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Review of Strangers no more  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Star*Hi jaya

Now that sounds like an awesome Vacation! I like how each moment on the trip made the group grow closer together. It happens when you can share experiences. Just like re-writing about it, brings it alive. Thank you so much for sharing the human element in your travels, it's about seeing all the beauty.

I hope you enjoyed the shower!

Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello onelastwish

How funny...We may never know! I never think about these kind of things, so when I run across something like this, it always makes me smile and happy that I am so simple minded. I like that I take so much for granted. It's who and what I am. I am glad you shared this. Funny!

Write on and welcome to Writing.com!
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Review of Ties That Blind  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello LdyPhoenix

This is a Simply Positive review,

Wow! Now I don't like this kind of heavy feeling, it is so strong and powerful it crushes my spirit. You write so vividly, you can't help but feel the horror of this on your own soul. To me that is the power of words, feelings and imagination and reality tossed into the mix. You don't miss anything and I don't like the feeling and I am not suppose too!!! Great job!!

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Review of Waves  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Sophy

This is a Simply Positive review,

I can feel the weight of that heavy wave. I have been caught in a rib-tide and it's impossible to fight against, you actually have to relax and stop fighting to get out of it. Not easy to do, your instincts tell you to keep fighting and in life heartache is the same way, you want to give up, but your heart tells you no!

Thank you for sharing your words & talent.
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Review of Dare To Be  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon

It is my pleasure to read and review this for the Circle of Sisters!

Oh this is beautiful and stunning, how you can see that the change of a lifetime can happen, when you are not looking. It happens for all of us and what a pleasure it is to see a woman bloom. Sometimes I think this is a never ending process! I love the flow and feelings behind your words. Your an awesome man and dad!! Thank you for sharing your talent!
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Review of No Choice.  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Oceandweller

You wonder what would happen if everyone would take that choice in consideration. I love the flow of this and understand the emotions behind it. Some thing to think about, we that are living do have a choice, what we do with it...It is also a choice. Interesting that is the way of life and death.Thank you for sharing.

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Shelley,

What a fun place to sign a quest book, your private book nook! I like how you introduce the places that mean something to you and I also agree that you can't find a more encouraging and receptive place to write and share creativity. Welcome!

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Review of Graveside Grief  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Harry

Shining a Tribal Light on Mods...

What a way to look at grief! I admire how you inpsire the angels to talk about something so hard to understand. The visual you have placed over the gravesite. I now want to go visit my parents site and see if I can see my mountian of grief. I know they were loved, but did we leave enough behind to prove it to the angels? I am so glad I came across this today. I needed this! Thank you for sharing your awesome words!

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Hannah ♫♥♫

Thank you for all that you do for the First People's Tribe. I know personally know all the time and effort you and Cissy have spent creating the activities to keep the rest of us busy. I hope you know how much I admire your creative soul and I am so glad you share it. I like how you have this page set up. I think it is helpful that you put the bitem for the scorecards. I think we all need to keep track. Sorry I am just getting around to understanding it all. Thanks again!!!

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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*Star*Hi Edgework,

I have to say I really don't agree much with what you wrote about writers. I have been writing all my life. I have a book published. I have never written to be published and I have never cared if my book sold. What I care about is getting my message across. I do care that people feel good about sharing what they write. If we only wanted perfect people here, WDC would not exist. Because Perfect people and writers don't exist and even the famous names your quoted are not perfect. Perfect is an illusion. I understand your need to protect your writing with a pass key, I just wonder why you put it here at all. If your not willing to share it freely, what are you really protecting? I'm sorry, I am normally very positive and friendly in my reviews, but your Writing hurts just didn't sit pretty with me.

I hope you enjoyed the shower!

Review of The Age Factor  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello CarolK

I had to laugh out loud at your wonderful words of wisdom! My favorite line is...When will we grow old gracefully?
I wish we could go back to the days when growing Old was Sexy and acceptable. I don't mind looking older but with all the things available to keep looking good, why not prolong the inevitable? Sometimes it is true you only feel as good as you look!! LOL

Write on and Welcome to Writing.com!

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Review of One Moment  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Gypsy Gal

Our first love is the best and worse thing that happens to us. It is the beginning and the ending and if not handled correctly it can haunt you for a long time. Trust me I know this one. I love that you can remain friends and that you are reminded of good times. Really, is that what we want out of life? A change to enjoy the better things and feelings. Thanks for sharing and I have no suggestions to improve what you have here, so 5 stars are yours!

Welcome to Writing.com and Write on!
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Review of Auto-Bio Poem  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Angelica- Happy July 4th!

