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Review of Missing You  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very heartfelt. You can tell your pain of missing your Great-Grandmother, but you can also tell that you are happy for her reaching heaven's shores. It is so hard to let go, you miss them so bad. At the same time you are rejoicing for them, they will never know sorrow or pain again. It is learning to deal with the grief and not seeing them for awhile. But one grand day there will be a reunion in heaven. So it is not really goodbye, it is a temporary distance until we reach the promise land. I am so sorry for your loss.
Review of No Problem!  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amen! No matter what we may go through in this life, we must remember that God will be right there with us. He can move mountains in our life, if we just have the faith and believe that He can and will. God is amazing no matter what we may face, He will provide everything that we need. No problem is to big for our Father in Heaven, He will lift us up when we feel we have hit rock bottom. He is with us always and never leaves our side, so let us always remember what is impossible for man, is always possible with God.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful and so true. If God puts someone in our path and wants us to witness to them, we will never be at a loss for words. The Holy Spirit will minister unto us on what to say, we will never have to worry about what to say. Like you said in the poem we can tell them what God has done in our life, that we are saved because Jesus died for our sins and they also can receive salvation, it is free and available to everyone who will believe in Jesus. When you talk of all that God has done for you, it reminds me of all the wonderful blessings that I have been given by God in heaven and don't deserve any of them. Isn't our God truly amazing!
Review of Christian  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good. You have expressed yourself very well in this item. Basically you have wrote out who we all are and truly want to be. We do things that are wrong and regret them greatly. We try our best to do better and faulter in our plans. We make huge mistakes and then live with regrets. We want to strive to do good but end up falling again. But through Jesus by His blood we are made whole. He wipes away our sins and no matter how many times that we sin and fall God forgives us when we repent of our sins. God wants us to be our best and through Him we can strive and follow His way.
Review of Unbroken  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is beautiful. How it talks of faith and love that it is conditional between people. That no matter what they will be together and love one another through all time.I really like these lines
From the ground up we built it
to withstand the tests of time
I was wondering who it was from and how it appeared in a baby carriage at a museum? Was may be the poem written to someone that she loved or may be it was written to her. Either way could it be a clue to her where abouts?
Review of For Autumn  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is truly a beautiful tribute to your granddaughter. She will one day look at the poem and truly know how special she is. That she always has a special place in your heart. Children are so honest, that is a beauty in them that is so precious. They tell us things about ourselves that we had truly forgotten. Sometimes they remind us that we need to act a lot more like them.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Amen to that. We can't do nothing without Jesus holding our hand. He is the only good thing that lives within us, within our hearts. I love the part where you say that My life purpose is to bring as many to GOD as possible by Him working through me by my ministry and songs, so that I can meet people in Heaven for the first time, telling me they turned to GOD that should be all of our goals is to tell the world about Jesus and what He has done for us in our life. All the many blessings that He has bestowed upon and to give our testimony on what He brought us out of. That He forgives our every sin and gives us a new spirit and a clean pure heart. Keep using your talents to glorify God's holy name.
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is really good and something that you can reflect back on all year long. It gives your goals and the things that you truly want to accomplish. It gives you the push and encouragement to strive to reach them this year. If some of the things you don't get done you can put them in your letter and goals for next year. Yours is a lot similar to my own, good luck and may God bless you in all that you do this year.
Review of A Gift for MCG  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
this is good. You are really expanding your writing I am proud of you. I have not written one of these and I write poetry. I will make myself a list. The rhyme is good, I think you may need to start writing poetry, you are really good. How long did it take to write? Good job keep up the good work. My favorite lines because it gives you the chance to be creative

A friend asked me to write a sonnet.
He gave no hint for a subject or theme.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good job I would have never been able to leave out a letter like that. I would have been ready to scream by the time I got done with the item. Good job. I love the story, shows a dilema and gets settled. Shows the problem that was someone forgot to mail the invitations. That would be horrible thinking that they got mailed and no one came to your party, now that would truly make a child cry. Good solution to the party problem, have one with mom and dad and then friends can come the next week.
Review of Raison D'ĆŖtre  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I think it is cute and I will get busy on the Dear Me contest before it ends. I love the part of the conversation with Minna. The poetry is funny and amusing I think that you done a good job, your first attempt huh? Well you done good. The part about the hair ball and Minna's way of critiquing your poem is very funny good job.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love this story. Harvey sounds like a very loving dog, but to the cats he sounds like a bull dozer coming through the middle of their yard. Poor Pooka, having to scatter until the coast is clear. It is funny how the neighbors pets come to visit. Your lucky that he comes to eat our neighbors dogs thinks our yard is their bathroom area. Now that gets annoying. Having no dogs and go outside and step in the mess that is very irrating. Anyways great story.
Review of What If.......  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a really good poem. It ask a lot of questions that makes people really think. I thought the part of where it says that what if cows ate people, and if there was no such thing as global warming would we all freeze. I like the part talking if politians kept their promises what would happen. My over all favorite is these lines reason being I wish all race and prejuidice problems never existed. That every one just loved each other like neighbors should and not point out the differences of one another. The part about a cure for cancer would probably be true, that another disease would take it place.

