reminded me of something I did a long time ago, similar, but not exactly.
Your use of descriptive words is admirable and interesting in the way you write them.

My personal favorite part was :

'Blindsided by the tricky darkness,'


'Sliding through days,
Slipping through dreams'

Keep it going!

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Review of Transformation  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Okay- here we go...

Overall I liked this piece. You are tenacious in your determination to describe the overall inevitability of darkness and doom.
I like that. To me it demonstrates character. Self exploration in philosophical and spiritual areas shows wisdom developing.
If you are truly a newcomer to the literary world, it is hard to tell.

My favorite parts were:

'Stumbling aimlessly through the darkness of day.
Hating, berating. Jealousy consuming my soul.

Very good. Keep it going.

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Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello there.
I want to start off by saying that you are creative and going to go very far on
this site. Overall I liked what I read, but at the same time I think that the manner in which the spacing is done....kinda leaves me in the negative. Perhaps (most likely) it is just me but it isn't appealing to the 'eye'. Does that make much sense?

Maybe if the indents were omitted...?.

Anyways...kudos to you and keep writing!
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Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and thank you for posting such a beautifully worded piece.
When somone displays a personal item such as this, I believe it
truly honors the memory of the loved ones lost the most.

The highest form of tribute to me is sharing
You have done that very well here.
I am thouroughly impressed.
I offer my condolences to you for your loss.

Review of All These Things  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello there. I have no doubt that you are and accomplished author judging by what I see here so far. It is nice to have creative individuals such as yourself here at WDC.

Overall I enjoyed reading your work and look forward to seeing more in the near future, but for now let me state that you have done a fine job.

Review of Perfect  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello. Interesting way to post this- using the colors and bold face I mean. It is from the heart that is certain. You have a way about expressing your thoughts that is rare and following your success here at WDC is something that I look forward in doing.

Good job!

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Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello. I want to start this review off by saying that I can completely relate to the subject matter in this. Also I feel that it was well written and composed in such a fine manner that I cannot see (really) anything that needs either corrected or changed. Thank you for posting this and look forward to going far here at WDC.

Review of Cry for help  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well there, this is indeed an uplifting poem! :)
It is at least in my eyes. As you by now probably can tell that I like the more 'darker' types of literature and yours easily falls within that description.
Overall the poem was well written and composed.

Keep up the good work.

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Review of Bound  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there. Let me start by saying that if this is your first poem ever then you are destined to be an author! Overall I liked the poem and its contents were intriguing. I am not an expert by any measure but I was concerned initially about the way it rhymed one minute but not the next. Oh well, what do I know..hehe.

Anyway, I good job and welcome to WDC !!

Review of Why me  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello there. From what I read I can see that you have a good sense of reality. By that I mean you have taken quite some time to investigate what it is that encompasses you as a human being. Self reflection has many ways to be misinterpreted however, which is sad in its own right. Often people misconstrue wisdom for insecurity. At least that is what I believe. You are strong and wise.

As far as your work is concerned let me state that I liked it very much and you are a good writer. I can not see anything other than my eagerness to read more of what you are willing to offer to WDC. Thanks and keep posting!!
Review of Sweet Wonders  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.0)
You definitely have the gift for composing beautiful and heartfelt prayers.
Obviously you are a devout religious person.
You are passionate in your declaration of belief.
The only circumstance that throws this particular piece into what I call 'confusion' is that you misspelled a fundamental word:

Alpha and the Omega, not 'alfa.'

Nonetheless, I encourage you to keep writing.
Oh, and be careful on the capitols also, friend..

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Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
I wanted to take a moment to give my impression on this work of yours.
I like the fact that you are analytical, insightful, and have the courage to ask questions such as these.

On a personal note: You write in many ways like I tend to do.
The only thing I found really at 'fault' with this was in your sentence:
'Just why is the future so fascinating and so pressing, or for some
, depressing. ' ----------shouldn't there be a question mark at the end of this sentence??

Overall I liked it and keep writing!
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Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)

First off I would like to say that I enjoyed reading this piece. You are an intelligent individual that is for certain (judging by your inquisitiveness and choice of topics).

The only thing that I can say that might be changed/added is the run-on sentences. Separating long sentences with either a comma, semi-colon or in certain parts just a plain old period could do wonders.

I liked it overall and keep up the good work.

Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is certainly an educational and interesting piece of literature. I have been on WDC for a little while now and am slowly finding my way through this immense site. The reviewing of other's work is for me difficult in many ways. But with the helpful suggestions above I feel that I can now proceed to the ranks of a 'decent' reviewer.

Thanks all!
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Review of Things Change  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wanted to say that I was very impressed with your work here.
Not only is it interesting to read, but neatly done as well.
You have a good way of describing the scene- in my eyes at least.
I hope to see more of your work.
Very good.

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Review of Jack it  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very interesting piece.
Overall I liked it.
Keep it going!
Welcome to WDC !!

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Review of Our Kingdom  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice to read.
You conveyed the imagery in a fluent and concise form.
Welcome to WDC!

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Review of Need Hope  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ahh! Someone of similar views and conclusions!
You write very well. Keep it going and surely you will go far here!

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Review by SaintLee
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautifully done. Respectful, intelligent, and moving.
She'd be proud (in my opinion).
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"I'm Sorry
Review of imperfect life  
Review by SaintLee
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
No disrespect meant whatsoever here, but I must give my opinion as it is:
I am going to be perfectly honest and state:
I think that you may need to re-word it a bit, and check the spelling a little better. It comes across choppy and hard to understand. You know what you were trying to say but I fear that it is not coming across to the reader(s) as planned.
Granted, I understood the general "idea"of the post, but you may want to look into what I suggested.

I applaud the fact you posted though.
Hope you do well here.
Good Luck.

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