I am glad that Simply Positive highlighted these poems for you. Now you have a chance to go back and correct some of your typos. Who fins happiness in swimming (finds) I'm from NE and mountais
Piis out of the pod and pineapples Do you mean mountians? or Pits? I am a little confused on the meaning behind this poem. Sunken iside a pirate ship (inside) See all these little mistakes make up for some hard reading. Just make sure you do your best to go over your words and get your point across. Poetry is very subjective so you want to put your best face forward when sharing your words. Thanks so much and keep writing!
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Review of Witch Trials  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello spidey

Hey I have always wanted to go to Salem during Halloween and see it is really still haunted by wicked witches. I tell you everything about this time in history is interesting to me and so scary how people over reacted to something a little different in thinking and acting. I often think I would be accoused of being a witch. Nice writing and I enjoyed reading this. Thanks also for sharing your source. I want to check that out.

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello StaiNed-

This is a Simply Positive Reivew,

How funny! *Blush* I have had the opportunity of wetting myself from laughter. It is embarrassing but so funny if you can relax and see it as a natural way of letting go. LOL I am glad Dad came home to help out. Too bad it wasn't mom, you might not have been as embarrassed. LOL Thanks for sharing your moment. See, I have never wanted to return to my teen years!!

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello mellow pearl

How I feel in love reads like a book! It is so surprising how the mind and eyes and heart can connect without words spoken. I love the message here, to pay attention to those you call friend. It is something so easy to understand and sometimes so hard to accomplish.

Thanks for sharing!
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Review of Melting Iced  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello VictoriaMcCullough

This is my final review for your winning bid in Hannah's Paper Doll Image Auction. Thank you so much for allowing me to come in and make myself at home in your port. Your poetry is fun and interesting to read. Each one so uniquely you. What I love about this is your opening stanza, to see the cool sweet paradise of home after being on a snow filled road, to then feel the fire of desire...Love passion and then to sit back and wonder if this the way the world will end.,It's all mixed up and no easy answer comes to me. I like that.

Thank you for sharing your creative world and words with WDC!
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Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello VictoriaMcCullough

This is review 4 of 5.

I really wish I could feel something with this, but I don't. I get this empty feeling like I am missing something. As if the party and celebration is going on but you are detached from the words. Maybe that was your intent or perhaps I am just coming at this in the wrong way. Poetry is so subjective.

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello VictoriaMcCullough

It's all been done for your brother, but with words like this it will never end. You can see him forever playing. Scared at night the visuals you paint with your words. Really stunning that you mix in so much emotion at the ending. It's all been done...Leaves such an empty feeling. Just like his dyind did. Great job of showing the real world in your words.

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Review of When It Falls  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello VictoriaMcCullough

This is review 2 of 5.

I don't even know where to begin, so much is happening in this poem. It reads like a love song. I think your ending stanza by far stands out as much as he misses you in the rain. I think that kind of falling with the rain is so symoblic of all the things that fall in a long marriage. Thank you for sharing that moment in the rain.

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Review of Ever Near To You  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello VictoriaMcCullough

This is one of five reviews for your winning bid in Hannah's Paper Doll Image Auction.

I don't know who Megan Rose is, but I sure would like to know her. I think my favorite line is...Like a a gracious and wise paperback,
your words are history.

What writer wouldn't want them to be said about them! I can find nothing to improve upon in this visual poem. Thanks for sharing it.

Write on!
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Review of My Dog  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Lupus

Yes, man's best friend is a treasure and yours is lucky to have a fire to lay by and dream. I know my little guy like so find the sunny spot in the house and curl up. I like this dedication and I can't think of anything to improve it. Thank you for sharing your talent.

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Danielle

I love the pleading for light in this poem. It is so emotional and honest. We seek some kind of releif from the deep feelings. It seems like the darkness can take over every inch of your soul. I like the way this flows and it even looks like a light house. Nice job and Thank you for sharing your words.

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Review of Melancholy Blue  
Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Lawrence

Melancholy Blue is a wonderful description of a winter night. It has a cast of shaows of blue and gray that linger in the air, but this poem reflects the whisper of light and it brings about such a gentle shift in the way this reads. I really enjoy this and I read it several times, it is one of my favorites as I read it out-loud. Thank you so much for letting me into your port and bidding on my package has made me so happy. You rock Larry and if & when I ever grow up, I want to write half as good as you do!

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Review by ShellySunshine
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello my favoirite POET! Lawrence

Larry, what did I say? You can transport me to a golden field and off unto a fishing boat. How can you do what in one swift breeze? You have such an describtive way with words. I know nothing of forms or rules of poety, only what I like. You are what I like. I love to see and feel when I read poetry. I want to be entertained with words. Thank you again for bidding on Shellyville! Here you are suppose to take the trip, but I'm the traveler!

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