What if we found a cure for cancer?
Would another disease take its place?
What if people were all the same color?
Would there be a thing called race?
Review of The beach  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I like the moral of the story. Many times we cannot relate to what a person has gone through. But sometimes they just need someone to be there for them. They don't have to say anything, just listen and let the person express their feelings. Sometimes they may not say anything at all, it may be just needing a hug or a shoulder to cry on. It may be just having someone near by to not have to be alone that can mean the world to someone that is hurting.
Review of Angel mom  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very beautiful tribute to your mom. Sounds like she has done a great job in being there for you. No matter how bad things get moms have a great way of bring out the very best in us. No matter what goes wrong in our life they will point out how blessed that we truly are. From experience I believe it is because we have such a special person that taught us to appreciate the smallest things in life. Never take your mom for granted keep writing her poems and let her read them. I lost my mom three years ago and it leaves an empty spot in your life. So cherish every moment you have everyday.
Review of My Nasty Habit  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Great job on this one. Congradulations on quitting the nasty habit. I am still trying and I have to set the date to quit, and when I get that set sometime this month for sure, I am going to try my best to quit and stay quit with God's help. I agree it is a nasty habit and we destroy our health with every puff we take. We also harm the ones around us. It is better to smoke outside and not smoke in the car especially if you have children. Keep us in your prayers that will kick the habit also.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh this is just so cute.It sounds just like a baby would think these things. They feel alone of the night time and wonder where everyone is. So they do the only thing they can do, they cry. It is their way of letting us know that they need or want something. Isn't the look that they give so sweet when you stumble out of bed and finally feel your way through the hallway and find them so precious. They are like someone is awake oh good. My favorite lines reason being that a baby loves to cuddle of the night and being woke up at 2:00 a.m. makes it worth it with that smiling little face. When they look at you with love in their eyes and cuddle close. There is no greater feeling

You are so warm I love to snuggle like this,
Such a wonderful time and thanks for the kiss.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very good take on this item. It is so true that Jesus will clean us up and dust us off. He will remove all the dirt and filth that we have had in our life. He will make us a new person and fill our heart with love. He will save our soul and give us a future home in heaven above. I totally agree let Jesus clean us up and then we can follow His example from there on out and follow God's holy word.
Review of AdiĆ³s Grasa  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow what a powerful message. Is it not amazing how many side effects that the new drugs do truly have today. I like the story and the hidden message behind it. Be happy with yourself, love yourself, and if you truly want to change soemthing do it the right way. exercise and slack down on eating. It may take a little longer but the effect will be keeping the weight off longer. I guess we had better be careful what we wish for, we may get that and something that we didn't even want. In other words be happy with what we have and who we are. If changes need to be done don't depend on a miracle pill. Regret will be sure to follow.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is beautiful yet so very sad. It is just so full of sorrow and regret. So many times we blame ourselves for things, or we think of things that we should have told a friend or loved one after we lost them. I honestly think that if it is a child or a dear friend that they truly knowed how much they were loved and cared about. sometimes it helps to sit and write a letter or song to them. It really helps release the feelings that many bottle up inside. I am sorry for your loss.skymac May God bless you greatly this New Year.
Review of Bankruptcy  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem is so true, the credit card companies put the bait in front of you, then you nibble and boy it ends up being the worst tasting sample you have ever been given. You find out the bitter end results after it is too late. You spend a little and think well now that won't be to hard to pay. Then you run short on Monday and need to go to the store, or the electric bill is due so you get a cash advance on the card. Low and behold if you borrowed one hundred dollars you will pay back 300. Good item brings to our attention to make sure we get our magnifying glass and read the small print before signing anything. If you notice they are real good at sending these special offers right at Christmas time when money is short anyways. The credit card companies really love college students also they trap them for a lifetime of debt.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good. Brings awareness to the fact that we are blessed to wake up every morning. That we need to thank God in heaven for everyday that we have been given, to wake up and still be living. I like the part of looking back and seeing all the things that a person could have done but never accomplished many things in their life. So like stated the alarm clock is our friend, it means a new day of life for us has started. Good job.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well I definetly had to give this one a 5.0. It brings to light all the questions all of us have at some time or another. We wonder what part needed something done or corrected. We asked ourselves if they liked it so well, why that low of a rating? Like you said, the reviewer took the time to read our item, and wrote a review, gave an honest opinion. With that comes great satisfaction. We know that they liked it, but still at times we wonder, but will move on. Knowing that it caught the readers eye, and they didn't click out of our port and move on to something else. Like you said the stars look pretty in our port, but when we have to work harder for them, I think we appreciate them even more. Also let us not forget to thank our reviewers when they stop by and visit with us. Let them know we appreciate their hard work and honesty.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good. I like how you bring out the concept that if you cut something up that someone has written and do it harshly it hurts the person's feelings. Encourament goes a long way, giving suggestions that are kind, and not hurtful. It helps a person with their life and the same with writing. If we are too hard on a person's item, it discourages them, and makes them timid. We need to be kinder in what we say and do to others, to be constructive but not hurtful. Good job on this item.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Judity,this is really good and very honest. This is what I intended to do. Enter the Dear Me contest and like it said in the guidelines I can go back over my intentions all year long. I need to remind myself what I need to finish. I need to remember what I want to start instead of living with I should have got this accomplished last year. We will try to finish our stuff this year. I love the honesty in your Dear Me letter. It is simple and keeps you on track. It helps to remind you of what you want to accomplish this year. Keep up the good work. You don't like reading poetry? I just learned something new about you.
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