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Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good points. As parents we have a huge responsibility, we are the coach, the one who cheers them on, and the one who has to call to their attention when their behavior is unacceptable. Yes granted it is a hard job, but as a parent like you said we are the adult. We have to let them know that there are actions with consquences. Like you stated we can find ways to discipline without abusing our children. We also have to explain to them why they are being punished and give them a chance to speak their mind. But that doesn't mean that we don't go through with grounding or whatever means of rules we have set down to let them know we mean business. If we love and nourish them, they will grow into fine adults. We have to give them respect for the person and individual that they are, if we expect the respect in return. Good job on this article. I believe as parents we all will make mistakes, just like our parents, but our children will see that we are only human and had the best intentions. They can learn from our mistakes and make changes as needed when they have children of their own.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really good. I like your outtake on this issue. I love the way that you explain that true freedom may come in death in complete freedom. That true freedom comes through eteranl life. The lines below are really eye opening. One day these old bodies will return to dust, and when we die and go to heaven there will be no such thing as time. No counting down the hours. How awesome.

Life beyond time…
Life beyond body…

Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow I bet you had to google to get the information to come up with the story. Very creative taking a trip back through past New Years Eve happenings. Sounds like they had a very adventureous trip. Not one that I would want to take. Someone would absolutely think that you were absolutely crazy, a real nut case. Sounds like a good making that would be as popular as The Christmas Carol.
Review of Taxi  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I guess we never realize the convience that the cab drivers bring to our lives when we travel. They have the know how of where you want to go and get you to your arrival destination on time.Whether it be to a sight to see, or to the airport on time. Their knowledge of the area is very valueable. I would say many times they have saved people from being hurt or robbed, if the passengers had to drive themselves and get lost in the wrong area, and get lost. That can be a horrible mistake, and has cost many their lives. We salute our cab drivers because they help the weary travels find their hotels, and give them information for the rest of their travels. May God bless you and keep you safe from all the dangers that your job holds. Thank you also for being there for strangers who don't know their way around, for giving a helping hand everyday.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Now that would be completely horrible. To be in another country and just enjoying being there and then be arrested. Not knowing anyone, and probably not able to understand what you are charged with. Now that would be an eerie feeling. You would feel like you were really doomed. That there was absolutely no one that could truly help you but God in heaven. You would hope that the Embassy sends someone to check out the situation. It would be a very scary thing.
Review of Roadside bomb  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh my, this is really good, and so sad. What our soldiers must go through. Already being so far from home and missing their loved ones, and having to be in fear of losing their lives every moment they are on another country's soil. They live through tragedy day after day, seeing their buddies die and some may barely survive. They are shot at and targets of the road side bombs. I guess many times they do feel like giving up, and wish that it would all end. My favorite lines because the lines are so strong with emotion and truth.
My injuries were more than I could withstand,
My life as I knew it was now in God’s hand,

Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so heartfelt and brings awareness to an ever growing problem. There are so many people that are homeless these days. They have lost their jobs and lost their homes and have no where to go. Just trying to keep from starving to death is their main worry. As evening approaches I am sure that finding a place to sleep becomes their number one concern. It is so sad that in a country that has so much that so many families have nothing. They are willing to work, to make their own way. This is just one example of the many stories on the street. You see on the news that there are families with children living on the streets, just trying to stay alive and survive.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good item. So true also. God said to let Him know the desires of our hearts. That if we truly believe then we shall receive. So if we have the faith and truly pray and reveal to God the desires of our heart it can be obtained. We just have to be willing to follow God's plan and direction for our life and give Him complete control.
Review of You  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this poem, it is short but speaks volumes. No matter where we go or what we do, God is always there for me and you. He stays by our side no matter where we may roam. He answers our prayers, and protects us from evil, and wipes our tears when we cry. He provides our every need, God is very awesome indeed. My favorite lines

