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Review of Three wishes  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good. I like the part most about the children living with cancer. How innocent that they are and suffer with this horrible monster. I also like the part on no more hunger and famine. Would it not be great to have complete peace and have everyone with a full belly and no illness. Just think one day it will all be true.
Review of The Call  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
So very sad I wrote a poem with the same titled when my mom passed away. It just gives you a way to express the disbelief that someone you love so dearly is gone. It is hard to comprehend that you will not be able to pick up the phone and talk to them. That you can't go visit them. I guess it is just so sad that writing is all you can do. This is really good and so heartfelt. May God bless you.
Review of Jackson's Funeral  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh what a horrible accident. Tragic to die so young. You have done a wonderful job by writing your emotions into this poem story. It is a beautiful tribute to the litte boy Jackson. You describe your pain and grief, and how others felt. How beautiful the cermony was. There must have been a very big crowd to be in the yard of the church also. Great job. May God bless you.
Review of Grace.  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is wonderful and beautiful. Telling how by God's wonderful love that He sent a way for us to experience grace through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. By grace we are truly saved and God made that possible, He loved us even though we were nothing but sinners.
Review of My Loss  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really good. It makes one question opportunies that they may have passed up. It sounds like someone that is living with regret. I would say jump right in there and go achieve whatever it is that your seeking. It is never too late to go for the goal and live out your dreams.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love it, how our grandmother's can be such a postive influence on us and we don't even know what a wonderful impact they are leaving upon us until we are grown. How they show us love and understanding and the simplest things that bring such joy. How they teach us to love unconditionally and to draw our strength from God, now that is wise beyond their years, all they need is the love of God and their bible, that takes many of us years to learn. Grandma knew it all along.
Review of Long Lost Friend  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (3.5)
It would be hard wondering what has happened to a good friend and have not a clue to where they are. You would have to worry if they are all right, and how their life is going. I know we lose touch with many friends that we had known but many times we drift apart. Then those that are our true friends we miss them when they just up and leave and we don't know if their okay.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Oh this is sad, how one is willing to change their self and to let go of their friends to please someone else that is so sad. I pray that your self esteem is much higher and that you love yourself. Learning to love yourself is where it all begins, don't worry about what others have to say or think. Loving yourself is the most important thing. love yourself like Jesus loves you and others will love you too. Never under estimate your worth. You deserve better never change who you are unless there is something that you don't like and want to change.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is good very strong emotion. It tells a story of one in pain, as others stand by and ignore that there is a big problem. I am not for sure if it was from abuse, or from hard times that befall on people. Many times it can be abuse and others totally ignore what is going on, quote they don't won't to get involved. If that be the case I sure can't see walking up to someone and trying to take their hand when I knew abuse was going on and said nothing.
Review of The Last Guardian  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
That is pretty good, it brings the reader to think that humans or some species is going to be extinct from all kinds of deadly poisons and that their whole population will be wiped out. Then as the mist starts to drip it tells of the nest and that the species is the last of guardian tribe and flies to make an attempt at one last attack before they die. In other words someone was trying to get rid of pesty bugs or flying insects now that is so funny. Good sense of humor.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow now that would be really scary.To have appliances talking to you. To have the answer machine tell you that it likes CSI by playing the theme itself.You would have to admit that you were truly going crazy or ended up in the Twilight Zone somehow. Now the fish telling that they hope she feeds them soon,and then one floats to the top, I would call the paddy wagon myself.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
J. A. Buxton this is really good. I like how it sounds like your neighborhood is becoming a community farmland. With horses, turkeys, peacocks, possums, and now deer. I would have paid money to see the harness on Fred, now that would have been a hilarious site. I bet the drag/walk was an amusing one. I would say it gave the neighbors something to talk about in your adventures with Fred.