You stay by my side
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
I agree, with age also comes a wisdom that we have never known. As we get a little older we truly realize how smart our parents and grandparents truly are. If we are lucky it is not too late to state that fact to them. I truly find that as I am getting older that time is passing by fast. That we must cherish each moment with our family, because forever these moments won't last. Some will pass on, and others will move far away. So I have truly learn not to take one moment for granted, when you feel a person will be their tomorrow you turn around and God called them home. So live each day as it may be our last.
Review of Happy Again  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like this very much. God can take our worst moments and turn them into something very different than what we thought. Many times when we are down and sad, He will send a big ray of sunshine to brighten up our dreary day. He will let us begin each day anew and take of us, and bright our grey skies to blue. May God bless you.
Review of Too Early  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very cute and don't we all hate having to get up early. Morning comes to soon, it seems like you just get into bed and the alarm clock is sounding in your ears. You feel like you have only had an hour's sleep. Now to be able to function through the day becomes the battle. That is why we have to take it hour by hour. Soon our work will end and we can return home and rest.
Review of Imprints  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great advice for all of us parents and for future parents also. If we express anger toward our children and lash out by smacking and hitting them they are just learning this action that can carry on with their parenting skills later in life. If we show them respect and understanding to give a lot of patience, we will teach them love and how to communicate without hitting, yelling, and screaming. If we make our children scared of us, then how in the world can we expect them to trust us in a time of crisis in their lives? We need to have an open and honest relationship with them. We can discipline them in ways that do not scar them within and lower their self esteem. Don't get me wrong I know there will be times we yell, but that is when we need to let them know we love them and will find a way to fix a problem together.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This story puts me in mind of my mom's passings. It was so fast, you never think that it will happen to your own mom. You feel like you can wait to call them tomorrow. Take it from people who know, take the time and call them today because tomorrow they may be gone. Many times I can imagine mom telling me things and then think back on my memories of her, sometimes like you stated it seems that the way their voice sounded is fading then something will spark a memory and it sounds so clear in my thoughts. Good job. Sorry for your loss.
Review of Mother's House  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
wonderful job. Sometimes you do feel so alone even though you are surround by many loved ones. It is so hard dealing with a loss like this and you feel so alone, like you have lost your best friend. To me at first I felt like a part of me had died all I could do was let the tears roll. Then I remembered how happy of a person mom was, she would not want me doing this to myself. She would want me to be cheerful and carrying on her tradition of cooking and taking care of her granddaughter, her precious rose given by God. She would kick me in the butt if she knew I was crying so much the first months of her death. She would have wanted us to rejoice, but it was hard then because we missed her so much and that was all that I could focus on. But now we know that she is fine and we are happy because she is free. It takes time to rejoice but it does happen, if we place our trust in God.
Review of Six months  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh how we can relate to your loss. I lost my mom three years ago and still miss her. It will take awhile before the tears don't fall so often. It takes time to work out the grief. God can give you a job to do to help you find that relief. It took me almost a year to be able to read poems that I had written out of grief, many times I would cry so hard when I read them. Now I only shed some tears. Some days I shed many when I think of my loss. I have to remember how sick my mom was, and how bad she was suffering. I also have to remind myself that God knows best, His will was done. I think my hardest thing was not being able to pick up the phone and call her and talk for hours. I miss that mother daughter bond, but we have the promise that we will see them again. I pray that God will give you peace, and give you a job to keep you busy and a way to glorify His holy name . Keep writing it is a great form of theraphy. I ended up doing two books this way. All talent provided by God in heaven. I am the instrument He uses to write it with.
Review of Red Tears  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is very deep and full of emotion. It sounds like someone has painted a picture in their mind to forget the pain of the past and as they get older the light is revealed to them, that something happened that was a lot worse than what they even thought. I guess the mind makes us think different things so that we can be happy and not dwell on things that will hurt us. The statement where it says that the picture was suppose to be of child and their mom, but ends up being a muddy butcher knife when the light is revealed, was what had the most impact on my train of thought. It speaks volumes of how our minds take us to a place to help us cover memories that we hurt us. Was it an angel or like a ghost from the past that came as the stranger and told her that this paper was hers? Or was it an angel? It made me think that it was her mama that came because where she painted the red tears.
Review of 52 Candles  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Oh so sad, I thought with the title that it would be a joyeous occasion of celebrating ones birthday and life. It swings into a mode to where it becomes sad. That a you never knew the person that you were a part of. I love the part about the color of the eyes, about trying to get the sun to change the color. Sometimes we have to forgive ourselves for things that we did or didn't do. We have to move on with the future and try to make a new start and make a difference with our own children, to fill their lives for of love and make them feel secure. Forgiving ourselves seems like one of the hardest tasks we are faced with. We want to focus and return to memories of the past.
Review of Remembering Him  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful item. I love the way it says that they had forgotten what Christmas was truly about. We all have been guilty of this rushing around trying to get everything perfect. Working ourselves into a frenzy and forgetting to take the time to remember the greatest gift that we have ever been given. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Who died on the cross for our sins. Now that is the greatest gift we could ever receive, nothing else could ever compare.
Review of Last Hurt  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Goodness you have really been through the mill and back again. It is so unfair when one claims that the other has done something and the tale is not true. Please continue to trust in God, He will carry you through. I know you have many storms brewing right now, but please trust that God will carry you through every pain staking moment. He will show you the sunshine once again, all it takes is the faith of a mustard seed. Just give it all to Him. He will truly show you how mighty and powerful that He truly is. I think you will be amazed by the outcome if you just give God complete control. What seems impossible to man is always possible with God. He can move mountains in our life if we just place our faith in Him. Your children need you please don't give up in any manner. If you are not there for them who will fight and protect them? We will keep you in our prayers. Let God know the desires of your heart, if you believe you shall receive. May God bless you
Review of Joseph Sleeps  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful picture for a Christmas card. The message on it is awesome. That God sent His only Son to all sinners. That through the birth of Jesus we are given hope. That we can one day reach heaven's shores, through His birth, death, and resurrection. That is the greatest love that the world has ever known. The greatest gift that we could ever receive. That Jesus will come into our heart if we believe in Him, and confess our sins. God loved us so much to give His only Son so that we could live.
Review of Too late now  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This item is really food for thought. Just think how much area a nuclear bomb can destroy. Once released people will die in just minutes by the poison that comes from the bombs. Our skin will be like it is on fire, no way will we be able to breathe. I hope if and when this moment arrives that Jesus calls me home.
Review of hello, blue eyes  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very lovely and yet so sad. It is a lovely poem about your mom, but breaks one's heart when they read the content and the meaning. It must be so heartbreaking to sit and watch a loved one deteriote more each day. But then you must remember the memories that you have and know that even though they can't remember things it is locked away in their memory somewhere. One day she will be made completely whole and never suffer with illness again.
Review of Scooba Dooba Do  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Poor kitty! I bet that it wishes the robot would end up with a dead battery. Or that something would come along and suck that small wet thing that has that strange brush thing on it. I would have been rolling poor cat would have been lucky for me to get it out for laughing so hard. I probably would have popped a button on my pants. I can't wait to see the mellow yellow fellow story.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good I had never really given much thought to it the way that it is put in your item. If time was like money I guess many people would have a lot more of it to spend. One thing that I did get from it is that time is so much more important than money. The time that we spend with family and friends, it is so important. We have to work to make a living but money can never make us happy to me that is one principle that is engraved on my heart. The wealthest people can be the most lonest people. My main principal of money is to be able to pay my bills and not worry about the interest rate, or getting rich. I base my riches upon the love that I give and receive from my family and God. He meets my every need so I don't have to worry about anything.
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