Review of Ode to 9/11  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I still remember to this day watching the tv and seeing the first plane hit the first tower. Then I got on the phone and called my husband and just a few minutes later you see the second plane. In these times people ban together, I believe it is something we need to do everyday. Ban together to help our neighbors, and friends. Together we can all make a difference by uniting together as a country.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Boy Fred sure does have a sense of humor. Now I love how he tried to drown the mice with the rabbit fur. It must be awful to have to watch for the razor blades of claws that come every now and then. My favorite part of this diary is the rubber band part. Leave it to Fred to entertain you and add a prank into the excitement. I would say you have your hands full. By the way, I know you said you got him as a kitten,how exactly did he pick you? Because I once had a cat named boots and they chose you not you picking them.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love all the stories on Fred. He is adventureous and very entertaining. I would say you never have a dull moment around your home. I love the story about the possums. I bet it is so cute to see them trying to hide and get food. I am suprised that Fred hasn't had one for dinner. My favorite one is about the slippers that your mum got you for Christmas. Next time she will have to send tweety bird slippers, I bet Fred would love that.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I would definetly get me a book ready, and have it sent to a publisher, because the adventures of Fred are so funny. I like the one where the neighbor thought that Fred was his cat. Then there you were in your nightggown and Fred ends up going on in the house leaving you outside, now that is just plain funny.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Now this is really funny. That would sure be a small world if something like that happened. It would be bad but you would be red in the face but have to laugh in the process. Thinking it had been a boring day and then get in over your head. Now that would be the beginning of a horrible day. I guess the next time I got an email that said I got some juicy news I would just have to delete it to keep myself out of the boiling pot.
Review of Evil wind  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This sounds wicked and dreary. It is really good and gets one to really thinking about the evils that exist today. This must be a wonderful story becaus you have done an excellent job on this poem. I love how it talks of the evils and how they lay in wait for us to become vulerable. That when we are at our lowest point in our lives here they come. Anyone can encounter this evil, they are lurking around every corner. I am off to read the story now.
Review of The Magic Stone  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really good and really sad at the same time. It would be hard to lose your mom, and then lose the last item that she had given you over a year ago and told you it was magic. Mom's have a special way of making children feel special. Making life an adventure. The ironic part is the little boy tells the dad to stop looking because he knows in his heart that his mom has the magic stone. She has it to keep them close to her so she can always see how they are.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so cute. It still rings true today. No matter how long ago it was written. Some people enjoy the city, and some just love the country. When you live in country and visit a big city you see how fast paced everything is. It is not the way you would want to live your life, but we don't put others down because they decide to live there. Country living may seem boring to some, but I love the beauty and scenery and the pollution is not so bad. I love the mountains, I don't find much beauty in neon signs.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really funny and cute. It does make a person wonder where the socks have gone. It is a mystery that has plague women for years. You turn around and have six sets of socks and three of them are missing mates. One time I found out where one missing sock went. My washer quit working so I called the repairman and a sock was stuck in the pump. It was a baby sock, so I can't explain how the other hundreds of socks have escaped.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I would have to say that our country is in debt up to it's eyeballs. Whatever happened to the days that if you didn't have the cash to buy something that you saved the money then you go out and make your purchase. At one point the deficiet was down by millioins and now it is back in the trillions. It makes you wonder where a country is headed. So many promises made by elected officials, yet so few have been kept.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is just wonderful. I love how it expresses that words are left unspoken to family,friends, to the one that we love. When it comes to God and our lives seem completely shattered, we can go to Him in prayer and speak everything that is in our heart. That we can speak of all the hurt and pain, and ask Him to forgive us of all of our sins, and He forgives us and makes us whole.
Review of God Is Working  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so true. When a loved one is sick we feel so helpless. Praying for them is the only thing that we can do. Many times we are selfish that we pray for God to heal their bodies here on earth because we are not ready for them to go. It is just human nature, to pray that they will recover and have more days to spend with us. If the outcome is different that they go home to their reward, we have to remember God still anwsered our prayers. For they will never know pain or sickness no more in heaven. God will help us deal with our grief and sorrow, if we just give it all to Him. God has granted many miracles with just one touch a loved one was healed, and lived for many years. Just remember when doctors can do no more God in heaven is the greatest Healer of all.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really cute. Sounds like Fred is a very adventereous cat. Makes sounds like a robber coming in and then steals your cake.I guess it is all cute because I know he had to steal your heart first. You could do a book on Fred kids and adults both would love the adventures of Fred.
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